tv DW News Deutsche Welle March 16, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm CET
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this is day 2 of the news live from buckley in germany announces sweeping restrictions to stem the spread of coronavirus the government bans religious gatherings on all those not essential shops to close the country's already shops schools and partially closed its borders thompson i'm going back home is expected to address the nation shortly also on the program. president of being your commission i proposes a closing of blocks external forces to slow the spread of the virus. there is calling for a 1st date found on nonessential travel into the the. virus figures triggered a fresh stock sell off u.s. markets plummet 10 percent triggering a pause in trading for the 1st time in 2 weeks european and asian markets nosedive
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despite aggressive monitoring interventions. i'm phil gail welcome to the program. german government has announced a series of bans and restrictions in response to the coronavirus pandemic i'm going to magically expected to announce the next phase of the government's action plan in just under an hour across the country all nonessential shops will close as will bars restaurants or concert halls and theaters and museums religious services will be halted until further notice germany has already partially closed its borders with france luxembourg switzerland austria and denmark so far at least 14 people in germany have died from the current virus. and get more on this from political
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correspondent to hans brandt welcome once one of these latest german restrictions due to come into effect well that'll be different from one federal state to the other in this federal state of bavaria these measures were already basically announced and implemented this morning and they will take effect on wednesday in other federal states things are still moving each of the federal states there are 16 of those in germany will have to decide for itself exactly what restrictions and in what form it's going to impose these you know for instance the opening hours of certain restaurants that will be a law it will need to be determined by each state separately and so on so i expect that this will take effect probably within the next couple of days i doubt that it will take effect immediately and not tomorrow i suspect but from wednesday on wards i think all of germany was slowly start shutting down so looking ahead to the chancellor's the statement in the next hour or so there is speculation that you
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call a state of emergency is what powers will that to give to authorize his. well we have no confirmation of that and there's no indication at the moment whether or not that is going to happen but if there were such a move that would certainly be very drastic it's something that is extremely rare in germany and the main effect would be to sort of short circuit these long long chains of decision that we are talking about something is the moment basically recommended by central government it is then implemented by the various federal states and to some extent the various municipalities cities and so on also still have a say in the matter if emergency powers were to be given to the central government all of that would be short circuited things would happen a lot more quickly the german central government would have a lot more power over the federal states and and their organs of state of a federal police for instance in the various states there's also
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a possibility then of deploying the german army inside the country to fulfill police roles if it should turn out that there's not enough policemen to control the effects so to god for instance hospitals things like that and how germany's hospitals and health systems cope and at the moment. well at the moment one has to say that this big wave is big wave of severely sick people that need to be treated in intensive care or that even need to go into a breathing operators that has not yet arrived in a future wave in german hospitals they're still preparing for that case but in fact all the measures that are being taken at the moment are intended to slow down those number of severely ill people getting into hospitals because that's really where the bottleneck is that's where the danger is if too many people come too quickly into the hospitals if the intensive care units are overburdened by sick people that
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will mean a lot more of the severe people are likely to die and that's what these measures and all other measures that have been implemented in recent days and weeks are trying to prevent thanks for political correspondent well germany joins a growing list of e.u. countries imposing full or partial closures of its borders in an attempt to pandemic a balance announce controls of the country's borders with switzerland austria denmark luxembourg and france gridlock on the french german border these cars have been waiting for at least 30 minutes to end to germany this wouldn't it so we're sending back any vehicle which is not being granted special status to enter germany has a valid reasons across going to. it's just one of many makeshift border controls set up on monday in a bid to stem the corona virus outbreak german citizens and residents may continue through as can delivery drivers and those commuting to work anyone displaying
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coronavirus symptoms will be handed over to health authorities. does an english like minded normal actually they need to protect somehow from everything that's been happening it's really bad at the moment there is no set time frame for these travel restrictions and the government says it might extend them to borders with other neighboring countries. britain stem the spread of a coronavirus the european commission president has just proposed a 30 day ban on all nonessential travel to the e.u. sort of on the line and i'm sure the proposal after a conference call with g 7 leaders restrictions could be extended after the initial 30 day period we inform today our g 7 partners that we proposed to introduce a temporary restriction on nonessential travel to the european union why that because we think nonessential travel should be reduced right now to in order to not to spread the virus further be it within the european union or by leaving the
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european union but also to avoid non-essential travel not to have more potential strain on our health care system of course there will be exemptions for example for e.u. citizens coming back home for health care workers like doctors and nurses but also scientists working on the solution of this health crisis we do see but also. people commuting on borders who are working on both sides of the borders for example there will be exemptions it is a restriction that should be in place for an initial period of 30 days and we have been talking about that with the g 7 partners. because on the gold matters in brussels is standing by to talk us through this welcome go. tell us more about these restrictions. quite extreme measures the head of the
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european commission is suggesting here the closure of extra nl even borders by the way including a country such as norway and switzerland so we're looking in a total of 30 countries that would be closing their extra not borders allowing us from the line has pointed out essential traffic to continue via the external borders in other words a medical goods would be able to enter but also people who work inside the e.u. would continue to be able to enter but nonessential travel would be excluded so those people could no longer come into the e.u. the idea here being that the e.u. that individual member states will restrain from closing their borders in order to protect their population because this in dangers and the commission president is quite clear on that this in danger is the internal market and in by endangering the internal market it is in danger is the entire supply chain of medical goods and of
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people who provide food for each other so so these sensuous inside the e.u. should continue running corporation is a big work in these days ok so this is a proposal from the commission at this stage it's got to get a yes from heads of government and the palm and it's not likely to be any resistance now much from the line set that she talked prior to. making this proposal to individual governments and she said overwhelmingly that this is this measure is being welcomed by member states but formally it has to be consented and that is what the commission will seek tomorrow good talking to fans for now i get did i become sponsored gap mattress in brussels . well markets around the world are beginning to wake with heavy losses germany's benchmark dax fell 10 percent dipping below the $9000.00 point for
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the 1st time since that $26.00 day in the coronavirus continue to dash traders hopes of a turnaround on wall street. and the start of trading out on new york we have the bell see you told if a stock prices this was the scene on the big board a few seconds later the dow down an enormous 9.71 percent that it has now slightly recovered trading on the s. and p. $500.00 was suspended after a 9 percent for. straight to new york where we join t.w. financial correspondent a yes quarter welcome yes on the floor yeah well i just came back from europe last week thursday i've been to switzerland and germany actually and so there is a new policy from the new york stock exchange if you travel that you're not allowed to come back in for the next 2 weeks so i have to be unselfish karen teen for 2
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weeks now at least i got a test for free so i will actually learn by tonight if i'm tested negative well fingers crossed for that u.s. markets were up on friday and now we have this dramatic sell off so what changed over the weekend. well basically everything changed them on friday there was some hope that the worst might be behind us even if i think there was also some automated trading going on so why markets went up by so much but now over the weekend we heard that new york basically is a little down and that's true for most parts of the united states and schools are closed at least till april 20th so there was talk that there might even be a travel ban wist in the united states if you look at the stocks off the big u.s. ally and they're all down by more than 10 percent and restaurants are close no one is traveling anymore so it's quite obvious that we will see some severe economic
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consequences and therefore those so huge selloff that we experience here on monday the u.s. federal reserve another rate cut over the weekend that doesn't seem to doesn't seem to have helped and it was actually quite massive did get rates back down to almost 0100 percent basis point cut by interest rates and also a new quantitative easing program meaning the federal reserve says we're going to buy treasuries and also mortgage backed securities over the next couple of weeks in the amount of a good $700000000000.00 that is very massive but the problem is we have a health situation we have a health crisis going on and you can't really do anything to it to really get the economy going before this house crisis is over so if you look at so the federal level you can try was certain a tax incentive stimulus programs to actually help the population so to to better deal with it but you won't kick start the economy at this point 1st we
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have to get over was the house crisis and then you can start with fiscal and monetary policies some stimulus packages to help the u.s. economy yes. thank you. well let's see us mark if you let's take a look at the politics now datable is washington bureau chief is alexandra naam welcome alexandra the white house has been criticized for failing to come up with a coordinated response to the pandemic is it likely to happen now. well google sees some sort of response today that's for sure the question is what it's going to look like white house coronavirus task force pushed a briefing that was scheduled to take place this morning to 330 eastern time in the afternoon presumably to have more time to respond to what's going on and talk a market however as you said it is true that ministration
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has been facing a lot of criticism president trump in particular according to a new poll a majority of you as a voter us does approve his handling of this crisis only on friday he the clergy and national emergency but at the same time he is sending a mixed message on the corona virus pandemic only yesterday during the briefing at the white house he said that it is a contagious virus it's incredible but it's something that we have tremendous control of a very very remarkable statement that was contradicted only a few minutes later by talk to us infectious disease expert and member of the white house task force dr felt she said that the worst is yet to come for the you asked and that the way how they respond to the crisis will determine
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what the final point is going to be interesting story. this morning germany criticizing the white house over coronavirus of vaccine being developed to here in germany what are you hearing. so according to media reports donald trump offered large sums of money to cure veg biopharmaceutical firm based in germany to convince them to relocate relocate their corona virus vaccine research to the united states and of course the german government reacted very quickly by saying germany is not for sale but we also have to say that the company they say said that there was no offer from the white house and i have reached oh it's to their white house press office to get a statement on that but i haven't heard from them so far i was under
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a phenomenon in washington thank you. italy is the frontline of europe's corona virus outbreak with the whole country on lockdown daily life is all but ground to hold over your central shops are open public gatherings and travel abandoned people told to stay at home the country 4368 new coronavirus related deaths on sunday the worst single day toll of any country since the crisis began. correspondent sima copter is in rome she told us why we're seeing such high mortality right especially on his north well what you're seeing now in a way it's it's immense and it is very tragic but it was expected because what you see now would be inspections that happened before the slow down measures put into place when the prime minister knocked down the entire country is that he essentially says the impact of those measures are not going to be seen for
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a couple of weeks so that's what you're seeing right now not the 11 towns that were originally put on those restrictive measures there we're already seeing a slowdown been factions but you're not going to be able to see any impact for a little while and that's why the prime minister has said that currently the situation is very critical and everybody needs to do the a pot in order to slow down the fiction on top of that the bigger of deaths that we're seeing $368.00 just in the last 24 hours it's only has an elderly population a quarter of the population is over the age of 65 it's one of the oldest populations in the world and we do know that covert 900 particularly impacts the most vulnerable of society elderly and those with underlying health conditions so that's why you see these numbers. so we're going to run on another world coronavirus hotspots is spain which has the 4th highest incidence moving ahead of south korea a 2 week lockdowns already in place which the government is considering extending
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as well as possibly closing the country's borders of operation of 47000000 is being told to stay at home spending an entire day at home together is something the erkki thoughts family haven't done for a long time before trying to make the best of a difficult situation amid madrid's coronavirus look down indigo is employed as a bank and can therefore work from home while his daughter is able to access her schoolwork via the internet but it's his parents in bilbao that worry him. more you have not been going outside i hope here in madrid police drones with loud speakers are telling us to stay home. if you have been going to tell you to stay inside that's what you have to do you can't go around spreading the virus. your 14 year old paul is working studiously through her school exercises but it isn't always easy without the teacher. them and no demo to send you on the exercises that sometimes you don't understand then you can ask your parents but they might not
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remember learning this stuff so they're not much help either. madrid a city known for its bustling streets and vibrant atmosphere has fallen eerily quiet never in the history of spanish democracy have such drastic measures been taken according to the government. only those shopping for essential of heading to work or visiting a doctor or pharmacy are allowed out on the streets some rule breakers are treated leniently by police others are threatened with fines. for the orchy thoughts family the curfew brings its own difficulties but they're determined to comply as much as possible yako is their biggest worry for any leopard or puppies aren't exactly ideal companions during a global health crisis but it wasn't. he's always looking for attention from strangers and he loves getting cuddles from home to begin to see everybody as a potential source of infection. you begin to go a little crazy in isolation laura tells us but then nothing here is as it should be
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at the moment those in madrid simply need to hold out in the hope that things return to normal soon. there's more of the latest coronavirus developments tanzania and somalia are the latest east african countries to confirm 1st infections as neighboring countries close their borders and schools they are a continue to move away from its original epicenter in asia as china where 1st cases were detected in december now accounts for less than half the international total of more than $175000.00 the 1st participant in a clinical trial of a vaccine for the new coronavirus will receive an experimental dose at the research institute in the us state of washington and iran is reporting another $129.00 coronavirus deaths taking its toll to $853.00 meanwhile experts are scrambling to find medications that could help fight this one existing drug in particular has given scientists new hope of more on that we're joined by d.w. science correspondent derrick williams welcome derek the drug scientists excited
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was actually developed to fight it bola tell us more about it. well the drug is called and does appear and it was originally to designed to in the fight against the but it actually didn't prove terrifically effectively it effective against people of what it did prove to be more effective against were coronaviruses they tested it against sars and mers and it and it works by messing up a very basic level with replication of the virus that's the effective mechanism for the good thing about this particular drug in the reason they're sort of moving they're not trying to develop drugs from scratch because that takes far too long instead they're looking for existing drugs that have already jumped through some or all of the existing regulatory kind of hoops and and rendez if you're has proven safe and that's a big step forward and now they're testing it it's and i think 5 different clinical tests don't be going on through april in 5 different places including one here
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involving hospitals here in germany to see whether or not it's affective against the virus i know the potential treatment that's got scientists quite excited is a vaccine being developed by a german company q of ak so interesting indeed that u.s. president trump reportedly tried to buy it for the u.s. exclusively why all the excitement. we're moving away now from medications these and he virus which are which are there for treating people who have an active infection to towards looking towards prevention so that seems are a much longer term or a much longer term that now understand what your back has done they specialize in a particular kind of vaccine called an r. and a vaccine now are any molecules containing the instructions for producing sort of viral proteins viral proteins viral proteins or what part of this substance in a back scene that causes your body to acquire an immune response that your body in
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the future will react against that if ever if it ever recognizes that protein now by will proteins however a very difficult to manufacture and r.n.a. is a simpler aren't any vaccines are a simpler way of doing that they can change the instructions for producing these proteins and so if you inject these instructions into the body you can get the body to produce these proteins on its own that it doesn't have to be manufactured in a facility and are any is also much more it's much easier to produce you can actually print it there are certain printers that can that can print these strings of these molecules so basically the difference is instead of growing proteins in a manufacturing facility which is very time intensive without any back to injure printing the instructions on how to make those proteins and then putting them into the body and getting it to manufacture the proteins for you if it works it could potentially save a lot of time which is why there's all the excitement around it because it has the potential to bring results much more quickly than classic vaccines to talking to
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thank you so much but they don't do science correspondent. well outside the europe infection rates are currently much lower but global health authorities are worried that less developed countries will struggle to deal with the challenges posed by this pandemic. the world health organization is concerned that war low intensity conflict and weak health systems will make it impossible for some countries in the eastern mediterranean region to handle the coronavirus egypt's health sector has been held back by decades of corruption and mismanagement many of the people who went out onto the streets during the arab spring uprising of 2011 were also unhappy with how its health system was run. even though there have been efforts to make reforms the kind of treatment people in egypt get still depends a lot on their gender their income and whether they live in rural or urban regions
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in syria 9 years of civil war have left the country's health care system in tatters many hospitals and clinics have been devastated sanctions have disrupted medical supplies and medicines up to a 1000000 displaced people are crowded into camps in northern syria is it live region and medical supplies shortage coupled with a lack of infrastructure makes the ideal conditions for the virus to spread here. iran is one of the 4 countries hit hardest by the coronavirus so far it was already struggling economically because of u.s. sanctions over the country's nuclear program. and human rights watch says the financial fallout has left around with less funding for humanitarian aid and crucial medical supplies. this is news these are our top stories germany's latest reaction to the coronavirus pandemic is to partially close its
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borders with some of its neighbors has also banned religious gatherings and ordered the closure of nonessential shops european commission president or the phone to zion has also proposed that the e.u. close its external borders. the economic fallout of the pandemic has sent global markets into another nosedive trading on wall street went through another temporary stoppage on stocks plunged up to 12 percent and europe at germany's dax index fell the 10 percent sticking below the 9000 point box for the 1st time since 2060. spain has become the world's 4th most infected country overtaking south korea to meet the lockdown is in place which the government may extend and switzerland has declared a state of emergency introducing border checks. on this restrictions on international flights tightened some analysts are warning that most of the world's airlines could
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be bankrupt by the end of may this is a carrier slash jobs and seek government aid to make up for falling ticket sales and cancellations. this is d.w. news from other informal followers on twitter over is it a web site the w dot com. or go india. from the slums of mumbai into the world e-commerce startup launched an online prank local merchants can use it to offer their product. in bigger markets and expand beyond their own local clientele if you give them the clothes the little again access to floor the one time payment. due to. the good. it's hard work done by hand. saving the whole
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i'm not laughing at the germans well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and with the german people to have anything think into german culture shock. new don't seem to think this grandma down to you because it's all about who they know i'm right oh join me for me to get to bungee jump post is the human race to destroy itself. and. we are mooning the basic elements of our existence. we're using tomorrow. schneider and good luck and water isn't was. plainly may think cold water suppliers who last forever. but they
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play when the main stuff. starts march 20th on to double your. lead. the. gong stand change has defined mankind's journey showdown a revolt from an agricultural society to an industrial society and today the addicts knowledge empowered suicide to acknowledge it has pushed us to become empowered and find solutions beyond what we thought was possible what does this change mean for the planet that's what we'll dig deep.
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