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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 13, 2020 3:30pm-3:45pm CET

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we may think our supplies last forever. but. when the rains. starts march 20th and. this is data after news asia coming up captive to a coronavirus domestic workers face pressure to remain in their employer's homes even on their off days it's a virus containment measure but doesn't buy the block those rights plus from disinfecting mosques to stop hiding food countries across asia roll up their sleeves to combat the spread of the corona virus. and motorbike medics we need to enjoy what goes bridging the health care gap into remote parts of the country.
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i'm british manager welcome to news asia it's good to have you with us on kong was one of the 1st regions outside the chinese mainland to report deaths from the corona virus that was back in february since then at least 125 cases have been reported there as a precaution against the spread of the virus on number of residents are staying at home and avoiding contact with others and that is having an impact on the large community of domestic workers who are legally obligated to stay at the homes of their employers which now is running high this already vulnerable community of more than $400000.00 is finding that their rights and freedoms are being called into question. shaking off
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another lonely. the many of the women here this is their only opportunity to escape and on one's. own homes domestic workers are entitled to one day or week in groups of friends unknown together here every sunday in parks and green spaces but that's now changing earlier this year is hong kong got to grips with the coronavirus and break the labor department recommended that domestic workers stay at home and many and now finding their time off is no longer there were i mean i live there thankfully i'm really worried about the virus. like ticket i had my employer is worried too. but they think they're led to believe he's afraid i could become infected while hanging out with other helpers and then spread the virus to his family at home we all see by the i'm young. not her real name that didn't want to appear on camera concerns she could put her job at risk for speaking out. she like
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all domestic workers lives in her employee's apartment and sleeps in the utility room. she says she's facing pressure to stay at home. i am i know you thought i had to leave the house today could help a whole lot of what they are not my employees harness so phone if you found by me i'll go through about you know a grandfather or grandmother kids everyone has their own way out into and i don't have my own room and the fight is so small i. bulge to many employees fears over the virus hitting extremely close to home so many chances he and his family is staying inside as much as possible and expect his domestic worker to do the same he says the situation has left him feeling powerless. dictator but in this situation he needs the corporative of everyone there because of the war there so it's not compulsory for her to stay home we can't do nothing we can just
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discuss but if you can understand the situation but she still wants to go and we have no choice other employers taking a more hardline approach cindy adams has once a charity to support domestic workers she says she's dealing with disputes between employers and stop almost daily the outbreak she says is left an already vulnerable community even more risk some work is they staying at home is tantamount to working 7 days a week several she says have even been fined that they're put in a situation where yes this is quite difficult how would you agree i don't want to lose my job i cannot agree but i'm depressed i'm getting depressed and the question i ask is do other members of the part of the household go out oh yes they do the husband goes to work the grandmother comes here every day of course the children are here but if you are the only ones not allowed to go out then something is wrong
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. in a statement to the w. hong kong's labor department stressed it's illegal to deny domestic workers is one day off but the women like the son back in indonesia is relying on her income contradicting employees and often feel like a risk not worth taking. indonesia and other countries such as the philippines have been affected by the corona virus outbreak a member of the philippines as u.n. delegation in new york tested positive for the virus sending the entire delegation into quarantine in manila or saudis will begin implementing a travel ban and one of dean of the capital's 12000000 people despite less than 40 cases indonesia too is ramping up its response to the virus beginning with a massive disinfection campaign. this is in an eater's biggest mosque it can accommodate more than $10000.00 worshippers and it's an icon for the nation's believers but in times of the novel coronavirus it's
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a threat to public health which is why a drive is under way to disinfect this and thousands of other mosques under the watchful eye of the indonesian president we have rolled up and removed all the carpets because they are a potential source of disease and we are spraying disinfectant that. singapore is going a step further closing all mosques in the city state for at least 5 days. disinfection crews are becoming a common sight from seoul to tokyo to many. the philippine capital is now facing a month long lockdown after president what ricotta tatay issued an order to suspend all domestic travel to and from the city itself shoppers worried about food supplies. they said there be a lockdown a whiskered women appear to buy food to go hungry along with. the philippine government has thought to reassure citizens and cautioned against panic buying we
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would like to stress that the transport of goods. from the provinces and vice versa will remain subject to guidelines. don't panic and don't stockpile. travel and large gatherings that's the message being peddled across asia as the continent tries to slow the spread of the virus. official numbers from the epicenter of the outbreak suggest it's possible on friday china reported just 5 new cases of the coronavirus in were han the lowest daily tally in the city since january. these days the virus is spreading faster in other countries in asia and the wild. joining us for more is did i'm a correspondent pretty thought consumer portray from our jakarta bureau princella besides disinfecting mosques how is indonesia putting the spread of the corona
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virus in the country yeah well actually we have the does in fact a liquid all over the. this goes you know at the m.r. to station and also the commuter line by the government have another you know member to really tackle the crew virus is they have the travel ban for 4 months in fact it countries about 1000 is mainly in china south korea it away and also iran and if you know they happen to be visited. the country is 1000 days or they have travel history of working in that form was in that countries we cannot go into the media and basically we don't have feel locked down and also the current t.v. but i think the that infusions are very aware of their health and they're looking for the you know the surgery mouse in also the is in fact lately and also if we you
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know go to the market we cannot find. all of this in fact it is very very clear on the market right now we have to pay for like 500000 views for just one wants but this is the mosque has there been any impact on indonesia's economy or from the coronavirus or brick. yeah on the tourism sector we actually have the loss of total predicted that predicted at $1500000000.00 us dollars so that they already made the 1st stimulus package. which you know they give a discount for the hotel of the restaurants and also that you get prize and asked for it today the government also said that they have the 2nd stimulus fiscal package which is you know people who don't have to pay their taxes for 6 months starting in april ever try to money so that yes that's basically what they do to
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really you know solve the problem at the economy and people who doesn't have to be for that tax is only for those manufacturing sector it doesn't apply to. a worker in general it's you know all on the manufacturing sector right breather soma speaking to us from jakarta thank you very much for that. and there are more terms of myanmar getting access to adequate health care isn't easy mountainous terrain makes it difficult to act as you in the most basic services but in some hard to reach places such as the self administered nagar zone on the indian border in georgia helping fill the health care gaps however in a region where many still rely on traditional remedies building trust and never good to bad roads remain for medical challenges. all in a day's commute for these daring doctors in myanmar as remote found north. this is
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naga territory a tribal region of 4 my head hunters near the indian border isolated from the rest of the country it's desperately underdeveloped. 0. while his teams go village to village giving health education sessions and opening mobile clinics that run long into the night. this little boy has rickets a disease that results in weak bones he was unable to walk to stick a couple of months ago after a course of vitamin d. and calcium the 6 year old is on the mend the ngo also helps get emergency cases to hospital often several days walk away. we have no motorbikes and no money to pay for a motorbike taxi to get to hospital as farmers we have many things to do. so here
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crucially the medical teams are also training up a volunteer in each of the regions 275 villages the trainees give out by sick medicines scream 50000000000 carry out on the spot malaria tests. time pay has been a volunteer for nearly 3 years but a family's been in the healing business for generations her mother is the village shannon. people normally come to me 1st i give medicines to them and they only go to my mum if they don't get better. one example her mum says was a man who severe swelling wasn't going away in hospital near. look over a longer than we needed to call his soul back from the jungle. to. say we sacrificed a chicken. and the patient got better than you that it were many more like you were
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. changing habits might take time but the volunteers are helping bring modern medicine to this remote region bridging the health care gap thanks to their bands of mentors on motorbikes and there's more our web site the double dot com forward slash asia that's over dinner with. more we will send you that. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers with miles of. what's your story ready ready. i mean when i was a women especially in victims of violence in. take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture. another visitor another guest you want to become
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a citizen. in so migrants your platform for reliable information. a week to forget the new coronavirus wipes trillions more of. china tries getting production back up and running other governments throw money at the sentiment of the south. european union promises maximum flexibility in state aid and fiscal rules to help member states weather the storm. the virus death toll continues to climb in a run as officials plea for billions in loans from the international monetary fund . and how japan's famous stock in companies from fukushima managing to stay afloat almost a decade after that nuclear meltdown. like influence that's your business it's been
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quite a ride for markets around the world this week mostly in the one direction downwards asian indexes were in for much of the pain even as china continued to send positive signals about declining case numbers and factory rio things taking a look at how shares fared over the full week not a pretty picture on kong's hang saying down almost 10 percent after investors dismissed the government's stimulus plans tokyo's nikkei and the south korean cost both enjoying double digit losses as the global scene worsens but it's not just the stock market that's in turmoil ordinary small and medium sized businesses are fighting for survival it's causing a big headache for global supply chains especially with firms that souls from china . life in china seems to be getting back to north.


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