tv [untitled] March 20, 2020 11:45pm-12:15am CET
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in this form since she has taken power and she's been in power a long time do you think that message is going to be heard will it get through to those people who need to hear it those young men playing soccer in my park melinda that was exactly what i was planning good to talk about that that's teach by angela merkel yesterday that her dress on national television she normally does those addresses only on new year's eve on new year's day and this is the very 1st time in 15 years as johns that you give such an address on television and that just gives you an idea of how urgent it is and how important is that decisions are not only made right at the top but that people understand what it is saying kate that this has to be done by all of us and i agree with you totally that i'm going to merkel's message yesterday was very clear it was human it was authoritative it was very clear and i do hope that people here in germany will understand that it's time for them to act but it's not time for them to keep playing football outdoors or taking their kids to the playground it's really time for all of us to understand that this is a very big responsibility that we have and when it comes to those playing in the park
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we can hope that if not i'm going to machall also the head coach of the national football team germans national football team has been has had a speech yesterday going to the same direction so maybe those still playing football in the parks but listen to him at least and also for the roots on the other hand kate we at the same time are seeing shortages of things like toilet paper as people essentially engage in hoarding behavior and even more serious stockpiling of very important medical goods including breathing masks and hand sanitizer price gouging by some people who've bought up tens of thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer. what does that tell us about how people are reacting to this crisis and you think we'll see more of it as things get worse well as tomas said earlier we're seeing the very best and the very worst of humanity come out of a crisis which is to be expected here in germany we have a wonderful war i. to describe this sort of panic buying stuff which
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a colleague of mine is appealing for us to install into the english language like the one on your reg how to start storing squirreling things away and yet we have seen a lot of that but not address last night i'm going to read it reassure people that supermarkets would be stocked and not really a big issue for supply is actually people panic by the just exchange are solid at the moment cargo trucks are not being stopped at borders so we don't really need to have to worry about speaking of borders let us start a little bit deeper into the subject of shortages and the economic effects of this crisis at the beginning of the week germany largely shut down its borders with france denmark luxembourg switzerland and austria officials claim that the movement of goods won't be affected but reality tells a different story. border checks are once again backing up traffic as here on germany's border to france a microscopic virus is bringing europe to its knees the union is isolating itself.
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the only ones allowed in or those who work here are need to stock up on cities like medications. only trucks are allowed through without checks but traffic is backing up at border crossings like hearing. that in itself may lead to considerable disruption to supply chains. for now we see no cause for worry but everyone should act responsibly and take only what they really need rest assured that everything is being done to guarantee adequate supplies. yet even before borders were closed supermarket shelves were emptied all across europe as here in britain. and shortages of medicines are expected over the coming weeks. this is the downside of globalization it has many upsides but these are the classic downsides. can our basic needs be covered. thomas let
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me address that question to you can our basic needs because and also in regard to the border closures even the chief of staff of the commission president of the european union has said border closures aren't going to do a whole lot because the virus is long since here in the individual member countries of the european union so we will see what's going on with these border closures and will they imperil supply well the hope is that it won't imperil supply and there are guidelines already in place to make sure that essential goods like medicine for example of food can indeed reach those who need it the most i do agree that border closures may not have a very big effect but at the same time the goal of all these measures including border controls is to slow down the process of the coronavirus make sure that you have probably seen that flattening the idea making sure that you spread it as much as possible as well health services at a national level but also at the european level can cope with this and maybe in
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this specific point those border closures may have an impact not a very big impact not an impact on it's on their own but they can help to have an impact i do believe that. v.w. and i'm led to of germany's biggest car companies v.w. in fact biggest car company in the world are stopping production for now is germany and perhaps the world as a whole about to slide into the worst recession that we've seen since the great depression of the thirty's and you mentioned it in the outset is germany with its so-called social market economy pretty well equipped to handle this if that is in fact what occurs yes we most likely are going to head into a severe recession but it's what happens after that so economists hope that they'll be what's called a v. shaped recovery so a a very steep decline but then when that when this virus is is under control that things will go will improve very quickly again but in order for that to happen you need policies and. so what's happened here in germany is
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a number of measures have been introduced to ensure that things will continue smoothly so one of them as you mentioned was this quick that this is a benefit short work short. this is a benefit that applies to people who would otherwise lose their jobs because of this case the coronavirus instead of being fired they keep their jobs on the books they no longer work because they're not needed but they get 60 percent of their salary paid for by the government and that is something which typically works very well in korea in crisis situations because it means that when the crisis is over things can continue seamlessly and they've also introduced tax deferrals for companies struggling and they are also offering on limited low and so they are doing a lot to ensure that the recovery is a smooth as possible thomas if we look at the situation in europe as a whole we could be forgiven for concluding that the european union is this only in the game we've seen very little solidarity in terms of support for either the
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suffering people or economies of spain italy is brussels finally now waking up a bit too late but they are waking up what you saw at the beginning was basically all the countries mostly affected dealing on their own basically trying to solve the situation on their own asking brussels for help and that's why now for example you see tons of. other european leaders try to stress the fact that they are working together to find solutions i agree that that's absolutely necessary but i do also think that came a bit too late that help should have been there much when the crisis was not as bad and not now when you have thousands of cases in many different european countries. football also losing millions in in forgone income particularly problematic for the smaller football soccer clubs is there any help for them and what will be the consequences of these really important match. it's like the european football
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championship i mean of course we have to keep in mind that only like 3 to 4 percent of all the football players worldwide and as much as the public thinks they do think they do so for many it's actually a very very fragile situation especially players in latin america or in africa where contracts are like not as secure as they are in bonds leader. for german clubs actually the 1st have already. asked for the 1st leg thirdly clubs and germany have they can use the same measures as other companies here in germany but then it's as i said it's very difficult a different world wide i'm afraid for small clubs and also for women's football for example that has been on the rise recently finally numbers are growing but its structure is extremely fragile so i'm afraid they're going to. that some have to take some steps back and forth we're slowly coming to the end of our discussion so
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i'd like to take us back to something all of you have said you've said in a crisis like this we can see both the best and the worst of people what do you think will come out in the end are our top our title asks how we're handling the crisis do you think as it's often said in this crisis we might find an opportunity to perhaps change track or would you expect that we may see selfishness prevail in the end. they'll be examples of both i have no day but i do think that for any countries perhaps but no coronavirus cases yes or very few this is an opportunity to learn from the experience of others and that has to be the priority we have seen many medical system struggling because they've been underfunded for decades do you think that will change after this i can only hope that political pressure increases you know we have a huge case of so many americans who are uninsured and their status within this
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crisis is uncertain so you would hope that there would be a drive for change so. we can only way. i think those people believing they just have to be louder. to. support each other i think in 10 or 15 years' time when we look back on this or at least that's my hope we will look at those scenes from the balconies in spain and italy and think that i was a very good example that we also were able to learn from those acts of selfishness because this will not be the last crisis where you will see the worst and the best of humanity the chancellor said yesterday it's the worst crisis germany is facing 2nd world war i sometimes wondered whether later we will see this as the cry end of a hiatus in history the 2nd world war i world was for many people thank you very much to all of us for being with us today and i wish all of you the best of health and i wish the same to you dear viewers we hope you stay healthy we are going to be
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good. disease d.w. news live from berlin now as the coronavirus death toll tops 10000 governments around the world take on preceded steps to try in science lives the u.s. diets of new york california and illinois has held nearly everyone to study hard that's over 17000000 people only those working in the most essential services are allowed to go to work. here in germany very alain's federal standards in closing down public life almost completely i mean device goes away if you think entire
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country should go into lockdown. and british prime minister bars johnson tells boss embrace trying to close and not to open again on the we can't get government promises to guarantee most of the wages of the guards who were sent home or. i'm. great it's good to have you with us the u.s. states of new york has joined california and illinois and confine in nearly all residents to the harmes that's over 70000000 people it's a drastic step designed to prevent a run on the hospitals like we've seen in recently the rate of increase in the number of cases risks overwhelming new york's hospital system governor andrew cuomo said as kinds in the state climbs of more than 7000 with 38 people dying.
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is what i had to say about the measures. today we're bringing you to 100 percent of the workforce must stay home. these are non essential services essential services have to continue to function grocery stores you need food pharmacies you need drugs your internet has to continue to work the water has to turn on when you turn a faucet so there are essential services that will continue to function but 100 percent of the workforce and when i talk about the most drastic action we can take this is the most drastic action we can take a ride for more let's bring in d w correspondent all of a solace in washington good to see there are nearly 20000000 people living in the state of new york how exactly are these drastic measures going to billy be implemented. all right very populous state and this is an executive
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order jared so new york governor andrew cuomo as you just mentioned said that the state of new york is facing a situation where it's hospitals are increasingly overwhelmed due to the spread of the corona virus and in order to avoid the spread of virus from further spreading people will have to stay at home starting sunday 8 pm which of course is an interesting time because it's after the weekend and give people and citizens of new york the time to go about their everyday lives and potentially also spread the virus until then after that nonessential businesses will have to close their all forms the exceptions that we've been seeing across other countries and cities that are in a lockdown like supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open but public life as we know it will come to a near complete standstill and everyone who's been there knows well that means a century for a city like new york a few days to go as you say a lot of what new york is doing is being done elsewhere already what do people
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there think about these restrictions that are coming a lot of people are scared of course because that means essentially that the situation is not under control and mayor de blasio of new york city called his city the epicenter in the united states all the corona crisis with 5000 cases in the city alone so that locked on is a very harsh restriction that makes people concerned it's a boxing city usually nobody who lives there has ever experiences has ever experienced anything like that in their lifetimes but new yorkers will also have to understand the necessity of that step because there are simply too many people on the street and the numbers are still continuing to go up dramatically so all of we've got new york we've got california and the illinois individual states and making news here is there any talk of a federal law down. certainly a question to be raised after the numbers continued risk i rocketing they've
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doubled in the last 2 days but less so forget just it's a large country with different situations with regards to the corona virus in different states of course the situation in california and in new york is very different from a state like brosco so president trump said he doesn't see the necessity of a nationwide lockdown as of now and he leaves those decisions up to the state governors and mayors to find individual answers to their local situation and that's exactly what's happening right now so the state of illinois has followed suit with the city of chicago california yesterday new jersey 6 is expected to announce a lockdown within the next 24 hours our correspondent there in washington all of a solid thank you all of. well here in germany the number of corona virus cases has jumped again now there are almost 20000 people with confirmed infections and 67
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people have died there is no national lockdown but from midnight tonight germany's law just a very will in part is restrictions on movement and one season need the french border has also gone ahead we'd stay at home. empty streets a sign will have to get used to tease announced a 2 week lockdown it was the 1st german city to were residents to stay at home and many are now asking themselves if the whole country could soon be stuck indoors including sarah and her friends who were out enjoying the sun together despite appeals to is this mission best adamant that he's mentally better so people don't get infected and the hospitals are already overstretched but it's hard to imagine in a country with so many people like germany. so you're not thrilled absolutely no and most of those gathering in the park know they shouldn't be they find it hard to accept. in this residential area nearby many are staying at home
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that it's hard. to get i'm not doing well i'm going to cry. because i can't see my children. so you send something you know is this and it's a real shame that we can't see our children and especially our grandchildren i don't believe in them that you need but we accept it we do what we're supposed to. be killing our distance you know keeping distance brandenburg gate is pretty empty and those we spoke to expect a lockdown. as compton i participate here in a few days that's why right now. the town of heinz berg is a coronavirus hotspot in germany thora he's there are appealing for a reason i love using high risk groups are self isolating they only go out to the
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doctor the others restrict their movement to a minimum to drive to work for them by centrals. a call from the threat of a lockdown is weighing on people's minds. i had experience in the biggest loss of personal freedom since the 2nd world war 2 weeks ago there were soccer matches with 50000 fans it's not easy to change so radically from one day to the next the government is trying appeals if they don't work bans on going out will follow the mood when you find bog has taken that decision the lockdown goes into force on saturday. here's some of the other coronavirus headlines making news today 627 new deaths from the corona virus were registered in decently on friday the highest daily death toll in the country's 4 week epidemic it's only over took china as the country with the most confirmed deaths from covert 19 on thursday.
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after netflix online giant you tube says it will also reduce its streaming quality in the european union that's to avoid straining the internet as a high number of people watch videos and switch to working from harm some european telecom providers have reported just spike in datta traffic in recent days. the british government has told all pods restaurants and gyms to close in an effort to fight the corona virus outbreak prime minister boris johnson said venue should close as soon as possible and not reopen until further notice he said the measure was essential to slow the excel arising spread of the virus the closures also include nightclubs cinemas and theaters effectively closing down public life until you try for the foreseeable future. let's take a look at what prime minister johnson had to say a little bit earlier we need to push down further. could the transmission
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between the us and sue following your agreement between all the formations of the united kingdom or go to ministrations we are quick to be telling tele cafes pubs and restaurants to clues tonight as soon as they reasonably can. to open to more well d.w. correspondent charles lot of parks sent us this update from london on these new measures announced by the british government. has always insisted that he's doing the right measures at the right time and now the time has come to close all clubs and bars restaurants and theaters also schools and nurseries have closed door for the foreseeable future today so this comes at a time where london is becoming the new hot spot off corona infections in the u.k.
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and the death toll is rising at an incredible speed here in the u.k. also at a much faster rate than in italy and we don't know how many people are indeed infected in the u.k. at this point because testing is only being done in the hospitals for very severe cases but as we know now the next step of measures have been taken and it will change life here in the streets of london quite a bit from tomorrow onwards as you can see right now lots of people still out here in the streets. there well haiti has confirmed its 1st coronavirus cases in response the country is closing all airports seaports schools and factories country as a core across latin america shutting down as the corona virus spreads. has introduced a nationwide quarantine and the i.m.f. says it may need substantial debt relief brazil has declared a state of emergency and bad many visitors leaving its famous beaches empty.
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it's the last day on the sound of. rio de janeiro is closing its famous beaches vendors are wondering how they will make a living. it's very bad it's very difficult to so anything because of the crisis people are unemployed with money it's become very. hard to sell or you windy i. in neighboring argentina the streets and squares are emptying out shoppers queued in buenos aires during their final hours of unrestricted movement the country has declared a total lockdown for several weeks confining residents to their homes only those in key jobs will be allowed to go to work. a different continent a different story a street is famous bondi beach in sydney remains packed despite pleas for social
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distancing the country has closed its borders to foreigners but locals are still out enjoying the sun. well it's definitely not ideal but it is a worry because so many people all together and i do think the whole world is probably looking at us right now thinking of what a massive mistake that we're making this in africa there are fears that endangered apes could be the next coronavirus victims one national park in the democratic republic of congo famous for its gorillas is banning visitors we don't know right now how seriously they will be affected but we do know that other human diseases that have gone to apes have had devastating effects like polio and even flu fear of the corona virus is reaching across continents and now across species. well the sporting world might be at an almost total standstill but on
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a lake in southern side bierria an intrepid group of yachting enthusiasm are out indulging their passion on frozen lake baikal enthusiastic icy waters from around the world gathered for a week's competition the alter can reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers an hour as they glide across the ice like bicolor event has been held he fit decades and is open to the public so anyone with the equipment and the courage is free to go along and take part. in a pretty brave too you're watching news from berlin i'm jared read before will go before we go i will leave you with some music with concerts around the world scrapped for months to come many artists taking to the internet to host free performances for their fans enjoy.
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