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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 22, 2020 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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sitting. in for migrants your platform for reliable information. this is d w news live from berlin another terrible record in italy as the corona virus claims hundreds more lives. exactly a month after its 1st death the virus kills nearly $800.00 people in just 24 hours it's the deadliest day ever for the world's worst hit country also coming up. health care workers in spain's rush to compete temporary hospitals as the country
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sees a 30 percent increase in cope with 19 cases in a single day country is on lockdown as prime minister petro sanchez says the worst is yet to come. and germany ramps up its own fight the government is asking carmakers to make medical care and lawmakers discuss a possible nationwide lockdown will see how people are dealing with the fast pace of changes here in the capital british. public fully as welcome to the program while authorities around the world take more drastic measures to try to slow the spread of the corona virus the number of cases globally nearly doubled last week the current tally by johns hopkins university in the united states kinds more than 300000 infections worldwide and with that over
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13000 deaths half of all the cases of covert 19 are in europe. lockdown measures are in place in 35 countries with every 7th person now confined to their homes now italy is struggling most to combat covert 19 with nearly 37 percent of the global recorded deaths officials there reported the largest one day increase in fatalities from the coronavirus with almost 800 deaths reported in the past 24 hours. this is the chapel at cremona hospital in northern italy the morgue is full so bodies are being kept here until they can be buried in. the intensive care unit has no beds left medical staff a struggling to cope. the sauce.
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it's not me. we are here. and they. all me we are all too full for. if you are worth in. here for the war because we are. here for the patients. the battle against the spread of the coronavirus is not just in hospitals but on the streets of a tally in towns and cities. police have been making sure that fresh draconian measures introduced on saturday to further limit people's movements are enforced those out and about and stopped and asked to prove why they're not at home despite their if it's the number of dead keeps rising at a staggering rate military vehicles have for another day been transporting coffins
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for commission need the badly affected city of the. images italians fear will be repeated time and again in the coming days and weeks correspondent rene is following developments in milan earlier i asked him how people are dealing with italy's rising death toll and the national lockdown. as a matter of fact most of us have been a home for a couple of weeks thousands number one is not as badly affected as the provinces to the east of milan not such as to come or cremona and pressure where the priests some of the priests i spoke to there told me you know it's going to be difficult for this town to even restart life because so many people that we knew so well have died. so we're mostly staying at home it's a nervous game of of of waiting there are long queues to get into the supermarkets and we're doing as we're told. what the death toll keeps climbing in italy what
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more can the authorities do now to contain a further spreading of the virus. i think we know most of us don't know because a lot has already been done. and. i think we are entering uncharted territory here is this is a full blown lockdown only essential if not make it to such as pharmacies grocery store supermarkets are allowed to carry on so it's not clear what else can be closed one thing that is clear is that we've always been told that the lockdown and all the strict measures that the government has adopted we would see their effects further down the line so a lot of hoping a lot of us are hoping that this week maybe we'll start to see. you know the spread slowing down a little bit this is not clear it's not clear when the effects to kick in but we're hoping to see the effects. well i mean you know it's like a pretty overwhelming situation and of course some of those who are probably the
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most overwhelmed let's say would be medical staff and what support are they receiving at the moment well it's it's quite it's a huge operation of a spoken to a few doctors in i.c.u. . and they've described a race against time to free up more beds every day and by the end of the day no matter how many beds they freed up there you know always the same amount of beds is available because so many patients keep going to hospitals long body has called doctors recall doctors from retirement but also invited doctors from cuba from china from venezuela there's a constant recruitment process to have new nurses and new doctors every week and still they don't they never seem to be you know. and this is this is meanwhile authorities are moving patients we are ambulances but also helicopters to to hospitals far away to free up more beds so this is the kind of support operation
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that it's quite stunning but still it doesn't seem to be enough. well alessio ferranti reporting from milan italy thank you. spain is experiencing europe's 2nd most severe outbreak of the krona virus cases in the country increased by 30 percent in one day prime minister peter sanchez is calling for an extension to the current state of emergency and many in spain are rushing to help support the country's strained resources. * 4 the sound of gratitude and spain's emergency service workers showed their support for the medical staff working around the clock to care for the nation's soaring number of coronavirus patients. health workers have been struggling with a huge stretch on resources. in the outlet and there are no waterproof gowns the
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colleagues protect themselves with garbage bags and trying to get the protection that the hospital does not give them waiting rooms have been set up to treat patients without oxygen be the respirators and the situation is in chaos. as the funeral. spain's prime minister urged the nation to prepare itself emotionally and psychologically for the coming challenges. unfortunately the worst is yet to come when tough days lie ahead for them we will see the impact of the hardest most damaging hour that will push to its limits on material and moral capacities as well as our tenacity as a society. spain is racing to finish construction of temporary hospitals including transforming madrid's largest exhibition center to provide over $5000.00 additional beds the country's lockdown is having some unintended repercussions. hospitalized coronavirus patients have been forcibly their pets at
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home and the restrictions on movement means friends and relatives have been unable to retrieve the abandoned pets cities volunteers in madrid have been rescuing the animals looking after them until they can eventually be reunited hopefully with their recoveries ionas our correspondent. is in madrid jaime the spanish government has announced an extension to the state of emergency but what does this mean in terms of new measures or restrictions. well the measures steel a stand the same measures that we already had placed just they will be extended for another 15 days that means that all bars restaurants and businesses will be closed only supermarkets and pharmacies will be opened during these extra extra time
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and companies are encouraged to let their workers work remotely from home but those who cannot work there remotely they still need to go to work every day and some people here in spain are already demanded it tough and missions like for example told to look down easily has just implemented. in the country because some experts are warning that maybe including the whole health system especially here collapsed pretty worrying times but how are people in madrid of course madrid a very busy and bustling city how are they dealing with the situation of not being able to leave their homes. well it's been very difficult for spaniards to cope with their people are. having to look up to the same time.
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but remember that. happened 10 days after. we. don't know if we'll be able to hold up to that it's trending over to cope with. and we need to see if people respond. he extended until easter time and we. need to see if people take the car and drives and tries to get to try to get to their holiday home. when. people take in their cars and need in madrid. so. there's weeks to go we will have to see exactly how funny you have to go with it. well it's
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difficult weeks ahead for spaniards indeed. in madrid thank you. in gaza have confirmed the 1st cases of coronavirus in the palestinian territory the health ministry says 2 infected palestinian citizens have returned from pakistan wedding than using gaza has been closed and large gatherings banned the prime minister has ordered a 14 day lockdown the arrival of the virus raises fears for one of the world's most impoverished populations movement in and out of the territories restricted by israel and egypt and health care offerings remain the limit. here in germany reporting germany is reporting an increase of nearly 2000 cases of the coronavirus in 24 hours government leaders are set to discuss tougher measures to restrict residents on sunday and nationwide blocked and could be announced but here
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in the german capital berlin there are mixed views on what the country should do next. in berlin's park's spring maybe in the year but most likely also particles of the coronavirus still some left their homes to catch a bit of fresh air exercise and enjoy some family time all the while generally keeping the recommended distance. these could have been some of the last weekend outings for berliners as a possible nationwide lockdown was on everyone's minds so we have a lot of what i heard from friends in spain how depressing a lockdown is on it wolf but let's i'm afraid it's going to happen for the better and maybe the weather will also play a role that people stick to the recommendation and he hopes oh yeah. and lots of people it is of course people shouldn't gather in large groups it's unnecessary so that's a sensible rule but it couple going for a walk or enjoying some food in a cafe keeping the appropriate distance why you know. food markets are still
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allowed to operate at this one it was business as usual with no social distancing measures observed. get people who came here for their food seemed aware of the risk from the dangerous coronavirus but many also said they didn't have much of a choice they said a lack of supplies in recent days and rumors of further restrictions added to the pressure to stock up. i need to go shopping for my family who knows what will still be possible next week with their. many berliners are fearful of what might yet be looming while enjoying rare moments of normal life while they still can. religious services around the world has been interrupted by the corona virus outbreak in the vatican the sunday angelus prayers are being broadcast online instead for the 3rd week in a row pope francis has made no secret of his own discomfort while talking to
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a camera instead of people he has complained of feeling like he was sitting in a cage the vatican st peter's square has been sealed off this is just one of italy's latest measures to slow down the outbreak in the world's hardest hit country. you're watching d w news will be back in the next top of the next hour by. the global corona crisis you can find more information online at e.w. dot com and on t.w. social media channels.
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