tv DW News Deutsche Welle March 19, 2020 6:00pm-6:31pm CET
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this is deja news live from berlin china reaches a milestone reporting 0 new corona virus infections for the 1st time since the start of the outbreak about the picture in italy is very different in one city the army is helping to carry away the dead because hospital holds so overwhelmed also coming up. germany begins the biggest repatriation effort in its history aiming to bring back around the $100000.00 german tourists stranded in destinations around the world after airlines canceled flights on mass. plus the european central bank
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announces a $750000000000.00 euro bond buying program to stave off the pandemic economic fallout european markets and michelin went off on the news but have since shared those gangs. and the distillers of gin has turned to making a new cocktail it's flying off the shelves but it's not recommended for drinking. i'm rebecca riches welcome to the program. italy has reported more deaths from the corona virus in a single day than any other country so far officials say nearly 500 people died there on wednesday that's as efforts to stem the spread appear to be paying off in china the initial epicenter of the crime of ours outbreak according to official figures of the almost $81000.00 cases in china over 85 percent have now recovered
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and the country reported no new cases on wednesday and compare that to europe where of the 90000 cases only 7 percent are no longer sick italy remains the worst hit european state of its almost 36000 cases less than 10 percent have recovered. the city of burger mo has run out of space to bury its dead. these military trucks are taking the coffins to nearby cities for burial the corona virus has hit the lombardi region like no other place in italy. names and faces of lost loved ones fill the local papers as the death toll keeps climbing physicians and officials are appealing for help we are in full emergency with this corona virus on media a lot of personal nurses and physicians are working round the clock countless our
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work to 5 incredible situation we do not know are wrong based on the mia will last we are in desperate need of board nurses and physicians together with ventilators and this positive for protection efforts to build a temporary hospital in the epicenter are under way its top that 200 intensive care units will be ready by the months and. italy has also turned to the country where the virus originated for support medical teams from china have flown in to lend their expertise not yours are joined by each initial hope the people of our 2 countries will stay together and support each other to join the overcome the hardship. there's your i believe the top class teams of experts will
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learn from each other and make joint efforts and surely will be able to subdue the outbreak very soon cheer up italy. amid speculation that the lockdown could be extended for several more weeks italians are finding simple ways to lift their spirits. the. goal was for their repeat your. baby he got it. all. let's bring in journalist seem a good to and rhyme say met italy and now sing its highest death toll in a single day off the struggling for weeks of this outbreak does the country have a strategy for this. oh well the main strategy is this tagline this mantra that they are telling everyone stay at home that is really the only way they
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can limit the spread of covert 19 the situation though a particularly had been the more as we saw in that report earlier at but in general in the region of lombardy it really is on the brink i don't get one particular the president of the order of doctors there describing the said now real as apocalyptic the prime minister decepticon to interview to a local day essentially says that they are not looking at even more stringent measures in terms of the lockdown a complete block all together looking at banning all outdoor activities and stressing to people to stay indoors that's the only way they can limit the spread of the disease now tyria ministry has revealed data that in the last 8 days they have had to conduct millions of controls and they've taken to task
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53000 people for violations of the lockdown measures so they feel the make this the seriousness isn't really quite hitting home that even if you have no symptoms you can spread the disease and that's why i knew that message is being shouted out from the mountaintops here and doctors have been playing for help as we saw in that report and they starting to get the support they need. well the doctors are really calling out for help but the situation as i mentioned is die if you look at long but in particular what i understand the latest figures show that they've already lost 10 doctors to the coronavirus epidemic a pandemic and some more than 2600 doctors have been infected with the virus and that means it becomes difficult for them to actually carry out their work so yes they're turning to military doctors fast tracking the graduation of medical students returning to the private sector and as we saw 300 intensive care doctors
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have arrived from china as well bringing their expertise from their experience there to the locals here and what they're asking for as well as more beds and more equipment it takes a while to get everything there but the authorities the government as large is looking at producing the mass producing the respirators here in italy in order to. now we're speaking largely about the north of the country what about further south where you are how is the crisis unfolding there. well there is concern now. about access to said shields there is talk that perhaps the supermarket hours might be staggered in order to limit the amount of movement when people go out to get groceries so this concern about that definitely see more police presence on the street as they control the movements of people but on top of that we've seen infection rates here in the south of the country increase but fairly contained particularly here in broad and we just have to see what's going to happen in the next coming days and weeks because of course we did see that great movement of
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thousands of people from the north who came down south just before the lockdown measure was put in place so is that good cause and not the weight of infection that is why they're insisting so much with social distancing and the big message to stay at home that we can live to spread even if you feel well you could be a carry in day same and reporting for us in rome thank you germany says it may call in the men are trained to deal with the impact of the coronavirus defense minister on a great cram karrenbauer outline plans for the potential role of bundeswehr troops that could include repatriating german nationals from crisis regions and supporting medical efforts to treat patients with the virus. and off our teams in berlin are getting ready to turn an exhibition center into a temporary hospital for coronavirus patients it's not needed yet but the burn an
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expo center will soon house up to a 1000 beds as a precautionary measure soldiers will be deployed for the conversion regular hospitals are also scaling up their intensive care capacity this includes retraining medics in other fields to work in intensive care units. and germany's deceived disease control center rather says the number of confirmed cases has climbed by almost 3000 within the space of 24 hours that brings the overall number of infections 211000 this says the german foreign office launches a major airlift operation to bring home german tourists stranded abroad due to the epidemic it's estimated around $100000.00 germans are waiting to be repatriated any of them were left with little option to stay put when airlines started grounding flights. arriving home on this plane landing in berlin tourists returning from egypt this was one of the last shared jeweled flights bringing
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passengers back to germany for many it was a short vacation then came corona and borders everywhere were closed holiday makers feared they might be stranded. there was chaos at the airport some people were not on the list but with some luck we managed to get a ticket because. we are relieved we could get a seat of course. about 100000 germans are being brought home from around the world they're returning to a country in suspended animation the empty airport is just the 1st sign that everyday life has changed the taxi drivers here know all about it. destroys everything what is happening we never saw anything like this the drivers are fighting amongst each other fighting about getting a fair that is not right. wait for 5 hours without getting any business because if we taxi drivers don't work we don't earn anything. in egypt
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alone 30000 germans are waiting for their chance to fly home the berlin government is mobilizing 50000000 euros to make these flights possible passengers will have to pay a fair equivalent to an economy class ticket well let's go now the data is max merrill who just returned from vietnam the smalling after a 34 hour odyssey around the world max did you arrive on one of the german government flights. no i didn't we flew with turkish airlines very last minute we had arrived in vietnam last week when the situation's barely normal was seen as a low risk country very few cases of what we did notice and very quickly as the tourist destination started closing the country and we contacted the german embassy in the consulate. and also signed up for
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a database that german state provides for germans who ought breuer to keeping tabs on them and we were told by various sources was not a priority threepence relation that travel to the e.u. would be restricted obviously something we saw in the media and so we decided as a book an earlier flight was a preemptive move and then yesterday 18th day off to a flight we were told by the foreign office directly via e-mail that as is unsure to what extent flight routes between your will stay and germans up to get earlier flights but in that same email we were again told the government at the moment we're not planning to repatriate from vietnam as it was still seen as a low risk area we were at a hotel room and says the 11 hours of those panic all around us flights were getting cancelled left right and center in. the many europeans and germans who live
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there a lot of rudeness was spreading about what airlines would still be flying in a few hours and which ones would be stopping so it's quite a nerve wracking situation yeah and i'm sure we had lots of stories like that in the coming days and if i'm in vietnam what was the situation like that for foreigners. well i mean when we go there. seems like there's a lot of preemptive work. we go to hell check all right what we were asked for asking us about 7 seconds later the mayor. where we had been in the last 14 days and just as nations were closing down as i said and when we went to the museum we had officers checked. the situation is fairly calm because also the chinese border closed while the 4 cases as i was saying no but european arrivals were then seen as a potential threat and we noticed as the days went on the little things people
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didn't really smile at you on the street when children talk to you away from you their parents would physically pull their children back and tell them not to go near us and mosque where it was very much expected is of course all part of the culture there anyway. in the final days of their mosques were made mandatory and all public places and that was actually enforced by security personnel it's well max merrill just returned from vietnam to germany thanks very much aaron science. let's have a look now at some of the other khurana related developments around the world spanning reports a big jump a new infections and more than $200.00 deaths since the day before spain's total death toll is now almost 770 astray and new zealand have announced they are closing their borders to all visitors for 2 nations iranian citizens resident and close
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family members to enter agent has a wanted cafes shopping malls sports clubs and not clubs to close from 7 pm until morning and grace has ordered hotels to close until the end of april exceptions will be allowed for 3 hotels in athens and one in a train to no capital. well on top of self isolation and social distancing measures that people around the world are practicing there are some simple hygiene guidelines to follow that can help stop a corona virus from spreading here's a reminder wash your hands with soap and water and do it often keep going for at least 20 seconds especially after you've been in a public place alcohol based hand sanitizers are a good alternative if you cough or sneeze cover your mouth or nose with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow throw away used to shoes and don't use them twice after blowing your nose coughing or sneezing wash your hands with soap
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and water for at least 20 seconds clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces every day this includes tables door handles light switches countertops desks phones keyboards toilets taps and sinks our science correspondent gary williams is following the latest medical developments derek anything to add to these measures. yes when it comes to social distancing there is a number missing the world health organization has recommended that you remain at least a meter away from anyone who's half a nurse and saying. the thing about social distancing measures is that actually they're one of the few things that we know will slow infection rates down there's some pretty good evidence from earlier epidemics and pandemics like the spanish flu pandemic of 1919 that social distancing really can have an impact on how fast an infection moves through a population the measures are difficult to enforce of course and they also aren't
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for free they have huge economic costs but social distancing measures really can help limit exposure and we know medications are vaccines out there at the moment they're going to be key to flattening infection curbs in europe and around the world and has been a question about the safety have using ibuprofen what's the latest on that. you know this is one of those stories that's very quickly grown very difficult to follow you know the problem is that different authorities event is showing different recommendations and they're often really contradictory and in the end you feel like there's no really clear answers i mean i started to follow the story when i when i received this 2 minute what's always message from a colleague last weekend you might have gotten to it was circulated very quickly on one german speaking social media forms and then it there was this woman claiming to be a young mother who said that doctors at the university clinic had discovered that 1000 cases got worse for patients caking the n.t.
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inflammatory program now the clinic responded very fast to that in just a few hours and announced that post this fake news but then the french health minister got involved and basically said the rumor was true that the program could indeed be dangerous for who wrote a virus now w.h.o. official also then said it might cause problems but then the european medicines agency of the day yesterday said the opposite now the death toll is that tracked and is saying that it's ok after all and that it's not recommend recommending against the use of i program so it's just lots of chaos a lot of confusion about whether it's safe or not yet quite a lot of conjecture but what is it about ibuprofen that prices at that might pose a threat. well this is really kind of at the heart of the problem of these cases where 1000 patients reportedly had a poor outcome due to. our anecdotal so there aren't any critical trials that are
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there about these allegations the years appear to have been start by a letter last week to the medical journal the lancet some researchers noted that compounds like both effects certain receptors found on the surfaces of cells which happen to be the single receptors the root of viruses used to invade the cell so these researchers hypothesized a connection but we don't have enough information to other prove or disprove that hypothesis at this particular juncture is science correspondent eric williams followed thank thanks very much for the update. as many as 25000000 people worldwide could lose their jobs because of the corona virus outbreak that's the warning from the international labor organization people working in the tourism and service sector will be among the what the worst affected the number of the working poor holding one or more jobs will also increase significantly the united nations
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agency said it's called for urgent large scale measures to protect workers including paid leave short time allowances and of a subsidy. we are paying central bank has announced a 750000000000 euro bond buying program to help stabilize markets reeling from the fallout of the outbreak it's just one of many stimulus plans announced by policymakers across the developed world. european stocks have shed their gains from earlier in the day the e.c.b. stimulus measures not yet enough to bring calm back to volatile markets. the white house to trying to tame the chaos with enormous stimulus packages to war and so you know basically you know what many of the industries are and what we want to do is we want to make sure they all stay together so that after the war is won we can immediately go right back up to where we were at even beyond that certain meanwhile economists say the united states is headed for
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a recession ass's europe. much like the world's 2nd largest economy china china has accounted for a larger share of global economic growth so the outlook is negative across the world. the same german airline love tons has warned that the coronavirus is jeopardizing the future of aviation cost and all said governments may need to fork out a lot of money to save the entire industry from the fallout of the pandemic. only 5 per cent of times are scheduled flights are taking off right now nearly all planes are grounded ju-ju entry restrictions and a collapse in demand. is a good thought if the current situation doesn't improve in the coming weeks which nobody expects will talk to the government to determine the basic flight services they think should be maintained from a business point of view flying doesn't make any sense right no. friends in real
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life tons of c.e.o. says europe's largest airline is in good friend and chill shape for now but he did not provide an outlook for 2020 he said nobody can predict the entire fallout of the pandemic according to the consultancy firm copper center for evaluation most airlines in the world will be bankrupt by the end of may and this government's intervene international industry group says up to $200000000000.00 a needed to help cushion the blow off the outbreak. in football the premier league will be suspended until at least april 30th instead of april 1st because of the continuous spread of the virus the news comes after green ments from all 20 clubs english football expressed a commitment to finding ways of resuming the ses in and completing all matches as soon as possible clubs would like to finish the season by june 30th if possible but
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are prepared to play beyond that date if necessary. and amid the ongoing crisis a top division football club in switzerland f c c on has sacked all its players possibly setting a well worst case scenario precedent for struggling franchises to deal with financial setbacks brought on by the virus f c c on release the tape with maybe at effect a safer lakeside has proposed that its players agree to work short term for time the time being the players' association has already filed a complaint with swiss authorities insisting the club is in the wrong. preparations for the summer olympics in tokyo a continuing despite calls for the games to be cancelled today organizers received the olympic flame in a somewhat subdued ceremony the event in the greek capital athens was massively scaled down due to the pandemic the torch handover took place inside the stadium which was the site of the 1st modern games in 1906 japan has said that the games
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will go ahead as planned but there's growing criticism from athletes. as the world tries to protect itself from the coronavirus hand sanitizer has become a prized economy commodity in some cases it sells for runaway prices online the main ingredient is alcohol so as supplies become scarce a new kind of hero has emerged gin makers seeking to plug the hand sanitizer gap and stop profiteering take a look gin and hand sanitizer supplies for the pandemic now available at the same spot. it's all about alcohol and these people especially us but well gin is about 40 percent alcohol virus killing hand sanitizer needs to be at least 60 percent. but basically we're actually using the same
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ingredients so for all intent and purposes you could say it's a very very strong gin we would absolutely not recommend it to drink it's this irish distillery has stopped making new branches of gin all together it's now all about hand sanitizer what we've sold is a fraction of what's needed as an absolute fraction of what's needed so we you know again there are loads of other distilleries the can do this and that are doing this not just in ireland across the atlantic distin distillery in pennsylvania is doing the same thing. we have shifted focus from making beverage alcohol products put a 100 percent of our resources towards making hand sanitizer for a community. the labels for the new project line don't even have prices after seeing people selling sanitizer online for hundreds of dollars the boss here decided to give it away. i was googling how much is hand sanitizer and we came up
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with the very 1st result on google with $328.00 for one else bottle i think that's ridiculous it shameful and we want to be the antidote to that we want to provide hand sanitizer to anybody that needs it we want to push it out to our charity partners or local partners that we work with every single day. the attitude here is a tonic in these days of pandemic price gouging for basic products to keep people safe. and finally as we mentioned at the top of the show perhaps a glimmer of hope for countries gripped by the corona virus pandemic china where the virus was 1st discovered which struggled to contain the disease has had its 1st day without a new domestic case as senior inspector of the chinese national health. commission announced the news calling it a new dawn there was no new cases at all and with a city at the center of the outbreak nationally 34 new cases were reported but all have been brought in from abroad he said. this is day to day news live from
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to come. from a sisters from the dual marjorie's government stands accused by the international community of serious human rights abuses i guess this week your youngest is large mohamad the country's information minister how does he just present against the country's many critics for me ever to surrender or be so compelling. and mistreated murder displaced. nearly a 1000000 have fled their homes in myanmar and most are now trapped in neighboring gangs. desh shuttle a good. business plan is better than a cleansing and if so who was responsible good example you mention looking for answers. in 45 minutes long just looking at.
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the global corona crisis you can find more information online ads e.w. dot com and on t.w. social media channels. played a free jenny is full of surprises. on all our. news some simpson going to indiana playing the footsteps of the great privilege insurance northernmost town the fleet street. playoff. place 3 times i wanted to marry a man so light that when you challenge the good guy to specialise in germany good.
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recognizing where exactly. the most fun and learning a lot of cards culture history there. d.w. travel extremely worth a visit. i think they've been a lot of. mysteries in addition when it comes to the double of the princes. we do extremely very well you rank 100 and 20th out of 180 countries it's not a glorious record is it with the things of a lot of ignorance and a lot of by the chief well assumption has to be that you're covering up damaging evidence doesn't it it doesn't appear to interest been taken care of despite promises to respect the rule of law nigeria's government stands accused by the international.
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