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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2020 6:15am-7:01am CET

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up next documentary i demand justice is the story of a year z.t. woman once held by the so-called islamic state who's now fighting back against terrorism don't forget you can keep up with all the news around the clock on our website that's d.w. dot called i'm told me a lot to go in violin thanks for watching. stand for. language courses. video. anytime anywhere. w. as.
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well have them as i'm on i have survivor but i belong to iraq's has 80 minority my name is f last 100 every day i was raped and tortured by as members when i was just 14 at the time and spend 6 months as their prisoner it's wrong how i tried to kill myself 4 times i did that but that what i could get back when i saw my father who'd been killed by i as i and these unimaginable crimes i swore i'd fight for justice and not as good i that i would die my home.
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they 1st came to germany in 2015 as a 15 year old she was brought as one of bard inverting bags special contingent of particularly vulnerable women and children from northern iraq today she lives in germany with her mother her sister in law and her 5 nephews they have special residency status and are receiving therapy. and i got your number from a social worker. and then when i'm calling regarding the passport i mean her. no that's my nephew. almost 12 years old.
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not long ago we received mail saying i require certain documents. we sent you everything. now you say you still need proof that his father is dead and make. sure you know what happened to us his cd's and that is it going. on just travel to iraq and apply for documents there. like another world. not only. how are you good and you find come on in. as. when i was a child i dreamed of becoming a singer. and i was never assigned while in captivity. they were beat
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me you have the news just logon they have it is i have a saying in music are forbidden is far more then i'm have is that but i said i'll tell you what i have a dream i call ok it's been today i'm your prisoner yes but someday in 2 years or 20 years time now fly out of the laugh was a shock. i'll be free and i will achieve my goal home and own comments in mind they have been and they said dream on. on toy diminish today i'm here and i no longer want to be a victim. who hopefully will work now. i'm sure it will but don't we tell is perfect do it now yes. yes it was my childhood dream and well.
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i'm 19 years old now. and i've never had the chance to realize that above. but you're still young you have a whole life ahead of you i still have so many things can still change or get better it was often can and you have a lot of energy and motivation and a lot of love to give i really think you can do it too given the scope to const. against with anything something yes i'd like to sing a song about refugees. and indians in movies. and has. them. and then i as kong. and has
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read. them. and then die as. and has. them. ok ok one to go. i was like. yes. come all the boys are playing come and play soccer. he's angry. come with me come on. over and proper there was a fight for the ball over. my son where you were angry c'mon stand up for.
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that in his head hurts. come let's play no this. do you know how to play with it come ice or then we'll play on i want some water this is a bunch come we'll give you some water that's been spent give it to me no not like that. mama it's just plays really well. that if i catch the stone again it's for you. i'm going to blow a big bubble. david there in santa tell me how are you what are you doing. as a bad guy a lot has happened to us but we must go on. we can't give up a lot happened in germany to have a man like many german men died and world war 2 with the women were on their own
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and the buildings were destroyed and the women made germany strong. here at the chancellor's also a woman runs in i live near in hand and he. charges now you see how strong women are and women how they built up such a strong country i had each of you is a pekin of hope for all your c.d.'s. my friends i'm so proud of you. i'll come to rock and visit you i look forward to seeing you. as a man god as you get your ground.
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hearing him up my name is mom i come from sin jar in northern iraq i was held captive by yes but escaped to enough months ago that i've been living in this refugee camp ever since. and what can i say the living conditions i know are not good no one likes this can't even. get their gross nina out a day goes by when a tent doesn't burn or that a person gets. in my house a lot has happened to us the media and man the dead are fathers brothers and uncles lie in a mass grave and when than no matter what it jamali no one knows where they are and if there are many musgrave's since and he until now no one has bothered to open the musgraves whatever. then you know how you will need to know whether their relatives
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are really dead glory only then can they be buried with dignity and you need to know who is dead and who still in captivity the media. who own. ever. actually us how are you i'm doing no only writing gallic been i miss you i'd love to see you we haven't seen one another in 5 years you are my darling together gamma the little roma you might not even recognize me i'm all grown up. since early it's possible i might not like our mother and thus the strain in all her didn't know. i was there fine thank god i love but i miss you. so much we miss you too. i
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hope we'll see one another soon. hopefully even come to germany sometime on their courage are you taking a course to go take a course or do something so you don't just sit around at home and have negative thoughts i can teach. this to lash last i'm really proud of your work as an activist. was i do that for you to make you proud of me. as have that i'm always proud of you actually do you remember when you were small and we always told you. yeah go to school that he's been investing in yourself but the violin you better think this is because. yes thank you sister without you i'd have no future i must go now but i'll call again 55 k. say hello to everyone.
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i don't intervene every day you miss a class. or. yes. the 5th that you like to see you again after the heat do you like. i mean do you miss your grandmother i. or they told me they miss you a lot too they love you very very much you can't. get like better class was like a child to me and i was like a mother to her kids. i'm
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good hello good day. hi yes last good to see you great you're joining thanks i'm happy to be here. he reached. shuttle shadowboxing right. well it's why you should locate keep going around a little more. yeah keep going work hard come on come on. come on a very nice was. very sure you moving. over
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china the bars of i think i keep going while down by 3rd book i'm up high 5. ok. i'm traveling to iraq i wish i were going to. rain for. something useful even as it were covered green onion. i'm can get a little get that what you to your hair i own mother uses my hair to dry her hands again i have is that no one must know that i'm coming. only. as this is not afraid something will happen to my sister if i surprise her like this. nothing will happen . why not just tell her. because it's supposed to be a surprise that is i'll call not till now. how. by her making dinner and that would call you when i get my girlfriend i wish she was here how are you it's how do you love to say you know it's our now and.
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everything's ok we're well everyone here sends you greetings and mom are doing don't forget our friend knew ray is flying to ever be there and he went back to our need to pick her up from the airports these be on time when you jasmine down but actually i'm on. what should we cook for your guests how much of the lockdowns it was that i did make a typical iraqi dish. stuffed grape leaves. well do that for sure don't worry as i'm going to get are going back tonight. hugs and kisses says.
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that's. how we don't be too late like the time we left our mother waiting at the airport for 2 hours that happens. oh well it's high time that you see half of us again it's been 5 yes it's. been fun just one year isn't ready a long time not seeing someone for 5 years is an eternity. so. yeah maybe someday. is it going to be nice just to get on a plane and visit up. me absolutely. but that's the thing with lucia's.
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it's people don't mind telling. you. why didn't you say anything. everyone knew but no one said anything. you. wanted to surprise you. and you didn't say anything like this in the final you were together again. you understand only. for her i was beginning to think we'd never see each other
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again. but how i've missed her other sisters to isaac never going to go and surprise them as well. i'll beat. him in the thanks sing us enough the miss signs of you is all i need. yes iraq is wonderful have been is none can get heard but as soon as you come here you feel you've been born again. and even smells good and that's like paradise. didn't really and iraq i feel like i'm in another world that that that germany is our 2nd home and it's very nice the. but still we were born here.
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yes the country you grow up in the land of your forefathers is something special. but they don't come down to recognize me. it's actually us. 3 and i missed you so much and she didn't recognize me. in the photo i really missed you. how long will you stay with us. now 19 days. and just are you hungry that has one look at you sister and i'm satisfied we shall just name together is the best therapy we could ask for but. oh boy she is like a mother to me and handed out these days we all have to be brothers and fathers to
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one another. as house i only wish big brother has same way with us. though i really miss our other brothers tune in. for larry just his death was a real tragedy for us hounds of us at this one he was ready like a big brother. good morning i kiss your eyes and i kiss your head mother. then have you missed your youngest. yet i am
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yes where is at less. than having breakfast we had a hard time getting her out of band. around and. i would die to be there with you now wish it was no no no may god never allow that. that was a nice surprise with a less. right none of us dared to say anything she put pressure on all of us. i had to keep explaining that i was supposed to be a surprise. how are fairly or no electricity no internet that's how it is in the camp if there's power we can talk otherwise not how i thought. they did that i'm on a cuban guys before i ask a on we were of course family our household like this we have with our father and
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our brothers and haneke now that there's not a single man left in our family not one. and has transformed our lives from heaven to hell and. is that he was still a child when they took you away from us and you didn't understand anything he was still so innocent. as to dark i got my mother's hugs and mine when you were torn away from us after he was bringing us from us rule from the ins prison to telephone wire i thought you were right behind us why did get. us there when we arrived my mother said was actually us i said behind me she'll be here right away i was there when i turned around. i could no longer see actually us that was because she was gone a famous for they had taken her away from us us the last along with other girls she'd
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been separated from us but enough she remained in mosul. who sort of been the last issue of and when i. was sure i haven't seen a fly since that day that was 5 years ago when i met a flight i only saw her again now at the airport before that i only saw her on video colas. the fate of so. as a mechanic i get tickets that i visit i'll give you an example i was still a child the youngest as did i was always allowed to go to school i was very spoiled demise and beyond that that the heartache today i'm the head of the family haneke you know i carry a big responsibility again like in my eyes and said stop. and you had time to live by us stole my life they stole my childhood. i took my father and separated me from
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my mother and. there was nothing left of me i felt the difference. hounding and jack. right now i'm sometimes doing well and sometimes not being navea sometimes i suffer from shortness of breath and then i don't want to see anyone not question when the children are with me and if they get on my nerves i'm tempted to scold them sitting across the rebound when i get really jittery and gasp and wash varies a lot. as the child i haven't had any psychotherapy to date at the camp there was a 1st aid station. if they know us i had to go there once for a medical examination by doctor not man and i didn't receive any psychological help to see what i mean i was doing well mentally so i said that i didn't need it.
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but to get him had it did i think everyone who was held captive by as need psychological help. and i want her to receive treatment. written off fill out a form so we can admit her mother's name is of course months. where do you live at
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the refugee camp. while on the latest version. which i don't know my birth date. my. 1900 sorry 984 or more likely that's not so important nor. did it in the heart is that she was and is strong she escaped from captivity. but she still need psychological help i know that yesterday when i was talking with my dad that i was also captured by us and i received therapy and i want her to get it as well and limited and people who have no support to need help and medication come to us of their own accord hi hello homely do not want. to thank you i'd like you to try to treat her without medication don't. keep kicked out of the doctor's secret always tries to do it without medication at 1st so she conducts
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several sessions and does a case history. she'll get 6 or 7 sessions maybe she won't need any drugs you want a heart attack somewhat i want to talk can you read and write. this as you know i help her ok what's her name. indeed it does you for that you need psychological help. for the mind and as you can't read or write i feel this out for you all you need to do is sign here on this news for. not loving this but it was plain as doc that her signature means that you agree to accept our help i have done what i want done. ringback meaning anything nearly has attacked us on august 3rd 2014 the. 100 that was 5 years ago and so on since then we haven't experienced a single pleasant day. they did everything to us that she was
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willing generated us raped us on the beat us we were their slaves. with thought of when. they may know who the more. money did everything to us they sold us. because we saw so many bad things i asked did so the hearts turned to stone did i really couldn't even cry anymore it had to have such an i'll eat it at the movie one of the only good for what i'm proud of you proud that you've come to us what does so. hello michael welcome. i work here as a psychologist you can tell me anything i'm happy to listen. everything will remain
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confidential and. can you tell me about yourself you were held captive by us for 5 years in your hands and the whole world knows what happened to the. what i as did. some yazidi women was sold 1020 times over. is it hard for you to talk on camera about what was done to you personally psychologically and physically. and. yes it's hard to. understand.
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the. tanks that are behind you. ok the nicole describe your feelings what did you see in your thoughts being a man that had very well emotionally if i do these exercises every day maybe i'll have clear ideas about my future. maybe i can also use them to help others and state. i was upstairs after this exercise i want to do another one with you.
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imagine you're talking in front of lots of people before a big audience. how are fully without fear that it can one of you come to me too much what are you afraid of when you speak in front of others come don't be afraid that way relax when you stand here. that a lot and that i mean that you have to be strong i think you stride before people like a lion and then tell everyone your story without fear. i pray to god you're all where. i come from sin jar in iraq. on the 3rd of august when i talk it's important to look at everyone without fear. and come don't be afraid that that's that. they raped and killed the women.
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to this day over 3000 women are still being held captive by us. now i think that it's ok if you've forgotten what to say than just relate a person experience are. very good.
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and. while there i was am. how are you my sister's good thanks schools law mother this is your house the door is open for we're happy to be here there are other prisoners will be released my usual form is pray for them all and this holy place we pray that our daughters and mothers will be released and returned to us i am with you all still 5 enough i was offered itself may god in the peacock enjoying. there you go welcome. f. this is my sister she escaped 3 months ago walked off thank god. were you in syria . barbara whose. is the one of the evil yes it is our panelists who are against war of any kind.
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of charge we want to retain our humanity. our religion demands this. our religion knows no vengeance they killed us they murdered our children and set our homes on fire. all of my heart only one true tally 8 i'm off on what. we want justice from the international community all of us. with the let it all the big riches must protect the smaller one so they don't die out. we should all live in peace together. why don't they won't give up. we had to assert our rights through laws not like i asked for a weapon and threw killing and raping women. that goes against our religion no we
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don't do that either have to try just because of our religion we've already suffered $74.00 massacre was ok but even if they massacre is $74.00 more times we won't give up our religion is done by our religion it. can destroy us in the earth yes yes he does and will outlast them we shouldn't have to leave our homeland on the we must remain here without fear. but if you will i want to live here. and close in the middle of you all are people. you know which ones. do they have and it is the medicine and. age.
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feel . i i i .
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i i i. he had. to learn to think what a lovely place isn't it. oh i'm going to do that but what do you think he reacted not so loud. if he. wasn't going to let you say i wish we were up there on the mountain that little for more than i could shout out what's in my heart. and anus say something so as to know what they're letting my heart speak.
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how does a holy place i'm a god hear what is in my heart sticker i only ask god to listen to me what they asked will not have. still i don't demand that from people they harden our hearts. and therefore i ask god. at this holy place to answer our prayers. and to be merciful to us god. not his people. who get i expect a lot from people but they've disappointed me was. there was not a ham on the. stand about why don't i want help from his people but from god
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himself. didn't go and he got his holy place. and i never have believed her brother has them would leave us or other brothers either she didn't want to not get who we met. i would say isn't jerry's alive. yes his body is gone but he lives on in our hearts but spouse he said are limited and he remains unforgotten. believe he will saw him i was the only one who didn't like love to his voice. really lot of you talk to me but no one told me he died. but here's is it how you know how my really loved once i asked you for his number when you told me he was in greece and not reachable by phone but what america is about i don't think it would
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have been easy to tell you that our brother is dead but the bigger housing numbers which has him wasn't just my brother he was my friend to begin was generously grew up together and shared many common experiences in home a church what have we done wrong why does this happen to us since we've understood what life's about twitter always just said i think as i was a child then. it's really tough to lose 5 brothers and binge because there's it is a whole. lot more i've asked myself that after the guy has. gotten i can't forget our brother thinks most people won't forget him we must be strong because the fear. and loss there are solely because my mother and other older women didn't want to
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convert to the i s's religion so the i s. beat her with a stick. i hit a yes man with a slipper and told him he's not allowed to beat my mother was john mccarthy. he told me that i had no right to speak of son you beat me up for trying to protect my mother he pulls my hair and slam my head against the wall. or set him of death and. he said what's been done to us is just too much it would cause we're infidels. old men were put in ovens some burned alive before after area of this that's terrible that's heading off the girl i met in the hope of getting a lead older men into little temples and then blew them up. it was awful but we
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could do nothing if we punishments on earth is too little fire fighters do you know how good nothing can be the voice of you see the women held by as speak for them out in the world. that the while we were in prison we were powerless and but now we can do something as does then we can go to parliaments and speak like that and if they don't listen to us we can go to the press and if they don't. know we demand that i as members and punish them for ought to justice. or we have to try everything i mean they don't go we have to sing and paint what i used to tell us women and children and i tell everyone understands what i as terrorists. or that we demand our rights before god and the law. classes. as of 2019 some 3000 years e.-d. women and children was still missing the united nations recognized the atrocities
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committed against these e.d.'s by oas as genocide in 2016. in october 29th teen after shooting for this film that ended iraqi national time a.j. became the 1st i as member to be charged with genocide. deprived of their child and their future. tens of thousands of children as fighters who were orphaned. mirror. has become darius. since the fall of mosul they've been refused papers. and the chance of going to school. what will become a. close up. 90 minutes on
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d w. they were forced into a nameless mass. their bodies and their tools. the history of the slave trade is africa's history. it describes how the 4 hour in traffic plummeted an entire continent into chaos and violence. the slave system created the greatest player and accumulation of wealth the world had ever seen up to that moment in time this is the journey back into the history of slavery. i think will truly be making progress when we all accept the history of slavery as all of our history. our documentary
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series slavery routs starts march 9th on d w. this is d w news live from berlin hundreds of passengers leave a cruise ship it's by the coronavirus after 2 weeks in quarantine in japan it's time for some to go home now but what's up to this. season to detain passengers on board in the 1st place a mistake also coming up. a turkish court of quits 9 anti-government activists in a landmark case but one is rearrested right away how independent are turkish courts
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also on the show right.


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