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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm CET

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this is u.w. news a live from berlin a far right extremist shoots 11 people dead in germany the suspect opened fire at 2 bars in a town near frankfurt reports say that the gunman killed his victims execution style prosecutors are treating it as an act of terrorism chancellor angela merkel calling it a sad day for germany. i'm
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sorry kelly welcome to the program our top story a suspect to far right terrorists has shot at least 10 people there frankfurt here in germany the suspect opening fire at 2 bars in the town of hot now if he is said to have later killed himself and his mother in their apartment many of the people that he shot dead were of foreign descent the suspect a 43 year old german national left a letter admitting to the killings he also posted a video on you tube expressing racist and other extremist views federal prosecutors are treating the attacks as acts of terrorism. and we have team coverage of these attacks we're joined by chief political editor michelle a question or here in the studio and we also have on the ground correspondent kate brady. i'd like to begin with you we see police searching the suspects house what
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more do we know at this hour about a possible motive well there is a video online which seems to come from the suspect where he says those conspiracy theories the replacement theory of wanting to replace native populations with foreigners so that points towards a deeply xenophobe big world view also doesn't really sound particularly sane on that video so that would be another question also there's a manifesto that's circulating also pointing in towards right wing extremists direction and i think that's also why with some confidence we already saw german chancellor angela merkel speak out on this very restrained on this saying that she believes this seems to point towards an extreme right wing motivation kate you were on the ground there and now you've been speaking with witnesses what have they been saying. i think the main reaction hand sarah has
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just been one of shock shock that this is happening here in our very small town just a few kilometers away from the largest city of toronto and also confusion about how to proceed to now course many people here with friends and family have come down to pay their respects here today to the people who lost their lives yesterday evening . to like many of the victims of foreign descent and many of them asking now i always say fear do we need to be taking extra care because even though i'm german my skin is a little bit dark oh i don't have a traditionally german sounding name but i think overall though there is still a sense of unity here in her analysis day and many people are expected to turn out later this evening for a memorial service which the german president park but just admire is also set to attend. and in the meantime german chancellor angela merkel has described today as
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a sad day to germany she also condemned what she calls the poison of hatred in the country let's have a listen and then we'll get your reaction. today is a very sad day for our country. together with people across the whole of germany i share the deep pain felt today by the people of hanna all over the brutal deaths of so many of our fellow citizens. i knew from. my thoughts are now especially with the families and friends of those who have been murdered none of us can comprehend the pain that the perpetrator has inflicted on them i mourn with them and wish to convey to them my deepest condolences. i hope that they can draw some strength from the sympathies of countless people across germany and beyond. my thoughts are also with those who were wounded and i hope they will overcome not just the physical consequences of the attack but also the psychological strain of this
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terrible experience. i have received continuous briefing since early this morning on the investigation in hanau and i've held talks with interior minister horst city hall for with the justice minister christina lamb placed as a state premier bouvier and her now mayor klaus kaminski i will also be kept informed of how investigations are proceeding and over the condition of the wounded while i'm at the european council meeting in brussels. i also had the opportunity of speaking with the german president about this horrific act it is still too early to make any conclusive assessment everything is being done to get to the bottom of these terrible murders. but there are many indications which suggest that the perpetrator acted out of a right wing extremist racist motive. out of hate against people of different
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backgrounds beliefs or appearance. all seeing. racism is a poison hate is a poison and this points and exists in our society and is responsible for far too many crimes. from the atrocities committed by the terrorist and. to the murder of. the murders and hala. the government and all state institutions stand for the protection of the rights and dignity of every person in this country we don't distinguish citizens according to their background or religion. we stand with all our strength and determination against all those who try to divide germany . night and speaking. to. the german chancellor speaking a short while ago you were at that press conference what did you make of what she
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had to say well that was a very clear statement but what she did stop sort of is mentioning the far right party which has so put the whole issue of migrants foreigners being in germany so much into what they describe as a conservative middle ground politics here in germany success a party to and if they've come callandar went further than that she's pointing directed towards the far right if tea party as one creating the basis for the political thinking that can lead up to this so that's a rather strong accusation there machall stop sort of that but that's the kind of level of debate that we are seeing here today as all parties react to what's happened where you are now what are people likely to be wanting to be calling for from their leaders in the wake of this attack. well already we've heard actually from the central council of muslims in germany as well
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asking for more protection and of course it does so saying here in hand all comes only just a couple of days after there were raids across germany in which a far right extremist terrorist cell and many arrests were made of that terrorist cell some 12 people were arrested and they were supposedly plotting attacks against politicians against migrants and against muslims so again the central council for muslims in germany would reiterate in those calls today to make sure that places are protected and that migrants and asylum seekers and muslims and people of any different kind of religion that everyone is protected but at the core of that really is an identity crisis in germany asking should these measures really even be necessary when everyone is supposed to be be treated the same and be on the same level playing field and clearly for some groups in german society that is simply
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just not the case right now let's conceptualize this attack in fact because there have been other right wing extremist terror attacks in germany in recent years with a possible right wing motive in her now as we are hearing let's take a look at the grave this incident and then we will discuss. for many in germany this woman is the face of far right terror in the country beata she was convicted in 2018 found guilty for being part of the n.s.u. the terror group behind a killing spree that shocked the nation. together with bernhard and. she toured the country in this camper van killing 10 people between 200-2007. almost all of victims were of turkish descent she has surrendered to police after her accomplices committed suicide barely a year after shapers conviction germany was rocked by another murder linked to
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a far right extremist. a man with a string of convictions for violent anti migrant crime confessed to shooting a local politician for the governing c.d.u. party at his home. after he defended germany's refugee policy volatile luka became the target of rightwing vitriol. west october a 27 year old tried to force his way into a synagogue in the eastern city of howler with the intention of staging a bloodbath on yom kippur war the holiest stay in the jewish calendar. when he failed to break into the synagogue he killed 2 people in a rampage through the city. the perpetrator live stream the attack on a gaming website. and just a week ago police arrested 12 men across germany suspected of membership in a group planning a series of attacks on mosques in up to 10 different cities police seized
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a pistol and a homemade shotgun. officers also found chemicals they believe the men were planning to use to make explosives. so that's the background here kayla what are the issues of this newest attack that you know might be reminding people of the incidents that we just saw. well actually it's going to herself you mentioned all of these events and now we seeing an anti foreign or what appears to be an anti foreign attack which is described by the head of the german council of muslims as an attack on democracy and i think we will now see a different level of debate in terms of how much this attack the very foundations and the peace in german society and the magical spoke about the division here what is it seems to or is that being anti migration has become socially acceptable with so many migrants coming in 2015 yeah what are the repercussions has this created
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a different climate what we can measure numerically and through this whole succession of events that we just saw that is that individuals they might be crazy but they are actually passing a threshold of attacking people and that's going to be there will be a lot of political soul searching but also the debate has to be had on what politicians can do to stop this or whether this is all down to security services and they will be looking at this most recent case now very closely what will be a police investigation to be focusing on in the coming hours. well investigators have been coming in and out of the she should bar behind me where the 1st of the 2 shootings took place last night so they will be gathering more and more evidence and also looking into the back story of the suspects of course so they are already searching his house and as you were mentioning earlier it does seem at least that he posted
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a video online quite recently courting some conspiracy theories armed as some of the rhetoric at least as well in the letter which was found reportedly with him admitting to the shooting there was language in that that pointed towards a photo that most of so police and investigators are continuing their work today but of course we certainly won't have all of the abscess overnight and how will people likely be expressing their condolences. well there is due to be a memorial here in hand out tonight at 6 pm the german president. is also going to be attending but there is a real sense of mourning around town today everyone's quite quiet and of course the carnival was supposed to kick off this weekend as well a huge festival lasted a few days in this part of germany and those celebrations have been canceled and so
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for now it seems the locals here are very much still coming to terms with this and it really is a repetition of really very similar to what we witnessed back in hallet just 4 months ago this feeling of shock and people waiting for wondering how this could happen and how many more times it's going to happen how big of a wake up call mahela do you think this is likely to be but i think we are further along the learning curve we saw the end as you noticed series there where right from the stream and went on for almost a decade just simply killing people point blank range seeing the security services here in germany accused of being blind on the right now that has definitely changed we've seen a very fast reaction last night with the prosecutor general immediately acting which always means that there's a potential terrorist link behind this so yes germany is in the midst of a learning curve but it is a complete shock to the system that there is not just
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a problem of semitism which is very well documented. where we saw this tack and hala this appears to be an anti well it's not even foreigners people with migratory background and we now know that 5 of the victims are turkish citizens now they're very close things between germany and turkey this is a decades long relationship and the german economy the rise of the german economy relied on migrant workers coming from turkey so this really hits germany right at the center of the fabric of society a lot of soul searching in the days and weeks ahead we hear the call from our chief political editor kate brady out there in the field in her now where this attack took place thank you so much to both of you. earlier i spoke with eon st pierre who is
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a security expert and counterterrorism advisor in frankfurt i asked him about the letter and the video of the alleged perpetrator and what more he could tell us about. he goes very different ways. most different theories but the core message is essentially these used. a key a conspiracy theory doubt of the great placement of. international conspiracy to replace western people from their own influx of migrants and this theory very actually since 2011 and of course refugee crisis in 2015. because a lot of people feel good indicated. by. this route. they did and are. and this is. aside from a lot of. conspiracy theories this is essentially
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a red line to thread. messages and video messages. can you expand on this idea of sparking a race for. yes well that's that's the idea of the great replacement is that to avert this great replacement people will need to stand up and try and resist and by any means necessary and in this case we did this is the idea that to go back and try to write it i was in tokyo sort of christchurch was so. complex city. a last year this is the idea that authorities can no longer be trusted with the defense of this so-called homelands and as such a citizens and people who believe in the true values of the country must and must rise up and defend their country and this is the been tolerated as also if you will
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a lot of the. militias that have been slowly growing across germany over the last one or 234 years you mean you mentioned militias that implies some level of organization in fact behind these montrose these ideologies so tell us i mean when we look at this individual attack or the $1.00 and $1.00 last night what sort of clues are you looking about with regard to his preparation and what would have been necessary for this level of attack could he have been acting alone. i look at i look at 2 aspects of especially in the new phrase which is very important because a big mistake a lot of western florida is that it's very prominent this term is that we tend to use former and then old school templates to assess a terrorist attack and that a template does not involve or imply in the general social life and what we've seen over the last few years is that a lot of these so-called loners that we would assume that. would be conserved
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actually have very i could lives online get support from a lot of people have a very well established network and this is where i would be looking to see this guy is did not act alone he actually had various ways a lot of support and then the other way around was ok what's the you know a lot of terrorist activity in areas that would which they're familiar with this means the key question is where and how did he get the back this is the main issue so those 2 elements are probably key to finding out how everything went on ok and for those who have been following the news here in germany in fact in the past week perhaps we can just remind people you know it comes out this this attack it's coming after raids were conducted on potential far right militia here in germany last week do you see any connections here just to listen on what's going on. well the connection is the fact that more and more people are getting involved in these groups and more and more people are willing to act. on
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a lot of these ideas and grievances and the fact that we see these groups formally organizing. group or facebook group as well as classical more and more isolated figures like the perpetrator of last night's attack coming together and acting on their own i think is symptomatic of a broader situation where we would be society within societies where political discourse focuses very much on fear and on people react to this and i think were some some some of the side effects of this focus on security and people willing to so this you'd be willing between militias and known actors young st pierre security expert and counterterrorism advisor joining us there from frankfurt thank you so much. thank you. for a quick check of some other stories making news around the world u.s. billionaire michael bloomberg came under attack at his 1st democratic presidential
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debate on wednesday night other candidates blasted the billionaire over allegations of sexism and his record on race argued that he was the democrats' best chance of beating donald trump in november. 3 men have been sentenced to jail terms for stealing a gold coin worth almost 4000000 euros from a berlin mia's am the robbery occurred in the 2017 at the botha museum in the center of the german capital a 4th suspect was released. u.s. president donald trump has nominated his country's ambassador to germany richard graham now as acting director of national intelligence right now is known as a loyal trump supporter his new position will put him in charge of the nation's 17 spy agency its critics say he has no intelligence experience. 2 elderly passengers from a cruise ship in japan have died after being infected with the coronavirus the japanese government is facing mounting criticism for its apparent failure to
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contain the virus after keeping the passengers of the diamond princess in quarantine for 2 weeks it seems that effort to stop the spread of the covert 19 virus failed. cruise ships have long been described as floating petri dishes on board the diamond princess the monica is a grim reality. over $600.00 people current taint on the luxury liner annoying to have contracted the new coronavirus. now 2 elderly passengers have died the man and woman were japanese citizens in their eighty's. passengers on wednesday began leaving the ship after a 2 week quarantine period that appears to have done little to stop the disease from spreading. recuperative here i was so afraid every time they made announcements about infections that there was so many of them and i wondered if we'd be next remarkable but. when the ship arrived in yokohama only 10 passengers
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tested positive for the virus. following the 14 day koren team period several countries have begun evacuating the citizens from the ship with others set to follow search on thursday more than 100 former passengers returned home to hong kong on a chartered flight. the arrivals were headed for another 2 weeks of quarantine. meanwhile more than 180 of stradley ins have also arrived at darwin airport they too are headed straight back into quarantine those infected with the virus remain in hospitals in japan for the passengers and crew who remain on board the diamond princess the ordeal continues. the berlin film festival or berlin alec gets underway in a few hours time this year there have been some changes behind the scenes it's also the 70th anniversary of the festival christina kushner explains what's different
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this year and takes a look at some of the films competing for the coveted golden bear waiting in the same long lines for film festival fans but something they're all too used to steal this year stella knowledge will be unlike any other. as the festival celebrates its 70000 euros 3 it's also under new management carlos out to your aunt mary address and back have taken over and they've already started to leave their mark on the belly not it. the 2 new directors have brought scent changes to the festival. including a slim down lineup and up brand new film category. why because cinema is bigger the comes bigger and bigger is more. is everywhere 3 maker these stretch the sense of the form so i think that. one single screen. very good one like
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the one of the $1000000000.00 not enough to tell these they versity 18 films are competing for the golden bear the festival's biggest prize many of them deal with provoking subjects. forensic bellina alexanderplatz bible one called bonnie is a remake based on the 929 novel by awfully. in the new version francis a refugee attempts to start a new life in the german capital that's where they're going to africa south was he has to reconcile himself with reality as the stream of a clear way forward unravels it would be called the word this person. was sally potus from the roads not taken doesn't make life much easier for shut out father neo geo ok. stuff with al fanning and santa how york. characterising. daughter molly is worried about her father who's hallucinations and
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wandering mind have taken the toll on their relationship. thank you. and another subject has overshadowed this year's spending on the nazis a german reporter just uncovered a scandal on home turf the film festival inferential 1st director. was a leading light in cinema in the street festival organizers want independent research us to find out the historic facts this year the worlds biggest festival for cinema go us has plenty of surprises something friends can count on is cinema royalty and the flash of cameras on the red carpet as the berlin wall is celebrating its 70th anniversary a lot has started to move shining a light on the past of the festival is as important as figuring out its future development the new management is addressing these challenges a new departure for the balance and every respect. quick reminder now the top
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stories we're following for you here on d w a far right extremist has shot 10 people dead in germany and the suspect opened fire at 2 bars in a town near frankfurt reports say that the gunman killed his victims execution style prosecutors are treating it as an act of terrorism chancellor angela merkel has called it a sad day for germany says. up next it is news asia with melissa chan i'm sara kelly in berlin thank you so much for joining us for our special extended coverage .
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of. the use crime fighters who are back africa's most successful radio drama series continues. this season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable cold production. all of the suits are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social me. crime fighters
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tune in no. i'm not laughing at the germans well i guess sometimes i am but i said nothing with the tempting me but i think deep into the german culture the. new don't seem to think that's grandma day oh please if hold out who they know i'm right so join me for me to get the bumpy gulf coast. they were forced into a nameless mass. of their bodies they are tools of. the history of the slave trade is africa's history. it describes how to for power and profit plummeted and entire continent into chaos and violence. these slaves system created the greatest player accumulation of wealth the world had ever
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seen up to that looked into this is the journey back into the history of slavery. i think will truly be making progress when we all accept the history of slavery as all of our history. our documentary series slavery routes starts march 9th on d. w. . you're watching news asia coming up after 40 years of afghan refugees in pakistan have peace talks now raised their hopes of returning home. and how global warming and a glacier in pakistan threatens communities in the mountains weekends. plus the minnow mom's sick and tired.


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