tv The Day Deutsche Welle March 26, 2020 11:02pm-11:30pm CET
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by the corona virus 1st china then italy in this week spain but this pandemic nightmare it doesn't end it simply relocates. tonight from europe to the united states of virus in the fast lane no where in the world is this pathogen spreading as quickly as in america and no where in america are doctors desperation and death as close together as they are in new york city i'm brooke gulf and berlin this is the day. i'll. be able to. people come in they get into paid it they die for a cycle or. a lot of people come to the survive this fire and it was the same mission but not the person. stayed home if you look at the one you don't try to do anything right now 911 was nothing compared to this we were open
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waiting for patience the combo never came. ok now they just keep coming. also coming up new cases of the virus are rising in the u.s. and here in germany so why are fewer people dying here scientists are answering with 3 words testing testing testing shit salinity it's indecent let's talk in hind common estimates that are now coming in over the last few days but i suggest that we are doing half a 1000000 p.c.'s tested to weaken germany spread across the country. and to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the coronavirus pandemic doctors becoming patients in spain and doctors as frontline soldiers. in the united states there are more than 56000 confirmed coronavirus
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cases in spain 14 percent of them are physicians and nurses unprecedented double digit infections belonging to medical professionals it took a pandemic to reveal the weakest links in spain's health care system a system that seems one ventilator away from collapsing or the lack of ventilators is just one of the problems in hospitals in the united states the u.s. quickly becoming the new global epicenter of this pandemic emergency room doctors are using the words such as apocalyptic and chaos to describe the growing wave of new patients seeking treatment you know there still aren't enough test kits for example there is still a shortage of protective equipment the one thing in over abundance the number of people getting sick fear is growing rapidly across new york as is the number of people infected with corona virus many have to wait in line here in front of
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elmhurst hospital in queens don't his worry the health system could collapse we are definitely 304050 year olds with no co-morbidities no diabetes no coronary artery disease no high blood pressure or. other very much otherwise healthy individuals state governor andrew cuomo is trying to set up as many beds as possible 1000 in this congress sent to unknown aside from stuff shortages he's also concerned about a lack of ventilate his ventilators ventilators ventilators we need 30000. we have in the existing hospital system 4000 ventilators this is just in the normal operation of hospitals etc as more people are tested the number of known infections grows the virus had spread here for weeks before testing was made possible new york is trying desperately to stay up and running subway trains and buses a still operating this constant cleaning but the city is being forced to prepare
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for the west kula trucks stand ready behind the public bellevue hospital as makeshift morgues. you know there is a grim image there for more tonight i'm joined now by journalist who have the sand she is in manhattan in new york city good evening to you. well new york is becoming the epicenter of this pandemic we've got more than 75 percent of new yorkers expected to catch the virus when you consider all of this tell me what is it like to be in the city at the moment. the stark numbers that you mentioned brant is what we've been hearing on a daily basis i just want to paint the picture for you from where i am in downtown manhattan right now it's just after 430 on a thursday that's generally rush hour here you would see cars piled up on the street bompard to bumper people filling the sidewalk the subway cars would be brand still into the brand and you know that's generally what you see in the movies
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that's actually what new york is like it's not like that right now when i look outside the window there are only a few cars only a few people on the sidewalk it's basically a ghost town and that has or safe public officials have been asking new yorkers to do please stay at home unless you absolutely need to leave if you absolutely have to go to work or you absolutely have to make that grocery store and that's not to say that there aren't people still gathering in groups or making visits to family members or friends and we've heard the governor repeatedly urge people not to be doing that that this is not the way to flatten the curb which is the top priority right now and you know what you describe it it almost sounds like the call before the storm that these horrid images of italian and spanish hospitals being overcrowded doctors feel equipped forced to decide which patients will live which ones would die i mean that could very well be a description of new york city's health care system next week is the protective equipment the ventilator for patients or is that stuff arriving in the numbers
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needed. i mean that's certainly been some of the images that we see here in new york conventions pain it illegal for i think images that we've seen the doctors about the fact that they've had to make a choice between 2 people on one ventilator that is something that new yorkers are concerned about in the coming days and weeks ahead in terms of shortages on your report there mentioned our hospitals here in queens that is one of the hospitals that's been the hardest hit or the hospital even really open for the day before the sun even rises there is a line of people that was really distancing themselves from each other waiting to get in to take because they're not feeling well that hospital just the other day lost 13 people in one day and inside the hospital the patrons there filling out the concern for those ventilators and there's also a refrigerated truck outside the morgue had filled up and this is just the
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beginning the governor and then there have repeatedly said this is just the start we are nowhere near the need packs of this outbreak and the situation is certainly going to get worse you talk about the shortages that certainly has to do with the end 95 masks ventilators as of right now the governor says in terms of the mass of the protective equipment for medical workers there in supply for the immediate future we don't know whether that means in the coming days or weeks but he says that's not something to brag about right now in the meantime he's urging the federal government provides more of those pieces that the medical officers are in need of so there is that question as we head into the coming weeks and months and chile here and there is an economic disaster to consider as well we've got unemployment claims last week the highest ever recorded in u.s. history. is it possible to see staggering joblessness or is the lock down is it camouflaging bad. you know it's an interesting question
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brian because like i said when i look outside i don't see very much happening and it seems even though it's new york ok it's quiet but when you walk down the street make that grocery store on the side of the major shop most of the other businesses are closed and you think about how many people work in these places waitresses delivery staff other people that potentially are going to lose their jobs now and the emptiness does the just that and as you mention the numbers the reply 3000000 americans apply for unemployment benefits and that is the highest in reported history the week before that just to give you a comparison it was about 281000 and that was already a very high and significant number so certainly when we look at the employment numbers plenty of people losing their jobs concerned already when they were living normally a check how they're going to put food on the table how they're going to pay rent and as you know brant there is that $2.00 trillion dollars stimulus package that the federal government is right now working on its path and that late wednesday is
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expected to pass the house on friday and this will be the largest ever package put through by congress and a part of that funding has to do with making direct payments to the american people so individuals could be able to receive up to 1200 dollars 2400 dollars there's also about $500000000000.00 for businesses directly and the hardest affected by this outbreak is the airlines and the new york state governor said that his state will get about $5000000000.00 and brand he says that's not enough that's. only related to coal bed 9 outbreak responses and there is already facing a $1000000000.00 shortfall and how this is nowhere and not just 5 billions not not anything for the state of new york or the city of new york and a check for $121500.00 that's not going to get you much in new york city either these are the times abbie that can make or break a lot of fortunes. and political careers there are 2 personalities in this story
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there's the new york governor andrew cuomo and the u.s. president double trouble want to take a listen to how they are framing this crisis. the facts on this situation and are increasingly important on 2 levels public health but also the economic tracks we've been focusing on the public health facts and the response of the public health system to the virus more and more we now if the deal on 2 fronts we have to deal with the public health situation but we also have to deal with the economic situation i'm not going to do anything rash or hastily i don't do that but the country wants to get back to work our country was built to get back to work we don't have that a country where they say hey let's close it down for 2 years we can do that it's not a country so we're going to be talking and it could be it will do sections of our country i mean i want to ask you i mean you went we've known each other for
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a while you used to live here in berlin you're now in the united states how did those 2 messages how how did they strike you what did they tell you. you know it's interesting brant that you played those clips side by side very much shows the stark differences between the 2 men they're both from queens new york and perhaps that's where the similarities end based on those clips but also based on the briefings that we've seen i want to start with the governor you know he's really become the key democratic figure that we've seen throughout this crisis gives these daily briefings early in the morning when he speaks there's a power point some sort of presentation next to him it's very clear it's very concise besides the fact that he's presenting facts by medical officials and other experts he's also shown great empathy for new yorkers not just in in the city but throughout the state he talked about the frontline workers talked about the people who lost their jobs talked about grandparents and parents you know missing their children but doing everything that they can to help flatten that he's been very
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much at the front line of this response and when we hear from president trump that briefing has sort of been moved later in the afternoon now and as you can see he has been surrounded usually by dr pao cheapies there are william bart other officials and there has been some mixed messaging there in the early days of this outbreak he called it a hoax was it really sort of downplaying it as critics have said and so that was also a very much a concern for governor cuomo a very different response he has been very much needs in the picture of the dire situation that he has admitted his state will be the 1st one it is evil will be the 1st to suffer but this will spread throughout the country based on the projections that he's looking at and he is desperately seeking the help of the federal government but he's also seeking the help of new yorkers ral platen that purpose stay at home and i want to say when we see governor cuomo on television on tuesday specifically with that address really all the networks are talking to it i mentioned that even took that briefing and so he's been giving the briefings he's
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been answering the questions the best of his knowledge and he said you know this is just what i've always been doing it's just there's more cameras out there are more eyes on me i just also want to point out. wow he's been giving these rethink you have been critical of the federal government but he has never written the he attacked president trump and that's again in sharp contrast what we're seeing from the new york city mayor bill de blasio have gone on television to blast the president for his lack of plot you know we can't forget that cuomo and trump there are 2 leaders who need each other if they want to master both of these crises that are taking place right now every if we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight is good seeing you and stay safe and stay healthy take care. take care bret thank you. before weeks we have noticed that the u.s. and germany have run parallel in terms of the number of new cases of the coronavirus but the 2 countries diverged dramatically when the number of corona
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virus deaths are counted there are around 43000 confirmed cases of the virus in germany 239 people have died and today the death toll in the united states passed the 1000 mark why are fewer people dying from the virus here wednesday one of germany's leading by rollitt has offered an answer that has almost everything to do with testing testing and more testing. to months and will mention the reason why we have to so few deaths in germany at the moment and has a number of infected people can be sufficiently explained by the fact that we do a lot of love poetry diagnostics in germany shits in india it's indian let's not talk in kind common estimates that is now coming in over the last few days but i suggest that we are doing half a 1000000 p.c.r. test every week in germany spread across the country. all right let's take this now to our political correspondent on your coalition is here in berlin doing home
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office reporting tonight good evening to you and yet so we just saw a leading viral were just talking about the ratio of positive tests to deaths being the explanation for the lower mortality rate in germany from the virus but is it all about this statistic is it all about the number of tests. now granted it's not all about the number of tests but the testing is an important point in germany strategy against the virus germany has started testing very very early and massively and house expert at a press conference today pointed out that germany's still able to increase the testing but there are other factors as well one important is the number of hospital beds germany has more hospital beds than any other country in europe and because
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they were planned surgeries rescheduled right now at this moment there are more vacant hospital beds in germany than the total number of hospital beds in italy for example. in german hospitals there are 28000 i see use of a little most of them with a ventilator this and the health minister has asked the hospitals to double that most of them said doubling isn't isn't really possible but they are working hard on increasing the number of i.c.u. and the hospitals have set up this week a platform a platform where the hospitals can report their number off of a level i see use and the number of covert 900 patients in order to reallocate patients in case of a shortage you know i mean there's a lot going on and we hope that germany is preparing for a bigger crisis that never comes or going to question about the pandemic and our
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privacy germany's health minister says it will not be possible to relax the restrictions and the walk down in society if the government does not have access to everyone's cell phone data now that is very controversial tell me why that is and tell me a correct me if i'm wrong but isn't switzerland already doing that. i believe switzerland is doing it as well as south korea has been doing it but it is a very very sensitive question in germany data privacy and data protection these a big issues in germany and i suppose that the health minister is aware of that fact and this is why he didn't demand that we do mobile phone tracking but said that we need a debate in german society the phone tracking the mobile phone tracking is all
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about finding out who has been in contact with whom in order to find contact persons to in fact it person and south korea was pretty successful with that that was part of their strategy against the spread of the virus but critics of that measure say that germany has arrived at a different stage of the spread of covert 19 and that it wouldn't be very useful to use this mobile phone tracking but it would be better to concentrate on testing and isolating and anyway at this point there wouldn't be a majority in parliament for the necessary change of flow which is something i think most people would say is a good thing at this point my colleague on your caller on the story for us tonight here in berlin are you thank you.
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it's a direct and very public shame on you your that was delivered today by the european commission president or so a fund for the european parliament in brussels she criticized the e.u. member countries for casting solidarity overboard as soon as the outbreak hit your . when europe really need it and all for one spirit too many initially gave and only from me response and when europe really needed to prove that this is not only a fear whether union too many initially refused to share their umbrella but it was not long before some felt the consequences of their own uncoordinated action a successful u.p.a. in response can only be coordinated if our internal market and our shannon
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area work of the way it should a crisis without borders cannot be resolved by putting barriers because going to martins he's following developments for us in brussels georg when we did we had a pretty strong condemnation there today where those are sort of underlying where does she see this lack of solidarity now. let me give you 2 examples brand one is the export of those essential masks but also protective gear for doctors and that export did not take place italy for instance needed those mosques and they did not get them from a fellow you member state but in the end they got them from china another example is the closure of national borders at a time of crisis creating traffic jams risking the flow the frequent flow of of goods in the interim market and that is why those of us on the line is that let's
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coordinate all of this let's make a european stock pile let's also make sure we close the extra hole borders so that internal borders can remain opens ok those are her suggestions what came out of the video conference today were there any solutions that were role for. it looks like we're having a rout here over the financial means to help in the corona crisis in other words help the economy there is a draft a conclusion of this virtual summit and in it it says the european stability mechanism should be used and finance ministers should look into that there is however no mentioning off so-called corona bonds or mutual funds in the e.u. because behind the scenes already in the netherlands but also germany said they do not want these bonds they still believe that nations in europe can get that from the debt market so they they are still stable and so those means are not necessary
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yet and the italian prime minister in the meantime has already said he has rejected those draft conclusions and he has given the e.u. 10 days to come up with an adequate plan how to financially secure the future of europe yeah it seems like we're going from one crisis into the next at the moment here about this on the story for us in brussels new york thank you. well the coronavirus poses a danger to the thousands of people living in greece's overcrowded migrant camps on lesbos and other greek islands tens of thousands of refugees are packed together in camps that are often filthy there is almost no health care and albury of the coronavirus could be devastating as bumps a few days ago migrant so facemasks offering protection to others in the camps hand as well as new arrivals now that the island is in uptown. built
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a house 3020000 people live in this camp now it's cut off from the outside world. sees up from doctors without borders says his organization has long been calling for an evacuation and now things are much worse they know. and and they know that there are no measures taken by your to refuse to protect them against a virus and that's another issue so there is a real truth that this will be a medical and humanitarian catastrophe. but there's also the fear that is going on and we might see a lot of public. hygiene is a big problem here and with social distancing virtually impossible any infection would spread extremely rapidly there are just 6 intensive care beds in the island's main town the very weak and sick including chronically ill children would need to be transported to the mainland germany's s.p.d. party has appealed for action. germany and some of the european nations have
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offered to start by taking in around 1500 people mainly unaccompanied or sick children so. it's just an initial step and it now needs to happen very quickly. because of. the european commission is responsible for coordinating it all and evacuation would be quick to organize says migration expert to get. 800000 beds in hotels in grace with any around 7000 in use 10000 people on the islands could be accommodated on the mainland the international organization for migration is now building temporary safer camps to move people to. yet so far there's been no evacuation it's time for european solidarity says canards those with refugee status living on the mainland could be taken in by other e.u. countries with all the accompanying health care protection they offer. me p eric market has been on the last boss for several weeks he's been documenting the
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inhumane conditions of the camps. commission must coordinate the quick evacuation of people from refugee camps to individual member countries and we must work out how to ensure that hygiene and medical standards are right here to. the e.u. commission says it hopes that countries will be able to begin taking in children within the next few weeks. well the day is almost done the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either g w news you can follow me of brant off t.v. don't forget to use the hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day stay safe everyone and stay healthy.
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is a master of the art of confrontation and this is wrong for measuring verbal combat doesn't mean you're going to see some guy fly the undisputed champion of tough political talk to try to frighten people crucified everybody understands it is such a beautiful enter the conflict zone and join tim sebastian as he holds the powerful to account this is a big failure whichever way you like to spin the conflict zone. next on live.
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for me agents register. beethoven's 9th symphony before the war starts on t.w. . they have a fun thing that is not working some people decide not to see it while i have the pollen luncheon flies all the time countries in cabs i have told me about the fact that all paris why don't you put the other side to france's president emanuel macrolides to be seen as one of the driving forces for reform we leave you with his efforts changes own country around it's a serious trouble i guess this week here.
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