tv DW News Deutsche Welle February 17, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm CET
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share and discuss on because facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters to news now. this is g w news micro from berlin tonight the details of china's crackdown on its muslim minority leaders this leaked documents seems to expose china's big lie that the weavers are growing in mass and voluntarily to the occasional training camps investigation seems to confirm what the world has long suspected that we are being
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imprisoned simply because they are muslim also coming up tonight german police move to break up a far right terror group 12 people arrested for allegedly plotting attacks on politicians and mosques across the country and hurried their way into victory the campus that is would meet some truly fancy feel said vietnam's 1st national can't show me else include. i'm going off to our viewers in the united states on p.b.s. and our viewers around the world welcome a document leaked to the w news seems to expose china's mistreatment of its muslim minority weaker people the chinese government claims that camps housing we are simply giving the. skills
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training but the united nations believes as many as 1000000 we are being held in the camps in the shinji region and you see right there in the west of the country chinese authorities claim the people who are there out of their own free will and that they are receiving vocational training to help fight extremism but d.-w. news and its german media partners in d.r. w d r and the german daily newspaper the zoo tortured sides whom they have evidence that contradicts china's narrative it seems to confirm what many have long suspected that china is putting we girls in prison based on their religion and their culture and the only conrad to be w.'s investigative unit has this report. terrorism and i would never have found out that my sister is an income without its least rather the love of the boy. it's a detailed surveillance document it's extremely likely that this is authentic yes
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it's dangerous but someone should tell the world what's going on there. is stumble. all. these men now we get muslims from china but whom they could be imprisoned for the simple act of praying and i quickly come to realize that each one of them has a story of loss. the fascist chinese government wants to eliminate the weak the people of jiang the entire population of john right in front of the eyes of the world. we often to raise their hands if they have family members who've been imprisoned in china's province where missed week is live. across jin jiang dozens of camps holding up to a 1000000. and weak as let's take
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a closer look at one of them this is a reaction cation camp next to a prison. we identified watchtowers and high walls. that countless camps like this one the chinese government claims they are fallen tree vocational training centers designed to fight weak extremism. too but we received a document which shows that china is targeting weak is based on their identity and religion it lists hundreds of detainees the reasons for their detention are.
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caused by both the weak academic up to we are you perceived it from a source and took a huge risk sharing it with us. january 8 are you see with the phone call like it's messenger call and. he said stop doing this and we can reach you there were you are yes it's the dress but someone. the danger someone should speak up someone should tell the world what's going on. the document doesn't have any stamp or signature we showed it to several experts who agreed that it is almost certainly an official text. me it contains an enormous amount of extremely specific. data from one very small community in java and that. it would take an immense amount of effort and access to publicly on
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available data to fabricate a document like this in this neighborhood in istanbul where many we live we met one woman who sisters are mentioned on the list. but in news that talk to news some family members had been imprisoned but it shocked her when she found out that her younger sister was listed in the document calling back we had a mobile. i was really sad for days i couldn't sleep. i was really shocked. and sad about her arrest. ok i'll call them. china says it's fighting extremism but talked he says her younger sister wasn't religious her only crime she had too many children along all of them i heard that the conditions
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in prison are unimaginably bad they don't even have enough food to eat oh well almost all of her she doesn't know if her relatives have been released like countless are the leaders they have been caught up in china's all encompassing antiterrorism drive. and joining me now via skype is adrian since he is a leading specialist in germany he's the senior fellow at the think tank victims of communism in washington d.c. he has been decoding this new leak since it came to light helping us to verify the documents age it's good to have you on the show 1st of all tell us how exactly did you verify the information in this document i mean it's a p.d.f. spread sheet without any stamp or signatures a 100 do it. it was a lot of work it was probably one of the most challenging research projects i've
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ever done i firstly put him in possession of a large cache of secondary government files many of them contained long lists of identities with id numbers also there's a leaked set of idea number us that was leaked out of a chinese company that does video surveillance called sense nets i was able to use the secondary sources to verify the identity of 337 persons in this fire was also able to authenticate the complex technical terminology and the language used in this document for internment surveillance and release dates and with more than 300 people that you were able to verify you know their identities what did what do you what do we learn about the many what does this document tell us in detail about these people. just document gives us unprecedented insight into the reasons of why people were and turned into how the government tries to understand and
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measure and investigate an entire family circles for 3 generations and a social circles neighbors are mentioned communication structures are mentioned and so called religious inheritance system it's exceptionally detailed how did a person to learn who taught them to go to the mosque how did they learn to pray how did it become religious even in the slightest normal way and finally there's a detailed account of their verdict whether it should be released or not released often repeated over several instances so we can trace the cognitive process of how somebody my 1st negative approach and then finally a release verdict wagering how how are the chinese authorities how are they putting these pieces together i mean how do they know basically what a weaker is thinking and in terms of religion i mean how do they know what's going on in the minds of an individual we all knew it at
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china has been putting a lot of pressure on that we guess and the cars are and has been trying to find out everything about them but it's document reveals to a shocking extent to which local families must have been put under intense pressure in order to develop even closer details such as a woman says i used to put a veil on between 2012 and 14 or for 5 months many years ago i used to go on a harsh many years ago these kind of details were gathered by so-called village based work teams so one of the important. new things that this document also tells us is just how labor intensive beijing's detective work against the weak us is not only relying on an extensive surveillance apparatus but not all the $100000.00 chinese government officials living eating sleeping and talking with these families but when i hear you describe it this way it really reminds me of what we heard
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about from the east german secret police the stanzi and its official you know associates who basically kept tabs on people is that what we are is that what's going on there in that region of china it is but supercharged frustrate at the latest technology terabytes of data bases compared to the people files of the stasi in the eighty's secondly labor intensive of cause had one of the largest and most detailed security apparatuses especially per capita in the world but changing is absolutely rivaling that now not only in a number of security stuff and police offices that they have put on the streets and recruit it which we have published about previously but we are realizing the number of people of regular government congress that they're roping in to spy on we go having to talk to them having mandatory conversations and under this system that
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really ramped up ok avians ends we will be talking with you a little bit later in the day more about this leaked document we appreciate your insights tonight thank you thank you and you can find out more about these leaked documents and about the work of the w.'s investigative team by going to w dot com that's our website where you can follow the have tagged caracas list. china is reporting an increase in the number of new cases of the virus reversing the trend of the last 2 days the government also saying that the death toll mail stands at 1800 and that more than 70000 people are infected with the virus across the country in china's hoop a province the epicenter of the outbreak new report cases are again on the rise after 2 days of declining figures in mainland china alone officials say the total
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number of confirmed cases is over 70000 with nearly 1800 deaths. chinese president xi jinping is now facing criticism over why the public was not alerted sooner to the outbreaks potential severity official media recently released an internal speech he gave an apparent attempt to show the communist party leadership acted decisively from the start but instead it revealed china's top leaders knew about the outbreaks dangers weeks before the president publicly addressed the problem. of euro china's military has now dispatched hundreds more medical workers an extra supplies to a bid to shore up the city's overwhelmed health care system. well here are some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world authorities in burkina faso say that gunmen have killed at least 24 civilians in the east of the country the attack targeted a church in the village of poncy is the most extremist have been blamed for
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a growing insurgency that started in neighboring mali and has also extended in tunisia where the united nations says armed men have killed at least 20 civilians in an english speaking region of northwest cameroon more than a dozen children were among the dead the massacre followed clashes between government troops and separatists fighting for an independent angle of phone state an opposition party blamed the army for the attack the government has denied any involvement a suicide attack has killed at least 8 people in the western pakistani city of quechua more than 30 people were injured in the explosion local police say the blast went off near quite as press club as dozens of supporters of a sunni militant group had gathered outside. the european union has agreed to on a new naval mission to monitor the u. n. embargo on arms shipments to libya now the country is riven by the standoff between
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fighters loyal to the un backed government in tripoli and rebel groups that control much of the rest of the country the civil war has been raging now for about 6 years and libya is awash with weapons despite the u.n. embargo the new military patrol will replace the current naval mission which is known as sophia. following discord over measures to help stabilize libya e.u. foreign ministers have reached an agreement critics were outspoken austria wanted to block a new naval mission for fear it would encourage more migrants to attempt crossing the mediterranean as they try to make their way to europe. and 1st the sophia mission in the mediterranean off the coast of libya will be stopped secondly we've agreed that we want to military mission and not a humanitarian one and it will focus on the arms embargo the task of the original even naval missions sophia was to fight arms trafficking and people smuggling but
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it frequently rescued refugees at sea the new mission will involve aerial as well as naval assets primarily in the east mediterranean that's where there's more arms trafficking and fewer refugee routes the naval mission will be ended if ships continue to take in migrants. it's fundamentally important that the european union acknowledges its responsibility to take action and play a role in ensuring the arms embargo will no longer be violated that's what's required to end the civil war in libya. but it's not clear if this new plan will bring the desired results the details of the mission have yet to be worked out. well here in germany authorities have arrested 12 men suspected of having founded or supported a right wing terror group that goes by the name hardcore the group was allegedly plotting attacks on politicians and mosques across the country. it was here at an
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outdoor barbecue area close to step got that members of the suspected terror group reportedly met for the 1st time in september 29th that aims to provoke civil unrest by carrying out attacks against politicians asylum seekers and muslims 12 suspected members of the far right terrorist cell have now been arrested in a series of raids across germany. but praise for the successful operation has been followed by calls for increased security at places of worship. and dozens of scotland i think we're all agreed here that it's the job of the state and of course the government is to protect freedom of religion in our country. no matter the religion of. investigation is also discovered links with the extremist group soldiers of odin which was founded in finland in 2015 police also seized
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a number of weapons the rates come just months after the killing of regional politician to live police have arrested a known far right extremist in connection with that killing in october last year 2 people were also killed when another far right extremist tried to attack a synagogue in the eastern german city of hala that incident adage to growing concerns in germany over the scale and influence of far right extremism. more now i'm joined by g.w. correspondent heading to her name good evening to you the group that is referring to itself as the hardcore it is considered a particularly serious case of me do we know more about who they are and what their alleged plans were well authorities are saying that they have been planning attacks on 6 mos within. smaller german cities and that they
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wanted to attack asylum seekers politicians and muslims as a whole and so there are some serious allegations on the table plus they have been gathering some by fold some amerie and so forth already as are very concerned but also very happy about. taking taking hold of them and do we know how did german intelligence manage to arrest these 12 men while according to german broadcaster there has been a 13th man who has been infiltrating the group who has been transmitting secret information to the police and the authorities have somehow lost contact with him last week and i had the chance to talk to one of the interior experts from the conservative c.d.u. and he says facts that the 13th men no member of
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a witness protection program because he may be one of the key witnesses in this case the problem of far right extremism we hear all the time is growing tao in germany what are the plans to contain it. well there are $600.00 jobs that are being created within the security agencies not only to fight right wing extremism in the public but also within the agencies there have been single cases where the interior minister as a whole has said that they are incidents but there is a huge concern that local authorities and federal authorities are being infiltrated by right wing extremists one other plan is to report hate speech in the within the internet community or right offhand to internet giants like google or
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facebook to the federal authorities so that they can fight right wing extremism right from the road and it's a huge task and a huge concern for the german politicians and the interior experts all right. on the story for us tonight here in berlin hitting thank you the sudanese government and a coalition of rebel groups have extended peace talks for another 3 weeks after missing a deadline to reach a deal a spokesman for the rebels said important steps have been taken towards peace at the same time shortages of bread in fuel are hampering the country's economic development a sudanese prime minister abdullah hound dog is optimistic about the cooperation between civilians and the military in a government he hopes will lead the nation from decades of dictatorship to democracy he spoke with d.w. reporter. prime minister thank you so much for being here with us on the news
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you've taken over sudan at a historical moment the country is facing many challenges did you have any doubts about wanting to take this role. no doubts about this not of it's not a small to really a person i wish this is a wish that is a desponding to a call of duty so that is being run now under unique cop cooperation between civilians and military how is the cooperation between these 2 sides because it hasn't always been smooth has it yes this is also another feature of the uniqueness of this when these experiments. proudly propagating this across the world. and call you to sudan isn't all that. which is a partnership between the civilian and the military. to build democracy build solid foundation for democracy let's turn to the topic of the you know the
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clearing of the sit in in june and the people that were killed on the streets a lot of them believe that their rapid support forces were involved in this attack and when will these people see justice because so far some say the results just have not been up to what happened to the protesters on the streets i'm sure you move so well and the constitutional committee which she's guiding this transition. has a very clear. and the taking that was star bush an investigation committee so let us not jump to conclusions that it was sufficient committee formed from very respected lawyers and people in the legal field this one this started their work over 3 months now and that them that work can produce that report let's turn to the topic of the hour the possibility of former president of the bashir to
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appear before the international criminal court. will he be sent over to the hague. for ways of icing this guy he's one of the. i.c.c. itself has so many levels it could be an i.c.c. in the hague could be an i.c.c. compliant court that is sudan or indonesia transitional justice issues of tucson to conservation compensation individual and community we're not going to rest until the victims. because if teams to be satisfied that just the only be perceived but actually being saved and that's how we see it in this day and you very much for you go let's go through the trunk. and that was the prime minister of sudan. here you can find the full interview on our website
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w dot com or on our you tube channel. has hosted its 1st ever national can't show in the capital city annoyed it was a chance for cat lovers does show off their finest felines but sometimes well it was hard to tell who was preening themselves the most the cats or their owners take a look. again fancy can feel so good. of course one must look perfect to impress the human. detail. around 60 felines are competing for vietnam best in show. but it's the judges who must keep their attention. good now look my vietnam is
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a country where more and more quality cats of being great is and much of this is an event for cat owners to show their love for their cats and how they take care of their cats at home and they'll know we. 6 can't ownership is on the rise in vietnam the communist states roaring economy has padded out a growing middle class loving owners spend big keep their pets feelin fine. and to meet me need i've been getting my cat ready since friday i took him bathing and 1st spot and grew. oh maggie that. 7 lucky kiddies are to start in the winner's circle. for best in their class. i'm good. but only one can be top cat today. this blue grey beauty got the edge but it seems just by
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a whisker. and you have 9 lives here's a reminder of the top story that we're following for you china's mistreatment of its muslim minority leaders has been exposed in a document leaked to the w. new said investigations includes readers are not simply attending vocational training camps but it confirms what the wardens want suspected that they are being imprisoned simply because they are muslims. you're watching the news after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day stick around for the.
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what ideas do they have for their future. g.w. dot com african megacities filmmaking just. click and enter. beethoven is for me. is for. beethoven is for him beethoven is her. and beethoven is for. beethoven is for everyone. beethoven 2020 vision in 50th anniversary here on d w. have fun in pyongyang. the capital city of north korea is reinventing itself. but only
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a few can enjoy the benefits for those of the original hours. kim jong un has introduced and insidious reward system to coerce allegiance to the regime. those who don't make it into the fun metropolis are often full and hungry. have fun in pyongyang starts february 28th on d w. what is china really doing to its muslim minority in the d.w. news investigation a paper trail leading to human rights abuses made possible by high tech surveillance tonight the chinese state tracking and terrorizing one of its own minorities religion and culture are treated like a crime in a hidden program of social reengineering that the world is not supposed to see i'm
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