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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2020 8:00pm-8:31pm CET

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you know. this is g.w. newsline from berlin tonight the title no one wants italy has overtaken china with the highest number of deaths from the coronavirus seems unimaginable just months ago in one city the army is helping to carry away the dead because hospital morgues are full beyond capacity also coming up bringing them home germany begins the biggest repatriation effort in its history 100000 german tourists stranded around the world as airlines cancel more flights and europe's markets makes white gains
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have to the european central bank announces a 750000000000 euro bond buying program to stable the economic fallout from the pandemic and the distillers of gin who've turned to making a new cocktail it's flying off the shelves but it's not recommended for drink. coffee it's good to have you with us italy has reached a grim milestone reporting more deaths from the coronavirus than any other nation in the world including china 3405 people have died from the virus in italy the country has recorded more than 41000 infections now the region of lombardy is the worst hit hospitals there are overwhelmed as our next report show.
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the city of burger mo has run out of space to bury its dead there are these military trucks are taking the coffins to nearby cities for burial the corona virus has hit the lombardi region like no other place in italy. names and faces of lost loved ones fill the local papers as the death toll keeps climbing physicians and officials are appealing for help we are in full emergency with this coronavirus bania a lot of personnel nurses and physicians are working round the clock countless our work to fight these incredible situation we do not know the spontaneous will last we are in desperate need of both nurses and physicians together with ventilators and this positive for protection
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efforts to build a temporary hospital in the epicenter are under way its top that 200 intensive care units will be ready by the month and italy has also turned to the country where the virus originated 1st support medical teams from china have flown in to lend their expertise. not yours it's about each initial hope the people of our 2 countries will stay together and support each other to join the overcome the hardship. i believe the top class teams of experts will learn from each other and make joint effort and surely will be able to subdue the outbreak very soon cheer up italy. amid speculation that the lockdown could be extended for several more weeks talons are finding simple ways to lift their spirits.
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odd. man he. made that. call. well the death toll in new infections continued to climb in the lead the curve that everyone is talking about is not being flattened there we asked our correspondent sima go to in rome does the country have a strategy for dealing with the outbreak at this point. good mean strategy is this tagline this monstre that they are telling everyone stay at home that is really the only way they can limit the spread of coal that 90 the situation though at particularly had been the more as we saw in that report earlier at but in general in the region of lombardy it really is on the brink i think it will in particular the president of all the of doctors there describing this scenario as apocalyptic
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the prime minister decepticon to interview to a local date essentially says that they are not looking at even more stringent measures in terms of the lock down a complete block all together they're looking at banning all outdoor activities and stressing to people to stay indoors that's the only way they can limit the spread of the disease now the interior ministry as revealed data that in the last 8 days they have had to conduct millions of controls and they've taken to task 53000 people for violations of the lockdown measures so they feel the make this the seriousness isn't really quite hitting home that even if you have no symptoms you can spread the disease and that's why i knew that message is being shouted out from the mountaintops here it was similar to their reporting from rome germany has recorded a sharp increase in the number of new infections the disease control center saying
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today that confirmed cases were up by one 3rd to nearly 11000 the military is now preparing to play a bigger role in dealing with the outbreak the country's defense minister on a great prompt current hour says that thousands of reserve soldiers will be called up she says no entering hospitals and doctors could help to treat patients with the virus borne is fair troops could also be asked to help repatriate german nationals who are stranded abroad. here in berlin there are plans to turn an exhibition center into a temporary hospital for coronavirus patients it's not needed yet but the berlin expo center will soon house up to 1000 beds as a precautionary measure here 2 soldiers will be deployed for the conversion regular hospitals are also scaling up their intensive care capacity this includes retraining medics from other fields to work in intensive care units.
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or meanwhile the german foreign office has launched a major airlift operation to bring home german tourists stranded abroad due to the pandemic it's estimated that around $100000.00 germans are waiting to be repatriated many of them were left with little option but to stay put when airlines started grounding flights. arriving home on this plane landing in berlin tourists returning from egypt the swiss one of the last shed jeweled flights bringing passengers back to germany for many it was a short vacation then came carona and borders everywhere were closed holiday makers feared they might be stranded. there was chaos at the airport some people were not on the list we 2 but with some luck we managed to get a ticket. we got relieved we could get a seat of call us. about 100000 germans of being brought home
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from a round the world then returning to a country in suspended animation the m.t.f. pool which is just the fittest sign that every day life is changed to taxi drivers here know all about it who wants us to own it destroys everything what is happening we never saw anything like this the drive as a fighting amongst each other fighting about getting a fair that is not right. weight fall 5 without getting any business because if we taxi drive us. we don't know anything. in egypt alone 30000 germans are waiting for their chance to fly home the berlin government is mobilizing 50000000 euros to make these flights possible that passengers will have to pay a fair equivalent to an economy class ticket or here's a look now at some of the other corona related developments around the world the us media say that the state department plans to warn americans not to travel abroad to
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return home or to stay where they are the level for advisory is the department's most serious warning spain is reporting a big jump in new infections and more than $200.00 deaths in the last 24 hours spain's total death toll stands now with almost 770 australia and new zealand have announced that they are closing their borders to all visitors the 2 nations are only allowing entry for citizens residents and close family members and griefs has ordered her tales to close until the end of april exceptions will be allowed for 3 hotels in athens and one in each regional capital. governments across the globe say they're doing everything necessary to fight the coronavirus pandemic but some have been accused of being too slow to we're sending mixed messages to their citizens our reporter alex for is white and joins me now in elin's i think probably the report the leader of the top of this list would be us
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president double trouble yes i think that would be fair enough to say he's been accused of not taking this whole pandemic seriously enough and spending many weeks basically talking it down and we can look at a tweet that he sent on the 9th of march in which he said the fake news media and their partner the democratic party is doing everything within its semi considerable power used to be great to inflame the coronavirus situation far beyond what the facts would warrant so general the risk is low to the average american it's also being criticized for example for saying that many tests available for all americans we know that that has not been the case and the list goes on now he's been more on the front foot in recent days describing himself as a wartime president but for many the damage has really already been done and he's not alone there's also the bridge prime minister boars johnson yes that's right he's been accused not only of perhaps playing it down in the beginning but also of
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sending mixed messages to british citizens so for example the issue over whether london the capital of the u.k. will be pushed into lockdown i've been a number of briefed reports you know off the record which paid in the newspapers giving details of how this is going to work and we know that a number of cheap stations underground stations in london have already been closed that have seen an increase in in panic buying because people are panicking and also many people trying to get out of london and getting into the countryside before that happens well there was a press briefing that the prime minister of the u.k. held this evening in which she took that down and he said that even. if london is put into lockdown people will not be knocked in or knocked down to the capital but also in that briefing he said that he thought that the coronavirus could be sent packing within 12 weeks and by the end of press conference he even played another example of a mixed message even alex wiener government struggling to make we know these are
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tough decisions but why is it so difficult for the governments to do what they're supposed to be doing i think we're talking about democracy as his so they're trying to balance the rights for you for me for citizens against fighting this pandemic which is leading to so many deaths so we heard that from the german chancellor angela merkel when she addressed the nation on wednesday she talked about this very problem and we're seeing cities in germany for example here in berlin in a semi lockdown so we know that some schools have been closed nurseries have been closed pubs of being closed clubs the list goes on and yet as we can see shortly there are many people who are still out on the streets that look that it's almost like it's a holiday that i think picnics i even saw somebody yesterday he was having a barbecue in the middle of a park and so the german authorities are warning people that they have to take it seriously otherwise they would step up their measures but many are wondering why hasn't that been done already why is it not more like italy and france and people
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being put into proper lockdown with a consulate that's true i mean it is irresponsible that the people there you see are the public but you're right the point is why haven't the governments made that point clear earlier ellis is always thank you. well up to 25000000 people worldwide could lose their jobs because of the coronavirus outbreak that's the warning from the international labor organization people working in the tourism and service sectors will be among the most hard affected the number of working poor holding one or more jobs will also increase significantly the united nations agency says it's calling for urgent large scale measures to protect workers including paid leave short time allowances and other subsidies. the european central bank has announced a 750000000000 euro bond buying program to help stabilize markets reeling from the fallout of the pandemic is just one of many stimulus plans announced by
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policymakers across the developed world. on both sides of the pond the central banks are pulling out the becomes $750000000000.00 euros in bond buying by the e.c.b. the federal reserve promising $1.00 trillion dollars in cash loans from banks it even old that is not enough and after all monetary policy firepower alone can't breathe life back into knock down economy they want to avoid a wave of insolvencies that would undermine the recovery but nobody can prevent the freezing of the economy and the consequences this is certainly are in the global economic downturn which is at least as severe as the downturn in the financial crisis could government spending provide the european governments of spending multiple billions of euros to keep businesses afloat and employees paid the white house promising to spend $1.00 trillion dollars with even a direct cash transfer to citizens bank accounts under consideration and there was
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a 1st glimmer of optimism for markets in thursday trading european indexes like germany's dax closed with gains by the middle of the trading day the u.s. markets were looking up to. central banks and governments are digging deep but the only way out for businesses is likely months away when restrictions to movement and economic activity ease after the pandemic has passed. or the c.e.o. of the german airline through tons of has warned that the coronavirus is jeopardizing the future of aviation carsten spores says that governments may need to fork out a lot of money to save the entire industry from the pandemic falwell only 5 per cent of towns are scheduled flights are taking off right now nearly all planes are grounded ju-ju entry restrictions and the collapse in demand. that it is going through and if the current situation doesn't improve in the coming weeks which nobody expects will talk to the government to determine the basic flight services
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they think should be maintained from business point of view flying doesn't make any sense right now. kinds into what c.e.o. says europe's largest airline is in good financial shape for now but he did not provide an outlook for 2020 he said nobody can predict the entire fallout of the pandemic according to the consultancy firm copper center for. most airlines in the world will be bankrupt by the end of may unless governments intervene international industry group says up to $200000000000.00 a needed to help cushion the blow off the outbreak. but we cannot say it enough on top of these isolation and social distancing measures that people around the world are practicing there are some simple hygiene guidelines to follow that can help stop the corona virus from spreading take a look wash your hands with soap and water and do it often keep going for at least
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20 seconds especially after you've been in a public place alcohol based hand sanitizers are a good alternative. if you cough or sneeze cover your mouth and nose with a tissue well you see inside of your elbow throw away used to she's and don't use and twice after blowing your nose coughing or sneezing wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces every day tables door handles light switches countertops desks phones keyboards toilets taps and sinks are for more now i'm joined by toby discords he's a professor of public health and epidemiology at the medical center here in berlin it's good to have you on the program let me ask you as a medical professional i mean do you think that the current restrictions such as lockdowns strict social distancing are they are they necessary or are we
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overreacting in any way and socially they're necessary to really interrupt that you're a dozen searching and we see that in other countries the consequences for the healthcare system are enormous and we will also face these in germany so we really must act now must there varies with words from ministers that really cuts the rate of infection that's going to bring it down as. the last days you know we heard a lot that we have to act now now is the time the the world health organization has regularly talked about containment is it possible to stop the spread of the virus at this point or is it simply too late. we cannot stop the spread of the virus other virus will continue its way he. is the weights of the species which the virus continues to insert the population and that has
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a direct consequence for the health care systems and what happens is the peak will that help us is there you can see it in italy and spain in france and the other countries and know how to prepare right now that this is happening to their countries as well that's why we have to increase the number. when i ask you about the death toll here in germany there's been a lot of talk about the lower mortality rate in germany compared to the number of people here who have tested positive why it has this virus apparently killed fewer people here one person understand these numbers up there it gets close to compare between countries because very adair's country set their different tests so you don't test the same people you test but since i'm successful that's in zones it's costly or it's before the population so the number of people who are infected it is very difficult to compare the same is true for deaths from corona who you call
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a post with diet from corona notice that this measure is from different countries and i did not expect that in germany there would be substantially lower from these inspections disease so we do have to expect that their numbers will raise holes in the future the australian prime minister said today that this is a once in a century viral pandemic how does the new coronavirus compared to other pathogens i mean is it spreading faster than what we've seen in the past. it's spreading and it's spreading with certain numbers that are somewhat different to a normal flu let's say so the number of people insects there if you are insect and you infect. people with actually incidence and which is higher than all flu and you have a problem is that time from hell you thought insect that until you get since i'm so
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it's quite long this leads as a fact that the rate of infection is really sastre then other viral diseases infectious diseases so we see differences and that's part of their culture right now that these people will keep the health care system it's getting fats this peak is hitting fast and yet we're still seeing people here in germany who are not abiding by these these very strict measures to stop the spread of the virus you see people outside acting like it's a holiday would you say that the government will eventually have to get back to some type of total lockdown in the country to stop the virus it is true unfortunately is to expect that this will happen because. you know some people take this very serious are saying it's coming out social concepts enormously and others are are still ignoring the situation and it's also quite bizarre because you go out to sunny you can walk a wonderful you can see
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a direct consequences but i think sadly there's a range so we need to really understand that is a very very severe situation and we all need to act now as a society and it was we will not planned to be escorting us tonight from berlin sharon to hospital to me is thank you thank you. i want to stay here in germany the government has banned a group accused of pursuing a mix of anti-government and recessed ideology now the group is part of the. right's citizens movement which rejects the authority of the modern german state and is also known for its far right ideology the ban follows raids conducted in 10 german states and premises linked to the movement on his official website germany's interior minister horst say hofer said he was banning 2 groups united german peoples and tribes and it's. a landmark even in
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a time of crisis he wrote we are continuing the fight against right wing extremism there's no place in our society for racism and anti-semitism. germany's domestic intelligence agency says the right spirit or all right citizens movement has about 900000 members including almost a 1000 known extremists. police also carried out raids on the rice burger last september part of a growing focus by the government on right wing groups c.e.o. for made clear in parliament earlier this month that he was ready to act. we have to have a lot of weapons and we continue to face a serious threat from islam is terrorism but the greatest threat to this country comes from right wing extremism that miss whiskers. the now banned bric a landmark listed criticisms of the german state and the e.u. on its website but also cited anti semitic literature it was taken down on thursday
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. groups frequently questioned the legitimacy of the federal republic of germany and often challenge police or dorothy some members are known to hold weapons which means that far from being mere eccentrics they are now seen as a terror threat one which the german government is taking tough action against. well have you tried to buy hand sanitizer lately well then you know the world is trying to protect itself from the corona virus and hand sanitizer has become a prized and rare commodity in some cases it sells for runaway prices online the main ingredient is alcohol so supplies become scarce a new kind of hero has emerged gen makers seeking to plug the hand sanitizer gap and to stop the profiteering take a look chin and hand sanitizer supplies for the pandemic now
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available at the same spots. it's all about alcohol and these people especially us but well chin is about 40 percent alcohol virus killing hand sanitizer needs to be at least 60 percent. but increasingly we're actually using the same ingredients so for on a temporary basis you could say it's a very very strong we would absolutely not recommend it to do it gets this irish distillery has stopped making new branches of general to get it's now all about hand sanitizer what we've sold is a fraction of what's needed as an absolute fraction of what's needed so we you know again there are loads of other distilleries the can do this that are doing this not just in ireland. across the atlantic distin distillery in pennsylvania is doing the same thing. we have shipped shifted focus from making beverage alcohol products and put a 100 percent of our resources towards making hand sanitizer for the community. the
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labels for the new project line don't even have prices after seeing people selling sanitizer online for hundreds of dollars the boss had decided to give it away. i was googling how much is hand sanitizer and we came up with the very 1st result on google is $328.00 for a one else bottle i think that's ridiculous it's shameful and we want to be the antidote to that we want to provide hand sanitizer to anybody that needs it we want to push it out to our charity partners our local partners that we work with every single day. the attitude hair is a tonic in these days of pandemic price couching for basic products to keep people safe. well there may be reason for cautious hope tonight china says it has registered no new domestic 1000 cases for the 1st time since the outbreak began that is good news on where the pandemic started applauding locals are now seeing off medical teams from across china they were deployed to the city during the
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crisis but are now going home some people are back on the streets but the city remains largely on walk down fears remain that the further step further outbreaks could be brought in from song. you're watching news i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see you today.
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to the point of strong opinions clear positions of international perspectives of. more than $100.00 countries around the world are in the grip of the coronavirus thousands have died and many more are infected and those businesses struggle to stay alive great fears of a global recession sad to deal with the angst find out all to the point short. to look point in the next year look on t w. how
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does a virus spread. why do we panic and when will all this and trying to do through the accident cover and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the crown of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at pretty w dot com and slash science. each stone tells my story. of the people who have been. builders who dedicate their lives to me. i am not too dumb to cut. my secrets. i have money to my cities days for centuries and accompanied
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my country through its finest. until the day i mean it. cannot come down to. stunts a fool and. no trips no concerts no visits throughout the world drastic measures are being imposed to combat the coronavirus millions must accustom themselves to an ongoing state of emergency the european union is hunkering down borders are closed for 30 days member states are checking passports again and what used to be open internal crossings every government seems to be thinking of its own people 1st even as leaders rattle off appeals for cross border solidarity so how are people reacting to what comp.


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