tv Made in Germany Deutsche Welle March 11, 2020 12:30pm-1:01pm CET
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i mean the same thing tyson empires computers are doing with any they killed many civilians i mean that come including my father while. i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself that these totally he's suddenly life became our kind of. providing insights global news that matters d.w. made for mines. of. the new coronavirus has shaken global financial markets countless businesses are in jeopardy but the large scale shutdowns of factories and flight cancellations have an upside for the planet's
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a shop reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of course that's only temporary and that's why the european union is working on implementing a new green deal with the aim of becoming the 1st climate neutral continent by 2050 and it's opening up a host of opportunities for all sorts of what one might call green dealings. too bad europe did away with so much of its forests long ago today we know that trees are important for soaking up c o 2 so it seems crazy that the forestation is rampant in places like brazil and indonesia some of the most beautiful places in the world maybe all is not lost let me introduce you to a former investment banker who's now fighting to preserve the rainforests of borneo .
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you this tropical rain forest has stood for millennia but human beings would need very little time to destroy it driven by the desire to make money. like any other bankers who came through or i was. running money through. companies. to make profit from a typical banker. is heading out to his rain forest in borneo it covers an area twice the size of new york city. he's bought the rights to the land from the indonesian government for the next 60 years on condition that he protects the forest. i always believe that the environment has their value just like treating it like a real estate i thought that owning
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a rain forest you know it can have a better appreciation on value compared to real estate companies pay had to protect the forest like volkswagen the world's largest automaker buys carbon credits from her tonneau to compensate for the emissions put out by its cars neither she nor b.w. are willing to say how much they cost and are trying to says discussing prices openly would be damaging to business critics of the trade in carbon emissions say it allows companies to greenwash their image even as they continue to contribute to global warming we always said that there are grow up let's try to protect the rainforest but the reality is the past 20 years all the rain forests are pretty much gone in certain countries is because we believe that you know we should convert it into other use it's assess paper for human and for humanity needs but i think if there is a new model saying that you can still protect the rain forests and make money for the company and also giving benefit the communities while protecting the
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environment then that should be a new model going forward. just a few kilometers outside the protected sound the rain forest has disappeared here wildfires tore through the area after a prolonged period of heat but many times it's international companies who clear the forest in order to sell timber to gain grazing land for cattle or to set up palm oil plantations. in his area hard tonneau has set up the cutting gunmen tie a project to show others how the forest can be used to make money without destroying it in the process. he says the money from carbon emissions trading can help with that. hard tonneau has invested in initiatives like the school which provides instruction on how to climb a coconut tree for example. many of the people who have now gained jobs through hard tonneau previously earned their living selling tender now they're learning how
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to extract sugar from the south of the coconut tree financed by companies in europe . with the. coconut tree for the 1st time i was scared. but slowly the fear disappeared. and i want to climb 20 coconut trees a day. and i think i used to cut wood in the forest for a living and. the work was dangerous i only did it for my family. we needed the money until a lot of. investing in people and the local community is the goal but it's not the only goal projects like this are good for his customers image cars made by a company that's investing in people and helping to preserve the rain forest are likely to sell better. but when hard tonneau 1st started out it was by no means
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clear that a big corporation like b w would be interested in a small project and borneo. it took 11 years to finally start making profit. i mean some startup will have done that but i think not only that we are not we finally make profit we actually start having sales to thank for the past 10 years we really have 0 revenue and now we just have to believe in the concept. isn't claiming that his admissions trading project will fundamentally change how we manage and preserve our natural resources. back when he started climate change wasn't receiving the attention it is today. the concept of carbon trading with still in its infancy. partow took a risk starting out small but with a vision. and for him it's paying off. one
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absurd effect of the virus led slowdown is that some airlines are flying planes that a nearly empty to avoid losing airport landing slots any truly green deal will involve the inconvenient truth that corporations and consumers will have to radically change their ways in the coming years it wouldn't hurt to inform yourself about how you can adjust your lifestyle. say goodbye to c o 2 let's imagine 5 commandments for the climate. on the on the shelf not eat meat no more steak or sausages worldwide farming is responsible for 14 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions cattle emit clouds of me saying when they fart and belch so we can go vegetarian one day a week or even every day. number 2 that shalt not drive an automobile
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combustion engine road vehicles account for a quarter of c o 2 emissions so idea of fossil fuels and bulky cars low e. mobility but an electric scooter is a bit chilly in winter. the 3rd commandment thou shalt not fly a weekend in barcelona or a trip to the caribbean. flight shame alert commercial aviation contributes as much as 2 and a half percent of human c o 2 emissions and it's particularly damaging in the upper atmosphere. ok so we'll stay closer to the surface of the planet. number 4 not stream really but i don't have a television set anymore streaming is 10 times as bad for the environment as old style t.v. . server farms consume vast amounts of electricity digital technologies account for 4 percent of c o 2 emissions. and that could double by 2025 it's much worse than
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flying might be time to dust off that old analog t.v. set. and finally not invest in the wrong things namely companies that harm the environment even the world's largest asset manager blackrock says it wants to divest fossil fuel company holdings and go green and sustainable so if you want to invest choose wisely. at least we're still allowed to exhale our personal contribution to climate protection is important but above all it's regulated as an industry that have to move on the issue of emissions since $990.00 emissions of greenhouse gases in the european union have gone down by about 20 percent but that's not fast enough if they continue to fall at that rate the e.u. target of being climate neutral by mid century will not be reached europe's biggest companies have been focusing on a combined $59000000000.00 euros
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a year for protecting the planet that's not all that much over double that would be needed to meet the current targets pressure on corporations to play their part is growing especially from these 2 activists sweetens great attune bag and germany's louise annoyed powell who christian home and managed to get this exclusive interview with. that's what a tag if it was it would be tragic to think we have to keep on striking until the end of time to draw attention to the climate crisis that can't and won't work. louise annoyed by what is a leader of the friday so future protest movement in germany it brings together hundreds of thousands of mainly young people the 23 year old campaigns for climate protection along with greater 2 unbagged aiming to put pressure on politicians and business leaders she's also writing a thesis for her university degree on the question who is financing global warming
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ok for her and then you can make people tend to think of the climate crisis as if it were a natural phenomenon but it isn't i'm trying to demonstrate that by studying the capital flows underlying the crisis if politicians do things to regulate the fossil fuel energy market for example by phasing out coal fired power plants or issuing policy guidelines on financing oil coal and gas projects that demonstrably has a significant effect on how investors behave that they see what's going on and that means the private sector sometimes takes the lead and implements change faster than the public sector would. you particular would act as you once said you find it very sobering to talk to political leaders when you talk to corporate executives about the world's problems do you find them more inspiring he probably would have it we have i know that the climate crisis is constraining economic growth the way we commonly use the term that is and causing long term damage to the very foundations
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of our existence an economy. when reports come out risky valuations investment recommendations and such like that state quite clearly what you're doing is risky but there are alternatives and then business people sit up and listen closely at it i must do. it wasn't a daffy fish. the problem is that many key players in the economy have not yet realized that making money is not an end in itself and that nobody has the right to destroy other people's livelihoods in order to advance their own economic prosperity. climate activists are setting their sights on big corporations in january fridays for future demonstrated at zimmerman's headquarters about its role in a huge australian coal mine project louise annoyed called on z.-man c.e.o. joe kayser to end the company's involvement. too radical for corporate bosses.
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and it's not radical to say you control billions in funds and you have to take your responsibilities seriously i think nor is it radical to say we have to ensure that people living in other parts of the world can continue to live in safety in the future because we share responsibility for them it's not radical to say we're not going to invest in a coal mine because it could totally undermine the paris agreement target isn't it the saddest part is a conflict itself but i think it would be irrational to say we know that what we're doing to our planet threatens our very existence it's about life and death and also about the needs of existence of people who depend on the long term sustainability of the economy they want to have a future and attain some level of prosperity. which affleck and that had just kept from capping it does will there come a time when environmentalist activism on fridays a future would be needed anymore. i certainly hope so and the whole idea behind the
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strike is that it will achieve its goal and become superfluous. many people in germany don't understand why we take to the streets to protest. it's not because we think we have to are able to solve the climate crisis by ourselves it's more an appeal to everybody to assume responsibility and take their own role in all this seriously on the sets. environmentalist's of long declared carbon dioxide emissions the planet's number one enemy but technical innovation is seeing the greenhouse gas turned into a valuable friend carbon capture and recycling have the potential to create a truly circular economy especially in the chemicals industry have a look. almost nothing works these days without chemical and countless substances are obtained through chemical processes based on petroleum how could we ever do without it. personally i
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believe that in the future we will inhabit a very different world and it's the same for chemistry we will also have a very different world one in which even c o 2 may be a valuable role material. imagine yourself standing at your barbecue or your car with a liter of gasoline. you can use it to drive 100 kilometers or light a really big far. now imagine trying to capture that after it's been turned into c o 2. and turning it back into a leisure gasoline it's a lot of work. that's what we do here. the idea sounds simple instead of pumping carbon dioxide into the air we recycle the climate killer using it to make the same products that currently involve petroleum after all the most important ingredient of petroleum for the chemical industry is carbon it's an idea that companies have
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been researching for some time but only now with the 1st pilot plants available in this bio reactor a kind of artificial photosynthesis is taking place bacteria are converting c o 2 and water to produce chemicals that form the basic materials for paints cosmetics and softness. nature extracts carbon dioxide from the air and uses it to generate plant material trees and other things we want to copy the best of what nature has made and that's what we do here except we're not doing it with plants but with bacteria. but there is a catch with this technology it requires a lot of electricity. to make c o 2 recycling carbon neutral it has to use renewable energy. in the future that bio reactors will be built next to large wind farms power plants the carbon
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dioxide can be filtered from the emissions coming from industrial plants and of course it's also possible to take c o 2 directly from the air. technically a lot is possible but it's also important that the process results in products that customers want to buy the chemical company has developed a flexible foam with components that are about 20 percent c o 2 based can be processed into objects such as mattresses. we could change to using c o 2 as a raw material without further ado petroleum is currently the cheapest source and it's also the most convenient way to get large amounts of carbon for the chemical industry what you could do it differently. carbon dioxide could be used to make the same products that are currently made with petroleum including car paints plastics only greater cost petroleum can be replaced 9 9 9 but the chemical industry needs
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a complete overhaul to get ready for the transition. to a village in bavaria is leading the way in germany's shift to bring new ball energy but it hasn't happened overnight it was way ahead of the curve investing a sizable amount of money in green power sources starting more than 20 years ago and that is now paying off. it's all there in nature we don't need to take any energy from fossil sources under the ground plenty is given to us every day we just have to make use of it. is famous for pioneering the transition to green energy. the village produces 8 times as much bella tricity as its 2 and a half 1000 residents can use. generated not in one big plant but in the centralized fashion and is then made available to others via the grid.
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delegations from places all around the world have come to inspect this revolutionary bavarian village. they usually welcomed by a note saying. he's been a marrow for 23 years and has been involved in the shift to renewables from the start. in 1909 we asked everybody here how things should be in 2020 wind energy was just one of many different issues 92 percent said they were in favor which was a sensational result. people here are very proud of what's been developed. basically they've done it themselves. we can quote i've become thinking and thinking as i don't know. over the past 2 decades the villagers have invested 50000000 euro's in 300 photovoltaic systems and 9 wind turbines.
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we want to show that it is possible to create a regional circular economy for energy production and energy use this. of course it has to make economic sense so if it ilda profit and we save money and we're doing something positive for the environment that's doubly good. by going if there's nothing we stop it could. another father of the green revolution and build pulse rate is bendel in heinz ila. he's a farmer who started experimenting with renewable energy in the 1990 s. . he soon won over his fellow villagers and set up a wind farm cooperative. near the border to anyone who lives in the community where a windmill is located can invest. the more people join the lower the amount each
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may invest. their currently $5000.00 euro's and no more any higher amount and we have too much money that everybody keeps asking when are we going to build another winter behind the in the gut. i know has set up for bio gas plants on his farm they now heat the entire village. he designed some of the components himself. the energy sources are all local animal waste and grass soil age from 20 nearby farms together they replace 700000 liters of heating oil a year. i know the law says generating energy from biomass alone won't be enough to complete the transition to a new boss at the national level sun wind and hydropower are also needed. with their mix of. with the right mix it won't be hard to attain 100 percent renewable so many people don't believe that but it's true both with the traffic and
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the amount of clean energy we produce in billboard speed could also be generated in other communities districts and states way. before the. energy generation is no longer the big problem the 2 other key factors are energy storage and developing an intelligent grid so power can be moved to where it is needed. energy reservoirs are needed for days when the wind drops all the sun doesn't shine when demand is higher than usual. both these issues are addressed by the zone and company just outside. it makes lithium ion phosphate batteries which at night store the solar energy generated during the day. in combination with solar panels they enable households to become largely energy independent and crucially become pany also manages an electricity sharing system for this. year but they say it's cloudy
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here but the sun is shining in hamburg. and our customers in hamburg have energy in abundance. their batteries are fully charged and they feed the excess into the grid with the. community can then be used by our customers here and their link to via our zone and community that was the 1st step the 2nd was to approach the grid operators and offer to help them stabilize the grid. buttes ohio coming one day private power sharing could make a big utility companies and their power plants redundant. if communities everywhere went the way of a point 38 and set up autonomous energy generation and sharing networks. so do you like they are very intelligent start small think big and go green even the w.'s fashion guru gary elvis has been thinking about how sustainable his wardrobe is. i'm sorry i just have to talk to my producer for
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a 2nd while we you know. michel. i know that many of you think that i'm quite shallow but like most of you i do worry about the planet plastic pollution for example. so i've been asking myself how environmentally friendly is my dress code you know what i dare say that this dress code is far more sustainable and that of your average activist. let me explain like all good suits this one here is made of 100 percent well. if everybody in my office where a suit we could turn the heating down a notch in winter saving c o 2 saving the climate. quality suits hardly ever
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need a dry clean maybe once a year tops most of my suits are at least 5 years old and because they're all classics or wear them for at least another 5. durable repairable either just a ball in size and speaking of your ability to shoe is. made from 100 percent natural material level. practically indestructible by degradable shirt cotton. silks both materials that break down quickly. and i though i know fabrics and lettuce are chemically treated and diet i'm not saying that quality clothing has a 0 environmental impact but i can guarantee you this not a single shred of what i am wearing right now will end up inside
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he told africa. the mothers of the elephants that's what these women kenyans come on the wildlife conservancy call them so. they look after the elephants says they would their own children they're trying to protect these animals from orchards and to see that scarce resources are distributed responsibly about animals and people
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eat africa. 30 minutes gotta do. more. in the eye of climate change. because most of us. most instantly people. want to do yesterday have their future. d.w. dot com african american cities. get. a clear answer. i'm not laughing at them well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and whimper them and receptive and thanks even for gemma culture of looking at the stereotypes
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aquatics put in here think the future of the country that i now long time. needed seems to get his grandmother there just it's all about. my my job join me to meet the germans on the w. . post. is free to any it is full of surprises moved on. to some steps along the way the footsteps of the great britain insurance for learning most countably strict player. play 3 times longer but still very much alive. to specialise in germany. recognizing where exactly.
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what i learn a lot of our culture history and. still travel extremely worth a visit. places . this is g.w. news lar from berlin up to 70 percent of people in germany will be infected with the coronavirus in our 1st comments on the outbreak chance arkham arkell says the country must slow the spread of the disease to prevent the health systems from being overwhelmed. also coming up joe biden strengthens his position as a front runner in the us democratic presidential race after winning big primaries
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