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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  February 28, 2020 1:30am-2:01am CET

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losing too much water and moving. the motor using life. we may think go of our supplies to last forever. but then. when the rain. starts march 20th on t.w. . hello everybody and a welcome to the latest edition of eco africa i am sundra to nobody coming to you from kampala here in uganda it is nice to have you with us and of course today we'll have a lot of new reports of all the different things people are doing to talk about
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environmental issues and with me of course is michael presenta nia to a sandra it's good to see you again my name is now outside and thanks for tuning in today's program will take us on a whirlwind tour of our views of all continents africa and who wrote the shed some light on the environmental threats we face with ugandan eco activists been next on the cards and in the wake of a troubling visit to the world economic forum. we go to germany's couple bellina where were searchers have to balance not planting bases and then we. are we go to kenya well fast growing type of grass could help farmers on the climb. when my feeling is daunting but it's a negative winter the want to depend more on living things and money she was looking forward to hearing a lot of other young playing make up to be used and she ended up on the continent
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and going debate about immigration and we present ation know nothing harmful i know but there's a somebody on the lead other young white you know kid on a press conference in st johns just think it crawled out of a news agency photo will be you may also see it appraised apologize in the mean value but up because the climate activists feel the need to even come on to call the way the voices coming in raised from the climate debate not if you don't come home in uganda on it off because when by to visit her. oh. it was a moment of joy with sadness. when she discovered that as the only for. she had been cropped out of the published group photo with other climate change activists the incident went viral you know normally in press conference that cutting back addresses in the media. other activists joined in solidarity including don't you
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move from south africa and with that one but from sweden. you're focusing on climate activism from different corners of you know the western countries but what you're doing wrong is try as much as possible to says out and raise the voices from the global south it makes us feel like they activism and disasters in africa wouldn't be selling cared for you. mr mcateer lives in uganda she got involved in climate activism in december 2018 after her country was hit by unusually high temperatures the incident during her visit to the world economy for i mean and has not deflated her ambition or commitment. what's happened turned out to be a positive thing because of how we responded to aids as activists from africa and
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it has our work and most choose to stand up and rise up and demand for action as well as our media and the public about the dangers of climate change. she's also taken higher activism into the classroom at this school in central uganda she wants to inspire the next generation to get passionate about the environment. and words can't even live here to protect the trees. i believe that every kid deserves an opportunity to be in such a class to clearly understand the importance of the things that they see in their environment these kids understand. they clearly knew the importance of this tree but if you come into that trust and teach them and remind them that keeps them alert and aware of the destruction that causes that goes in the environment and
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pushes them to go south and now she's ready to take her activism to the next level she's preparing a proposal for the ugandan parliament how the goal is to get climate change. introduced in schools and i wish i had known about climate change at an idea age i believe that my impact would have been bigger than it is right now that's why i believe that it is important for the president and the ministry of education to include climate change as part of the curriculum in different schools the determined dr vince also wants to see schools using community energy with support from her family and donors in europe she is now supplying clean cooking stove to help schools reduce their consumption of food. this jobs will not only save trees and money but also give the children 1st hand experience of using clean energy it
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is all part of lining to protect thing by having made. only a fraction of south africa's west even the recycling of voted 90 percent of down took things from the trash lift into the yard he took from based on phone be a source of disease undef is well on its report people sank and it sounded to young south africans thought he was high time to tackle this problem one of them is a musician the other over cycling acts but i don't like to do what you might think well the 2 men have got together to create their own waste removal system i see this during the evening it's 5 o'clock in the morning. as the sun rises the stench of rotting garbage becomes unbearable. these 2 men are determined to do something about all the litter
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in their community. one solution is said liam because most of the things that you find here are a 2nd horse saw saw 60 percent of feed can be better at it to introduce a new bongani piri worked as a musician and top bang model jani worked in waste management seeing the garbage piling up they both quit their jobs and started the initiative valid green like many villages in south africa can't afford waste collection so there's letter everywhere. a valid green team to go from house to house to collect plastic glass bottles and paper then they sort it all. most people in macau used to burn that waste so it wasn't easy to convince them to change their ways and keep things that can be recycled. if it's
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only really all the way to seriously was keeping the included sake of being a real selves so when you tell there would be recycling for them it's the and that's they need easier and filling a youth of i am not go about to say. but you also started what they call the eco hero program to engage with young people about environmental issues once a week they go to the local primary school to make music and dance with the students. participation is voluntary but it's fun to join him and that motivates the kids to become eco heroes. you have to say i've shown you in love with music and but now. incremented with all these things that i have a new global warming crowd the forest there is in the air pollution over rivers and
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pollution of our oceans so you know what why not use my music and the little skills that they have and of course. some guys who have studied the environment and so we can combine the 2 merged into and create something that is unique and beautiful kid also trains the local soccer team but another opportunity to motivate young people to take part in clean up campaigns and teach their parents how to separate that trash. valid green also helps people in the village set up compost heaps to make use of organic waste residents are grateful for all these activities and that makes them more inclined to take an active part in recycling what evil have learned. it's a great initiative it helps the children after school in these crucial 3 or 4 hours when they would otherwise just sit around. with all these projects in the community
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they can go to public green and bongani entire bangle teach them how to take care of the environment or they can do other things that will keep them busy on the school. day but in the valley green team take what they collect to a recycling station a major challenge for their business venture is transportation to recycle the station pays about 80 euros for a load after some goes to pay the owner of the truck so period just $300.00 euros a month in total. he says the solution is to grow the business and gauge a larger group of waste collectors who will sell them the things they find. products in their supply bits into so they come to us this cycle worse then you. this company needs moved by in dreams to say the words so do more volume we have there more when i see one trust post and leave it. for now
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p.d. and marty i mean a saving up to buy a professional weighing scale and eventually a truck that. then they plan to employ dozens more waste collectors. to make and keep a clean place to live. and now and so this week's doing your bit it's hard to be margin on infrastructure projects anywhere in the world doesn't use concrete well producing cement for the concrete produces a lot of c o 2 emissions well a group of german scientists and the african partners in nigeria want to make a difference they want to make concrete production more sustainable they've made on all standing discovery take a look at this. africa's
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building sector is booming the continent uses as much concrete for construction as europe does but making the cement that binds it produces a lot of carbon dioxide up to 10 percent of the world's c o 2 emissions. scientists from germany and nigeria are studying alternatives there are experimenting with remains of local plants such as kosov appeals that have been incinerated at certain temperatures. from the ash that we collect we develop cement like products they could be used in place of cement binder sold at local markets that would reduce the c o 2 footprint. from. ash from rice hulls and other plant remnants are also showing promising results using plant based cements as an environmentally friendly alternative. not only can an endless supply of organic
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waste be put to good use this is stable eco concrete is also much cheaper to produce. it may even be more stable and durable than conventional concrete. the scientists hope to see the 1st building made from kosov a concrete constructed as early as next year on the university campus. and how about you if you're also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. hash tag doing your bit. we share your stories. creating nigeria. with. 200000000 people say it is likely gotten abouta growing but can the environment really handle all this massive growth it may seem like an impossible
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task but our nomination close to showing the right way by taking small steps they are teaching the farmers how to go organic food and how to take care of nature one patch at a time. we have to think about all these all the. organisms all this things that live in the still use in this beds to sustain themselves. training in organic farming has become one the as main job he likes to teach out in the field and. he's. like give us chemical to do this from and you see where it comes it was she says it in delta the river goes down to pollute the river. instead he courage is the use of organic fertilizer. and they should. then very mentalist shows the farmers how to mix and apply it correctly his organic
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fertilizer is made from the name tree and other corn extracts. now we've talked about climate change. that has been a. been a triscuit so wants to start up on their own aspect of cultural to caution that. in trying to 12 he founded the non-governmental organization farm awareness which advocates farming methods the don't harm the environment. the farmers also benefit from the training because using chemical fertilizers degrades the soil over time. unlike yours in the conventional method of chemical fertilizers all chemical we all . the natural metals of farming using the environment that use in things around us to form inputs to form fertiliser rather than here and they go to meet the farmers
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in different communities like here in with. the ngo supports farmers on creating cooperative because they provide training courses so since 2012 they're trained around 9000 farmers. i don't want us though with thoughts very good at it but most of us we have that were done as if it's of their life i mean that's really those who are coming to create awareness for us so long this is actually as most of all we improve on our family system we have to farm awareness also sells the organic fertilizer which is more affordable for the small scale farmers they need less of the liquid than chemical fertilizers and can buy it from the organization and subsidize the rate of about 7 year olds to litter. our legs under our hands started organic farming 2 years ago after training with farm awareness the season he's mainly planting the salmon easing organic fertiliser. he
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did make close the club into but he's already welsh. so we made a 3 hour flight give me the results. the engineer would like to sell it's fertilizer internationally but it wouldn't sound as an organic product because nigeria has no organic certification system so the group is still facing challenges to friends itself. we all know that must've wants is a plastic waste and up in our cities luckily more and more people are coming forward with their own unique solutions to addressing the problem. you're very right near to these young passionate sailors from germany and the netherlands felt about the plastic invasion and came up with a very innovative idea of intercepting the truss before it is washed away at sea and now this idea is being used in what always take
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a look. at all kinds of daybreak swimming in this canal in amsterdam ends up in this catchment cage. a crew from the water company but annette comes by regularly to empty it every week about a 1000 kilograms of stuff accumulates half of it plastic this is how it works and there is pumped into a tube lay diagonally across the bed of the canal and a scapes through holes in the tube the bubbles bring the waste to the surface the waste is then directed with the help of the current into the receptacle near the bank keeping it out of the north sea. boats and fish can pass through the bubble barrier the extra oxygen is also good for the water. the great bubble barrier was devised by an amsterdam startup of the same name yeah right on at this point the great little barrier is responsible for the maintenance of the whole installation
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but that it is going to start doing research so they will start research on how much less tickets are being collected it will also do research on. how easy it is to be emptied the water company has crews and a fleet of boats that go around and pull trash out of the city's waterways last year that included more than 40000 kilograms of plastic the hope is that bottle barriers will make the job easier and more effective. that's what this test installation in operation since november should determine. the inventors spent years developing the bubble barrier. there were various challenges such as how to position the tube and resulting screen of bubbles so as to direct traffic to a collecting point and how to make best use of currents. the diagonal path is key. for people set up the company they now have a staff of 10. there's been
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a lot of resonance the technology is not particularly complex or expensive and it should prove to be very scalable philip horne is one of the inventors of the system and he's continuing to develop it he's currently working on improving the catchment part of the process. micro plastics are a serious problem worldwide and jeopardize the food chain nonetheless author it is in the european union for example aren't yet obliged to clean their waterways of plastic despite the health risks. because it's a more direct threat to our health that's something when we start to wake up if it's already hurting the environment it's usually not urgent enough. but there is still the bad chair around to to get plastic out of water so that stephanie.
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challenge fires as as. plastic trash is a global plague that bubble barriers could help combat the team see a lot of potential for expansion. move towards europe within this years of 2020 but also move towards asia once you have a solidified partnership with barclays in asia they hope to set up the 1st the bubble barrier in asia by 2023. what are smart solution for plastic pollution here is another great idea this one from kenya right next door often times people graze cattle in local woodlands which can have a negative impact but crowd national more nutrient rich napi of grass could help ease the pressure of the forests as well as boosting dairy yields on cutting greenhouse gas emissions a win win situation. green testi healthy and pest resistant mapua grass. the hills around kenya's mouth forest offer
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ideal conditions for these highly nutritious plants which can grow several beaters tall. but the local farmers prefer to graze their cows on wild grassland. kenya has 2000000 small scale dairy farmers with herds of 10 cows or less. all together that's a huge number of animals emitting a considerable amount of methane gas well they just in their food. and farmers are still cutting down forests to gain grazing land for their cattle the biggest problems we're having now about climate change is land use change and land use changes where you are converting forests that are actually talks of carbon and this couple when it is released into the atmosphere actually needs to claim a change so when you cut down forests either to change it into a crop plan or
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a 4 glass a wonderful livestock then you have a missing a lot of carbon into the atmosphere which leads to climate change. together with 2 european universities the center for international forestry research has conducted a study in kenya to find an alternative that could benefit both the farmers and then vironment they could. pair of wild grasses forest grazing and silent 4 da led from locally grown maize and there is such as investigated how the cows diet affects the amount of meth and they him eat while keeping a close check to on the animal's health and productivity. glass is one that if you can use very good quality. then it is a very good supplement that with. just a bill to the animals lessen it into being produced more milk a big boost the next task for the researchers was to convince small scale farmers
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to change their habits by spelling out all the advantages of the nappy or grass they succeeded even though many farmers still want to live their cattle graze i'm not here fields they are at least prepared to give them the and for. school in the old days we used to graze our livestock in the forest. now we feed them on the cuts not the grass and the productivities has improved. but . i can support my family as well as my neighbors to. the cows now provide about 50 percent more milk than before and the heart is also healthier overall.
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it's getting so very definite to see this then these are decided they deserve all some. tests. to get them from their grass is very hard to find the. map your grass has the shop edged leaves and secrets a slimy substance to trap pests when they learn from them and be healthier cows mean higher revenues and winning equation for the farmers and one with benefits for the environment too hard speeding or not produce to want to have percent less greenhouse gases. another reminder that looking after the environment always pays off suddenly for you that's all we had for you today but thank you for joining us so long for me sunder to know you're from kampala goodbye until next time by nearer to. so i have
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an outside drop while the pleasure co-hosting the show we have now it's a way signing off from lagos nigeria see you again next week.
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the full. have fun in pyongyang. the capital city of north korea is reinventing itself but only a few people can enjoy the benefits. and insidious reward system coerces people into milty towards the. those who don't make it into the fun metropolis. harvard.
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fun enjoy. 16 sunday total you. have our heroes are an incredibly caring. fire fighting here it is a bit unusual. forest fires have been increasing in the past years in portugal and so locals are turning to go and cows to graze firebreaks their owners think their livestock could help solve the huge problem so how helpful are these 4 legged firefighters. to. the 90 minutes on d w. 2000 it says of what i used to need to keep looking at the way you go to the people both for the old earth to mention home the fortunately the most recent one that we can look to that means the bottom of the valleys at the nuts and dragons in this corner
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as you called the heart of this reuse. books. are we alone it's a fundamental question of humanity trying to figure out whether or not. life existed on mars pretty clear water was there and quite abundance while that would be interesting so on mars the atmosphere is a 100th of what we have here on earth it's very very cold at the fast it's like the antarctic you could imagine bringing some supplies and you know you do and drilled a little self-contained pressured vehicle or vessel which would be on the surface there are things like oxygen that you can harvest from the opposite way or to help make a living possible. if you want to think of humanity if we really want to survive forever we're going to have to move off the earth eventual am i know that seems a little crazy but you gotta start somewhere.
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this is. from berlin the world health organization says we had to decisive point in the fight against the grownup iris this is not the time for truth. but time for taking action. to program to do for choose and save lives no. matter the number of confection source governments are taking
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increasingly drastic action to prevent endemic. also coming out secure.


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