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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2020 5:30pm-5:46pm CET

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it's time to call voices what. 77 percent talk about the stuff. from politi to flash some calls it a good time this is where. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend b.t.w. . you're watching news asia coming up a contested election in afghanistan what will it mean for the country and what will it mean for any political settlement with the taliban. and we ask a leading activist and government critic in pakistan a group of karri why she's being threatened with terrorism charges. plus north
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korea's top defector wants to run for office what are his plans as a south korean lawmaker. i'm melissa chan welcome to news asia thank you for joining us afghan president wins a 2nd term by just a hair with 50.6 percent of the vote his opponent up to a lot of do a lot won at 39.5 percent the results come at a critical time just a few days ago the united states and the taleban got back on track with a truce and the promise it would pave the way for the afghan government and the taliban to hold talks and reach some kind of political settlement honey pledged he would deliver. this is a victory for the will of the after people. we want to last in
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peace in the world that's what this country demands and out team god willing will bring that peace to afghanistan. i want to start. the election was held back in september 2019 it has taken months to vote count giving the president's challenger abdullah abdullah the chance to call the whole theme a sham that's. done the result announced today was one of election robbery or a coup against democracy on up a trail of the people. and we consider it to be illegal as a shout was born yet you know if you generate a problem with any. other party i love part of these fraudsters will be remembered with shame in the history of afghanistan. mon and we announced our inclusive government of afghanistan.
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joining us is journalist ali latif in kabul a do is says that he is the one who has won that what is the national mood in response to those comments. the national mood overall is that you know people are very frustrated with selection they're very tired of it you know they've dealt with it for 5 months and they're ready for it to be over they're ready for people to move on for a new government to come into power and for things to really start you know working again. as for you know after last specific response i think a lot of people have this question of well what can he do if he doesn't accept it you know he says he wants to create a new inclusive government but how would you go about doing such a thing and how would you prove that you ended up winning and so it sounds like what you're saying is that abdullah doesn't have the support needed in order to
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really cause political problems can be afghan government sort of ignore him and just go on with business as usual. i mean so far it seems like that's exactly what the government is doing is exactly that is ignoring him and you know just letting him speak but it's not even so much about that he doesn't have the local support because he definitely has local support but the bigger issue in afghanistan is the international support you know no one has stood up from the international community now saying they haven't graduated the president but they also haven't come out and said that they support dr of the law and his claims either and what we have to remember is that the entire of one government is almost completely funded by foreign money and foreign forces in terms of the military and foreign support for paying that of on military so it's very difficult to do you know to really take on this this government without the support of foreign countries when you talk about the international role so the big question is does this political mini
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crisis set the u.s. taleban shoes back on anyway. i don't think it'll set it back i think if anything it gives the taliban more leeway it gives them more ammunition because they'll be like look you held an election it took 5 months to come to a resolution and now you have one government being declared in the presidential palace and you have one government being declared in the other part of the city and you know the 2 main parties in this election couldn't get along with each other i think it actually pays very plays very well into the taliban hands at this point. ali the t.v. thank you. one of pakistan's most prominent government critics is being threatened with trumped up charges of terrorism. speaks truth to power against the country's military and has gone after the prime minister in wrong khan and his relationship with the generals
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she's in self-imposed exile and she joins us now from the u.k. school does this threat from pakistan's federal investigation agency surprise you and how serious is this. yes it was not just surprising it was actually very shocking i got the news from breaking news and but. they have summoned me and will judge me with terrorism and. you know she's my properties and extradite me and this is all an extremely shocking and a few days after that it all sort of rolled out to the u.k. got managed to downing street and home office and put in office and it just for peach are not on for pages long necked which asks the u.k. government to slap me with heat speech judges and debits and charges according to the news reports. because possibly they fear that they may not be able to extradite me so they're instigating my government here to bring these charges against me and
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it also being sniffing at the i.s.i. actually has been sniffing around of my residential address here in the u.k. . if been detained before in pakistan what do you think would happen if you did go back. let's krongard by its name i was abducted i was not detained this was not nothing illegal. and of course if i go back my night will be under serious threat which it is even here because they're pursuing the even in the u.k. now put your situation in context here for example been tweeting about new government rules on social media tell us about that. that's hilarious actually you know most new media who's specifically mention people don't buy it in residing abroad quite restraint it that we are out of their reach and for that they want to
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force i don't know how they think they can do that force international internet and social media companies to design open and register offices and be physically present and then describe. the same penalties huge penalties like to have 100000000 rupees if if those companies then i dare do not. block out going down and our accounts. this is a this is part of an ongoing crackdown which started at least 34 years of all they have to. go mainstream digital media in control they have the print media oh yeah what does this all say about iran cons government. its a puppet and initially we found it not it was only the military that is going to us because it used to do this during other governments as well but we knew that the
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syrian government's lingzi lu but they were on the side to be good but now it is getting more and more evident that the iran time government is actively siding with the military because the criticism now is hurting the iran time government just that the economy is in a downward spiral he is being criticized for that in simple lot of things the human rights violations and so on and so forth and he's gone back on everything he ever say so now he's actively colluding with the military in and denting to silence any and all of dissent cool because i thank you. defectors in north korea now getting involved in politics in their new south korean home they've formed a new party accusing president j. ns government for failing to protect refugees from the north correspondent frank
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smyth has more. or so therians head to the polls in april to elect a new 300 member legislature among the candidates will be a high level defector from north korea recruited by south korea's new conservative blog tehran hoa's visited this venue the seoul foreign correspondents club before following his defection the former north korean deputy ambassador to the united kingdom denounced the north korean leadership and kim jong un and suggested the current liberal south korean government was wasting its time in its peacemaking efforts taste said he was inspired to run because he wants to protect the human rights of north koreans after 2 recent defectors suspected murders we repatriated by the south korean government i'm absolutely sure that one be. drawing and if we are united again who will go 1st to north korea has also said he would work
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for north koreans in the south to give them better educational opportunities to lead a unified korea if someone is solid team in the riva save me to the peeper all to the post by you. you don't dream that you can see people not really he's screaming on the wall he's screaming no you don't give up your seating efforts and let them die in the rebirth no. has said he believes the kim jong un regimes days are numbered and favors denuclearization before engagement with pyongyang. if i do get elected i believe that there needs to be a very clear clause in south korean law that declares how cooperation between the north and south can be resumed with denuclearization so that north korean policy does not go back and forth according to politics. some longstanding lawmakers of the liberal democratic party question the motivations behind today's candidacy who
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. likes to show off in public. and so he decided to run for congress with the conservatives and i am tossed mr serry to increase right wing power in south korea and create an anti north korea peace atmosphere on the korean peninsula. has spoken little of so korean issues and his newly formed united future party still hasn't announced for which district he plans to run. that's it for now head over to our website www dot com for slash asia to view this show online and for other stories from the region and tell us what you think over social media what more you'd like to see we leave you with preparations for the hindu festival hot shirat tree in nepal it marks the victory of knowledge over darkness and ignorance thank you for watching and we'll
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see you next time. the used crime fighters are back africa's most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable local production. all of the zones are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. and sliders
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to news now. i know nothing. nothing with the. german culture. we think. you. know i'm rachel joins me from the. vus chamber of commerce in china wants businesses to get ready for much more disruption to the coronavirus the world stock markets mostly rebound but hopes of limited impact also on the show. i did not far prefer living where tesla has been ordered to dump 1000 trees in order to make way for a new factory
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a court will decide whether or not one can't continue. to fight climate change it aims to phase out petrol and diesel vehicles by 24. i think it's a business china's central bank is trying to calm markets insisting the economic impact of the coronavirus will be limited and exchanges have rebounded today the spread of the virus is slowing and there could be more stimulus on its way from beijing sylvie hughes chamber of commerce in china warns of more disruption ahead the covert 19 outbreak has forced a lot of companies in china to throw production or halted completely and that's had a nasty of international knock on effects transport so pages are also affecting supply chains. our correspondent in taipei told describe the situation in china for us workforce because according to the ministry of transport only law.


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