tv [untitled] March 20, 2020 8:15pm-8:45pm CET
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up friday dark students frightened from friday this friday beginning tonight at midnight for an unusual period of 2 weeks there will be general restrictions on movement in the very house guns be showing through and we're not closing the very year off but we shutting down public life in bavaria for almost completely by 2 for them be sure to enter it was the state premier there of bavaria here in germany the disease control center says the number of corona virus cases has jumped again there are now 13957 people with confirmed infections 31 people have died of area is leading all of the states in germany and tightening restrictions on people in the bid to curb the spread of the virus unlike other european countries there is no national lockdown which we just told you but one city near the french border has gone ahead with stay at home orders empty streets
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a sign feinberg will have to get used to after all florentines announced a 2 week lockdown it was the 1st german city to order residents to stay at home and many are now asking themselves if the whole country could soon be stuck indoors including sarah and her friends who were out enjoying the sun together despite appeals not to as this pushed them best out of this is mentally better subpoena don't get infected and the hospitals are already overstretched but it's hard to imagine in a country with so many people like germany. for which they not thrilled at absolutely not most of those gathering in the park no they shouldn't be but they find it hard to accept in this residential area nearby many are staying at home it's hard. to get i'm not doing well i'm going to cry. and it might be because i can't see my children. so you sense something you know
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there's this and it's a real shame that we can't see our children and especially our grandchildren i don't believe in them that we need but we accept it we do what we're supposed to. keeping our distance you know keeping distance berlin's brandenburg gate is pretty empty and those we spoke to expect a lock down it's come to 9 parts or be here in a few days that's why right now. the town of heinz berg is a coronavirus hotspot in germany or thor and he's there are appealing for a reason i love using high risk groups ourselves isolating it they only go out to the doctor the others restrict their movement to a minimum wage they drive to work for and by central banks middle i'm sick of the threat of a lockdown is weighing on people's minds. to fly had an experience in the
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biggest loss of personal freedom since the 2nd world war 2 weeks ago there were soccer matches with 50000 fans it's not easy to change so radically from one day to the next the government is trying appeals if they don't work bans on going out will follow the mood when you find board has taken that decision the lockdown goes into force on saturday. now for a story here in germany that does not involve the coronavirus the far right a.f.d. alternative for germany political party says its most extreme faction will be disbanded following a power struggle between the radical flugel branch and the national leadership the split was exhilarated after germany's domestic intelligence service classified the faction as extremist and said that it was putting the faction under formal surveillance. reporters gathered in front of the berlin office of the right wing a.f.d. party after a lengthy meeting the party released a statement declaring that by the end of april its most influential branch must
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wind down the radical flew good german for wing is headed by east german politicians beer and hooka and under a is kind of it's cuba has been declared a right wing extremist group and is under formal surveillance by domestic intelligence f.t. party spokesman year and was openly suspicious of flugel extremists he has joined forces with other flu opponents and now has the clear majority of party leaders on his side flugel will meet on saturday to discuss the situation i'm joined now by frank christiane he is one of the a.f.p. representatives in the state parliament here in berlin it's good to have you on the show what does this represent for your party do you think the flugel that this faction do you think they're going to just split away from the party. i think 1st of all it's a very important day for our party because i think the narrative of
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a f.t.s. writing or almost a nazi party is over the party leadership clearly stated that the frugal is not the majority in the party and it will not be this is an excellent sign for the members because a lot of people were not willing to accept any more to be under the under the appearance dominance of the because they're very loud and they're very. loud and we have acceptance of the german voters we have 3073 percent which say they would never vote for f.t. this is not acceptable and b. needs to shift to an end to a normal right to be in the middle middle center right wing party what's the church if i television is that's what's going to happen then it was going to happen to members of the flugel and like for mr for example i mean are they just going to disappear or are they going to be integrated into the a.f.d.
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we have to see what's going to happen but the 1st thing that it's a clear signal outside and inside the party that we will not accept the dominance of fluted anymore it was never real but it was dominant in the media and this was bad for 50 in the public and this will we will not accept this anymore and whatever they decide they have to understand and to learn they are minority and they will not dominate anything in our party anymore but what about their ideas i mean the ideas will still be in the minds of the people who were a member of. you know the food itself doesn't didn't really have another policy of safety this is really the problem. the east the eastern voters who were socialized in the communist g.d.r. they just have a different few in politics and of political correctness the fact that in east
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germany they were higher percentage in the n.z. electorate for f.t. does not mean that they all bear through this is not true this is what the 3 representatives say but it's not true just the voter of the g.d.r. has a different opinion of political correctness and they vote after because there's a 50 lot because. with all due respect i mean it's been you know 30 years plus since the. east germany it ceased to exist i mean howard isn't it time to mend the differences between east and west in your party you know and it's not in our party if you look at the electorate you see a clear difference between west germany and east germany and west germany we have city one s.p.d. and in east germany you have the left the radical left and the and we see it in berlin i am here in berlin if we have one leadership. of our party and we put in
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about 25 percent. and in the western part we just have between 7 and 15 percent this is a shift it's it's got to do with socialisation political socialization and this is the real thing it's not a hooka it's a 50 and this is important to to tell people. from christiane joining us tonight we appreciate your insights tonight mr hudson thank you thank you very much. well with concerts around the world scrapped for months to come and many artists are taking to the internet to host free concerts for their fans a special series has been initiated by the global citizen and the world health organization to raise awareness about the spread of the corona by. casual and much more intimate than a concert hold around the world artists are looking to connect with their fans hello there in performances broadcast from their living rooms vs social media. now
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going to play some songs. and i'll play a couple and then you guys request someone play the game see if charlie can play that my thing is such as charlie post and john legend they're among the i list musicians who have hosted gigs themed together at home. good morning with a. record. the serious guy. this kind. of. coldplay front man chris martin was the 1st to give a hash tag together at home concert saying he wanted to keep making music even if his band mates were left stranded by travel restrictions in various locations
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around the world. we can't play together so i thought what would be nice would be to check in with some of you out there and see how you're doing and where you was and what i could do for you. the concerts and not just for entertainment ah just hoping that the film and says can help. raise awareness about measures to curb the spread of corona virus this is keep your secure circle and. that the more selfless let me do the quicker we can get rid of this and it will leave it at some point. fans the concerts are a welcome distraction at a time when home confinement is becoming the new normal. tone. sound on
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the top of this is the news here's a reminder of our top story u.k. prime minister boris johnson has told pubs and restaurants to close now and not to open again tomorrow his government promising to guarantee most of the wages of people who are sent home italy has overtaken china as the undisputed center of the global coronavirus pandemic its death toll top 4000 on friday despite a strict walk down to try to reduce infections the german state of area has announced measures to close down public life almost completely amid debate over whether the entire country should go under lockdown the very in the fischel say for the next 2 weeks people's movements will be severely restricted the state is one of the worst affected here in germany. you're watching. things for the company i'll be back at the top of the hour with more news followed by the day with complete coverage of the pandemic here in europe and in north america.
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because. i'm going to africa. in the morning she's a student in the afternoon a reporter you learn to tara is taking your camera workshops. in her free time she goes out and reports on ecological issues in her home country south africa it makes me look away and it makes them want to take initiative and join us nico africa. next w. . orld or.
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beethoven is for me. it's for you. me too for the. great opera. beethoven is for them. beethoven is trying. for his 4th. beethoven 202250th anniversary year on new. hauser virus spread. why do we panic and when we'll all miss. you just through the taxable income and the weekly radio show it's called spectrum if
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you would like any information on the program like response or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us and. science. it's no secret that our planet's resources on the climate crisis is real that's why i show. off as ideas on how we come protect our environment welcome to the show i'm now tie in lagos nigeria. and a warm welcome for me sandra 3 different kampala here in uganda but. we'll stay
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tuned for another half hour box full of its stories here's what is coming up at the . evening. on what we can do to developing sustainable ways to avoid the harmful side to good use and. products that are making life better for people in kenya. the climate in south africa is dry and climate change appears to be making it even more drier it is becoming even more on edge and to bring the economy industries farming tourism and the way people live we head to the eastern cape to meet a teenager who is a budding reporter walking on issues she is involved with a global initiative called young group for the environment and the name suggests they need to make a difference. at
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1st glance it looks idyllic but. the 17 year. old to book a man to the extent. of. the rainy season. in town should be food by now. it's. sort of. what's what's next is the hope that this. would have been for the game. winstone is a farming town that has been experiencing paedos of severe drought over the past 5 years in an effort to alleviate the impact the only spot it instituted water restrictions in the community john is a member of the young reporters for the environment or white. youth led initiative
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that provides training on how to report on local environmental issues just come to talk to timber cookie i localize to keep his ship survived this year but if the rain stopped he might have to sell the entire flock and the ones with minimum. aon i'm dreamin them are the most difficult thing was that we ran out of water not just as a but the whole region had to fetch water for the livestock in a faraway places which was a real struggle when is would. just a tense money alone high school today a professional photographer has come to lead a workshop with the young reporters this is the 1st time some of the students have ever held a camera the program also involves training sessions with journalists and t.v. and news professionals. like to sit in here you guys are going to show the rest a little what's happening in your ear and that's quite an awesome sponsibility to.
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live in or maybe you want to take a step officially become a documentary filmmaker a photojournalist weekly magazine there why our program is called anetta by an old best in denmark called foundation for environmental indication 360000 people in 45 countries take part in the program last month just made a video about illegal dumpsite a video was eventually published by a national news broadcaster. challenging the government to intervention in this matter. people on the net at least on the actions of. dick cheney or dick instead the one who doesn't want to give. every report i supposed to produce one story each month. young people don't know what to do for you and even if they do you can't take initiative because
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they think that they don't think cat so the young reporters gives us an opportunity to do that because it makes more young people aware about the environmental issues that we're currently facing and it makes them want to take initiative and join us so i think that's why it's very important to. a top school because her parents leave find a way in the countryside for dinner the students gather in the big hole to do their homework john is making progress with hunger story she doesn't put you on to provide regular school work but john i doesn't mind. it's fun and she's motivated by the idea that she can inspire us to behave think differently. like they should inside the fear of not wanting to lose what we have which is the little lift of the beauty of the environment that's number one also hoping to achieve or when more people over to
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the side of want to saving higher. in south africa the program is supported by west the country's oldest environmental organization it's been doled out at 15 schools so far the young members out of pulled by its success because it shows that your perspectives. young people are realizing that there was a very dumb waste walled unless the adults get serious about dealing with the climate crisis all of other wild they are demanding action but they are not the only ones or the people want to get involved in germany and for mental going to a bucking evening classes for the public on climate change and things ordinary people like you and i can do to make a big. climate
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strikes a good way to show governments the people want change but what else can we as individuals do to help reduce c o 2 emissions in gemini people can take special evening classes to learn more about climate protection. participants are able to develop their own plan of action in order to cut their carbon footprint. in terms of my ability that could mean driving and flying less. when it comes to heating and electricity a little goes a long way just turning the heat down by one degree makes a difference as do small adjustments at meal times like cutting down on meat consumption. for also apparently if we all ate less meat without having to give it up completely that would result in a huge reduction of c o 2 emissions that was helpful information. like. the close was
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developed by environmental organizations and is now available in 36 german cities the workshop is spread over 6 evenings. each of us can make a difference as one of our goals is to encourage the course all participants to become eco ambassadors who not only make changes in their own lives i but share information and encourage others to do the same. at the end of the course the participants receive a fit the climate certificate and then it's up to them to spread the word. and how about you if you're also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. doing your bit. we share your stories. well. do you do sound of the talk line medicine if you get especially when it comes to electronic waste what do you do
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when you're done with your computer or your mobile phone there are reports that africa has become a dumping ground for most of the globe in the west so what is being done in africa to change that a young nigerian has decided he doesn't want that anymore and he started doing something about it. lagos nigeria is held to a number of illegal dump sites very waste from many local people the refuse is a vital link. of the taking of poets t.v.'s computers and other devices by hand they resell the components as rule materials it's extremely hazardous work with and water and groaned severely polluted by heavy metals and toxic chemicals some electronic devices come from developed countries in the form of the nation's unfortunately only a fraction of food and functional the rest is effectively trash a company in lagos has come up with an alternative solution for handling the waste
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it's called eat tara and was founded by eve find a tunnel my dear you inform us if i'm an underdog have the knowledge i don't have the tools all the machinery to safely. and dismantle. the device. the terror collects discarded devices like laptops speakers and mobile phones which are then checked over at the company's material recovery for certainty those parts that can still be used i restored and mostly d.n.a. to this charity the rest is dismantle the terror has invested in the range of machinery it allows the workers to dismantle waste in a way that is safe for the environment and for themselves and exhaust hood is used to contain the toxic feed. your very not you can have so many carcinogenic
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materials that are truck sucked out and trapped trapped inside if i do machine for it's affectively detoxified while we dismantle all of the glass all of the. plastic . after being dismantled the waste is separated in shreds. they're all materials salvaged such as aluminum glass and i and other companies main source of income. business has been going well for the company so well that the c.e.o. plants expand operations in the near future and he's happy that the items he recycles will not end up on the legal don't sites like this one. carbon dioxide is a major contributor to global warming but did you know the gas can be a valuable resource scientists have developed ways to capture c o 2 from power plants and factories that would otherwise escape into the and they
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are putting it to good use for example to boost plant growth in greenhouses we had to the netherlands to meet some goddess who are welcoming the initiative. glass as far as the eye can see. this is a ruse breeding company in the netherlands. c o 2 is pumped into these 2 huge greenhouses to help the flowers grow better. the head of the family business says the investment has paid off. the local ways through the leaves and when the leaves are dark and dark green then we know. who the flower we always look at the size the cost how big are the size whether the selling the business has to work very efficiently with high-tech heating and cooling systems automatic irrigation and fertilization. but what's really special
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is the c o 2 ventilation equipment. with those coming out of this pipe over here. and. a lot of pressure and part of the bible says coming to see you through. the air inside is in reach. carbon dioxide c o 2 eights photosynthesis and spares plant growth the company harvest 8000 roses a day. the gases brought in virus subterranean pipeline from rotterdam. now and again the supply of cools by. has 600 greenhouses on his books. the crops fetch the flowers growing greenhouses they used to get a better product traditionally used from natural gas burning. stop using an eco gas and create even better products.
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the carbon dioxide comes from the port of. from one of the world's largest oil refineries 400000 barrels of oil a process each day and hundreds of thousands of tons of c o 2 generated each year as a byproduct. ok up or organic c o 2 for assimilation by plants uses some of that. the company has a plant in the dutch port and supplies half a 1000000 tons of c o 2 to greenhouses so do the suit or it's coming from up from the shell or refinery 3 it's transported to our facility fired he said this pipeline. in the past the greenhouses had to produce the carbon dioxide themselves by burning natural gas. the use of recycled c o 2 means that they save huge amount of the fossil fuel greenhouses are the one who
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benefits maybe even the most they can replace the use of environment polluting natural gas by taking shoot to from industry so they are saving the environment saving a little bit today. and they can use top of that more c o 2 to grow even better tomatoes and better at the flowers. the roses grow as no longer need a combustion plant to produce c o 2. that means they can concentrate more on that cool business. my family started 40 years ago and you start that they've been this market.
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