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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2020 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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this is the news live from berlin tear gas and shots fired on the border between greece and turkey 3 divorces use force to keep out a search of migrants they've spent days there after being told by turkey your free to go to europe also coming up super tuesday leaves 2 candidates at the top in the race to face fellow trump in america's general election in november former vice president joe biden surges ahead of senator bernie sanders wild elizabeth warren and mike bloomberg looks to reassess their fading campaign. but the coronavirus on
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the march around the world the demand for test kids is booming revisit the berlin company that makes kids to find out how they work. i'm called aspen thanks for joining us there been fresh confrontations at the turkish greek border between migrants seeking to enter the european union and police determined to stop the greek security forces have been using tear gas to prevent groups of migrants and refugees from crossing the land border they have made repeated attempts to breach the frontier in recent days thousands of people been stuck in no man's land outside the turkish city of a dear name since friday. and the situation on the greek islands closest to turkey has also been deteriorating on lesbos long a flashpoint in the migrant crisis refugees and locals have been clashing with
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police. standoff at the port of me to lean on less force a group of migrants heard there were ships ready to take them to the mainland but police wouldn't let them through and with more migrants arriving from turkey the situation on the island is tense residents say they cannot take in any more migrants. we as locals stand up against this. is the lead man i mean we want to make it clear to the local authorities the parliament and the government that we will not accept any new migrants in the camp . some are taking drastic action to get their message across a new an occupied migrant shelter was set on fire on tuesday. right wing extremists even blocked entry to migrants and humanitarian aid during a visit to
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a greek turkish border crossing e.u. leaders announced $700000000.00 euros in assistance still greece's prime minister called for more to be done. europe has not been up to dealing with questions i hope this crisis will serve as a wake up call for everyone to assume responsibility. but there are no signs of that at the border where migrants are stuck in a no man's land and wanted by both sides let's get more now from our correspondent she joins us from turkey just across the border from greece either to devolve the developing situation where you are at the border what's happening on the turkish side. well i'm it's one of the main the border crossing points between taki and greece and there have been some quite dramatic scenes further away from me here at the border where hundreds of migrants are still
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trying to cross into greece into e.u. territory now we can't move any closer because turkish soldiers have sealed this area off they're not letting journalists in right now but according to the reports we're getting and we heard shots were fired earlier greek border guards have used tear gas again against refugees to keep them out there are some reports that something hot been fired from the takesh side as well it's a little chaotic as i mentioned and refugees in the area refugees migrants have been trying to cross they sent us journalists covering the situation videos on what some. dramatic scenes actually the refugees are saying greek a border guards have fired at them. they say several people have been injured and here on the turkish side we saw several ambulances tassel people have been injured
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and the situation that remains very tense it seems some dramatic scenes over there at the border. is it satisfied. no i don't think so i mean prison edwin says try to pressure on europa by sending refugees to war the border as it seems has not worked out so far because e.u. leaders yesterday said they would stand by they would support greece they actually thanked greece for protecting the borders despite all the brutal methods greek border guards have been using in recent days against migrants and refugees a local government governor the local governor of this region here in turkey was at the scene a little he accused of human rights violations and he also said turkey will keep
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its border as to europe open because he says turkey already hosts so many refugees that it's at its limits and it can take in any more and that's the line of argumentation we hear from other turkish officials they say the e.u. is focusing on security and not on who your money tarion issues and they are turning a blind eye to the humanitarian situation the crisis in syria is it live where hundreds of thousands of people are basically waiting and seeking security from syrian regime bombings over there and this is what turkey has been warning about so it remains to be seen if they're going to keep the pressure off a what's going to happen here in the next days at the border. children watches all this chaos. trying to cross. many of them have been waiting here for about 6 days now they came and the firm
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believe that this border would be open but then they realize that's not true people have camped stayed day and night outside in the cold families with little children they don't have enough to eat and nuff to drink they only have basically blankets to somehow you know protect them against the elements it's been very tough for them we've also talked to migrants here who say they made it to greece or then detained by greek border guards have beaten up their phones were being taken from them their money was being taken from them they showed us the bruises they hot from these beatings and then they were sent back to turkey they told us and now they don't have even the money to get a bus ticket back to stumble or the other places where they came from now we actually also see buses here in the area offering rights back to istanbul for about . 12 euro so the situation is very uncertain we see people are going
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back but still there are at least hundreds of people still waiting here at this border crossing trying to make it to the other side. here's a check now of some of the stories making headlines at this hour u.s. forces have bombed taliban targets in afghanistan after militants killed at least 16 afghan government soldiers in attacks north of condit's the resumption of hostilities comes less than a week after washington signed a peace deal with the taliban. an evacuation order has been partially lifted for the japanese town near the fukushima nuclear plant. was abandoned the following the reactors meltdown and explosion in the year 2011 cleanup work has now made a small section of the town safe though most is still off limits. the southern u.s. state of tennessee has declared a state of emergency after suffering suffering its deadliest tornadoes in 7 years
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at least 24 people have died now in the storms with the search for bodies continuing worst hit areas around the capital city of nashville. well staying in the u.s. projections from the super tuesday primaries show former vice president joe biden taking the lead against the other democratic candidates for president take a look now at the latest numbers joe biden with 400 $53.00 projected delegates after winning some 9 of these super tuesday races so far but the race is not over bernie sanders win win 4 races on super tuesday that foot's him at $382.00 delegates now to clinch the party's nomination a candidate needs to secure at least 1991 delegates. to choose day proved that joe biden's campaign for the democratic nomination is alive and well. during the press furnace of the credit campaign.
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and they can strive harder than. our drive already got to super tuesday and we are. well maybe over there ever go. the former u.s. vice president can now claim to be the front runner for the democratic presidential nomination exit polls linking success to strong support from african-americans as well as older and suburban voters i'm a moderate myself so i think his message can. reach a lot of people were in the middle reach both left and right by been a big fan of his since the obama administration senator bernie sanders is by no means out of the race for the democratic nomination just yet tonight ards no you were the absolute confidence we're going to win the democratic nomination.
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and where you are going to the feet the most dangerous president if their history of this country. sound as went into super tuesday as the frontrunner he's particularly popular with young and latino searches and i think that bernie sanders has what it takes a b.s. of all the people that i was hoping very would do better in some of the states he was a little exciting in the crossing at the same time to other hopefuls senator elizabeth warren and former new york man michael bloomberg performed poorly they're facing calls to suspend their campaigns and let voters choose between biden and santas super tuesday is an important date in the presidential election calendar but it only represents about one 3rd of the delegates that are up for grabs nationwide the campaign now moves on to michigan and 5 other states holding primaries next tuesday 350 more delegates are up to be won. by let's get more now on super tuesday joining me in the studio for one call here is us political analyst and professor at bard
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college. what a day for joe biden i mean he won at least 9 states including some he had even really set foot in recently what was behind this big time successful i think 2 things the and they're related the 1st is that the middle lane got a lot less crowded a following the south carolina primary and a meek senator. both getting out of the middle lane those votes went to bible moderate candidates there as the moderate moderate candidate that's the big the other thing i think what we did not see until really this week past weekend 72 you hours ago. your inning and the depth of the desire for. an obama era restoration and that is represented by. joe biden he has played that melody and i think
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that at least among the democrats is a winning strategy for him furnace and he's also had a big night he won a few states including the big prize of the night california with lots of delegates it's looking like a 2 person race could sanders catch up at this point. in many ways it's like a sailing race once you sort of get ahead with the lead you just have to maintain your lead it's going it's going to be a lot harder for sanders from this point on i think we don't want to underestimate the importance of both bloomberg and warren and watch what they do because if we go into the party. convention without a majority. and go into a 2nd round then suddenly 16 percent of the so-called superdelegates the party establishment will have a say and that looks much better for biden than for sanders well the next question was going to be you know if you're bloomberg are you born you see you see this pretty poor showing today do you think about dropping out. for 500. a
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$100000000.00 having americans samoa and a lot of 3rd place finishes the only thing that i could really imagine that might play a strategic role for him is preventing a majority going into the convention of either candidate and being so to speak a kingmaker at the table and buying it with elizabeth ward it's very difficult for me to guess unless she is hoping to take votes from bernie sanders is it possible to say that here in europe europeans are rooting for anybody in this democratic race well let's just say compared to the present the current president of the united states we are looking at a stable of european champions the only person that the europeans should be probably rooting for would be whoever has the highest likelihood of winning the next presidential election so rooting for a winner there i guess the us political analyst over in color thanks very much to
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be here. turning to the corona virus now and some good news china is reporting another drop in the number of new cases of the infection but the death toll in the country where the virus began is now nearing 3000 elsewhere he runs death toll has risen to $92.00 now that's the highest outside of china and italy is considering closing schools and colleges across the country for 2 weeks here in germany the airline has announced it will ground $150.00 aircraft due to the corona virus meanwhile criticism is growing in the u.s. for the country's failure to quickly implement effective testing for the pathogen knowing if a sick person is infected with the virus is the 1st step and finding out who needs to who needs to be quarantined our next report looks at the testing method developed here in berlin that is now being used across the world. determining whether or not someone has the corona virus isn't as simple and straightforward as
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it sounds the process generally begins when a patient complains of symptoms like fever or a dry cough the challenge is distinguishing a covert 19 infection from the flu or other respiratory conditions because the symptoms are so similar testing begins with a swab sample usually taken from the mouth or nose although experts believe mucous coughed up directly from the lungs is a better indicator many of the various tests use a method known as the polymerase chain reaction or p.c.r. and it works like this if a sample contains the corona virus the chemicals in a test kit begin to react with its unique genetic material and start copying it over and over again the copies are tagged with the dye so even when loads of virus are in a sample they grow more and more detectable with each new generation of copies.
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one such test for the corona virus was developed in berlin back in january by dr coast john tossed and his team you can take several hours to get a positive for a negative result. we'll look at all recipe orders some specific ingredients that they will receive after like 2 days at the same time order this small a cool for us that they will also receive within very short time. and then they can start testing in the last few weeks the w.h.o. has sent some 250000 of tossed and p.c.r. kids to labs across the planet the means to detect the virus quickly will play a vital role in combating it effectively but in parts of the world like africa the technology is still far from common. germany's health minister yet spawn has briefed parliament on the status of the coronavirus in the country he said the corona virus outbreak has now turned into a quote global pandemic at the same time he asked germans to stay calm and said the
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health system was prepared the number of confirmed cases increased to 240 on wednesday with 15 of 16 federal german states now affected germany is banning the export of medical equipment such as masks protective suits and gloves and the hand over industry expo is the latest major event to be canceled or postponed it's now been pushed back to 4 later this summer by for more let's bring in andrew oman he's a german m.p. with the opposition party f d p he's also a medical doctor himself thank you for joining us now the german minister for health has just briefed parliament you heard that speech what did you make of what he had to say. i think he made very smart comments he was very calm and explained the situation he actually explained the situation our commission for health care we we have a starting a pin debbie here in germany as well but the case is still very low and he actually
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urged just all to be calm and there's no reason for panic shopping in the thing that's very important as you said he sent out to the community let's talk about panic shopping i was out shopping yesterday i went into a local drugstore that there were no there was no hand sanitizer there were many other items sold out and that's not really nice lated case is there a sense that germans are starting to just stockpile supplies just in case. i think there is a miscommunication so far in the german population there where they think that we have to be panic there is there's a situation that we might not have under control and that's one hand sanitizers are sold out in many shops through out of germany this is not a local is this every we're country however. that we receive from. this very clear. just be sure that you wash your hands carefully you have to be careful with coughing and so it's your personal hygiene precautions that are very
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important these are things that have to be understood by everybody i think this communication pipeline has to be opened wider so that everybody can understand how to react but again panic shopping is the wrong way to go now as we heard 15 of germany's 16 states and now reported infections how prepared in your opinion is germany to contain the spread of the virus or other. i think the containment of the infection is hardly possible i think we can only slow down the epidemic that's happening in germany because we have the numbers from other countries throughout the world that you cannot contain in this situation however we could slow it down and we are very optimistic that the peak will be reached maybe sometime in april or so and then the summertime is starting off and we all know that respect for infections drop after spring time in the summertime we do not have flu infections
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anymore and hardly any colds and i think that's the same direction the coronavirus proceeded i think that's what we have to have to be sure that our health care system is not overwhelmed by too many cases in the i.c.u. so far because he's numbers are so small that our system can handle it very easily i could say that right now we have a fluke. going on in germany and a lot of patients are the i.c.u. being on a respirator this is not the case for corona virus yet and i hope this is going to help every certainly hope not as well andrew all many german member of parliament with the f d p party thank you for joining. us. here's a look at the latest headlines we're tracking for you at this hour swedish activist graded to unberth has met european commission president ursula folded line as the bloc prepares to publish a draft climate plan it will commit to the e.u. $20.00 emissions by the year 2050 but 2 burke has criticised the draft she says the e.u.
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should be more ambitious in the short term. rescuers are searching for dozens of people missing after landslides hit several cities in the brazilian state of south paolo at least 16 people are confirmed dead so far brazil's heavy populated south east has suffered an intense rainy season so far this year causing flooding and landslides. the vatican's representative in mexico says 4 catholic bishops in the country have been referred to subpoena or years following alleged connections to cases of sexual abuse it's part of the church's drive to gather information on abuse coverups vatican investigators will go to mexico later this month to examine allegations. also in mexico a church in the capital mexico city has covered the statues of female religious figures in solidarity with women protesting gender violence 2 high profile murders of a woman and a girl has spurred recent action against gender based violence. arts
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and sports now and a new charity in the u.k. that's hoping to encourage more black people to go swimming recent figures from the government bodies sporting land show that 95 percent of black adults and 80 percent of black children don't swim and all the consequences of that can be deadly the world health organization says minorities are a greater risk of drown. out the steering is on the verge of reaching the pinnacle of her sport against the old she could become the 1st black female swimmer to represent britain in the olympics. i'm very proud of my statement to say that. this is what i believe i am the only one i wish i wish i wasn't the only one in that sense so i. would just be nice if people were more involved in something in that way and this it took it to a higher level that people account for just 2 percent of all registered swimmers in england it's why dering who's joined forces with filmmaker at a curate to set up
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a charity it aims to challenge stereotypes around blacks women is one of them is the big bold theory they say people have had and because of that because the street below people believe in that. and we've made these likely it is the head of the. people. the cure is involvement is personal he produced a film about overcoming his own anxieties with water the lack of diversity in swimming has also been brain don't afford a billet see inaccessibility many still perceive the spool she said latest. we need to actually start with exactly fast acting on our safety because breaking down those barriers to supreme court so far generation of people that this is a school for that it's not an activity for that that's why every time i have to
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start. tearing his show is possible she's now heard to all those follow her lead. a former judo world champion has fled who fled iran has been cleared to compete instead for mongolia at this year's tokyo olympics so went into hiding in germany after a dispute with iranian authorities at last year's world championships he says he was told to deliberately lose a match to avoid facing an israeli competitor why was granted asylum in germany before switching to mongolia he was scheduled to compete at the olympics with a refugee team. and a reminder of the top stories that we're following for you at this hour have been fresh confrontations at the turkish greek border between police and migrants seeking to enter the european union read security forces have been trying to prevent refugees from crossing the land border migrants have made for pitted attempts to breach the frontier in recent days. and in the u.s.
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race for the democratic presidential nomination on super tuesday joe biden sealed his comeback after nationwide wins and 9 of the super tuesday primary states senator bernie sanders finished a strong 2nd winning the biggest electoral prize california disappointing results for former new york city mayor michael bloomberg and senator elizabeth warren it may mean that they will have to reassess their campaigns. watching the news coming up next in detail the news the u.s. bombs taliban positions less than a week after the still worth of peace deal in the oval office is the withdrawal agreement starting to unravel. and we meet the victims of the delhi brian's struggling to rebuild their lives. don't forget you can always get g.w. news all the go just download rap from google for you from the app store that will get access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for the breaking news and if you find yourself part of a news story you can use the demographics and the supposed or video clips and tell
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us what's going on where you will. all the latest news information available as always on our website d w dot com i'm called last number one thanks for. the body .
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one of the skilled professionals it's a worldwide market. if you don't mind moving you could find your dream job. careers remain for young highly qualified professional. but is it all too good to be true there is a dark side to the international job market. made in germany. 60 minutes t w. what secrets lie behind the swallow to discover
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new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. w world heritage 316 get enough now. is a master of the art of confrontation and this is room full of veteran of verbal combat i mean you're going to see ya apply the undisputed champion of toast political talk trying to frighten people you know there's a fire everybody understands it except you through the conflict zone and join jim sebastian as he holds the powerful to account this is a big failure whichever way you like to spin the conflict zone. on d w. i'm not thinking of the gym well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and whimper that mistakes deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotype clad in years think the future of the
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country that i now long time. needed change to take place gramma down to me it's all about ok. i might show join me to meet the jetman sunday w. . post. this is the dr and here's a shot coming up violence in afghanistan oft up for peace or us thought about agreement is to form the basis for peace talks in afghanistan but already there is fighting with the taliban on hopes for peace in afghanistan dead in the water. the victims of various sectarian drives are struggling to rebuild and restart and to find muslims and hindus take to the streets to show peace is possible.


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