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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 25, 2020 9:30pm-10:00pm CET

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using. it for the ages reducing. the. last. laugh beethoven's 9th for the more it starts on t.w. . clicked. spain's coronavirus death toll now higher than china's hospitals overwhelmed by the sick many of the patients are now the doctors and nurses themselves tonight's spanish nightmare is it new york's tomorrow now the parallels are frightening the difference madrid is asking nato for help washington is sending help in the form of a check a 2 trillion dollars check i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day. the
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current status we still have the trajectory going up. right now what we're looking at is about 140000 cases coming into the hospitals the hospital capacities 53000 beds that's a problem ventilators ventilators ventilators. we need 30. we have in the existing hospital system 4000 ventilators. also coming up the pandemic and the world's biggest lock down 1300000000 people staying at home in india if these 21 days or not manage quickly in the country and you'll family will be sent back by 21 years.
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to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the u.s. response to the coronavirus pandemic a cure of money and medicine some say the politics of profits versus people today the white house and congress agreed on a stimulus bill a 2 trillion dollar set of crutches for an economy that has crippled itself in the hopes of bringing the virus to a halt the bill is the largest of its kind in modern history twice as big as the rescue package approved in the recession of 2009 and yet economists say it may not be big enough. a long line of drivers all waiting to be tested for the corona virus this is florida but the cues are getting longer right across america. the number of confirmed infections is gathering pace along with the number of those known to have died from the virus as the scale of the outbreak becomes increasingly clear doctors
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are worried about their own safety and a part time we are here to come to walk by being scared we are trying to see who i am and we're committed to doing mad doc to say hospitals nationwide are overwhelmed and there's not enough protective gear there are people that literally are wearing bandanas because they have nothing better to protect themselves from the respiratory droplets of patients who are in. and i think that said national chains an increasing number of states have closed down non-essential businesses heating owners hard this restaurant is trying to keep going by serving takeaways but owner on mint owns 2 other eateries and pays $12000.00 a month just in rent. he's had to lay off most of his 25 staff. this is just taking it all us surprise and also off our feet we
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don't know how to deal with this every day is a new challenge for us is very challenging and for the most parts very terrible. we will get through this is the message from one bar owner in california people who have lost their jobs can get a free meal here. a small team does the cooking. for you scared owner tom stop it is struggling to make sense of what's happening here in hollywood he has to pay rent of a $1000.00 a day. i'm concerned. all we can do is help each of them help each other and hope for help from washington. it help from washington 2 trillion dollars worth to talk money medicine people politics and the virus i'm joined tonight by ian bremmer he is $1.00 of the premier go to authorities on geo political risks he's president of the eurasia group and with
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jeezy media joins me tonight from new york it is good to have you back here on the day this stimulus package is the largest stimulus package that we've seen passed by a government in modern history you know a month ago the u.s. economy was doing fine the pandemic forced this shutdown the economy can reignite with no problem so would you say that this money is more of a bridge to reignite than it is a true stimulus. it's a little stimulus it's a little relief it's a little a little bridge but of course let's keep my right now the economy stops there's not much to stimulate. you know it's more keeping stuff alive and isn't enough we don't know what we do know is that a very divisive president nonetheless was able to work with congress to get this passed in relatively short order the markets of course of popped on it and by the way i expect the trumps approval ratings over the coming week probably will 'd as
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well but we already have members of congress that i've been talking to who are starting to think about what a 'd new package would look like once they come back in let's say a 2 months or 3 months the if us postal system is nearing insolvency and clearly that's not going to get any easier over the coming weeks is the question of to what extent average american workers are going to need additional checks going forward given the extraordinary hardships they're going to face and so many will be out of work and other other parts of the economy we just don't know the extent of the health care crisis and given that it's very hard to know where we're going to be in 4 weeks and 8 weeks time what would you say this is this large just that we're looking at an astronomical figure 2 trillion dollars does that reflect the the level of uncertainty about the future as you said we don't know where we're
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going. i think it reflects a fair amount of certainty about what it costs for the u.s. economy to be basically shaath for 468 weeks minimum on top of the shutdown of the global supply chain let's keep in mind china is restarting now it's 6 weeks on a boat to get stuff from china to the united states out of the ports into the markets malaysia shutdown and just today they announced going to be another 2 weeks their part of the supply chain to the united states to india shutting down ok they don't manufacture that much but they're still a part of the supply chain there i mean this is a global shop it's not remotely close to the scale of 2000 it is the largest economic shot that we have seen globally since world war 2 and so i mean i you should not be surprised even though there's a lack of coordination between governments around the world the the scale of both
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the fiscal responses as well as the monetary response as we're seeing from all of the advanced industrial economies have been at bury similar levels you talk about this this disruption to the supply chain you know what we're seeing is the united states a wealthy superpower that is struggling to provide doctors with enough protective mask masks that cost about $0.75 a piece i mean that's not something that builds confidence and what does it tell you about the ability of the united states then to react and to to do what it needs to do to take control of a crisis. tells me 3 different things 1st of all it tells me italy about 10 days ahead of the united states in terms of scale of cases north in italy milan and advanced economy wealthy fantastic mayor and one of the world's best health care systems completely overwhelmed by the scale of this crisis so it tells me that
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corona virus a new virus that no one has any immunity towards there is no herd immunity there is no vaccine the scale of that is severe we do not we underestimated our peril number 2 it's tells me that the americans even though they were early and shutting down travel to china were late in responding to building up health care surge capacity and we are potentially going to pay a very severe price it is certainly possible that new york l.a. new orleans and other municipalities will face in the next 2 weeks what northern italy has faced in the last 2 and final point is that we have a just in time supply chain globally china is the factory for the world works great when there are no disruptions when there are major disruptions like this you want just in case supply chain you're going to see an awful lot of manufacturing and services move out of china on the back of this and closer to where consumption
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needs i want to ask you about germany the parliament here today passed an unprecedented economic aid package it's the 1st piece of economic legislation in modern germany that throws caution to the when terms of deficits and debts spending. it's now in line with the united states when it comes to deficit spending i was asked today who's going to pay all of this back when the bill comes due how do you see that being possible. well the germans have resisted expanding their fiscal spend over the past 10 years despite a lot of pressure from the europeans and from the americans to do so in fact the germans got their total debt levels down to below 2008 levels that is very much to the credit of the german government and so the credit of chancellor merkel it also provides the space to respond very strongly with the
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crisis the scale of which we have been front of us right now completely appropriate and glad to see the germans doing so it provides more confidence for me in germany and in europe and i think that were reflected in the german poll numbers overwhelming support the german government is doing the right thing. you're in new york city we hear that new york city is a hot spot right now in this pandemic. what's it like when you walk up on the streets of me and how worried are you know about your about your own health and the health of your family. it's not fun i mean i was here during $911.00 that wasn't part either but the city came together and $911.00 here of course the city social distancing which is a truly anti human behavior right so it feels like an artifice 1. and you know i mean i think even millennialists would probably say that i think that the
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queen's this is the hot spot in the united states right now overwhelmingly it's where the cases are manhattan's not as bad as queens they have vastly less health care capacity they have a lot more cases we're watching that very closely right now but if you walk around in my neighborhood things are shut their borders there are no people i mean i have in my my long run in the morning along the river there's no problem social distancing i'll promise you that this city is a ghost town people are holed up and they're they're scared they're scared because i was just just an hour ago floyd cardozo up known for 15 years the chef from tal blew up but danny myers empire is about 5055 years old just died earlier today from corona virus in perfect health everyone i know has stories like that now no one good 2 weeks ago this is a war. you are the master of risk assessment let me ask you this i want you to look
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to the future to november does this pandemic does it pose a threat to the u.s. election i mean will it be a mail in ballot vote or could the election be postponed. postponing election requires the passage of a federal law that have to go through a democrat controlled house and republican controlled senate hard to imagine that would happen. under anything but a true catastrophe and i don't think we'll be in that situation. i think that you are probably going to have changes in the way the election is conducted on a state by state basis some controlled by republicans some by democrats that means it's going to be politicized turnout will be lower than you would have otherwise expect it that leads to more polarization by doesn't necessarily benefit in that in that sense right now trump i am sure in the next week trump's numbers are going to go up on the back of this 2 trillion dollar stimulus and on the back of just being the guy in charge when people are worried but that's not
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a rally around the $5.00 to $5.00 what you got for bush after 91192 percent there's no way trump's touching numbers like that ever but the election isn't in 3 weeks it's in november yeah and you know frankly the possibility that this election is seen to be diligent in my eyes in the eyes of many many americans for reasons having to do with this crisis as well as politicized investigations against biden you remember the impeachment proceedings external intervention from the russians and others a very real risk fortunately one we're not dealing with right now because i will tell you in the last week here in new york city no one is talking about this election people are talking about this crisis that is as it should be as it should be this is a wife and for all joining us tonight from new york city as always we appreciate your insights thank you very much stay safe and stay healthy.
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well last week italy surpassed china in the number of coronavirus deaths this week spain has earned that tragic title unimaginable scenes of suffering and sorrow are playing out across spain as hundreds of people die every day hospitals are packed with patients and more are waiting just to see a doctor perhaps the most shocking proof of how dangerous this pandemic is physicians and nurses make up almost a quarter of all new infections spain's health care system is collapsing taking down the healers and the helpers with it madrid submitter old show a hospital is overwhelmed patients filling the hallways struggling to breathe waiting for the privilege of oxygen. for many here the shortage of ventilators and medical staff could prove to be deadly for a shocking number that already has spain's death toll from cope with 1000 has now
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surpassed china's. a little bit i don't want to get involved in politics because that's not the time joe and i hear on tuesday that there are situations let areal and then my colleagues this morning complain that there is not sufficient material i can't believe it when the government's crosses committee comes out to say we have everything it's not sure. so many have died this week at madrid's morgues are also overwhelmed this ice skating rink will take in the overflow keeping bodies out of the sun as the country prays for a reprieve. other provisional facilities are popping up around spain and barcelona the military has a record a temporary homeless shelter for up to a 1000 homeless people will be able to isolate unhygenic conditions.
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struggling to cope the government will extend the state of emergency until mid april. police are tightening controls to enforce the countrywide lockdown. so anyone without a permit to be out will be fine police say they've handed out over 80000 fine since the rule went into effect 10 days ago. many spaniards welcome the strict control on movement. people are not respecting confinement measures people are irresponsible a lot of us have to go to work this is the 2nd control of pasta and i think it's great. with over 400000000 euros of medical equipment on order from china spain is looking to see if its efforts will start to stifle the spread of the virus. and for more now i'm joined by journalist ricardo. he joins me from the spanish capital madrid good evening to you ricardo's spain has suffered
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more deaths than china in this pandemic how close is the country to a health care system collapse. and i would imagine well. there has been calls and i think almost anyone who lives in madrid have scenes last meal of the last week and warnings from the health workers in the social media saying that they hosed hospitals capacity where overstretching and now this happens in the in the whole country and there's lack of human resources lack of beds. been delayed those were our vital lack of equipment for the health workers who protect themselves like gloves and masks and. today doing this session to send a state of all around there were calls to to prepare for our cases of course from out the disorder and health workers and i think these 6 sort of represents how the
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situation is right now in spain you know i mean we can't even imagine what it must be like for the doctors and the nurses we understand that the government has ordered hundreds of millions of euros worth of medical equipment from china spain is also asking nato for supplies how soon will those request be able to make a difference. well even though we're talking about very lots but the minister of health of our very said that they were there we let rife in that and several stages 1st that the test at the end of this week that we this more than 5000000 and a ventilator surround a 1000 will arrive in april and considering the now everyone is working around the clock in the hospital bills and to increase the capacity and that the cases increased to 20 percent in the last 24 hours well every day counts and every mask
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every every every test this is important. record of the health ministry emergency coordinator says that the outbreak is reaching its peak in spades. is is that a fact or is that more forced to ms and what do you say. well they have been very cautious themselves when they when they talk about this and he said that he they they said before that this paved the peak in this week. and maybe in the next few days that this is the nation is based on the rate of growth of the hospitalized people. still minister he says is still a license on how badly in any case they also reminded that even when we reach the peak of cases this doesn't mean that this strays from the health system is going to be over because maybe many new cases is going to. develops
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and someone is make it worse so even you must think a while until until the hospitals can actually breathe a little beat and and him medical workers can think of very well deserved rest. so that's its duration yeah we certainly do hope that the people of the frontline that they can get some well deserved rest and get it soon ricardo priscilla reporting tonight from madrid ricardo thank you very much stay safe and stay healthy. if you. will how do you walk down more than a 1000000000 people india is showing the world as we speak in the has become the latest the largest country to introduce a nation wide lockdown in the fight against the corona virus although there have only been 560 confirmed cases and 11 deaths in the country fears are growing that the infection could spread quickly in india's densely populated city.
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they look like the streets of a quiet village but these are the roads of india's capital delhi on the 1st day of the coronavirus lock down one spot selling bollywood film sets were empty. airlines are grounded travel restricted indians have been warned to take a 3 week stay at home order seriously it is then if these 21 days are not managed properly then the country and your family will be set back by 21 years is a lot of. crowds formed at pharmacies and shops following the prime minister's announcement safeguarding its supplies india has now banned exports of mosques and ventilators as well as an anti malaria drug being tested as a covert 19 treatment health experts say the drastic measures are necessary.
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if india can fight this to get done for 2 weeks we definitely would have prevented that from going up and may get flak all that we need to do is to prevent that god from going it leaving because if that happens in india the results will be much worse than what happened. economic relief has been promised to those unable to work but many remain worried. present that i cannot wait to find out if the government will give me money but how am i supposed to eat until then and what if they don't. with indians housebound about one 3rd of the world's population is now living under some form of lockdown. well the lack of soccer during the coronavirus pandemic is hitting fans hard but
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clubs are also counting the costs many in the lower leagues fear that they will go bust with no revenue and no matches even the big teams in germany's been this league are affected and players are now volunteering to give up some of their sizeable salaries to help the club get. empty stadiums across germany's bundles league the coronavirus is having an unprecedented impact on football and football finances. now as some of the game's top player has a decided to give up a portion of the multi-million salaries to help their clubs. don't mindif announce that play is management and coaches waving a double digit 1000000 amount in wages chief executive has. said it is a valuable sign of solidarity both to the outside world and to our $850.00 employees
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. media reports say players an overabundance league of clubs such as by and munich and by labor i'm making similar gestures. it's about helping people who are struggling financially because of this situation. for example the security guy who works at the stadium and works on match days maybe now doesn't have a job. the bonus league or expects no football action before april 13th and officials know it may take a lot longer but the players are at least doing their bit off the pitch. and the day is almost gone the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either at d w news or you can follow me at brett goff t.v. and don't forget to use our hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody stay safe and
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stay healthy.
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the tempo of. the rhythm of the markets. the momentum of the working world. is measured in made in germany. 30 minutes on d w. europe. what unites.
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divides. the comic books the driving force. what binds the continent together. the answers and stories of plunging the. spotlight on people. who's going to. be 90 minutes on t w. in the us of climate change. africa's most of. what's in store. for the future. e.w. dot com africa may go sit in the multimedia inside clear picture.
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passionate drama competition private marketing numbers on a scared college fight that's how. the money. runs find us and. only. because we sort of. go off on you tube joining us.
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this is g w news live from berlin tonight to money as medicine german lawmakers approved an under president economic plan to save the economy from the pandemic the legislation is aimed at supporting health care and propping up businesses it's also a paradigm shift for germany rolling back historic restrictions on taking out a new day.


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