tv DW News Deutsche Welle February 19, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm CET
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load. place. this is you know we do is live from berlin new uncertainty is hundreds of concent gers disembark from a korean t.v. crew ship it by the coronavirus in japan all those who tested negative for the virus were allowed to leave but health officials fear those passengers could still be virus carriers without realizing it also coming up new lucky to be alive and well despite the dangers many migrants are still trying to reach europe in overcrowded groups we have a special report from on board a rescue ship plus applauding our digital future linking you and veils a new strategy for regulating artificial intelligence and its uses including facial recognition we look at the pros and cons and. shoot
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the. teenager 1000000000 eilish fix up the prize at this year's brit awards in london we'll tell you who the other winners are and why one of them things britain's prime minister is or is. on land iraq thank you so much for your company everyone the death toll from the corona virus now officially named cove it 19 has topped 2000 while the virus has spread to more than 20 count trees around the world on 5 continents that you see here behind well more than 74000 people have been infected the vast majority of them in may. land china also it turns out more than 1000 cases have been confirmed
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the biggest cluster of cases has been on board the cruise ship the diamond princess that you see here right behind me it's been in quarantine at the japanese port of yokohama for 2 weeks and now hundreds of passengers are leaving the ship and returning to their home countries. passengers have tested negative for the coronavirus a finally allowed to leave the diamond princess questions are now being asked about how the floating quarantine facility became an incubator for disease. an expert on infectious disease control was invited on board to inspect the ship's response to the outbreak with completely cerdic and some clues had a fever they went to the medical center while wearing it and 95 mask but he didn't have any protection between his room and the medical room he says he was worried
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about catching the virus while on board the vessel and say stuff it failed to take adequate measures to halt its spread. in site pieces that i am going to have a 4th scared i was so scared of getting caught between 90 because there was no way to tell where the pharisees no green zone no red zone everywhere could have virus and everybody was not careful about it when the ship 1st arrived in new york a hama 10 passengers tested positive for the virus 2 weeks later more than 500 have now been infected japan has defended its response. with the urgency of the current situation japan has taken full measures to ensure prevention of the spread of infection taking into consideration human rights and humanitarian needs cooperating with the relevant nations and taking appropriate measures. through canada. someone
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boy would have described it as a floating prison one british couple shared their experience via social media. would doing ok we've been conditioning is still getting us down we've turned off to humidify and we're leaving the door open but we've closed that night so damn cold outside. shortly after they announced they tested positive to corona virus and would be moved to a hospital shortly. thousands still remain on the diamond princess for those evacuated the journeys far from if. they still face up to 2 weeks quarantine in their home countries. all right and we can talk and now a q a 'd viral infection and vaccine expert mr muhammad more near he is joining us now from the university of alaska pastor good to see you sir this ship has been called a floating petri dish is that an apt description and why didn't health officials in
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japan consider the fact that it was actually more dangerous for passengers to remain on the ship. what we are roughing here highly contagious wires or a highly contagious infection which means it has. to be transmitted between people if they are put in a close vicinity so whatsoever the environment is in the cruise ship conducive a sleep key and it is the environment that can facilitate the infection to be easily spread between people and probably infection could be stalked to rest of the country by limiting the passengers within the cruise within cruise the infection cannot be stalled and therefore this has been the major challenge and probably been the major thing that been facilitating the spread of the interaction between the passenger and to the crewmembers is there anything else that we've learned from the
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corner virus as it as it manifests itself on the cruise ship. from here actually because if we really look on to. hold on to you it seems like a very good experimental unit in a real time so here we can demonstrate we clearly and can prove really that this infection is more contagious and infectious because it can transmit between people very effectively and this has been proven the whole scenario of the cruise ship but this is again something that has really been criticize and is not really an ideal situation or also not a good substitute for the medical facility we are very controlled couldn't paint can be practiced now that people who have disembarked are on their way back to their home communities if i understand correctly those who carry the coronavirus are asymptomatic so is that a good idea. well not really because 1st major thing is that
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although the virus has surprised lavishly and on the bird but yet we don't have a lot of information about this why is this why this could turn out to show something that is completely unpredictable we do have some information based on these related coronaviruses that have caused epidemics previously and to cause and treat this. 19. faction is pretty new so we still have to gather a lot of information before we can reliably apply anything based on assumption if we practice anything for example if you mean that every person was not showing any clinical sign or clear from the infection i think is scientifically enough isn't. just mohamed we're near at lancaster university thank you sir for sharing your expertise with us. played to be. like to turn our attention now to the mediterranean where the and the migration crisis there the rescue vessel ocean viking is for trolling just off the coast of libya and has been carrying out its 3rd rescue mission in 24 hours while thousands of people are still trying to reach
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europe by making a perilous crossing of the mediterranean in small overcrowded boats and correspondent meal draft sorge was on the ocean viking when more than 80 migrants were spotted just off the coast of libya here's his report. from the deck of the rescue ship ocean flaking nicholas romaniuk is scanning the sea for a boat with migrants on board. the ocean viking is about 130 kilometers off the libyan coast that means it's in international waters. we have a look for a possible one a boat with knives or acts of war i would worry if you have a visual border control pilots are in radio contact proper. that i will call the border patrol is searching the area with small aircraft or helicopters they say
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things are spotted the migrants boat going to people on board towards the free market he was. thought i would be sure i was brought. into. the migrants boat is now clearly visible. thought about 40 or 50 very. risky doing these are ready to be deployed told me he is one of the most experienced stuff when it comes to see rescues even though he tells his colleagues what he knows about the refugees so far. from the mission begins right. up. to the early. with. the 2 rescue doing is set off for the migrants boat along with the ship it's important not to rush this part of the operation to take time to assess the situation. that he wouldn't migrant
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boat is overloaded with 84 passengers all young men. we go into that they might stand up and become agitated and tip over the boat is a big concern. that's why the 1st thing they are getting a life 1st. of the way it will take 3 trips back and forth to get all the migrants on board the ocean floor and keep. most of them are from bangladesh morocco and somalia with a few from algeria and the gambia 21 are under 18 years old they came along without parents or relatives. and. what are you know that. the migrants are also addressed in arabic and other languages every single person will
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be examined by the doctors on. it with a tender say i brought it up with people like you where there is a common what's left now let's look at the it would have been a significant risk you start yelling at me about that but they thought but exhausted some of them found that quite difficult to find oneself but it's happened to us in banking but otherwise i'd like to feel like i'm missing. all my career so weak but now say happy to be alive. and we can talk now to a michael farkas he is in tripoli libya he's the head of mission of doctors without borders and responsible for the ocean of viking sir thank you so much for joining us and bring us up to speed what are the conditions on board. well now we've just completed the 3rd rescue in a better 48 hour period there are approximately $280.00 people on board the ship
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that we have rescued including 18 women and i believe around $35.00 children so the condition on board the ship at the moment it's a bit it's a bit calm now we are fortunate the weather is good and we are going through the motions of settling people in making sure that their medical needs are attended to providing them with food water dry clothes and then preparing them for the next steps what comes now we've requested a port of safety to be authorities and now we are waiting to hear the response let's talk about the port safety because the list is narrowing on monday the european union and now it's a new mediterranean mission to enforce libya's u.n. arms embargo but it will explicitly not rescue any people in distress what do you make of that. we find this a very regrettable decision the it seems to us that the european states are forgetting some of their fundamental principles not just their obligations under
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international law but the founding principles of the social democracies and that is rule of law needs to apply and people have the right to rescue. so for us it's an abdication of the responsibilities of states and we would like i said we find this very regrettable very regrettable does that make your work more important as ever and also more difficult than ever. difficult is definitely an ongoing challenge the lack of accord nation mechanism communication and a lot of the predictable and steady disembarkation for people opposed significant challenges to our organization certainly the need for rescue in the mediterranean is undeniable the factors in libya and in the countries of origin that people are coming from that drive people that push people to take the decision to take a seat in the 1st place those conditions are not changing and they are not getting better so the people are going to make the choice to take to the sea is their least
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worst of bad options regardless of whether there are rescue vessels there or not and certainly from our perspective it is critical that there are rescue present people should not have to risk their life in order to seek safety what do you make of critics who say that private rescue ships a like yours. are encouraging people to make this very dangerous crossing are you encouraging them. no i think that that's a gross oversimplification and it's a convenient argument that is not supported by by any of the empirical evidence so a number of studies have been done recently that certainly point out the fact that the presence or not of rescue vessels is not a turning factor in whether or not people will make the decision to move the primary factors in fact whether they move on to the weather is good but people also have to understand libya 'd is a country in conflict and that cog is increasing currently so certainly the incentive for people to seek safety and to escape conflict and then that's before
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we talk about the difficult conditions in detention facilities that people face the arbitrary and indefinite detention with very poor conditions subject of violence and a buddy who has the opportunity to escape those conditions is going to choose to do so regardless of whether or not there is an ngo vessel or not michael sarka head of the mission of doctors without borders service possible for the ocean i think talking to us from tripoli search thank you for your time. the u.k. government has published deal immigration regulations that will restrict access for workers wanting to enter the country from the european union after the brig's it transition period ends rather well it's one of the big promises the government's made during its departure from the blog and reporter hannah cleaver joins me here on the set good to have you here with what is this about this is the end of european freedom of movement and it will kick in from the 1st of january as you said 2021 it's the 1st real bite of bricks is it will put people wanting to come
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from the e.u. to go and work in the u.k. on the same footing the same legal footing as people from anywhere else in the world the government is trying to do several things with this they want to reduce overall migration this is one of the big rhetoric points of rex's there wanting to reduce low skilled migration and low paid migration so you know we're talking about people who come over on a chance to try to earn something because they're not able to earn an thing elsewhere one of the things that they're doing in order to try to regulate this is to introduce a point system similar to the one that's used in australia i've been looking at this let's take a look at the actual point system that they're introducing there's a list of characteristics which immigration points the 1st 3 you have to have so you have to have a job offer you have to be working at an appropriate skill level and you have to speak enough english for that job who decides that is another question those 3 on
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you 50 points but you need 20 more to get into the u.k. now comes a section on money you have to earn at least 220480 pounds a year and the more you earn the more points you get and finally there's a section on qualifications if your job that you have is in an office occupation where there's a shortage of workers you get points you also get points if you have a ph d. a doctorate and more if that ph d. is in math. science technology or engineering what's missing from all this is people in that low skilled sector the low skilled low wage workers let's listen to the government's home secretary and then directly after the opposition labor party spokeswoman on this. this basically really defines our immigration policy so the brought in the best people with skills need to come to the u.k. and we will no longer have the routes for cheap low skilled labor that obviously has dominated immigration on our labor market for far too long in this country
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because if they think that the level of your salary determined how valuable your worry is what do you have what we know that there are people in relatively low paid occupations like social care who are you and your new 15 make it keep people out. ok let's just find these low skilled jobs who are we talking about what kind of jobs are we talking about the classic ones are your fruit pickers your vegetable pickers the people come over for a season maybe from romania maybe from elsewhere in eastern europe and then also what's really important to the british economy to the health workers and the care workers now unison is a major union trade union in the u.k. they represent many care workers and we've got a response from them if we can bring up that they say that care is highly skilled
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but low paid so full out of the government's arbitrary immigration threshold suddenly ending the steppers desperately needed supply of labor will cause huge problems across the country and they're saying the government has to think again are you talking about the people who are clearing up you know tearing at your parents in the care homes these people are paid really low money they usually poorly qualified but we need those people to do those jobs in the u.k. that's that's the major problem from the point of things low skilled workers what about employers have we heard from that they're not happy i think almost predictably enough the government paper is talking about moving the if you take on me they say that it's been too dependent on low skill low low wage workers from the e.u. they're talking about how they want to protect. people from criminal traffickers and unscrupulous employers and their they use in the phrase that employers will need to adjust so we have also reaction from the confederation of british industry which represents many employers in the u.k.
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and they said that in some sectors firms will be left wondering how they will recruit the people needed to run their businesses with already low employment they say firms in care construction hospitality food and drink could be the most effective effective rather now there's no route for lower skilled workers to come in and the government has promised that the not going to be open loopholes to now allow those people to get in so who knows how the economy and the business people in the u.k. will have to react and i want to put on a spot how will this play out well british people used to having this kind of 2nd class level of worker in the country you know they used to having the polish plumber who will come around on a sunday evening and not charge extra for it maybe get paid cash in hand but will do the job that a british plumber might not want to do because it's unsociable hours they used to having hordes of people coming over from picking their strawberries picking their fruit and vegetables getting paid really i mean peanuts to do that so how will they
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do it will will british industry react and start paying people loads of money a good wage for a good day's work that would seem relatively unlikely are they going to invest in so much automation that we won't need people to pick strawberries and blueberries and stuff like that or is this going to create even greater opportunity for those people who do exploit desperate people one seems to earn a wage and who then will come in illegally and then not have any protection not have any health insurance not have any legal protection from being exploited working in dangerous situations is going to be i would imagine a great opportunity for those kind of people so many questions that will need addressing how to cleaver thank you very much. aren't really up to speed now with some of the other stories making news around the world. a court in turkey has perspire own its verdict in the trial of a group of human rights activists accused of aiding terrorist groups
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a german citizen peter storrie is among the defendants who were detained in 2017 while attending a digital security workshop well they've since been released pending the verdict and now suspected in early april. meanwhile the turkish president one has threatened to launch a military operation in syria's it live region at once as an operation is only a matter of time unless syrian forces pull back behind turkish military positions russia meanwhile has warned turkey not to attack syrian forces. the european union has unveiled its strategy for regulating the use and development of controversial artificial intelligence technology also known as a i will the strategy aims to make the e.u. the world leader in ai that is quote fair transparent and democratic while it also calls for more debate on whether to use facial recognition technology law
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enforcement a welcomes that while others reject it as an assault on privacy. more. it takes john reman just 10 minutes to find a match in the database dutch police have been using facial recognition technology for the past 4 years and now they say they can do without it in this database of known criminals are 1300000 people with 2200000 pictures so every time you're arrested for a certain fact your picture was taken your fingerprints are taken and your personal details are taken and all these faces and up in this criminal database this system helped the investigators with the arrest of 100 people over is single here despite the obvious advantages for police work only half of the european countries are currently making use of facial recognition france and germany already experimenting with real time surveillance but europe has to navigate its multitude of national
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laws the e.u. is not trying to open a debate and issue guidelines for all member states but green party parliamentarian patrick brier says the proposals don't sufficiently address privacy concerns i'm sorry the original idea of the commission to consider a moratorium on facial surveillance has just simply been removed because that all of been the idea to put people's interests 1st and to evaluate technology properly because before it is being used and employed on a mass scale dutch police are satisfied with the results of their system and even planned to upgrade it by the end of this year. in some cases this is the only investigative leads that you will have only an image of a birth and nothing else all these cases end up as cases that we can all do in the investigation with dutch police are convinced that
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a public debate about data protection is long overdue at home and throughout europe if everybody wants tricks. throw in the full potential of facial recognition. next scottish singer louis ck apology and london rapper dave were the big winners at the u.k. brit awards last night polly took home the prize for best new artist and song of the year album of the year went to day it was the 40th year of british pop's biggest awards show. singer songwriter billy eilish captivated the audience at the awards ceremony with her debut like performance of the new james bond song no time to die. she was later names best international female artist and delivered an emotional acceptance speech and still very heated recently and when i was on the stage and i
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saw you guys all smiling thanks cottage singer and indie newcomer louis capacity topped the winners of the night giving up awards for best new artist and song of the year for someone you love. to be sued. rappers they also won big with his album psychodrama taking home album of the year the london rapper to philip vantage of the spotlight making a political statement that accused british prime minister forrest johnson of being a racist these racist were born more rules researched the truth is all prime ministers who ruled racist you see you should be grouped with these issues thank you it was a successful night for rap music as crime artist storms he was named best british male solo artist his performance was accompanied by a gospel choir dancers
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this weekend g.w. . you're watching news asia coming up a contested election in afghanistan what will it mean for the country and what will it mean for any political settlement with the taliban. and we ask a leading activist and government critic in pakistan it is global cari why she's being threatened with terrorism charges.
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