tv Eco India Deutsche Welle March 30, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST
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because we. are going. to call on you to join us. in the art of victory. for. what's in store. for the future to. come for to make your city to get insight. into. the. life itself or rules for barter the 20 essential reading blocks were formed over millenia it took power zones a few years for aquatic animals and plants to make the transition on to bad look at
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today's goods. from the fried or ming dinosaurs and now they're forced to make a whole city adapted for the changing environment has been the room survivable but the speed of climate disruption use outstripped the capacity of many species to adapt hello welcome to eco india i'm sun coming to you from mumbai in india making a head start in the direction of adapting to the changing climate is the down of in the south a good state of it has set itself the ambitious deadline of becoming india's 1st carbon neutral town by 2020 we travel to me and i'm going to take a look at how far they've got. loves his evening stroll around disco. plantation you're gonna cheat going to bust
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a coffee grows is a speciality in the sudden state of carola. this is very robust we count the number of clusters on each branch. but it's all about the best coffee harvest there should be turkey nobody's clusters on each. chuckle the collie's blood donation in the quintile must mean other respects it is on the word of becoming the 1st carbon neutral certified coffee plantation in india but that involves more than just the plantation the town has set itself an ambitious 21st century goal. as the world confronts global warming and climate issues we have started a carbon neutral program people tend to think of development in terms of infrastructure development like building roads bridges and airports we will include the environment. since 2016 minutes that he has become something of
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a climate science lab the local government here is working with the vital interest groups to figure out how the town's net carbon footprint can be brought down to 0. this is significant for india a country that is the world's 4th largest greenhouse gas emitting. when the project began many of the 34000 residents of mena that he didn't know what global warming even meant. but they deemed that things were changing. all been affected by climate change weather patterns and via nod are not what they used to be my analogy used to have a natural a scene but now we can't sleep without using electric air conditioning. in. the emissions produced by transport. households and industries in the town are
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already being partially offset by biodome was forests that surround me not good. that was revealed by a detailed study conducted to determine the town's footprint at the time. the study concluded that an additional $15000.00 tons of c o 2 needed to be put back into the ground for the town to attain net 0 emissions of carbon neutral status volunteers and workers began to reforest the area. they hope to do their bit to buffer the average temperature rise of between 2 and 4.5 degrees celsius that is predicted for the region by 2050. 4 meena goody such a rise would cause rice production to fall and devastate heat sensitive crops like garden and coffee. fit the
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study found there were other improvements the town could make for example waste management. today the workers from heat that there must be no green i mean show that household waste is separated at source they go door to door to collect plastic and other recyclable waste and bring it to a resource recovery center set up under the carbon neutral program. here the further process and separate it according to categories. group sunni manages a facility with its staff of 32 workers. and is delighted with the way things are going. people carry their own bags now when they go grocery shopping they have stopped using plastic sold in stores so plastic
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consumption in households has dramatically decreased it has decreased in my own how metro before this happened plastic bags were rampantly used by shopkeepers but that has gone down now most of the people in monogamy have changed their ways a lot of the market a lot of on that end but they did my thing in the end. but even before the carbon neutral movement began here and you come are the headmaster of a local school had begun working with his students to offset sheet 2 emissions. after. 90 percent of the children studying here belong to local tribal communities most of them belong to the lowest economic groups but they are the most sensitive to the environment. where that. they don't need any lessons on how to plant and nurture trees and shrubs as they get ample knowledge of that from their own homes and villages other than men of
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color and their dog so you know that. together the cultivated bamboo plantations at the school as a valuable sink for carbon storage in this region bamboo has the potential to offset up to 400 tons of c o 2 equivalent. using funds located for the carbon nuclear program and its students transform the plantation into a biodiversity park by planting even moving righties of bamboo along with medicine and plants. all these programs are implemented properly then we might just be able to achieve this ambitious objective we hope that the number of new trees that we have planted will be enough to sequester the access card i. am i am about and i. often
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carbon neutrality is a cool that can never be entirely or completely achieved but even getting the community together is a success in itself. and this could certainly serve as a model for many cities in india. reducing the carbon footprint requires commitment an effort from each one of us to start with however solid. to analyze the problem and measure the impact it has several web platforms and apps that can do this for us to be making complex the with the simple shit swipe. lucian in city parks that was the aim of the online call which hundreds of people in berlin followed the clean up call was based on data collected by volunteers who had discovered many polluted places in the german capital plan a supported the call the startups focus is environmental protection.
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climate change is not one problem climate change is a lot of problems that are intertwined and our data approach helps us actually untangle this complexity we use the data to pinpoint exactly the locations and the types of issues that happen around the world that needs to be immediately. the berlin based startup analyzes data from research institutions around the world . based on its findings plan a contact individuals companies and community groups in the affected areas worldwide. they publicize their project and allow users to help fund them. data analysis can help to identify and address environmental problems more quickly. litter base is an online database that's open to everyone graphic show the results of more than
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a 1000 scientific studies on marine pollution. on a world map it's easy to see where research expeditions have already taken place. the latest results from the worldwide scientific community are regularly fed into the database. the aim is to make the global issue of marine pollution more accessible and easily understood including to nonscientists. nowadays and over there if anything anymore especially because of. and people like to have picked earth having the maps and this imo this is graphs are providing useful information in the really short time to the public. another example the global forest change database at the university of maryland uses a map to show the state of the world's forests since 2013 users have been able to
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call up info based on satellite images they can see the effects of forest fires illegal logging and reforestation over long periods the platform is also dedicated to protecting forests and their inhabitants it combines satellite technology with open data and crowdsourcing. data platforms make the problems more visible and with an app everyone can do their bit to help tackle them the c o 2 tracking every forest on focuses on individual consumption and it gives you the chance to create and manage your own forest. the oral eco app is similar enter your daily habits with a few clicks and the app will calculate your carbon footprint and show you how to shrink it it also invites you to be a climate hero by supporting carbon offset projects that help people and the planet . or the digital activists in berlin mobilizing people is an important
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factor in tackling the global problem the climate protection has made people. in unclear on what they need to do i think because of the language that is being used we speak. in a way that doesn't necessarily explain to people what the issues are we should be focusing more on actionable advices rather than simply speaking with big words about the issues. with the help of these apps and data platforms we can all contribute to the protection of the environment. and it is again data that shows us there are warming up causing sea levels to rise since the need to be risen by around $24.00 centimeters where the city planners. rice farmers. villages they all have one life threatening question how to adapt when sea levels rise to as much as 60 meters as scientists have predicted.
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pastika a poverty stricken district in manila's port area that's packed with houses on stilts at the edge of the sea. the people here live on the water and from it and sometimes they fear it especially the monster waves spawned by typhoons. lovely smart as came here looking for a war 15 years ago and ended up staying she sells food to freighter crews 3 times now storm flooding has destroyed the shack she lived in the 1st time it happened she nearly waited too long before fleeing. not only you can feel and when i saw that the water had come up this high and was starting to form eddies on the floor i just grabbed my kids and my bag and rushed out i left everything including our clothes i just took my kids my 2nd child was just the baby back then
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after we got out our house was totally swept away by the current. 21 families have moved into this apartment block 3 years ago like lovely suarez they all lived in improvised shacks subsidized by the state the new housing has been built to help protect people from the sometimes deadly flooding. filomena sink or old nicknamed kamina lives here in a 21 square metre flood proof flat her old home was just 4 square metres in size the move has changed her life now that they need to be here i feel that i am now on their. so that's that the theory and. the human dignity us back because we live in the. now right next door
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people still live the way kamini used to there's a sewage canal close by when it grows clanton with garbage it overflows something that happened several times a year the residents in communist building are working off part of the cost of their new apartments every week they make sure the waste canal is free of to try to us that could block it she remembers well how frightening the floods could be $1.00 of our worries then is. what each of the floor of our houses because of the flood walls see there is no peace of mind that or during those days . around a 3rd of many of those 12000000 inhabitants live in informal settlements they're the ones most at risk when the water rises due to tropical storms and heavy rain can also cause flooding with help from the world bank the city is modernizing pumping stations to help reduce the threat posed by storms. you
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can see here a big flood control pond so basically all of the flood waters coming from the upstream catchments you know from all of the communities they all converge here in the spot where they are stored and then we have here screening facilities that screen the garbage so that it will not block the pumps and then inside there so big pumps that will actually draw in the water from the part towards the river which is behind this building. drainage areas like these are part of a flood management plan being worked out by the filipino government and the world bank ronald manya is a consultant there let me change has basically worsened the flooding situation in metro manila as early as the 1800s you know metro manila has been very flood prone . but the population then was you know very small with this huge population in metro manila and then climate change increasing incidence of you know very intense
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rainfall it's just it just puts you know more people into danger of flood risks the residents who live close to the water unintentionally make the problem worse their improvised housing and the waste they produce can keep floodwater from draining properly that's why the government now wants lovely suarez and others like her to resettle to other areas 7 but she's afraid of what the move might bring. we're willing to leave if they want to remove us because we know that this place is a danger zone. but what we really want if there's a budget if they'll provide a budget is to move somewhere close to here. we want to stay in this place and not be thrown out somewhere that might leave us jobless and starving. lovely suarez and her neighbors continue to live in fear not just because of the
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destructive power of the water they live on now but also because they could end up in a place where they'd find it even more difficult to survive. it's not only our need to cope with the changing environment as the planetary species the shifting where where and how big the moving up the slopes and towards the pool is a tally of more than $4000.00 species from around the world shores that roughly half are in the move disrupting ecological delicious ships. climate change is causing animals to respond by either adapting all migrating. this includes marine creatures. which are a great danger from rising water temperatures. the temperature increase of. surviving. species.
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they used to spend the winter in africa due to the abundance of food there. the birds are increasingly staying home. eating insects. such as the bark beetle are among the beneficiaries of climate change. high temperatures and low rainfall weakening the defenses of trees their primary source of food entire forests of spruce trees have already been ravaged by the parasite. rising temperatures are also impacting on the serengeti ecosystem in tanzania. have always migrated with the rain through the savanna. an increase in the frequency under ration of drought is prompting the animals to look for water elsewhere. in the process they can stray
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into areas with bigger human populations. they then become both a threat to farmland and easy prey for poachers. climate change and species extinction are inextricably linked. scientists are already warning of twin crises in which $1000000.00 species will be at risk of extinction in the decades to come. with the loss of their habitats animals become even. many of them are exploited taken in but aided tractions the asian black bear for example an endangered species is being trafficked for maybe pieces animals like monkeys captured from the white illegally to be sold as exotic pets poor living conditions and very little social contact is the reality for many animals used to store just attractions for entertainment lead
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zoos marine parks circuses the business with wild animals is incredibly profitable so this one is going against the flow by using digital even projections grams of animals not only to preserve the traditional circus expedience but also to make a statement against example and animal cruelty in the business. in the beginning was a horse. their horses. made of gold dust and an elephant performing tricks but there are no live animals here a longstanding german circus from cali is introducing a new era by using holograms sickest record down hard powell says it's a sign of the times if you had me everything you no longer set up our tents on the meadows but often in a parking lot in the middle of a city i would be so the living conditions for animals have changed this way we
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have to take this into account we have to observe the changing world around us and constantly make the necessary adjustments worth quoting for the it will be the holograms or the new stars opening the show. welcome to circus or on kali. and then we'll performers take over to the circus ring is clear let us begin. the circus is currently in the northern german city of lubec performing our program storytellers yesterday today and tomorrow the idea is to transport the romantic world of the circus into the 21st century the future is represented by an acrobat interacting with an industrial robot. circus thing should come as a surprise people should know what is coming home they should say that i've never seen that with a spin machine is a cause of electric light. all these course a sensation at the circus back in the day and now we're introducing him. into.
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a company based in germany's or a region which is specializing in augmented reality implemented the ideas that one tally had come up with. they used 3 d. animation to model the figures 1st. place team also created a virtual version of the circus tent to calculate the viewing angles of the audience members. and then adjust the animations accordingly. that's fun to recreate the huge surface of an elephant is a very complex tongue and we use photos to help with the texture but another friend also has over 14000 little bristles some of these look at the elephant in the circus ring you can see them. it's quite a challenge to model and render them. the holograms were tested in a huge studio at
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a quarter of their eventual show size. not all of them are part of the current show. in future they'll be much more interaction and that will be even more interesting. acrobats will be able to interact directly with the holograms just like an artist makes new arrangements creates new worlds and moves within them the standard. for the current tour circus director bound hard power was filmed against the backdrop of a green screen and then animated into a virtual balloon. but what do the audiences think is there something missing. what do they think it was about time that real animals left the circus. and i think it's good that there are no more animals because it's not right for them if you really want to see live animals you can go to
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a zoo and i feel like you know look i think it was breathtaking i really liked it and i've never seen anything like this before the consumption of the poison was the real truth because i was missing the romantic wrong country spirit of the past holograms and technology are not giving me the same flair. if you had to smell of horses was missing a bit but on the whole i liked it thanks and so that's what it was great really well done with the elephant i had the impression that it was about to sit in my lap . that's how realistic it was. in the next show the virtual world merge with the real world to even more. what seems certain is that the circus will remain no more of a magical surprise since. the and what an incredible idea we don't need more productive cotton innovation like this if we ought to adapt to
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global 3000. in 30 minutes on d w. choking on. a world without plastic trash 52030000 small could become a has promised to complicate. our objective but coca-cola is also financing some regulations and protecting the environment. plastic tied. in 75 minutes on d. w. . where i come from we have to fight for a free press i was born and raised in a military dictatorship and just want to shadow and
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a few newspapers on official information as a journalist i have walked off the streets of many characters and their problems are always the same core to social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press and corruption we can afford to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans on the scene or microphones who have decided to put their trust in us. my name is jenny paris and i work. d.t. you know that 77 percent. are younger than 6 o'clock. that's me and me and you. and you know what it's time no voices i block part. of the 77 percent speech obama issue. this is where it comes.
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to 77 percent this weekend on g.w. . this is the w. news live from orlando emergency aid groups called for the evacuation of vulnerable people from greece's overcrowded migrant camps they fear an outbreak of the corona virus in the morea camp on the island of lesbos would be catastrophic also coming up hungriest parliament gives prime minister viktor orban an open ended extension to.
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