tv DW News Deutsche Welle February 20, 2020 9:00pm-9:30pm CET
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this is d.w. news live from berlin tonight germany in mourning after yet another far right attack this one the deadliest 10 people shot and killed it happened in the city of new frankfurt the gunman walked into 2 bars and shot his victims killing them execution style prosecutors are treating the act as an act of terrorism. calling racist hate 8 injuries a song. together with people across the whole of germany i'm sure the deep pain
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shall today by the people of ha now over that brutal deaths of so many of our fellow citizens and earlier this evening the german president joined others to lay a wreath near the site of the shootings his message to those threatened by racist hatred you are not alone. viewers in the u.s. on p.b.s. and to our viewers all around the world welcome it has happened again germany is reeling tonight following the deaths of 10 people in a far right terror attack a suspected far right extremist with a gun walked into 2 bars in the western city of canell which is near frankfurt he targeted people of color and shot them execution style now the suspect is a 43 year old german man and police are just calling toby as are he
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reportedly later shot his mother to death before turning the gun on himself. the morning after in hand. residents woke up to speculation that far right extremism motivated attacks in their neighborhood the severity of the incident is being felt far beyond the city strong condemnation from the german chancellor. racism is poison he is poison and this poison exists in our society and it is to blame for far too many crimes already. at 10 o'clock last night local time the shooter opened fire in a hookah bar and killed 4 people before driving to a 2nd venue where he shot dead 5 more people the bar owner son describes what happened. it was like a massacre. around page there was blood everywhere people on the
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ground. my kids and i were in good spirits. i live 100 meters from here and when i went upstairs i had 567 shots that's what i saw and. i know i was speaking as a silver surfer on the one hand you feel a bit powerless and on the other hand i don't want to call it fear but it's something like that that you have to be afraid to go out on to go to a bar. many of the victims are believed to be of turkish or kurdish descent prosecutors say the gunmen had a motive following the discovery of a confession letter the attack is being treated as an act of terror the suspect had uploaded a video to you tube a few days earlier in which he expressed his extremist ideology. the suspect
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along with his 72 year old mother were later found dead in his home. police are searching the property and seizing items of interest as part of their investigation . he looked out of the window and saw a lot of police offices. around 25 to 30 with 20 cars. and dogs and they were running around. since. the attack comes amid growing concerns about far right violence in germany investigations are ongoing. for more and now we want to go to the site of the shootings my colleague correspondent kate brady is joining me now let's bring that camera around kate there you are you've been following this story for us all day what have you heard from the people there was been the reaction there to these
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attacks. well there's 1st and foremost being a reaction of shock air that this has happened yet again of course it's only 4 months since we saw that fall right tara attack against a synagogue in the eastern german city of hala but there was also a sense of frustration here today among many members of of locals here and especially among the turkish community of course many of them are in fact german but they voiced their concerns to me as well saying that now they are wondering that even now so many years after that i'm sisters most likely their grandparents if not their great grandparents moved here from turkey to germany to help rebuild the country in the 1950 s. and 1960 s. they still feel as though they don't belong completely to germany and that they are viewed as some kind of other by some of the germans because they perhaps are perceived to at least look different all they don't have a traditionally german name so there was
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a lot of frustration voiced as well when the front of the german president arrived this afternoon to lay flowers and pay his respects to victims but we can have a listen now to see had to say at the memorial service. that's been seen as. this year old enough to know. what happened last night here in hanoi has left us stunned it's not that makes us sad on his mother's goings song and it makes us angry busker scene is this is what happened was terrible. what happened is something that we all fear most deeply. losing people who we love the dimensions of our lives and then we. need nothing can take away our pain. nothing can explain this senseless act and nothing can only do it. when you see him . you know can we have to think it was just
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a couple of weeks ago the german president was marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz saying that he was hoping that his people would be able to learn their lesson one day and now we have this attack it does certainly makes you think let me ask you what more do we know tonight about the gunman himself well what we don't now at least is that he did actually write a letter of missing so the shoe saying which police have since found him and in the days ahead of last night shooting he also posted a video online as well in which he voiced much fall right extremist ideology but investigators are still searching his house and have throughout the day been taking away items that might be of interest to that to their investigation and i'm sure that we will be hearing more details about his background and to what extent and how he became radicalized and became part of germany's far right extremist see in
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the coming days and we know that when the german president today was speaking before he spoke and after he spoke there were some people who were shouting at him asking him you know when are you going to do something what are you going to do. is there a feeling there where you are among people that that this far right extremism is somehow out of control that the authorities have not addressed it the way they should. i think they certainly feel that it hasn't been addressed appropriately of course if you just look within the past year this is the 3rd deadly full right terror attack a in germany last year we saw the killing and shooting of a local regional politician and then we also saw of course the attack that i mentioned previously in holland on a synagogue in. 2 passes by were killed in that attack and here we are again and it is a strange to listen to those words again coming from shyam us today very similar from
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previous events and which has left many people asking when does this stop of course the authorities have rolled out a number of new measures in a bid to tackle far right extremist violence both on the streets in society but also online but very clearly there's still a lot of work to be done indeed our correspondent. on the site of those deadly shootings kate thank you. as germany mourns the victims of. world leaders are expressing their sympathies as well. the gunman's rampage has reverberated far beyond germany many of his victims were of turkish descent president wretch of type offered a message of support. i express my condolences to our expired trades who lost their lives in the german city of hono last night. i
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wish patients for their families and friends. i believe that the german authorities will make every effort to shed light on all angles of this attack. european leaders gathered in brussels for a budget summit also offered sympathy and denounced the attacks you can see it on we say very clearly that xenophobia and racism have no place in europe and that this despicable and cowardly act is against everything we stand for and your help. to put that in mind i want to express france's support and solidarity and i wish to stand by their sides in this sad time of grief also in the fight against hatred and racism that is being strongly led by the chancellor and also by most of the german political establishment see the full support it seek you. will join us. it
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was a horrible right wing radical terrorist attack that took place in germany which must be condemned in the strongest possible terms and it also shows us that it is important that we continue to fight against all forms of radical thought in europe it's on kids. this comes as far right parties are surging in many european countries while germany mourns the latest victims of extremist attacks. and for more now i'm joined here at the big table by patrick borg he is a member of the german parliament he's also a member of german chancellor angela merkel's conservative c.d.u. party he sits on several committees in clearing the committee on oversight which oversees intelligence and spying committees as well as the committee that over sees domestic security it's good to have you on the show we heard this evening from several people including a documentary maker who looked into the problem of violence in the country that the problem he said is out of control is it 1st of all it's
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a set reason to be here again tonight so i think we see in a very very terrible act of crime. and the whole country is shocked so i don't think it's out of control we having our police agencies we have in our intelligence but it's very hard to find out to identify this person but nevertheless we have too much right wing persons who are willing to use violence you and i have spoken before about this problem you said it and we've heard from other people that there just isn't enough manpower right now to do surveillance and to check on all of the possible problems in the country when are you going to change that i think we will not have to just to change the manpower we are trying to get more and more police men. on the ground and to work but we also have to change the law of 10 years ago 5 years ago we talked a lot about data protection and things like that and we didn't talk about the possibilities that our police has got so we also have to search the internet
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a lot of problems occur because of social media and we have to be present that was our police and you're not and you know when people outside of germany look at this country they see germany is rich with a look at your budget you've got a nice budget surplus lots of extra cash and it's not being spent on fighting the far right i mean is it a problem appropriating money or what it is it is spent our intelligence agency spent a lot of money now looking of the right wing some people say we have to look on the left wing as well because there's something happening too and we tried to get more police men 2000 policemen in the next years we call it for rule of law in the end we're bringing more police on the ground but it's also a discussion about a society why are people stepping in this far right position and they are motivated by the internet by bubbles of right wing publishes that so it's bogus it's not just
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an issue about policemen it's a societal problem today we asked people here in berlin what they make of what happened today take a listen to what they said. because you're kind of i'm here because i don't want murderers in my country. hungry fear rage everything you would feel on a day like this kind of. dov i'm here because i think we have to show our faces to show that the majority of people in this country are different and. what do you say to those people mrs bush who feel like the police the authorities the people who should be on the right side they feel like these people have let them down i think 1st of all the last command was we are much more the public and that's one issue one of these right wing guys always said we represent the people no they don't they're just a small minority they are criminals definitely and this is racist motivated so they're violent but in the end it's
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a small minority and we have to get them you have in parliament the largest opposition force right now is the far right party you have to do business with them because they are legally lawfully members of parliament how do you do that knowing that they are sympathizers to the far right movement yes sometimes they made the ground for this i would say one 3rd of them really nationalists extremists they are the old n p d countries so if one 3rd extremist right wing extremist so you can work with them to get a story and you have to describe that and you have to make that clear that their positions make and create the ground for these ideologies but ignoring them is not going to solve the problem now we have to differentiate i think there are some of them who joined this party because of the euro skeptic time we had to and other reasons we have to ask them why are you in this party when one 3rd of them is
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extreme so we have to separate them so maybe maybe rehabilitate some of them bring the. back into the political fold if if you will is that going to be business item number one for the next chancellor of this country we talked about this you know it's not that far away next year there's an election will the next chance their have to put fighting the far right number one on his or her agenda we have to 1st accept the fears of the people of our country and we have to to give them answers to their questions so you can say no we don't think about this the country is the. economy and other things you know we have to take care of them and of their fears but on the other hand we have to make quite clear violence extremism is not an answer it's a disaster i want to ask you just before we run out of time we heard today from some people blaming the german chancellor angela merkel and her open door policy
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back in 2015 when a 1000000 migrants refugees were led into the country what do you say to that when they say this is all because of what the politicians did 3 or 4 or 5 years ago no that's not the reason definitely not these people try to weaken the government try to focus it on the law machall not the issue is bringing down our democracy democracy and bringing down the system of the government to install a new government compare it with the twenty's of the last century and i think there is a real danger of these groups trying to get the power they want to repeat of the weimar republic you're saying i wouldn't say the weimar republic but some of them do this is so called iceberg a difference but i would say there is a fear and we have to look very close into the right spence's borg a member of the german parliament thank you will be talking with you a little bit later on in the day yes. well in what has been described as a surprise move u.s. president double trump has appointed the current u.s.
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ambassador to germany richard grinnell to be the acting intelligence chief in charge of the u.s. is spy agencies the move has been criticized because reno has no experience whatsoever in intelligence however truong took to social media today and he wrote that i had done quote exceedingly well in representing the u.s. abroad and that he looks forward to working with him. all right let's go now to washington my colleague publicly oz's on the story force going to be to you pablo so what has been the reaction so far to the surprise appointment you've said of brant there's been plenty of surprise plenty of shock to in fact that at the point in time has been made of ambassador grinnell now the reason for this is down to his apparent lack of relevant experience we heard from a top senator mark warner he's on the senate intelligence committee and he was
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saying that you know the president a selected person who just simply doesn't have enough intelligence experience and this is something that's been reiterated by many critics particularly within the democrats also they've said that he's being handed this position essentially because he's a staunch trump loyalist and he's also been very vocal for his conservative views and for that reason it's not a good appointment because you know he's not going to be neutral in his new position as the acting intelligence committee now the white house is in fact come out saying that grenell in fact will take a non partisan approach we understand the ridge good know is going to be the acting head of national intelligence so does that mean he's going to be there just on a temporary basis or is this a problem that we know. well well in fact he even said it himself he tweeted actually earlier saying that he was the acting intelligence director and that
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president trump would and to nominee for the job soon and it essentially it was a grinnell so 'd it's also been reported here the republicans had actually wanted to nominate someone who actually had experience as a national you know as security professional in some form so great al is basically going to be holding on to his job as the ambassador is or is that or ship and also he will be acting as the intelligence director and we knew the public just before we run a time here we know that the u.s. president he does have this history of naming someone to a position the media reports that he changes his mind he is there talk that this is another example of this. well in many respects what cornell tweeted like i just mentioned sort of confirms that this is going to be a temporary position i mean he said it and like you've said it before you know president trump has been known to change his mind but for the time being it looks
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like ronald will be taking over this job it's effective essentially immediately and we'll be seeing what exactly he means by the fact that the president will be announcing who will be taking the job on permanently the rights probably also on the story in washington public thank you. the berlin film festival or the berlin wall as it's known is underway it's the best of 70th year and the opening film is my salinger year old stars to gordie weaver of alien fame remember that but this flick we understand is anything but science fiction take a look. here you discovered that people i don't know who these people are why they don't have more important things to do in their lives but people have been publishing whole salinger's stories on their personal he whims. weblog some ridiculous this is blatant copyright infringement and we're going to
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have to scour the world wide web to put it in well she's come a long way since alien that's for sure over at the red carpet now in my colleagues and bell and all the buffs hello humphrey and david leavitt's good evening to you too you certainly don't come off the scene of alien that you've already seen the opening film by salinger year how was it. but it probably is just under way right now as we speak french of course david and i had an opportunity in the press screenings often need to see it is something like devil wears prada through a need to rary prison of course it tells the story of a young aspiring poet who has to new york city with those big mystery jury she's played by margaret quality of course for once upon a time in hollywood by terence when she gets to the big apple though she starts to realize that what she's going to do is anything but quite as glamorous as she
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thinks that's because sigourney weaver plays the brand of priestly if we're going to still go yeah right devil wears prada. who puts her to work answering letters addressed to g.-d. salinger who is her client of course the reclusive author doesn't want fan mail and so margaret callie's character is is responsible for basically writing to all these poor souls who connect. with holden caulfield from the couch on the right writes of them saying well we're not going to respond here and we're not going to forward your mail either to j.d. salinger but along the way she starts to connect with some of their letters and feel that they maybe deserve a better response than that and on the whole i think especially say that the film is a kind of love letter in itself to a bygone era in your new book and i have to say you guys are spot on with this comparison about the devil wears prada because it looks exactly like that still we ask about the jury the jury was presented today with some cinema royalty who is in charge. right jeremy irons the british actor is presiding
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over the jury this year that will be watching the films in competition and selecting the winner for the coveted golden bear or word germy irons great actor big name a bit of an honor to pick this year especially since the valley knowledge is a very political festival and he's an older white guy who sits and strangely off color things about women about gay marriage yeah that's certainly something i mean he tried to set the record straight on immediately very at the opening press conference this morning i don't waste delivering a kind of shakespearean citic we for which of course you know he was famous he try to set the record straight on those issues brian i mean take what he had to say. i support wholeheartedly the global movement toward dress the inequality of women's rights to protect them from abusive damaging and disrespectful horace munt i applaud the legislation of same sex marriage wherever it has been
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attained and suddenly. i support wholeheartedly the rights of women to have an abortion should they so decide ok there is jeremy irons there telling us what he wants us to know about him but there are other characters connected with the bill and although who are providing lots of talk in killing for scandal tell us about that. very well this is the 70th edition of the berlin international film festival the festival started in post-war brylin under the american military authority and the 1st director of the festival i floated by our in recent weeks it turns out was more connected to the nazis than than we previously know now there was a prize that was connected to his name the alfred award in light of this coming to light his position within the nazi party that prize has now been suspended by the
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committee here it remains to be seen i think whether that controversy will continue to cost a shadow over this festival over the coasts often extend days all right lots to talk about the bill and all that is now under way helen humphrey and david leavitt's we will be talking with you in the next hour and tonight on the day see that. and here's a reminder of that top story that we are following for you germany is in mourning after a far right extremist killed 10 people the gunman walked into 2 bars in the western city of canell which is near frankfurt and killed his victims execution style most of them had an immigrant background the suspect later killed his mother and then turned the gun on himself prosecutors say that they are treating the attacks as domestic terrorism. you're watching t.w. news after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day tonight complete coverage of yet another deadly far right attack here in germany we'll be right back.
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classes from housing boom boom town this is where. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend on d w. w's crime fighters are back africa's most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech cholera prevention and sustainable charcoal production all of the sos are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters tune in now. get. tough it is for me. it's for. beethoven it's for health.
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and beethoven is for. beethoven is for everyone. beethoven 2020. 150th anniversary here on d w. there have been 3 far right attacks here in germany in less than a year last night's was the deadliest 10 people shot and killed and police are calling it domestic terrorism across germany tonight candlelight vigils for the victims and tough questions for police and politicians how far is too far what will it take who will it take to stop the violence of the far right.
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