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tv   Slavery Routes  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2020 2:15am-3:01am CET

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limpy committee said for the 1st time that postponing the games is an option the competition is to begin on july the 24th. you're watching it d.w. news from berlin or mondo there's more coronavirus coverage on our web site t w dot com i'm tired very bob i. love. to go beyond. the stories that matter to. whatever it takes. to blow running. up you. know that. you made for mines.
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this is the story of a world whose borders and territories were drawn by the slave trade where violence subjugation and profit imposed their own roots this criminal system shaped our history and our world. unsubtle nay the portuguese invented an economic model with unprecedented profitability in the sugar plantation a former member of the 1st black colony 1st slaves as a. black man with sugar cane. in the 16th century other european powers were eager to follow their model their greed would plunge an entire continent into chaos and violence nearly 13000000 africans were cast on to new slavery routes to the new world where the english the french and the dutch hoped to become wealthy in measurably wealthy.
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because the caribbean has similar climatic features to sow till may it eventually became the principal crossroads of the slave traders routes for people in the western world these islands are today associated with the cation guadalupe offers tourists a dream destination sunshine and pristine nature rekindling myths of a lost paradise holiday makers tend to confine themselves to the beaches of live. and self. but as this sign indicates they are all too close to another side of the islands heritage that was anything but a paradise. just a few meters away from the bathers is a burial site where countless. skeletons were discovered. between 501000
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graves are still buried beneath the sand. the result lare beach is one of 15 slave cemeteries that have been excavated. 15 among the 1000 that exist in the caribbean . 89 skeletons have been excluded by french archaeological research experts judging by the state of the grounds they concluded that these men and women had not reached the age of 30 by the time of their death the toll from working on the plantations had so deformed their bodies that they seemed more like 75 year olds. these people were human guinea pigs for the sugar experiment the collateral damage of an unprecedented trade war the sugar war. 74 percent
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of all slaves carried off. were carried off because of sugar if you want to understand the slave trade you just need snow bircher of. sugar proved more addictive than pepper or cinnamon from the 17th century onward europeans craved this rare and expensive commodity in london amsterdam and paris sugar fever was rampant fronting a new generation of adventures to go to any extremes to get it ship owners and fitters merchants and pirates all knew that to produce sugar you needed a lot of slaves. john hawkins was one of these new entrepreneurs' for whom profit reigned supreme the english privateer was a pioneer in understanding that a fortune could be made by shipping black captives to the new world in the mid 16th century he convinced queen elizabeth the 1st to lend him a ship the jesus of lubec for the expedition hawkins conspicuously set the tone by
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choosing a trussed up black man on his emblem. i do confirm to your highness that i will bring home 40000 marks without any offense of the least let any of your highness's allies all friends. i will conduct this enterprise and turn it to the benefit of your whole realm with your highness's consent the voyage proposes to load negroes in guinea and sell them in the west indies in truck of those gold and emeralds that i will bring back in abundance. $1620.00 a century after sugar plantations were introduced in brazil the atlantic became the battle ground for the sugar war england the netherlands and france wants to break spain and portugal as had germany. in the caribbean the dutch took control of chorus out sent to our stations and summertown the french what
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a loop martinique granada and. sentimental the english occupied the bahamas jamaica 1000 barbados and dominica. only cuba and later rico remained under spanish rule. after the extermination and the need as are a lot of people the 1st sugar canes flourished and this from thailand the caribbean became a space of conquest for the europeans very early on really was the 1st place the columbus landed in the new world the 1st place that the spanish began to search for gold and the 1st place they began to enslave the indians so they were thoroughgoing spaces created by design of european planters and imperial policy makers and for their profit right there aren't so many places where you can completely overlay a territory like that so there are in some ways the caribbean is a space where you find the purest of colonial territories where the masters of the
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space actually get to create the space to suit their own needs. in what a loop every plot of land every single square inch of ground is connected to this violent and deeply rooted history. today all that is left of the civil war is a field of ruins. of the 250 sugar refineries acted in the late 1900 century only to remain in operation . 'd 'd in 2017 experts from france's national institute of preventive archaeological
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research examined the remains of the some shocked residents and sugar refinery in almost datong a mill stock rooms and 3 rows of so-called negro huts where hundreds of slaves were penned up together. in this brutal work camp human beings were but one tool among others each became a mechanized and they see a dead body consumed by work until their final breath. both the time in which the slaves were digging the cane holes and the times in which their harvesting or really the peak of the labor on a plantation you could almost see the slaves wasting away when they were digging these can holes because the work was so strenuous and they were getting fed so poorly. ringback you found women in all the gangs oftentimes doing the hardest dirtiest labor on the plantation alongside the men or even before the men and one of the things that
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means when you find young women doing this quite to build. any labor is the birth rates are very low and the mortality rates the infant mortality rate is shockingly high in the mid 18th century people talked about 9 out of 10 infants born to enslave jamaican women dying right within the 1st year so there's no way in which the plantation can reproduce itself under those kinds of conditions. people does feel so shitty about the plantations were managed by overseers who saw the slaves in purely functional terms only exploit this this was absolute exploitation of the workforce it was a very particular society both good because the average race of life expectancy on a plantation was extremely low about 8 to 10 years after arriving. the logic of the slave system was one where the availability of the workforce had
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to be absolute i mean those where this would have been for this man was conceived as an accessory of the land. like a day appeared as such in house inventories used to this level but as slaves are listed next to records for livestock or manufacturing implements. to us but. that's the archaic aspect which was put to use prior capitalist system and which largely met market supply and demand with its fluctuations needs in competition free competition. the sugar plantation saw slavery enter a new era the stronger the demand for sugar the more the slave trade expanded and the more the slave traders sought support from banks to finance their expeditions. london is one of the oldest centers of global finance the city of london was the
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1st to create a commodities exchange to develop credit markets and to issue bank notes on a massive scale without the invention of essential lies banking system the explosion of the slave trade in the 17th century would not have been possible preparing for a slave expedition was expensive and having a financial arsenal england a decisive advantage over its competitors. you've got to remember that the state is getting a tremendous amount of revenue from the plantation complex of a have a very strong vested interest in the slave trade if you had gone to the king of england in 1680. and said look i'm going to give you a choice you can either have these 13 colonies in north america or you could have this one little island called barbados you have taken barbados of the split 2nd because of the sugar revenues and this is something that's going to persist as a very important interest for european states up until the very end the slavery.
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to support the sugar war the city lent money on a colossal scale in the midst of these steel and glass buildings the 2 pillars of the english economy that financed the slave trade are still prominent on the london skyline. at the heart of the financial district is the venerable bank of england the world's 1st central bank. a couple of blocks away is britain's most powerful insurance company the prestigious lloyd's of london atlanta explained traders had to take on heavy debts to charter their ships without an insurance company most would risk to ruin on their 1st expedition we knew with. the slave traders made investments as if playing a game of poker the risks were high but if successful the return would far outweigh any other type of investment insurers like lloyds had everything to gain by
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participating in this game of chance a successful expedition could yield up to 3 times the initial stake in the lloyd's archives little evidence remains of the profits amassed by insuring these high risk expeditions most accounting records were lost in a fire in $838.00 the same year that slavery was abolished in the british caribbean . ports had to adapt to this initial scramble for africa and the caribbean in london black wall became the slave trade principal wharf. all manner of goods were sold here precious fabrics jewels porcelain weapons and brandy all bought on credit with the banks money a giant port complex gradually evolved a city within a city entirely devoted to this new business. following london in 1663 other seaports rush to take advantage of this lucrative trade
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beyond copenhagen now rochelle bristol not want liverpool more deal and work from all over europe slave ships set sail for africa when i began to see slave ships leaving from not just liverpool unarmed but from every port in the atlantic as soon as a port becomes big enough to contemplate the transoceanic poor edge there's a good chance that voyage is going to be a slave trade voyage i mean like $170.00 separate ports tiny places today they've got no idea that once upon a time they send a slave boy just simply to support in the channel islands charming place and yet it's a slave trade pored. over a period of 2 centuries more than 3 and a half 1000 expeditions set sail from french ports more than half of them left from
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the part of not the main french hub of triangular trade. the sculpted figures along the quay the a farce or phaedo island are reminders of an era when the great slave trading families displayed their pride in being the main architects of the city's wealth it was they who made no want france's leading commercial port. shows there is wealth came from slavery there were negotiators ship owners and all those who produced foodstuffs to keep the. flour producers fabric producers hardware produce. every. week the atlantic ports also generated wealth for areas that stretched very far inland as far as of leo in the case of known till by exalting they have to goods were also transported along rivers really flow over so the wealth that slavery produced was essential for
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france uses its own simple dollar for. 1669 from none to more don't level shell and after slavery money flowed back up rivers to all well. and. it had such repercussions on inland areas that it became a national objective look at the 14th knew that to win the sugar war he would need a powerful fleet. the king ordered the construction of $500.00 galleons the atlantic became the theater of a naval war between france england and the netherlands a bitter fight in which each sunken ship was a total loss for the respective countries economy. it was very expensive to build and equip a 74 gun ship and its crew. if not more ultimately who bore the cost of financing these wars the financing of ships and osnos was mainly
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footed by french presence. in. the slave trade fleets were protected 16000 gallons were already protecting dutch commercial ships while the 3000 light in fast royal navy cruisers terrified their adversaries france paled in comparison to these are not us. each nation needed a fortress in africa if it were to compete in the atlantic race just like on the caribbean islands these forts were the bastions of the trying. hiller treated. as military bases they offered a secure store for bartered goods and captives before departure by sea. in less than 80 years 43 such forts were built from senegal to the niger delta which every stone every being every element of masonry was transported by boat from
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europe and. most of these fortresses are built by state individual capitalists or even groups of trade in capitalist did not have that kind of money in order to build those sorts of fortresses the english already had 13 the dutch 10 the danish 5 even the prussians with their 3 forts surpassed the french on the gold coast in today's gonna the fantail and ashanti rented europeans plots of land to build their forts the europeans established trading posts and fortresses all along the atlantic coast from the a way territory to the congo kingdom equitorial africa became the world's principal source of slaves. in this accounting document written in 1688 we learned that over an 8 year period it shipped 60783 slayings. each cost the royal african company 8
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to 12 pounds sterling the equivalent of between 950 and 1500 euros today they were all bought with trade goods the demand for slaves was so high that the europeans pressured their african partners to help them plan rationalize and industrialized their system of mass deportation. slaves were often bought on credit. and sold out mount throughout european ships would calm they would have a whole cargo full of textiles different metal ware or. tobacco whatever and they these would be given to the local merchants extended to them on credit and then the merchants would go inland with those goods and buy slaves and come back the biggest impact was the level of of. the level of violence
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the rising level of violence the level of uncertainty. that permeated society everywhere and also the opportunity for new new big. 2 emerged new powerful leaders somebody gets ahold of more firearms somebody gets more aggressive they build their own personal chiefs of the suddenly they're powerful. among these leaders was on to lead to a major conference in trader from calabar in what is now nigeria in his diary he spoke of the methods he used to terrorize captives kidnapping detention and murder . about 4 am i caught up awful rain i walked up to the city train asked
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where i met on the thames and. we got money to cut off that's. 5 am when he got to capital kingsnake. 50 as found that day. that. very clearly these sacrifices were in town to as a form of terrorism that were meant to make it very clear to the population who was the boss and who was naught them very much the way. many mafioso type organisations . behave in terms of making sure that the members of the association respect
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whoever the godfather it was and if anybody steps out of line they can be assassinated or killed and so they don't step out of line obviously. for the benefit. of a handful of enterprising and unscrupulous profiteers the entire continental economy was transformed on the coast african brokers knew all of the inner workings of the sugar plantation. a slave ship from some a little. dot at loango in the kingdom of congo. it's captains drawings provide exceptional details of the negotiations between europeans and africans the merchants from the coast knew that the matthiessen fix captain was in a hurry he had to arrive in the west indies before harvest time this was the time of year when slaves sold best and when the best sugar was available so they
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deliberately prolonged negotiations to drive prices up $312.00 captives were rounded up in $116.00 days. he said my feet arrived inside a mountain now haiti one year after leaving france only 9 captives had perished a good ratio for the crew who celebrated their success. in the drawings of the matisse afaik no allusion to the slaves suffering appears they were dehumanised shadows tallied and lined up like barrels at the bottom of the hole to. the transportation of human beings turned into a nightmare. it's very important to understand that violence on board slave ships would be used electrically in other words no captain wanted to kill the entire allotment of people on board because that voyage wouldn't
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have no profit so when there was resistance what the captains would do is organize a spectacle in which a small number of people would be executed and if street. leave vicious horrific ways as a means of terrorizing everybody else all of the enslaved to be forced to come up on deck in order to view these executions one slave ship surgeon said that frequently the decks the main deck of the ship would just be completely awash in blood and the aftermath of one of these failed revolts revolts were common and they were almost always suppressed but the captains would use that situation to kill a small number in order to intimidate everybody else sending the message that if you resist us this will be your fate.
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and i've also suggested that the slave ship created categories of race for example the multi ethnic africans who are loaded on board a slave ship go aboard as ebo or are fun day or men day but when they come off the ship they are unloaded as members of a quote negro race end quote and the same parallel process goes on among the sailors these motley crew zzzzz they are english irish also in some cases african they leave their european port but when they arrive on the west coast of africa they become the white people. on caribbean beaches captives disembarked as blacks in
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a world dominated by whites. to providing an outlet for a society founded on violence and race the carnival maintains the memory of the days when the super industry imposed its. rhythms rights and seasons and set the pace for island life. 2 was it wasn't around when drummers announced the end of winter and the resumption of cutting when fleeing slaves covered themselves in the glasses to help prevent their recapture. should change all its clever what progressively distinguished atlanta slavery what made it different from other systems of slavery was the construction of race silicon solution last simplest it was precisely this superimposition that developed between physical appearance with
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its own term and status few. feet behind them at the extremities of this continuum of the both status and color it was the white master and the black slave. met it lisc love. so there little the term winds did not exist prior to slave societies. devan the law in super sleep the term white developed specifically in the antilles this so you can see our vital this atlanta area was to the construction of the racial categories that we still use now is all we use them as though they hadn't changed throughout time when in fact they have joy they mean it can loose all the. race was a weapon of submission mentioned to carve into flash the supposed inferiority of
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some people and the infinite superiority of others. cut off from their roots and their families the black slaves were reduced to a servile mass without names and without orientation. the plantation was a machine that devoured its workforce it needed a constant supply of new arrivals land owners want to transform the slaves bodies into tools. on plantations working and torture were used to deprive them of their humanity. in this garden of torture the masters authority was absolute. so you take for example a character like thomas there's a word and you can almost see in his diaries the escalation of violence very has to
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mete out of the things he has to mete out to the enslaved to keep them working on the plantation. arrived as a foreman on the new plantation but in 2 years ago. we had to carry out justice in a negro. understand. we severely with him unharmed pappa and i'm jews into his one. ringback 3 days later the body of another slave who escaped with brought to us a cut off his head i mean the body in public that was the only way to exeunt the control of the neons. and this is the family reason was adopted by all the colonies. in force and condition of the negro naturalness to his being hated only strengthened violence and held them back.
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these kinds of tortures and these kinds of punishments this kind of brutality actually became commonplace on these plantations where you had white people working out among armies of slaves who they feared they could not control the sound of the screaming and the stench of the burning bodies that also became a fundamental feature of the jamaican landscape right that is what plantation society is it's that smell it's that sound it's that fear and terror that's compelling people to work and to obey their masters there's no way to separate vaca and of terror from the labor on the plantation from the profits that that labor
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produced. but the plantation owners could not squander the slaves they had bought on credit the state had financed the shipment of slaves and wanted its return on investment. the plantation society relied solely on market forces violence was a necessary cost and thus included in balance sheets it took 4 years to amortize the price of a slave after that they were valuable only insofar as that they could hold a machete this was the price to pay so that europe could each. i don't think that it's possible to reduce another human being to a mere cipher to a mere extension of your will and vats where a lot of the tension and possibilities for slave revolt and resistance come in
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because if my purpose is to subject you absolutely. but you can never be subjected absolutely we're always going to have conflict at the extremes of human domination even in slavery we find there is always resistance there is always tension and there's always struggle. throughout the caribbean escaped slaves took refuge in the heart of the most remote forests they were called marooned slaves in reference to the spanish word seem out on which originally designated cattle that had escaped into the wild in these isolated places they began to organize resistance in jamaica they included captain leonard parkinson the leader of the maroons and grandy nani and ashanti known as the maroon priestess. in barbados rusa and illegal war chief through the rebellion the insurgents found a name and identity. all
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throughout the mountainous series of jamaica you have these communities of formally in slave people who have escaped and they learn the territory they learn to cultivate crops there and they learn to fight as well harassing plantations taking gunpowder getting new recruits and maintaining and building communities in the mountains where this becomes increasingly a problem for the british and by the 2nd 3rd decade of the 18th century it breaks out into major war and the british aren't even sure they're going to be able to maintain the island. the uprising spread to other islands and then to the coast of africa wars rage in the slave capturers hunting grounds notably in senate gambia where muslim religious leaders blamed slave trade goods for corrupting society. and these outbursts of violence plunged the sugar industry into
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a crisis which also had an impact in europe a growing number of voices expressed outrage at the horrors of the slave trade. in all of the major slave trading ports everybody knew the truth of the slave trade and i'll tell you one way in which they knew it. slave trading vessels had a very specific smell and you could never get the smell out of the wood. in fact it was said in charleston south carolina which was the major port for the importation of slaves into north america that when the wind was blowing off the water a certain way you could smell a slave ship before you could see it what that meant was that in every port these these ships these ships of horror that stank of human
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misery. that this was all very well known. ringback suddenly information about the slave trade and its characteristics the experiences of enslaved africans in the course of the middle passage came increasingly to public attention in the late seventy's eighty's abolitionists campaign this place particular emphasis on the middle passage that's when polemical arguments began and many pamphlets being published on the case being augie as realizing for the 1st time that they're going to have to make an argument about the legitimacy of colonial slavery. within this context in 783 a court case involving lloyds and the slave trade company enjoyed significant
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publicity in britain. abolitionists use it as a platform to reveal the slave traders barbaric practices. the so-called zon massacre was took place in the early seventy's eighty's was a very important event it basically consisted of a slave ship captain throwing a group of living africans overboard in an effort to collect insurance money now this was this voyage went on and it only came to court a couple of years later because one of the engines the insurance company refused to pay and when this event came to court an abolitionist named granville sharp shows up at this court case and the question being were they actually property or not and shops i answer is this is mass murder. this is just plain mass murder this is not
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about property rights these are human beings. and the judge actually upheld the insurance companies which refused to pay insurance on the the murdered africans and that was vaso who brought this to the attention of granville sharp it was around all sharp then turned it into a big issue that helped to mobilize public opinion in britain. was one of england's most fervent abolitionists born in nigeria he was deported to the caribbean at the age of 11 at the age of $21.00 he managed to buy his freedom while passing through england in his autobiography published in $789.00 he recounted his experience of the middle passage down in the hold and delivered an impassioned plea against slavery that's a held up a mirror to the nations that had reduced him to the rank the marketable object
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gentleman. such a tendency as a slave trade to the borscht man's mind and heart in them to every feeling of humanity. it is a fatality of his mistaken avarice but across the milk of human kindness and turns it into god. which violates not 1st natural right of mankind equality and independency and gives one man a dominion over his fellows which god could never intend. yet how mistaken is the avarice even of the planters our slaves more useful by being thus humble to the condition of brutes and they would be as suffered to enjoy the privileges of man. when.
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but a time gustavo of us a spoke out in 7897700000 africans had been deported 1000000 from senegal. 3.4000000 from beneath and beyond. 3.2000000 from central africa and close 273000 from eastern africa. while david eltis and the emory university research team have established precise deportation figures the income amassed by the slave trade is still being estimated historians are trying to assess today how much profit the slave trade yielded for banks and insurance companies.
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the slave trade is not only. the foundation of american capitalism it is a foundation of all of european in atlantic capitalism because it created this massively profitable economic system that link the countries of north western europe to the americas through the plantation system the great scholar activist c.l.r. james pointed out that the slave system created the greatest player and accumulation of wealth the world had ever seen up to that moment in time and this of course is a very important part of western prosperity. between 1633 and britain's abolition of the slave trade in 1807 english and then british companies deported 2000000 755830 african captives
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most of them died on the plantations more now from working in the sugarcane fields all of this for the sake of profit. in 2007 at london's westminster abbey hosted a bicentennial commemoration of the abolition of the slave trade in the presence of then prime minister tony blair and queen elizabeth the 2nd one guest human rights activist tion at b. 2 disrupted the ceremony. certain. to it a little. bit. were not followed. you were just trying to discuss. the better not to listen. to.
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what. the. 6 the. they are. the plantation owners and slave traders could not accept losing the hard won caribbean the immensely lucrative driving force behind the rise of global capitalism. at the beginning of the 19th century they sought to thwart the wave of protest in civil society by that time slavery a practice that dated back to the dawn of humanity seemed immoral and to belong to the past britain had understood this before the others and was thus one step ahead of its rivals. it was preparing itself for world domination.
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puppet oh. oh. because in the. larger cold. central air conditioners usually huge amount of energy. but the signers in delhi have come up with a new spirit centuries old clips of. life. really believe this. next on t.w. . good shit oh no you may not want to hear the word.
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i care for needy jews ruthlessly. i. beethoven's 9th symphony for the world starts in full moon on t.w. . this is d w news and these are our top stories u.s. president donald trump has released federal funds to help states combat the corona virus outbreak states include funding for deploying the national god new york has in force district lock down one in 3 americans is now under a stay at harm auto. german chancellor i'm going to machall is at home in quarantine after coming into contact with a doctor who tested positive for corona.


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