tv DW News Deutsche Welle March 23, 2020 10:00pm-10:31pm CET
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minister should stay in the country to fight the virus boris johnson instructs people to stay home except for the essentials. at least for 3 weeks and pressure building to postpone the tokyo olympics the japanese prime minister acknowledging for the 1st time that the summer games may be delaying canada and australia are already saying they will not send their teams. it's good to have you with us the head of the world health organization says the 19 virus continues to peace efforts to contain it and that cases of the infection are more than 16000 people around the world have died from the virus here is what the head of the w.h.o. said just a few hours ago. more than 300000 cases of corbett 19
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have now been reported to w.h.o. from almost every country in the world. that's heartbreaking the pun demick is accelerating it took 67 days from the 1st reported case to reach the 1st 100000 cases 11 days for the 2nd 100000 cases and just 4 days for this. 100000 cases there's some disturbing numbers there for more i'm joined now by christiane lynn meyer he is a spokesperson at the world health organization and joins us tonight from geneva switzerland because then the w.h.o. is saying that the pandemic is exhilarating where is it spreading at the most rapid
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pace. so what was seeing right now while china has nearly serial cases we have iran is one of the top countries it's early and a slow to the u.s. that's catching up tools of prominent 3 countries though europe in general its is unfortunately the most spending area it's spain france germany italy all together make for a good portion of of all the of all the cases worldwide but as you look at china we can see that there is hope if we're doing the right measures to curb this outbreak and to get so bad outcome today the w.h.o. called on the world's most developed countries the g 20 to work together to stop the spread of the corona virus i want to ask you is the fear here that if we do not have this type of international cooperation is the fear that we will not be able to
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bring this pandemic under control. well we did it all of resources we need not only do coloration and sharing in science which is of course an important part chain the virus sequences change the results and in syrup it takes the development sharing results for vaccine development where we have a lot going on more than 20. 6 candidates in the going and we have a couple of vaccine tests. trials going on. so this these are all good news but we also need a lot of financial resources then of course the world's most powerful countries with what we've said today 80 percent of the global g.d.p. . united words brought together these g 20 that of course is the resources we need right now because look at let's look at what's missing globally in the early every country we need we left the most basic things from maston simple medical equipment to the more sophisticated meaning to ventilators oxygen maybe we need hospital beds
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and that means physically also maybe using our facilities to try to and so temporary hospitals or temporary locations we need training for staff so a lot of resources are needed that's for now but we also need to think about boosting the economy and as you just said in the in the commentary restarting the economy at some point will need another huge effort tonight there are more then 1500000000 people at home they've been told in a lockdown to stay at home or their governments have requested them to do so can you venture a prediction on when 1500000000 people will be able to go about their normal lives again i mean are there any reassuring words for people tonight. i would love to be able to give a time frame and i'm actually doing this right here from my home office too because we're just as well and under lockdown. the situation will certainly get us but
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it's worse still until it gets better unflushed and that's a sentence we've been saying for far too long already but we need to slow discourage we need to spread out the cases of her good amount of time and the measures taken right now on the social and political stunt meaning to the lock down all of the many public places of what the pending on the country more more places a less places but this closing of public life will have an effect and we heard 1st reports from individual countries that they think they see results over the death is of course great news but we hope this is the action manifesting really in real numbers to. this to get of it is aggressive tracking and tracing and treating all the individual cases and the solving of every contact and that will need to be enhanced in nearly all of the countries that can bring success and for all of this we need resources and bring in money all right christiane lynn meier with the world
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health organization joining us tonight from geneva switzerland can stay on thank you for here's a more of the latest developments on the global coated 1000 pandemic for the 2nd straight day italy has posted figures suggesting the spread of covert 19 in the country is slowing down italy's europe's hardest hit country u.n. secretary general antonio good therapists has called for an immediate global cease fire to protect vulnerable people in conflict zones from the ravages of the virus and britain's supreme court building is close the justices will switch to video conferencing to hear cases and to hand down judgments on britain's prime minister has announced a nationwide lockdown to fight coded 19 boris johnson telling the british people the government is shutting non-essential shops and services in banning gatherings are more than 2 people take a listen. from the c evening i must give the british people
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a very simple instruction you must stay at home because the critical thing we must do to stop the disease spreading between households that is why people will only be allowed to leave their home for the following very limited purposes shopping the basic necessities as infrequently as possible one form of exercise a day for example a run walk or cycle alone with members of your household any medical need to provide care or to help a vulnerable person and travelling to and from work but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home physique a prime minister is there boris johnson ard for more now let's get a lot of parts she joins me from london good evening to you show larger so we've got a nationwide lockdown you can add the u.k. to the list of european countries with that tell us more about the details.
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well life in the u.k. is going to change drastically tomorrow morning as we've seen it in other european countries you've heard the prime minister johnson they're naming the 4 reasons why people can't leave their home to shop to help for medical reasons to work or to exercise in the park so it's a it's a little bit less restrictive then and other european countries and another measure that has been implemented from today on is that vulnerable people and old people were contacted by their doctor or nurse today and told that they now have to self isolate in their own home for at least 12 weeks they will be provided with groceries and medical care by volunteers but that is how it is right now in the u.k. starting tomorrow morning and we know that the u.k. is somewhat late to join this list in terms of walked is this a u.
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turn for boris johnson well his critics have always said he's acting hof hotly and way too late but boris johnson has insisted that the u.k. is 2 weeks behind italy and that he would introduce the right measures at the right time now he had appealed to the british people not to leave their home but we've seen over the weekend that that didn't work out people in the hundreds were hitting the beaches for example or the parks and obviously that is not a social distancing so today came the measure for a lock down that now everybody has to comply with and if they don't there will be fines the police will be watching the people everywhere wherever they go so this is what he says ah the right measure us at the right time. on the story for us in. london sure lots of thank you.
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country's leading public health institution institute says new data suggest that the. cases may be leveling off. concerns that. may have caught the virus those concerns have been dispelled through. this. only for essential reasons like. shopping. but germany's robert costa institute says there's reason to be cautiously optimistic that the measures are working. the indian tent we are seeing signs that the exponential growth curve is flattening off slightly but i will only be able to confirm this trend definitively on wednesday with kind of a but i am optimistic that the measures are already having an effect which is very
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early because they've only been in place for a week. to fondue. scenes like these from just last week i think of the past for now anyway chancellor merkel is in quarantine at home she's been tested after contact with an infected doctor that test came back negative but she'll be tested regularly in the coming days meanwhile she's telling where king finance minister all of scholtz will be covering some of her cuties he's a vice chancellor has asked me to speak for her in the pond as tag on wednesday and we will manage this. however i believe that this is a very important sign that this infection can hit every one of us we are very vulnerable as human beings and you know one is protected from this. that after today's virtual cabinet meeting the government announced a further financial aid package worth $156000000000.00 euros it's
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a break with germany's rules on strict budget tree discipline but extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. the coronavirus pandemic is also affecting the world of sports in soccer you wait for is rescheduling the finals of the champions league turn a bit and it's becoming increasingly likely that the tokyo summer olympics will be postponed because of the coronavirus several qualifying events are already cancelled the pressure is growing on authorities to consider a delay today japan's prime minister shinzo abhi acknowledged that rescheduling the games may be the only way forward. for weeks and even japan knew the international olympic committee was prepared to countenance it now prime minister shinzo abyei has tabled the possibility of postponement. but. if the circumstances make it impossible to hold the games as planned then we have no choice but to consider postponing them and the i.o.c.
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president thomas back had been playing for time saying on sunday that the decision would be made within the next 4 weeks but pressure from athletes and associations has grown massively canada became the 1st country to announce that they would not send any athletes to the games shortly followed by australia where the local m.p. committee is demanding a delay it gives certainly to the athletes to get into sports and that's the most important thing over the weekend in japan where public life is yet to be restricted as in other countries 50000 people gathered to catch a glimpse of the olympic flame the country is experiencing a growth in coronavirus case numbers and experts have been warning of the danger of a wave of infections similar to those seen in europe plans are now being made to scale back the olympic torch relay due to start on thursday for the games themselves postponement is looking increasingly inevitable. you're watching you
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discover who. subscribe to the documentary. this is deja vu news in berlin germany in isolation mode what to expect from the partial shutdown just ordered by the government and why critics in some countries are demanding the opposite they're calling for controlled herd immunity but what does that mean and what are the implications. plus a race against time how the german biotech company keoghan is preparing for
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a run on coronavirus test kits. i'm simply someone's going to thank you for joining me on today's covert 19 special the coronavirus is continuing to spread also in germany convincing chancellor angela merkel that stricter containment measures are necessary until now it had largely been left to the country states and municipalities to can tear curb the contagion an approach that has created a patchwork of rules and guidelines the new measures are to be rolled out nation wide let's hear what the german chancellor announced. has discussed today how all countermeasures are working we have no vaccine and we have no drug against the disease all we have firstly the efforts we are making to prepare our health care system especially hospitals for the expected continued high rise in infections. and secondly our own behavior. that is currently most effective measure.
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the new measures medical and state leaders decided to implement ban gatherings of more than 2 individuals with the exception of families and people who live together in one household now restaurants bars and cafes and other non essential service providers must also close businesses offering food delivery and collection will be allowed to remain open commuting to work helping others and exercising alone outside will still be permissible the measures will initially remain in place for 2 weeks the new measures are one step closer to total lockdown but not there yet and germany's a strategy appears to be to ramp up the strictest of measures in a controlled way as it seeks to limit the spread of the virus and keep the numbers of severe cases manageable for the country's health system. now in other european countries there are also ongoing discussions about what measures to introduce and when some countries are focusing on the best ways to reach what's being called herd
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immunity a critical point in a pandemic when the number of people who have grown immune to the virus automatically limit its spread now for weeks the british government for example voided implementing restrictions on wider society if the goal appeared to be to allow members of the community who are considered less vulnerable to be infected in orders to reach the tipping point of herd immunity sooner but after models show how badly u.k. hospitals would be overwhelmed in such a scenario and the potentially hundreds of thousands of deaths it would cause priorities have shifted nonetheless british prime minister boris johnson remains hesitant about curfews. a point that i think people in juji be understand about the timing of these measures you've got to impose these interventions in the spread of the epidemic the moment when they can have the maximum effect an awful lot with
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the epidemic is is hope is pretty tall let's hold a moment to to impose. curfews and provisions on movement and so on so if you want to wait until i last until it's the right moment to do it and that's always been there are we being god it's all right let's bring in our science correspondent derek williams for more on this hi derek so is now the right time for britain to be implementing these measures are they coming too late well i think that most experts would say boris johnson has gotten something very wrong here starting with the use of the word and to explain the thing as epidemics like when we're seeing don't follow into question or hunches they follow certain statistical projections which is why we're able to model that mathematically the big fallacy with this comment is that from a prevention point of view the time to impose curfews on lock downs is not when large numbers of people are getting the disease it's before ours numbers of people
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began to get that this is that's the only way to slow it down because there's an incubation period new infections and deaths are going to continue to rise for at least $2.00 to $3.00 weeks even after strict social distancing measures have been imposed so we'll only see the consequences of what we do today in 2 to 3 weeks that's one of the lessons that we've learned from china and italy if you wait until numbers shoot up to react with measures then ultimately many more people are going to get the infection and it's going to kill a lot more of their convention this concept of herd immunity can you tell us more about what exactly it means and what role that plays and slowing the spread of the virus. well herd immunity is when so many people in a population are immune to an infection that effectively stops the disease from spreading there are 2 different ways that a person acquires immunity that you catch the disease and you build up an immune response that prevents you from being infected by the same bug in the future where
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you're vaccinated which fools the body into responding like it caught the disease even though it didn't but to return immunity it doesn't matter which of those 2 ways people have developed an immune response what's important is that as the number of people who are immune to the rises in a population it begins to spread more slowly let's say that at the beginning of an outbreak when no one has an immune and infected person gives it to 2 other people but once 50 percent of the population has acquired immunity an infected person can only give it to one other person rather than 2 that's because the other one would have been they would have given it is already protected because there are so rising immunity and the herd in society as a whole is puts the brakes on the spread of the disease so are there ways to actually control the process of reaching herd immunity. well most researchers i've been talking with to say it's an interesting thought experiment one that you know this idea of controlled herd immunity but it's one that has
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a couple of very serious flaws 1st we still know very little about about immunity to the virus or how long it lasts we assume there's going to be an immune to fact of some kind after someone gets over $1000.00 but we still don't know enough about that it's a it's a major risk to just allow the virus to spread when you don't know whether people could quickly get it a 2nd time then there is the question of how controlled it would all remain you know the point behind social distancing measures is to slow the spread of the disease to flatten the curve and so you have medicines and vaccines and place herd immunity can also be reached with vaccines and they don't kill people if you allow people to catch them piracy but in a controlled setting then some of them are going to die and it's far too easy to imagine a scenario where intentionally allowing people to catch the disease could spiral out of control and bring down the health system so the message most researchers are sending as i think of course we want herd immunity but trying to get it by intentionally allowing people to get sick is going to cost lives probably
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a lot up until you have medications and a vaccine as tough as they are lockdowns and social distancing are better choices right back and what is the latest that you're seeing from researchers in the fight against the virus. well there's a story on that seems that caught my eye surely this weekend's german biotech cure back which we've been hearing a lot about in the news is so confident that its approach is going to were that it announced a few days ago that it's already 'd broken up production of its its or and you vaccine candidates even though the company is still in very very early testing you know if you recall we've been hearing from topcoat authorities that it will take at least 18 months for a vaccine this really but before widespread use and that's because there are a lot of regulatory hoops to jump through starting with safety issues and you have questions about expecting this it just takes time but if you're confident your product is a good chance of working you can start making doses while testing is going on they don't work out you wasted time and effort but if you do then you save a lot of valuable time who knows maybe they will see an effective vaccine by the
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minute you're after all that would be an amazing achievement bankers cross for care of that and all the other companies out there trying to make up for that some promising news there a new science thank you very much well as we just heard here in germany pharmaceuticals biotech companies are racing to come up with a vaccine for the virus and to think of solutions to take pressure off of the health care system now one german company called key had gayness producing diagnostic tests for coverage 19 and it's had to overhaul its operation in response to the crisis. start ferric here again can barely keep up with demand the biotech company produces molecular diagnostics equipment now including a rapid test for the novel coronavirus production has been ramped up parent h.q. neko. yes i mean you could start side we've increased our output by more
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than 70 percent in a very short space of time. so on we're increasing production to such an extent that instead of producing $1500000.00 tests per month we'll be making $20000000.00 per month by the end of the yeah and that's one test is needed per patient of our time we've introduced a 3 shift per day system 7 days a week. the company reacted quickly to the new coronavirus outbreak testing equipment that's been on the market since 2018 has been upgraded and can now diagnose the past and for corona virus in just one hour. this rapid test is intended for use in hospitals and of our trees and it was approved for use in europe last week as an igloo bought a house but only as in the us to use this is a global challenge and the situation varies from country to country especially in how quickly they recognize the virus and whether or not they acted quickly asian
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countries like south korea responded much more quickly than countries like the u.s. demand is soaring all over the world and so it's a global challenge to make testing facilities available everywhere. he again struck recalled has also piqued the interest of other companies hoping to cash in. u.s. law pickwick. is now set to buy key again for around 10000000000 euros right in the thick of the current crisis. shareholders have to approve the acquisition before it goes ahead. people across europe are being told to stay indoors many countries have severely restricted freedom of movement from parts of the u.s. to argentina the philippines and some countries have even declared a national lockdown in a bid to slow the spread of the virus it's a very different picture in japan though corona virus infections there have been increasing at a slow rate but experts fear that could suddenly change as the famous cherry
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blossoms start to appear various festivals are still set to go ahead and authorities fear that japan could witness a surge of new cases as people head outdoors to mark the start of spring. right thank you for watching a covert 1900 special here on the w. we have the latest on the pandemic on our website that every dot com will be back with you at the top of the hour. climate change. the strain of illegal. environmental. factors biodiversity species conservation exploitation equality. human rights displacement.
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