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tv   Arts and Culture  Deutsche Welle  February 29, 2020 3:02am-3:16am CET

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it's been 10 days of world premieres and stars like sigourney weaver and helen mirren gracing the red carpet in jeremy as well president of the jury of this year's but international film festival the jury will soon be making their final deliberations over which film is going to get the prized golden bat. hello it's the bell and all the way on arts and culture it's a day before we get into discussions about the best movies this year a look at one screening out of competition a world premiere on the last. was hitler's favorite architect some parts of his innocence after the war he tried to distance himself from his nazi past in his memoirs which nearly became a hollywood movie but it never happened this documentary explains why.
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he was one of hitler's closest accomplices architect. appointed minister of armaments in 1902 his job was to help nazi germany win world war 2 as we all know that didn't happen. but the story belgian israeli director vanessa lot but tells in her new film is one that most people don't know. while in prison for war crimes and crimes against humanity wrote his memoirs. the book became a bestseller and then hollywood came calling paramount pictures hired screenwriter andrew burkett to turn the story into a movie. meticulous recordings of their conversations are the basis for his new documentary. they really believe that. they. a hollywood screenplay the feeling is there.
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deconstruct spare in his own words. of course i was only interested. in sin of course as it. well i need so many 100000 forces so many 100000 was said to me audio recordings are often tries to whitewash his war crimes the director uses archive footage to show what the reality once. maybe i told you so there's a number of look when i have it in 42600000. in spain $43.00 i had a $3200000.00 shapiro speaks of the huge labor force his projects require but he leaves out how many people were worked to death under horrific conditions others perished on forced resettlement margins the film shows what hero myths was 14000000 men. a human life is something that has no value for him.
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so if you need millions to. very well use them to build a new transfer if he needs millions of people. to improve. a war industry he will use them if under way millions of people are dying it's ok it's serving his. well. paramount eventually canceled the project he said it was too flattering a portrait of the war criminal so often seen it had lawyers side. how did i have to be told what i don't know but in the early 1980 s. memoirs were made into an american mini series was starring rutger hauer as. despite his crimes at the nuremberg trials was spared the death penalty handed down to other nazi leaders such as how much grouping. goes to hollywood is also
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a tale of punishment and atonement the feelings of justice. straight over through the red carpet a. film critic scott. high school 1st of all what did you make of the movie yeah i thought it was really really good i mean the interesting thing about the stuckey mentary is it's sort of central technique of having. worked through his life story with a screenwriter who's trying to make a movie out of it is really interesting because it really pokes holes in account and shows how incredibly implausible is whitewashed version of his own history is definitely worth a worth a look. it looked interesting actually let's get into the competition now 2 of the last films to be shown so just of a cambodian french film called irradiation. yeah this is a pretty penny who's cambodian born lives in paris and it's more of
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a of an art documentary something you maybe see in an art installation more than you usually see in a festival it's a series of images of war an atrocity from. from the holocaust to 1st world war 2 the bombings in cambodia and the atomic bomb a lot of images and then read over it french poetry it might have worked in a museum piece here in the film context doesn't really work for me in fact i think it gives such a gloss to these horrific images that it almost feels like genocide porn if i could use the term not really one of my favorites and ok ok let's leave it there i want to look at a film you know a lot about this is the arraign in film there is no evil made in secret by the director mohammad russell off 1st of all a clip. doesn't get much.
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because. you know i just seen the film you know you know the director you've interviewed the director. who cannot leave iran so the authorities there said couldn't make this film so how did he do it. yeah it's a really incredible story he says he's been banned from making films in iran so he made this film and secretly did it by making it as for short films because he told me the authorities don't pay as much attention to short films as they do a longer features and he got friends of his to apply for shooting permits in his name where none of his name appeared on the official paperwork he was able to make this film completely in secret and bring it together and of course have it's shown here at the world premiere in berlin even though he is still stranded. briefly it's
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not the usual time to reign in film. no not almost reign in films as most of them in order to tailor ships are quite allegorical they don't address political issues directly this one definitely does i asked the director why he did that and he said he has to speak truth to power whatever the consequences and he's willing to accept those consequences incredibly bright man if i have to if i could ok stay with us. again a film outside the competition there are so many diverse films. look at a japanese movie called voices in the wind made in just 3 weeks it's about a 17 year old girl dealing with grief and despair. family in the tsunami of 20 left . voices in the wind tells the story of how
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a young woman who's lost her family in the 2011 tsunami she had charts from her russian where she lives with her aren't to her former home in the north across country journey through japan. in cairo is played by serena mottola is well known to audiences in japan as an actress and model she says this film posed a special challenge. with this in there was no script we had to improvise but so i tried to adapt myself to each location and situation and what does it smell like there what people am i meeting because what objects are there i worked it all out through empathy couldn't do. that in the. the film deals with grief and the feeling of being left alone but how are you also has beautiful experiences on her journey. she meets a kurdish family who invite her to eat with their migrants some living in japan
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with no settled status becomes friends with the daughter who's her age. and. their connection helps her get out of her depression voices in the wind deals with japanese national traumas the atomic bombs dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki the tsunami and resulting nuclear disaster in fukushima director noble hero sue us is a political dimension in keeping alive these memories of catastrophe nominee it's barely reported on in the media especially now leading up to the olympic games this year people would rather forget all of it so that's an attitude you find throughout japanese society. but. this is a quiet deeply moving film and it shows a very special day of dealing with grief. haru takes in the ruins of her former home and then a boy tells her about something called the when telephone. books are going to.
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see you when you want to know what the nikkei is. going to. cost you know the key to. this scene is based on a real phone booth in japan that's become a place of pilgrimage for the grieving. think. more on that and everything about the balance on a very special edition of art's 21 this weekend on d w but now to scott a 1st full stop you see all the movies in the competition so it's the moment of reckoning which wrongs in your opinion the one that's going to win. yeah i think it could be a sensation this year i think could be the 1st time in 20 years 11 american director when the golden bear my favorite film this is done allah is never really
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sometimes always by a live in an american filmmaker and this is a very sort of small quiet drama with a very strong political subject it's about a 17 year old girl who crosses state lines in order to get an abortion without telling without telling her parents and that plot sounds makes it sound like it's a real political polemic it definitely isn't instead it's very delicate very subtly told and it's really quietly devastating and i think the combination of the style this movie the political message and maybe even the fact that a female director could sort of put it over the top come sunday night i've been hearing a lot about palin alexanderplatz as well what's the buzz there's quite a buzz about. yeah this is a german film bonnie is the director it's a modern day out of patient of the the classic german novel which was also adapted by run of at a hospital as a t.v. series in the eighty's this people went crazy for this film when it were has will premiere it's the master stroke of the director is to make the main character an
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african refugee to germany i think that works incredibly well i wasn't as blown away by it as many of the others were but i think it's political subject it gives a really good chance to win the golden bear skull thank you so much for all your insights over the last and. get do get some space. by. the jury to decide and you will hear 1st of all here on the on our web site at the debris dot com slash i leave you with some impressions. 2020 until next time.
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what do you think what you get for $0.50. or 50 set up. did not appear which could be skewed. thinking compels all the moms to did you know it cost $0.50 to feed one hungry child for one full day. in the things you want because they. gave me oh and i'm sure that they're all with the shared a meal sharing the oldest children with just $0.50 and a tap on your smartphone together and global hunger seems jumbled the out. of.


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