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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  March 14, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm CET

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i. don't know it's not easy to go to another country you know nothing about why i don't do this because we can't stay and it's winner not. that. closely global news that matters. made for minds. you're. welcome to in good shape today's topics. pills or physio therapy what's better for your headache. just this compound found in cannabis have medical applications. and painkillers and there are side effects here's your host dr. hello and welcome to in good shape painting this is not
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a bad thing in and of itself because it was here with it something wrong is going on inside your body but there's a problem when the pain gets chronic like an austere freitas migraines and then you have to see a pain doctor like doctor think here at the francisco's hospital in berlin and he's the head of the pain clinic. what's patients with severe chronic pain really need is a companion a professional companion who is helping them to fight the pain and to have a goal for the future. well i think we all have some pain medication at home and this is ok because if you've got a serious to say headache it's ok to take a pill but beware. the dangers in some medications have serious side effects
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really harming the body. is a mess 4 years ago she became a patient in her own clinic but chronic pain has become unbearable. thanks madson happy i often feel pain in my back at work i forget my job requires me to lift heavy patients and push heavy beds around things like that. myself and so forth and so i've been in pain for about 20 years. she's been through a lot of various doctors different therapies and lots of painkillers. but painkillers often have side effects. mind if you think you can just keep treating pain yourself without going to a doctor and it's been going on for a long time you can get very dangerous. one reason is you might not be medicating
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in the best way for the condition and the side effects can make your life difficult . and. the reason that painkillers like ibuprofen and aspirin have side effect is due to the way they work injured or inflame too she releases certain fatty acids these are converted by so-called cox enzymes into messengers substances known as prostate gland ins these messenger substances bind themselves to pain receptors at the know the ending they transmit the pain signal to the central nervous system ibuprofen aspirin and similar drugs dampen the cox enzymes activity the body produces fewer prostitute landon's and the pain goes away across the plantains also regulate other bodily functions like blood clotting liver function and the regeneration of mucus membranes in the gut. an overdose of the.
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these over the counter painkillers can cause kidney damage liver damage which in some cases then requires organ transplants and you can have stomach bleeding patients are also more at risk of having a stroke especially patients who already had a heart attack so they should be very cautious about these drugs. is also a patient at the pain clinic she has multiple sclerosis and has had severe back pain for years several operations didn't help. you're always looking around for something to relieve the pain so of course i took over the counter drugs my experience was that they didn't help. but this side effects were terrible. my stomachs in terrible shape i often have no appetite and have to throw up. because the side
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effects were so bad doctors switched like unified to prescription opioids opioids act directly in the central nervous system and the brain there they block the transmission of pain signals between nerve cells opioids don't cause the typical side effects of over the counter pain killers but there's the threat of overdose and addiction and their effect also diminishes over time. that's what happened to thinking of 5. suspects with the opioid stop having an effect that happens often if you take opioids over a longer period of time they stop having the desired effect. so marcus young blue doesn't prescribe either opioids or over the counter painkillers as a daily treatment for pain. instead he and his team of specialists therapists and psychologists develop tailor made treatment plans for each of their patients. as.
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we give our patients a very thorough orthopedic examination from head to toe. it's not enough to simply look at an m.r.i. and say you have a herniated disk. or a constriction. especially with pain patients you have to take a holistic approach to get down to the different causes or consequences of. thank you enough doesn't need opioids anymore thanks to the therapy she received in a pain clinic she now only takes one medicine that cannabinoids spray but m.s. patients often prescribed. and i'm glad that it still gives me some relief it's the only thing that does i'm also very careful with it because i'm too afraid that something will happen again. i asked yet. brits and i think you know now both know that painkillers can't heal you they can reduce the symptoms but in
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the long run they can also make you ill. just kinds of really doesn't make sense to just take painkillers for 4 days wonder why it's not getting better and hope it'll go away on its own that's not a good approach. let's get some pain free yet but she's learned how to deal with the problem and she does exercises that help and definitely have no side effects. and. he's an anesthesiologist and a specialist in healing that is and thanks for having me today and let's start this kind of consultation let's kick it off with a question. krista from lima writes that his girlfriend often has a headache and she always pops tablets to treat the headaches another is a little concerned about the side effects so what do you think do you have to take painkillers and headaches where the limits are crossed of all i think it's to take
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pills when you have severe pain because we have to function we won't be happy and want our life but we should not forget that these painkillers can every severe side effects especially if you go above the allowed limited dozers but we have much smarter ways especially when we can change our lives our behavior they have exactly the same a life so little bit conservative about this and say you can treat headaches in a different way not all of us with pills but as a g.p. i know that there is something like a pain memory what about this weekend of pain memory which can be biological specially if the nerves. and then the whole brain is changing the structure but there is quite rare and much more common is the social pain memory. where we change our behavior. and we changed our role from a normal person to the role of pain patients which is
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a so-called social pain memory but sometimes you have to take medication you have to take a pill and then there are side effects that can be stomach pain stomach ulcers that can be bleeding and they can also be problems with the heart and patients must know about that so it's about the non steroids pain medication yes but there are newer drugs of the same class which are safer for the stuff we have the so-called hips which would cause really less problems with the stomach but they have exactly the same problems for the heart so if you have patients so who have a severe heart disease coronary heart disease they should take these drugs only was a caution so sometimes as a doctor we have to switch from those kinds of medication to more centrally acting structures and drugs like opioids so when we have to prescribe this are in general the opiates are not toxic so they do not cause damage to the internal organs and. i
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prescribe them if i think they are useful so we try to determine a treatment goal. for example that the patients kind of a better sleep at night that they can walk better. they can sit longer they can think better have more happiness in life and then so we have this defined goal what we have and then we can we can figure out if with the help of these we can attain this goal but addictive or kids can be addictive if they have a very rapid onset of action in the brain and this is if you take them intravenously or you take drops but if you take retouched tablets or plasters there's no problem at all but there is an opiate crisis in the united states about 2000000 people got addicted and this is because the. predetermining treatment i think and without any control of the patient the patient the physician
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. patient clinic if you see a lot of patients. and it's always very important to find out what type of patients have. the right. testing henning's daughter nicole and granddaughter mira have come to visit us. the 54 year old does her best to be there for her family. but the frequent pain she experiences means that even a simple meeting like this can be hard to keep. one person in the moment the worst thing is that the headaches come on at the most inconvenient turning this into she doesn't even one that you might want to go out and then be hit with a headache. i try to avoid public events because it's lots of hustle and bustle so few loud. and that's too much of a strain for me. keston suffered from different kinds of headaches
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since she was a child and. over time they got worse. she's learned to identify what kind of headache is coming on. now she can put into words the type of pain that she's experiencing as a tension headaches all involved pressure not a hammering or anything like that more of a pressure as if you were wearing something tight wrapped around your head. and migraines come either from the right or the left and that's a kind of throbbing or hammering in your head. when i. was having rice to see you come in. these days she's managed to get the migraines under control thanks to a category of drugs called triptans. every 3 months she's given a low dosage injection of the neurotoxin botox.
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clusters that play a role in migraine formation it also blocks neurotransmitters that can trigger migraine attack patients get injections every 3 months for most migraine is reduced to a much more bearable level tweet missions most. canton also takes antidepressants to alleviate her tension headaches. these kinds of drugs can help some patients have fewer and less severe headaches. but even if they're less painful than before kasten still gets tension headaches almost every day. for additional relief she goes to physio therapy. she suffers in particular from tension in her shoulder and neck a common complaint among patients with tension headaches. and. you have to take a closer look at the tension headache to see where the tension is coming from the
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tension in the neck because somewhere else so you have to examine it very closely. it can have its roots in stress or anxiety disorders there are quite a few different causes. exercises that help strengthen core muscles can help ease neck tension but regular training is key over the years cancer and got used to taking painkillers on a daily basis but that itself took its toll. so wish me to come and to know i used to take drugs constantly just to get through the day. and of course i had to find a way to stop that because too many painkillers can cause even more headaches. and that's the opposite of what you want. with. cutting down on pain killers wasn't easy but captain hasn't given up she works full time in
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a large station authority a big challenge for someone who is constantly in pain but she's found ways of coping and if we are. in the past i would come home and do all the chores right away start i got up early in the morning and did everything. and if someone wanted something from me i didn't say no but now i'm taking a common approach. and she now spends the evening trying things she enjoys the focus on activities that help her to relax. we just saw in the report that pills cannot always solve the problem when it comes to chronic pain so how important are psychological aspects and pain management. psychological aspects of very very important pills just just working on one some ethic specific small part of the pain. but we must know the pain is a. is just one aspect of the whole of the whole system of the human
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and the human consists of a soul of emotions of feelings and of the body so if we want be successful see the patient as a whole unit which is complex and if you just create a small part of it this will not help could tell you what kind of factors complicate pain management on the biological side that we have neuropathic pain which is pain of the nerves which is very hard to treat but we also have. the knowledge that pain is influenced by psychological problems which can be depression anxiety disorders post-traumatic stress disorder from soldiers etc and when we have patients who suffer from both sides from the biological side and from the psychological side we must take both aspects into consideration and treat both as pic the pair of at the same time so here you are patient clinic and you offer a holistic approach to pain management so ho often does it happen that patients
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have to stop taking pain medication altogether before you can treat them never. patients never have to stop any medication before they come to us because we offer at the same time we often you would type of treatment. and sometimes we decide together with the patients that it's wise to decrease the previous. treatment to go dog with a dose to replace it by a better type of treatment which can be another drug which can be a psychological treatment so patients don't have to worry that if they come to you with that you're texting away from them they never have to vary they never have to vary and see you. as a g.p.m. equated to 2 kinds of patients one which are quite hypochondriac if something's painful they just come to me and say i want to have some pain medication and on the other hand there are some patients who are really in pain they don't want to take anything so how do they decide when to see dr thing. patients go to a doctor if the things will go to a doctor from my side as a physician not as
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a patient i would say i would recommend if the pain is. such a big impact on my daily life and. the problems with sleeping with walking with happiness then i should try to visit the doctor because it's always good 1st to try to solve my problems by myself but if it's not working i should. talk with somebody who is professional and you as a professional can you always heal pain no i cannot well what i can and what i like to do is to like to listen to my patients have. their problems. really because a lot of this job. and patients normally are very happy if we really talk about it if they have the feeling i understand them and most of the times we can help somehow to complete complete 0 pain is not realistic
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unfortunately it's very humble thanks for this very interesting talk and if you've got any questions to our experts be sure to catch me in e-mail. weekly how shallow and d.w.t. many aspects of health can we. what's new in medical treatment nutrition fitness and beauty we just these topics in depth with specialists and a few opportunities to pose your own questions so get in touch. and aspirin a day reduces your chances of having a heart attack or stroke unfortunately that's a myth if you're healthy taking aspirin or regular basis when your whole thing can be quite dangerous. over $10000000.00 people die each year from heart attacks and strokes. these cardiovascular
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diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide. for decades aspirin was seen as an effective drug for preventing vascular disease and strokes. made by the wonder drug is one of the most popular pills in the history of medicine. around the world millions of healthy people over 60 have been advised to take an aspirin a day to lower the risk of heart attack as a blood thinning medication it prevents blood clots from forming clots in the arteries veins and heart can cause heart attacks and strokes. so taking an aspirin a day for heart health would seem to make sense. but it's not that simple in fact the drug can have serious side effects. intestinal
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specialist mathias it explains. just given that aspirin is a medication that inhibits particular proteins in the stomach and the gastric mucosa but we need these proteins in order for the cast. closer to regenerate if that doesn't happen it's susceptible to injury to show these injuries might start to bleed. effect. so people who take aspirin on a regular basis could have an increased risk of bleeding from the lining of the stomach and does it really prevent cardiovascular disease. stop at the sort of the aspirin and reducing events in the elderly trials known as asprey looked at 20000 adults over 70 with various risk factors such as high blood pressure high cholesterol and diabetes. the aim was to see whether low dose aspirin $100.00 milligrams a day could prevent cardiovascular disease it showed that it led to
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a minimal reduction in cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. the aspirin trial divided 20000 people into 2 randomized groups. over the course of several years one group was given aspirin every day the other group placebo. participants were unaware which group that belong to. the study showed that aspirin did not significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks or strokes when taken by older adults who hadn't experienced either condition before. the risk of serious bleeding among the aspirin takers was increased compared to the placebo group. in recent years the idea that aspirin protects against cancer has been gaining traction. the asprey study looked into that as well. so i want to show. this come some types of
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clouds it actually transpired that there was an increase in the incidence of tumors and the principle of primary prevention of cancer which is the prevention of tumors in the elderly couldn't be proven this. so i'd say that aspirin has no overall effect on cancer prevention. all in all not be the wonder drug it's being touted as in particular as a preventative measure healthy people shouldn't be taking it for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease the risks far outweigh the benefits. but for those who have a history of heart attack or stroke there is indeed a proven benefit. sprint's blood thinning properties can help reduce the risk of a repeat event. for some it's
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a medical that others. i'm talking about the. more specific active in. fact that will help the. c.b.d. is one of the active ingredients in cannabis it's touted as a remedy for all kinds of diseases but to the products actually help against migraine assman or even diabetes like the advertising promises. neurologist and natural health practitioner dr. has studied the issue he says more research is needed. the claims that it's an antioxidant and the inflammatory effective in treating nausea and effective in inhibiting epileptic seizures are for the most part actually true. basic research has been done in the areas i just mentioned and there are also individual clinical studies for example studies about people who
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have epilepsy that doesn't respond to other medicines but c.b.d. works that despite the positive benefits there hasn't been enough studies done on the ones that were done were too small in scope and in some cases when their quality was lacking. those who draw the wrong conclusions from all the claims made these days could even harm their health rather than help it. if someone for example reads in a brochure about the anti diabetic effect of c.b.d. that it helps reduce blood sugar levels but it could give diabetic patients false hope when they might think they can reduce their insulin dose in the worst case scenario they do it without consulting a doctor they can put themselves at serious risk of music. in general advises caution he wants his patients not to take large doses of c.b.d. . that's it from today soon it's weekend on so then let's all try to stay in good
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more. question what do you get 35 pounds of concrete blocks the form of 120 meter high tower around a crane has 6 arms on it. our enables the storage of renewable energy but how exactly does this contraption work. tomorrow to. 30 minutes dollars.
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electric cars save the climate. we need to rid transportation of its c o 2 footprint. but their battery is the most expensive and eco unfriendly component . marketed as 0 emissions cars there are a catastrophe for the environmental claims humanity in the making a claim oh no 75 minutes on w. . 9 gemini lifting the debt ceiling at any time putting any place using names medium as captain of the back of the car so missing along to see just a combo from super fun seats. for. interactive exercises.
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is d.w. news live from berlin spain prepares to go along down after a large spike in the number of corona virus infections streets are empty and shops are closed as the government is poised to order spaniards across the country to stay home unless it's essential teen while china's quarantine appears to have paid off the country begins to come out of hibernation as the number of new coronavirus cases drops to a handful. and it may be time to say goodbye.


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