tv DW News Deutsche Welle February 17, 2020 8:00am-8:31am CET
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this is deja vu news live from berlin china is reporting another increase in a number of corona virus cases the figures have gone up after 2 days of declines nearly 90 percent of the new cases are in the city of hoo ha more than 70000 people are now infected worldwide also coming up on the show. storm dennis batters spread
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north or east of issued flood warnings throughout the country and are telling residents they must take measures to protect themselves. and why is a top u.n. official calling the arms embargo on libya a joke we report on a special meeting at the munich security conference focused on why efforts to restore peace in that war torn country are failing. and in the bundesliga by an absolutely crushed cologne and go back to the top of the table there back in the groove and it's looking ominous for the rest of the german topflight. i'm brian thomas great to have you with us today the number of people infected with the krona virus has surged past the 70000 mark here's the latest figures from the chinese government is reporting to. over 2000 new cases today that's
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a slight increase after 3 days of lower numbers and there have been 105 new deaths from the disease bringing the total number of dead to about 8900 since the outbreak began 2 months ago in other developments d.w. has confirmed that c.e.o. gone in who bay province is using tighter new restrictions residents there are not being permitted to leave their homes or to use their private vehicles. let's get more now on those tough new measures with correspondent mathias berlinger mathias can you tell us how are authorities making sure that people don't leave their homes and don't get into their cars and see a gun. i can't tell you details about that but it's not so hard to make sure people don't leave their houses in china as most people leave in compounds that unfenced compounds so you just need to control basically the door of
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that compound and then you make sure people don't walk out in and out people issued passes even here in beijing i'm issued. pass to enter and to leave my compound it is we i'm not to get restricted from going in and out but i have to show my pass and i cannot receive visitors for example and that's true for most people here in beijing we are hearing the same from other cities so xanga. and hong kong which is a city also nearby these 2 cities are very close to. the center they have taken it a bit further and they are now preventing people from going out of their homes even if for buying groceries other cities we are hearing of injured young province several cities have restricted the number of people for each household who can leave and the number of times they can leave so basically one person is allowed to go shopping every 2 days from each household so we're the seeing all kinds of
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restrictions all over the country is just one of the harshest ok now president xi we understand has just delivered a speech behind closed doors do we know anything about that what he said then. yeah it has been published it has been published this weekend in the hill sure that's the party theory newspaper and there is lots of talk about winning this people's war against the disease and how he is leading it but there's one very interesting detail he says in that speech that he has been leading this battle from january 7th on now stereo sevens was a time when officials still sad that the virus would not spread between humans and when they did not admit they had a problem so in some way he is now taking responsibility for this massive failure to curb the infection at an earlier stage and that's quite remarkable it could mean
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that they are confident now of winning and this battle against the virus although we are not seeing any numbers on the ground that would point to that and we are not . somebody just gave me a mask because people when i stand here without a mask they do they think i shouldn't so he is basically taking responsibility and it could mean that they are confident it could also mean that he could not shun the responsibility after what hands man has already said that he informed the auto richie's timely so it is quite remarkable he's taking more risk on himself now it could also mean that it's now all or nothing for him ok being handed that mask on the tears a sign that people are taking this people's war as he put it a seriously where you are in beijing it is thanks very much for that. well
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a quarantine cruise ship in the japanese port of the hama has seen hundreds of american passengers evacuated that ship has been in quarantine for about 2 weeks now after a man who disembarked in hong kong tested positive for the virus. the diamond princess fenced off at the dockside in yokohama but for some at least a way out after more than a week of uncertainty. buses pull up next to the ship ready to pick up some 300 americans who have chosen to squat quarantine here for quarantine back home. harry this is there are about to step into the big wide world so i have to ask on and i can't go on. cheryl mull skin the husband paul the from syracuse in new york state after being cooped up on the ship for 12 days they've agreed to be flown back to the u.s. where they'll spend another 14 days in isolation
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a shot this cell phone video of their own evacuation in this case at least a good natured event. thank you. and then you're depressed bored. and then they're on the road leaving behind them at least 40 americans who have contracted the virus those patients who remain in japan for treatment. on the last leg of the evacuation government shot a jumbo jets ready to fly to california and texas. an eventful holiday is drawing to a close. here. in the morning. and that's a good weekend to be pretty miserable worries me and. everybody had to go to the bathroom on the because you're going to be 5 hours away to get off for this. one evacuation completed canada hong kong initially say they also plan to
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evacuate their citizens from the cruise ship well earlier we spoke to correspondent in tokyo we asked him about the situation right now on the still quarantined diamond princess. is a correspondent with germany's public broadcaster in tokyo joins us now for more good day to klaus can you tell us what's the situation on the quarantine cruise ship the diamond pres. well after the 300 americans left this morning and another 400 people from the original passengers list in hospitals. on land in tokyo and others there are nearly 3000 people still left on the ship and their care on time period ends after 2 weeks this wednesday so are they all going to be tested until then we don't yet
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exactly know will they leave on wednesday or maybe thursday there are some questions still open that might be the reason and some might see the american decision to take their people out as as if they have lost patience in the handling of. the issues by the japanese officials and also putting pressure on other governments be there were canadians on the ship who said well you know government you americans they they take care of you mine. just doesn't care so now we have confirmation that hong kong and canada will take also people out beach makes up to another 500 and also australia italy and taiwan one would about the crew there have been complaints also by crew members who said we are not on the personal care on time we have to work under quite risky conditions we feel like. we're. not treated very properly closure over there for us in tokyo well here in
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germany a group of people evacuated from have been released after 2 weeks in quarantine 120 people were being held in a german army barracks and several turned none of them to us and positive for the covered $1000.00 virus we spoke to a red cross worker who looked after the evacuees. tired but happy olivia tulka from the german red cross listens in to the final press briefing at the barracks. he's one of the red cross workers who volunteered to go into quarantine with evacuees from china now after 2 weeks of living with the threat of infection it's time for him to go home. everyone needed to be a little scared about everybody else and you have to make sure you follow the rules . you do it again. of course and i think i can say all the colleagues who are in
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there would say the same. on the road back home tucker speaks of a tough beginning after the evacuees arrived back from china 2 weeks ago the stress of the journey all the uncertainty in the waiting and that after the difficult situation and move on. some of them were waiting for weeks to get out. and they were scared that's why they all fled among. you could see that they were relieved to be here and that relief crew after every examination which went well. at 1st the evacuees were divided into small groups to reduce the risk of cross infection but the barracks were too small and soon they were all together. so the evacuees and the volunteers ended up as a close knit community despite the face masks and plastic gloves. the crisis is
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over for now for all of that but the international crisis is nowhere close to being finished. let's get you briefed down some of the other stories making the news today u.n. secretary general antonio good terrorist has praised pakistan for hosting millions of afghan refugees is on a 4 day visit to islamabad to address a conference on refugees and peacekeeping this week marks 40 years since afghan refugees 1st settled in pakistan. syrian state media reporting that government troops have made advances against rebel held on claves in the province of aleppo that region has been held by opposition troops since 2012 the latest successes are threatening the fragile cooperation between turkey and russia which back opposing sides in the conflict well one of the most powerful non-tropical storms on record has slammed into britain storm dennis is battering the country with trying to rains and hurricane force winds landslides have been
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reported in a number of areas and the government's deployed troops to help a number of local communities the storms also been disrupting travel across the u.k. . a close call for passengers touching down in heathrow is a good it is going to go in the going to go round. hundreds of flights have been cancelled due to the strong winds with widespread travel disruptions felt across the u.k. . the persistent rain has left this town in wales unrecognizable after its river burst its banks. the strong current slapped it harms and swallowed the countryside communities had little time to prepare. or try to keep a level head stay keep says if you know you can only do what you can do at the end
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of the day nature will just do what it's going to do so on is not more she can to just help it's. the flooding was expected to be worse this time around following storm sierra with rain falling on already saturated ground. conditions are expected to ease in the coming days as communities begin to assess the damage. foreign ministers are meeting today to discuss the conflict in libya this comes after a top u.n. official said the arms embargo on that country was quote a joke stuff it williams made that comment at a meeting on the sidelines of the munich security conference to discuss efforts to stem the fighting in libya the country has been in complete turmoil since dictator moammar gadhafi was overthrown in 2011 rebel forces are trying to seize the capital tripoli from the internationally recognized government there libya is still awash with arms and fighting is still raging despite the ceasefire agreed in germany last
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month a top u.n. official at the munich security conference said the truce had been violated $150.00 times since then and she said efforts to cut the flow of weapons have been equally unsuccessful the arms embargo has become a joke and so it you know we all really need to step up here and. it is complicated because there are violations that are you know happening on land sea and air and that all needs to be monitored in libya fighters loyal to the internationally recognized government control only a small area around the capital tripoli most of the rest of the country is in the hands of the rebels a month after germany hosted the libya conference in berlin its participants gathered around the table again this weekend in munich 30 nations including the united states russia and turkey. germany's foreign minister condemned the fact that
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some of these states as well as others not present continue to supply weapons to the north african country. it is important that we create transparency and ensure that those who intend to continue breaking this weapons and bargo must expect to be identified because looking at europe's leaders and not speaking with one voice different governments even back opposing sides in the conflict that lack of common purpose was another of the conference's focal points but after it was over the conference chairman told d.w. that europe was slowly making progress what i thought was new and important here this year is that the european union is beginning to debate. how and and how europe can really learn the language of power
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e.u. foreign ministers will be meeting in brussels to discuss efforts to improve the policing of the libyan arms embargo ok let's focus more now on libya with chief political editor michelle a cosigner who's been in munich for the conference today. let's talk about libya why has it emerged as a major topic at the security conference well basically because all the actors were that the beauty of the munich security conference 2 weeks ago we saw a major conference here on the in but then something kicks out in something called the bubblin process and that for the 1st time for all it all the interested actors on the ground in the bia around one table the big fear is that there's a an all out proxy war them major actors involved just fronts to name the european ones the united arab emirates egypt you name it and the problem is that everybody is pouring weapons into the region and general have to who was portrayed that as having control of most of the country from now he's taking the weapons from
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whoever he can get them from ok now now we had a senior u.n. official stuff me when i was there in characterizing the arms embargo you mentioned they're pouring in from everywhere the weapons as a as a joke what's behind that statement considering as you mention that all the players are there right his i was at a press conference and she was very outspoken about. this there's been a resolution basically implementing a weapons about a month that means it's international de facto even after all the interests of posse sat down and agreed that they would stick to this is a bug and nothing has really changed on the ground that's the big problem and the naming and shaming hasn't worked so far so now everybody seems. be prepared to go a step further to at least find out which weapons are coming from where and where they are going to make the naming and shaming more effective we're still quite
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a step away from actual action being taken to stop these weapons from coming in and that's where we are now and that's where the europeans today when foreign ministers meet will hopefully decide on what action that would it to take right what are they going to be discussing we have the foreign ministers meeting on libyan brussels what's on the agenda for yes what clearly on the agenda is in what ways the europeans can at least get some transparency into the whole region bot and there's a big but particularly all strains are against using ships now we just heard that the weapons coming in and on sea and by air and that raises a lot of questions about how practical this is the big fear is particularly amongst the austrians that that could be a back tool to reviving operations the fia which in the end was rescuing migrants from the mediterranean so you see these are all issues that are interconnected so headway being done but it would be very embarrassing thier princeton at least have
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a small plan at the end of the day to day good maybe they will at the end of the day michele thanks very much for that. well rios world famous carnival festivities are just a week away with preparations for the spectacular samba parade on pace for each year scores of the city's down schools compete for the title of carnival champion but this year the preparations are being overshadowed by the dispute it's partly religious and partly about identity. it's a dress rehearsal for deborra a flag bearer of the monk year a somber school. one week before she and her troupe vive for the title at the rio carnival. tierra is brazil's most famous somebody school and the defending champion but a bitter clash over monk era's theme this year is overshadowing preparations for the world famous parade. it centers around jesus christ
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a deliberate provocation by monk arrows members. it's a very emotional topic because we're going to show different versions of jesus as weiss in flash as a man and a woman and indigenous. this is the neighborhood of monk a gang infested slum on a hill in rio at its foot the renowned somebody school. how might the story of jesus have gone had he grown up here perhaps as a black woman or someone else that's the explosive question the monkey or school will put on display during carnival. while the dance troupe prepares in this complex. out on the beach evangelical christians gather for a religious ceremony. many feel outraged by the somebody schools plan for them jesus is white and untouchable. jesus saved me he saved my
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life he means everything to me. conservative pastors have launched a petition against my gear as plan they want to prevent the site of a black jesus in the parade. get out of the holy bible does not say that jesus grew up in a slum like man guera these people are degrading our bible anyway the carnival is the ruin of many people exposing them to drugs sex and murder. in december of brazilian t.v. comedy portraying jesus as a gay man sparked a violent backlash suspected religious fundamentalists through mullah tough cocktails into the producer's offices to bore a maid and her monkey our colleagues called the criticism absurd. it's all nonsense the critics haven't even read our program. just ahead of their big performance the monkey arrows are undaunted.
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full of honestly get smashed 20 two's in the history books now to find out more i'm joined by mark meadows from the w. sports good morning mark the bonus league a title race is looking tight and now we have perennial champions byron munich putting on a real show and yes they did they came out of the blocks very quickly after watching the star in this film because the girls can fit in fast like to get actually one on saturday to put the pressure on by and by going back to the top of the table temporarily but by and return to the summit in style. cologne wearing special should because it's carnival. but. made the party go pretty flat. have a look at the highlights that. followed their 51 capitulation to dartmouth and with a 4 nil thrashing of freiburg win or lose they guarantee goals and that was the case again against bio and. unfortunately the ball went the way of the visitors in
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the 1st half robot live in dobbs people can the scoring with this 23rd of the season one nil to the champions up to just 3 minutes i 2 minutes later it was 2 no 3 kingsley. i live with the with me turn to miss miller with the layoff as much finish things were getting embarrassing for cologne and more ways than one. there were just 12 minutes on the clock when by and put themselves out of sight. i cannot be 3 no i it was more of the same after the break as cannot break up his 2nd 66 minutes of the day from a twinkle to german national needed for mail i. see how the dortmund colognes much out of the consolation strike for the hosts to read off the story to 17 minutes i for one finished another high scoring thriller featuring cologne
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will coach mark is give probably wouldn't mind a boring mill mill sometime soon. but. with 16 goals in 5 games since the winter break there once again an ominous form as the title running looms. mark when i look at that ominous form there it looks like biron of shaking off the problems from earlier in the season oh yeah definitely in form i mean they've never actually scored 3 goals in the 1st 12 minutes of in a way they could game before so that. shows how good they are at the moment i mean robert leaven is in great form that was his 23rd goal of the season he's actually on course for breaking record of faulty goals in a bold as they can see is an absolutely insane everyone's informed thomas muller is in great form they've just really really settled down and i mean i think no one's
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going to stop me come on explain you know you never know you never know if you're outside. maybe your or something like that you know what it sounds like from what i just heard there that that barnes gamble on making arms if like the head coach is paying off yeah totally i mean if we want to november when nico kovacs was sacked things weren't right but has he flicked his really steadied everything down he had a really bad cold yesterday he couldn't actually do the post match press comments but he couldn't go its message across to the players ahead of the game i mean if you have a look at the table we can actually see how tough it is because it's not done yet we have to say that i mean they're only a point ahead of leipzig and then you've got dortmund and glad back 3 points further back by now got to go to dortmund in april they can drop points there and the key thing is glad back i've actually got a game in hand so it's very rare that it's that tight in the top 4 in the bundesliga so so interesting games coming up certainly ok so this is a fairly easy run of games coming up well by an extent of got part of on friday who are the bottom teams so that should be a simple one but then they've got chelsea in the champions league the week after
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and that's a completely different mindset ok we'll see if that mindset does what it does and how it plays out mark thanks so much for coming in today. you know we did have you live from the land up next we have tomorrow today that's our science magazine and don't forget you can always get the latest with our twitter feed on you tube or our website i'm dr thomas me entire team thanks for joining us.
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