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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2020 10:30pm-10:46pm CET

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i am not to dumb to publish. to my city days for centuries and accompanied my country through its finest. until the day i knew. not to dumb to post. any true and. this is africa coming up in minutes 15 minutes to don's prime minister dodge's day it's up to 100 up was back on the job meeting with cabinet officials officer an attempt on his life an explosion when told me he's envoy on monday morning. european fails it's africa strategy i'll report the office the commissioner in charge whether it's just about keeping africans in africa. and we look
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to lagos where an animation project is showcasing up and coming female and inmates in nigeria. schools and telling the women in africa how to that is the walk and see how amazing students. pristine want to welcome to africa it's good to have your company sudan's prime minister survived an assassination attempt this morning an explosion went off near his convoy in the capital hot tube he was reportedly on his way to were following the incident the prime minister say it up like so still the people of sudan that i'm safe and good shape rest assured that what happened today will not stand in the way of all transition instead it's an additional push to the will of change in
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sudan now also tweeted a photo of himself in his office the t.v. screen behind him shows news coverage reporting his survived explains the smile. and my colleague abraham met prime minister at will the prime institutes of bush austin if he had any doubts about taking on the role. no doubts about on us it's not up to snuff it's not really a person i wish this is a wish that is a desponding to a call of duty. i do not have a single doubt at responding to that knowing so will it is full of challenges it is then make it is non-linear you get to try to do the problems and it is the model. joins me at the table here and so what more do we know about the attempt on prime minister life well we know this happened around 9 am this morning at the north east entrance of the cooper bridge and this is the bridge that connects the
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northern part of her to the city center where the prime minister's office is there was a bomb explosion and also reports of gunshots no one was hurt and nobody has really cleaned responsibility for this attack yet however the information minister in a statement today said that the investigation has already begun into this incident that it's been taken very seriously and he also called it a terror attack it's important to remember that this comes in the middle of the very very tricky transition for sudan from dictatorship into elections in 3 years where a lot of former reagan figures have been sidelined some military figures as well allies of the former president i'm going to bridge the shares so it's likely that we'll see some finger pointing in the coming days and you sort of alluded to this but just remind us again about how the stage that this country's at the phase that
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they're in and how sensitive issues are and perhaps what prime ministers him doc role in this transition phase that the country is in well the stakes really could not be higher for him doc and his government there are very very high expectations that they're carrying on their shoulders they're now in a 3 year transitional phase which started in august of last year and will end in 2022 if i'm not mistaken i mean this comes after a long period about a year long protest movement that was calling for the removal of a former president on one of the sure this was very bloody and this transitional government is in place as a result of a deal between the military leaders and civilians in the country and they face a whole host of challenges the economy. is suffering after 30 years of isolation sudan is now struggling every day to get itself off of the united states' list of state sponsor of terrorism of terrorists so that it can and necessarily have to jumpstart the economy of so
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a very very critical stage for the country indeed i mean it judging by you know the primacy getting back on to the job and that you know anything it's fine and it's not in a detail it's going on incidentally quickly can we really need trust that that this isn't a game changer of some sort that anything is going to carry on as normal now i mean i think it's very you know it's very expected for the prime minister to try to show this face of stability because you know this is a test for his government and if his government fails at maintaining security let alone the security of the head of government this might open up a space for other reactionary forces supporters of the military nic ticket perhaps a bigger role in the governance of sudan to say hey you're not able to keep this country safe we might step in so these are the sticks right abraham thank you the european union has unveiled a new plan for its partnership with africa in a moment we'll hear from the e.u.
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commission of 4 international partnerships will be lying in but 1st here's a look at some of the projects the e.u. funds in africa. the european union says europe and africa have civil common challenges such as climate change security to digitise station and fighting general inequalities in society. the e.u.'s funding many different types of projects from sustainable fisheries green energy projects and initiatives that help improve skills and qualifications for the youth across africa. this project in ghana is trying to combat illegal and unregulated fisheries and support local communities to find alternative incomes beyond fishing. but some of the biggest investments are focusing on sustainable energy in kenya the european investment bank with around 200000000 euros helped built africa's largest wind farm with 365 wind turbines and in eritrea 2 solar hype and power systems have been built to
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provide electricity for over 40000 people and businesses in 28000000000 years. if my colleague marina strauss was at a european union press conference in brussels she sat down with the e.u. commissioner for international partnerships one of the criticisms we always hear is that europe focuses a lot on carbon migration from africa and doesn't really look at the african perspective on migration for example and also ties development aid to migration issues will that be different with this new strategy. i think. it's important to improve living conditions in african countries because. for instance about 60 percent off their citizens in africa are young people people under 30 years old so i personally see that it's our duty to try to help them
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in order to to provide them also hope. but at the same time of course i think what african partners are expecting from oss is that we are able to offer them also legal paths to to to europe and that's why for instance aerosmith plus is a very important tool to offer africa young african students to possibilities just to study in europe so i think that we need to create this kind of in win situation and this kind of an equal partnership where every at the same time trying to improve the living conditions and actress to root causes of migration but at the same time also offer africans legal ways and paths to to come to europe to meeting and i was about also showed that there are differences not only
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mutual interests in the africa your partnership for example. a you commission president said that for example death penalty is one of these differences or the way if you sexual identities how do you respond to these differences. i think that. if you have equal and coach partnership you are able to discuss also about very difficult issues so also those issues which divides us and for instance sexual identity is a question which is of course very important for europeans but my understanding is that also if we talk to the young people in africa. they might see the 6 will identity differently than the older generation in africa so my my approach is that of course we need to respect to each other and that's also part
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of part of the partnerships i do your ideology but at the same time i think that we can openly and frankly discuss. different issues. i think that's something we've also tried to to year to appeal line in the e.u. commissioner for international partnerships now the animated film industry has seen remarkable growth and they've asked nigeria's fibrin economic capital a nigerian female animated demi loyalest honestly is the founder off s.m. i.d.s. animation studios she was inspired to provide kids with lovable african characters and it's increasing international visibility dermalogica lynsey special and for her job began at a young age she started to draw as a child to day after to kill her so she's a producer of only mission films mini educational series were to use children
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different nigerian languages she tells source how she got started. i think my very 1st 3 dan rated movie toy story that i watch while i was in secondary school just spark something in me i asked like wow people actually made this for leaving this what i want to do and i started out you know i got the software is that it and then online despite the fact. courses and i mean usually in their curriculum ease of access to the internal software tools and missions to do slinks me offering training internships boosted the rise of any meters on studios last year we had a full cost internship for just with men and that was a cautious effort on our part and show that we put as many more women into the fort as possible ensuring that we have brought gender represented anymore or cultures and one represented us was an open told which are full of stories and demi lovato inspiring the next generation of. why not i mean it's
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a nice. it's an amazing thing to do to create such contacts with people around the world what you. the question should be why not the largest international and immediate film festival this year has its focus on africa for the 1st time the festival is a competition between the 2 in film of different techniques and this international unlimited film festival will showcase africa. in their film festival this year this is very exciting news but in africa and the mission industry it will mean more visibility international collaboration for africa. and in particular for women in africa on a mission i believe that it's an opportunity to showcase some of the skills and talent that women in africa have and see how we can put that on the pedestal so that the water can see that you have amazing stories you have amazing characters and we're really here to to showcase that to the war. content to the world in time for her to break barriers and share her story.
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and that's it for now from every news africa. henri's on our website and facebook page will leave you now with these pictures off the end of days of films to this ms project we'll see you next time it's 5 now. showing up today don't miss our highlights. program. w dot com highlights. like germany which. any time i mean place. video.
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at a video game the 5th and final chapter of the cult classic. bots we begin with a restaurant that is really trying to do its bit to save the planet climate change and global warming i'll never fall from the headlines of the moment the owners of the restaurant freya aim to reduce the amount of waste in their restaurant to absolute 0 is this possible. plastic but not to this restaurant and. at the end of the day this is all that remains. these delegates of. free gemini's fit. for you just every city every restaurant in general should produce things in
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a most sustainable way. not. have a big responsibility to go.


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