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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2020 10:15am-10:30am CET

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any news from that end up next shift living in the digital age i'll be back at the top of the hour with more news headlines until then you can always stay up to date on our web site that's day w dot com i'm rebecca riches thanks for trying to. cut. each step tells my story. of the people who climbed to me bill dedicated to me. honestly i'm not too dumb to. be honest i don't mind. in the centuries they build me they created something in the rankings. too much as i must destroy and. i have
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mocked to my cities days for centuries and the company of my country. was until the day i mean leave. not saddam didn't leave stunts a fool and. asked. a female tech entrepreneurs have a hard time finding investors as do female entrepreneurs in general in 2018 for example only 2 percent of all u.s. venture capital went to startups run by women why is that and how can we change it our topic today on shift. jennifer morgan is cosi all of the german tech company as a.p. sheryl sandberg has operations at facebook and so as of a just get manages through. if you made exceptions in an industry dominated by men
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too bad especially considering that programming used to be seen as a typical job for women in the u.s. in the forty's they played a big role in pioneering digital technology but today far less women work in tech only 14 percent of tech startups worldwide were created by women they found less developed less and because of that their creativity goes on used for the market do women face bigger challenges here's what these leaders have to say. if money is different we need more female role models come to think of it there's hardly any successful female entrepreneurs that i can look up to on it's like in all areas of life. he is asking indians without a role model or someone to live up to and it's just hard for young people to find their way come in he says and it's easy for them to get discouraged. on the
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1st meeting with let's say investor. big c.e.o.'s of companies they don't take you seriously so you're like they're like oh are you here to tear this email founder trying to do something good to do or not be taken seriously because i'm a woman i'm not i'm not feeling that i am the boss i was saying that we are here. and i cannot do anything without making you. that's not the only reason female decision makers are vital for the tech industry they are also an onside resource as consumers did you know that women drive some 70 percent of all consumer purchasing at malls and the not they are the ones who decide which technology to buy for their households and families so companies want to create successful tech products should look more to their female target audience and that works best when women are made part of the development process. it is it. startups with
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a balanced ratio of men and women are more effective and efficient teams reach decisions faster meetings don't drag on as long and products are aimed at a broader target group that's especially important in the tech world where men are mostly considered the prime consumers. hiring more women also pays off financially startups with a large share of female staff are often more successful for investors that means more return. startups run by men generate $0.31 return for every day. dollar invested while female life startups generated more than double that according to studies in the us. on the job the numbers show that women create far more sustainable startups. and their failure rates are lower. i hope these numbers get out to the wider public and we can put this whole thing behind us. stats show that tech companies tend to be especially successful with females in key decision making
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roles so why do may have taken from those tend to capture capital more easily than women. and business women mattah things many investors still have age old prejudice there is probably unconscious bias in their decision making most of the times the capital givers are men and they feel that male founders are more competent many female founders find themselves confronted with an equated stereotypes. to often the investors they face still believe that men are better leaders that they're more likely to be more successful and that men generate better business ideas. it's not superman just are better salespersons and can present themselves better than women women are often way too awful but that's not all margaret thinks another reason why women have such a disadvantage in the tech industry lies in our past take as much as
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a topic for women as it is for men but i think that has to do maybe it with upbringing and how we were educated still technical topics i'm more of a male domain than a female domain. the result women have to fight harder for venture capital for their startups and they granted less take made us take deals in $2800.00 for example main run startups the client billions in investments while female run startups. didn't get a fraction of that what causes such a big investment. just have the better ideas researchers found. treated differently even when they pitch. studies show when pitching their new ideas to investors prospective female founders are often treated differently than their male counterparts gender stereotypes are partly to blame for that behavioral
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scientist on accounts can demonstrate this simply based on the questions investors ask for. research shows investors ask male entrepreneurs more questions on how they plan to grow their startup they're curious about things like the prospects of their business idea how they plan to generate more revenue or what their long term vision is. female entrepreneurs on the other hand are expected to explain how they plan to avoid failure to show how much they know about their competitors how they plan to protect themselves from risk or how high their costs are but not only male venture capitalists displayed bias in their line of questioning. i expected female of these cities to be eve similarly to male b c's meaning that male b.c.'s would favor male entrepreneurs with promotion questions and female vcs would do the same for female entrepreneurs but instead
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all vcs display the same implicit gender bias the sort of questions asked had a huge impact on how much money b.c.'s opted to invest in new startups if any at all. those startups who are asked for john minutely promotion questions went on to raise 7 times as much funding. when pitching their ideas to investors. recommends that female entrepreneurs questioning. in the defensive when asked about potential risk. respond with positive arguments emphasize possible role of knowledge how to avoid loss so it is a lot harder for female found us to acquire capital the good news is that lots of networks now aimed at supporting women in tech with coaching know how and resources they help women get their ideas of the ground. mark to rob used to work in
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finance and witness discrimination against women firsthand that's why she created the international women in sustainable finance network. we want to break the glass ceiling that obviously exists in the financial world it's a chance it's as always been and we wanted to create a safe a frame for women to get together within the financial worlds women in sustainable finance brings together women currently founding or running businesses and initiative by women for women full of discussion rounds and lectures. but not all male colleagues are supportive one. was from my male colleagues said oh this is just a chit chat group it's just women meeting and drinking coffee. to avoid more comments like that in the future and to encourage more women to start their own tech businesses marked a raw think society should fundamentally revisit the way it seems women. but of
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course the os successful female tech found us one of them as far from senegal she program to very 1st website when she was just 16 and since then she has led various tech companies in 2016 forbes into one of africa's most promising young entrepreneurs but she too has experienced gender discrimination. to come to printer it has occurred so many times that you have to go this question is a must be asked so tonight we are you single i'm going to make the rules you know better than you on the long run and that is very actually talks. but fun to mock up bob rose to the top anyway she founded and now leads jango a social tech incubated that invests in and supports african startups africa has plenty of startup hobson but not enough jobs by 2050 an estimated $20000000.00 new jobs will be needed every year for men and women. the mother actually also
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making it on the agenda keynes of course it's a good reason in the us to try to be fair and balanced but i've actually want to make it a business case because we're actually missing probably hundreds of billions gooders of g.d.p. . because we are lacking actually human entrepreneurs something. about herself proved that investing in female run startups can be very lucrative she helped start and run the regional branches of junior and african e-commerce platform and cote d'ivoire and nigeria. jr is considered the african equivalent to amazon and is active in 14 different countries more than 80000 companies sell their products on this platform it's a huge success and given africa's projected population growth many more such innovative business ideas will be needed to create enough jobs but many young
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entrepreneurs lack seed capital to get the ball rolling africa itself is suffering from a very strong compared to the job growth you have so many private equity guys you have so many institutions and function funds but you don't have enough capital so i'm looking direct competition and the only milling to venture are those acts in the reply oh no contest is really something critical. that's why she hopes he. can also get global investors to support africa's startup scene. and to back more female entrepreneurs. through her. so do we latest figures show things are slowly improving for women in the tech industry it seems that the women's networks and related projects are starting to pay off in so many obstacles remain i think that companies the
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most benefit a lot from more diversity in the workforce and how do we get there as long as we haunted with the cliché that men have better business ideas what a female quota help what do you think that is no for example here. and i want to let a woman have the last word with a message to all you potential female leaders out there. my 1st of this they're. my 2nd davis go for it and the 3rd to face persistence as that mean that this is watching needs in order to be successful.
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come from nigeria to save the world the superhero something comic republicans. are some for screams i'm in here is that look like. it's inspired people to do good not the white people but the bush years but africans who do not leave because the pilot supervillains everywhere had better watch out the 77 percent. i know this sound gives carjacks english pumps. blood clot in the system electronic cars are way behind it. we talked to some experts about how the cars of the future will sound to. read. in 60 minutes on d w. what secrets lie behind. discover
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new adventures in 360 degree. and explore the mating boards heritage sites. d.w. world heritage 363 get kidnapped now. so if our way superhero this is what i would look like and my name would be e.-m. j. we clearly have something special prepared for you on the show but i'm not going to give away too much yet i am eddie my good genia and your welcome to the 77 percent . as usual today show is packed with amazing stories from all over the african continent and we.


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