tv Back to the Future Deutsche Welle March 31, 2020 3:15am-4:01am CEST
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all archaeological sites in egypt have been shut to prevent the coronavirus spreading. of declared a nighttime curfew. you're watching detail being used don't forget our website is there for a whole the latest news done in and information around the clock. on public money s. in berlin thanks for watching take care of by. the . second. go beyond. all of the stories that matter to. us. what it really takes. a running now to get things like that you know that. you
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made for mines. program your family group got. out about. that dark. past and present in the weimar republic the ideology of ethno nationalism was widespread and eventually became the foundation of the nazi regime. extreme right in germany today is clearly drawing upon this old folkish ideology this ethno nationalism this was right wing extremists today are stoking fears of immigration and what they call the great replacement because i was toshiba's you know the great replacement is when the majority population the native population is displaced and replaced. a minority when the ethnic composition of
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a population is turned on its head. and once again the new rights ethno nationalist ideas are companied by racism and anti semitism. everyone knows which old parasites were talking about. the new right rejects today's germany and believes the time is ripe for a national transformation 5. there's a belief i think it's a delusional one more that the time has come to overthrow the system they hate to overthrow democracy to its own corner.
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what does the germany of today have to do with the via our republic of nearly a century ago what do they have in common what parallels can we draw to a time just before the nazi regime seized power sweeping away hope freedom and peace. is. this simple and catchy slogan bolin is not weimar that's a trivialization of history historical constellations don't repeat themselves in this one to one kind of a way we go the slogan also offers a kind of false reassurance it implies we don't need to give much thought to anti democratic developments that might be on the way suggests that this comparison is meaningless but i believe that some of what's happening now requires us to do exactly that to undertake this comparison the same kind of assault on democracy that happened in the weimar republic is being revived in a big way. poor boy if. history might not repeat itself but we can still learn from
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it students at a high school in cologne are rehearsing a play about holocaust survivor to mark dreyfus who lost much of her family in the nazi concentration camps. working with germany's association for information and counseling for the survivors of nazi persecution they want to show how her story is still relevant to the present day. one of the we're doing and indeed it's a strict math by performing this piece we might be able to get people interested in the whole issue again us trying to have the past is important we can learn from it so that we don't make the same mistakes of what we do know where the next freshness of in school you notice the jokes about jews have become funny again those kinds of jokes are acceptable again. to ma dr who is has also observed the reemergence of racism and anti-semitism and believes that something needs to be done now to
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counter the trend these are after you once said remembering isn't enough we have to act what if that doesn't happen slim that would be bad then it will grow worse and thus we have to keep repeating this message day in and day out much some people may say we don't want this we don't want to hear this anymore it's over but you have to remember without remembrance there is no future so who was burned when in 1929 during the weimar republic 11 years after the end of the 1st world war. germany had been a democracy for 10 years but now its enemies were circling rallying on the streets and even in parliament. was even more going and we have seen that this new german parliamentary and party system is hypocritical and socially corrupt they state it is an enemy of our fatherland i. once was fired. up but who can back was chairman of the german
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national people's party and a leader of the right. the. watergate at the time political parties in a weimar republic were under attack there was a widespread feeling that germans didn't need multiple political parties all they needed was a single true representative of the people that a strong leader a strong single party just. that's what we're seeing again today and the populist all radical right are saying we are the true people we represent the people everyone else is being manipulated and is acting against the people's interests and does because you block the time the major parties have been preying on the state and turn the government of our nation and people into an arena for ideological experiments the a.f.d. is our country's last chance to evolve in the right direction otherwise we must prepare to fight. one day a skull bits as leader of the f.t.
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and brandenburg and has extensive contacts with neo nazi youth organizations the party is putting its base in the younger generations. many in the via republican also recognized the importance of youth organizations churches professional associations clubs and political parties all expected the postwar generation to grab the reins and shape the country's future. by the time the nazis had seized power it was not just the hitler youth who had been converted many young people believe that democracy had become obsolete tarnished by the older generation that had led germany into the 1st world war my ideas of race and ethnicity had become the hallmarks of national unity the individual was nothing the people everything their bond to blood and soil was to be purged of alien elements leaving behind only the pure body of the people. who it is the world as they could be no contradictions
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within the supposedly biologically pure national community the body of the people it couldn't countenance any form of plurality of conflicts of interest competing interests had to be cornish all of these things that we now accept as part of modern mass society where rejected as fundamentally hostile find clues. germany's student fraternities were part of this youth movement by 90. 24 their writings were drawing on these ideas. the ethnic nation as the source of political action every citizen is obligated to act in the national interest their actions must be guided only by the desire to preserve and promote the ethnic lifeway of our people. to talk to me at all it's the traditions of the german fraternity it's also true on the ethno nationalist and anti semitic ideologies of 1920 s. and thirty's that has now fraternities serve as
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a breeding ground for radical right wing parties and think tanks and for the whole right wing operator. the german fraternities are still the elite schools of germany's extreme right their traditions are unchanged. but how much of this ethno nationalist ideology still remains. we make the fraternity spokesman pip stein and hala. what i want is for peoples and populations to preserve the relative homogeneity of their traditions. how is that different from nazi racial theory. well racial theory is based on something very different ethnicity doesn't mean everyone is blonde everyone has beautiful straight teeth or a particular shape of skull people is made up of a variety of qualities that have evolved organically over the centuries and i'm asking about this tradition of racial theory because it also involved this fear of intermingling. well as i've explained it's
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a fit of kinship and identity along with language and religious confession and are some of the things that define a nation. and of course kinship in identity include some things that have nothing to do with racial theory but just with forms of expression with human forms. form as a this is like what. well take a look around this. it's pretty easy for me to see that you're a german or european. of one so it's pretty clear that certain physical characteristics define a people. at least most of what i would call people that's actually a pretty ordinary fact. but that's a racist or racial point of view. why racial. i don't want to somehow define people by the shape of their skulls or the kind of crazy stuff that the national socialists propagated but that's not it just goes
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without saying that certain characteristics are what define the identity of a people. so where are these ideas coming from is this existence this is an existential racist motive force has been part of radical right wing ideology for some 200 years and it's constantly finding new language and new terminology for its ideas like substituting the word race with words like culture or identity because they want society to be homogenous along ethnic lines if you want to change the things that define germany as a state today many people who are obviously german citizens are not perceived as germans through the prism of ethno nationalism and that's what they want to do with that. tomato witnessed how racism and anti-semitism gave rise to segregation persecution and murder. she and her family lived in the lithuanian capital of vilnius. in 1941 when she was 3 years old the german army occupied the city
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her mother hid her but then she and her parents were rounded up and sent to the city's jewish ghetto. one day her father was taken away and shot not long afterwards tomar and her mother were put on a train to a death camp. along the way the train made a brief stop her mother saw a chance to escape. as if by a miracle they got away unnoticed and went underground for years and survived. to mark dreyfus has been living in cologne for many years but today she feels that she's witnessing a revival of the past a resurgent racism and hostility towards immigrants nourished by the very same ideology she feels an obligation to tell her story educate people and warn them. to sign uses of my face is probably to stay here and do what i do i mean this is like a drop of water on a hot stone that many trucks can make stone melt and i hope i've collected
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a lot of drops in my time from is in some. thought am sorry i am today nationalism has returned to germany streets under the guise of a right wing protest movement. fears of a nation under threat of national decline are being whipped up to justify the anger . of the smell of decay from a dying democracy is wafting through the country in this situation dear friends and i say this is a citizen loyal to the state oh duty is not to remain calm a civic duty is one of. rage anger defiance and civil disobedience we must take out country back. you know steve put him up that's backed by both. giving
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the finger and shade and to bend the missing do you know hope i know your doctrine . and you know. the radical right both in the 1920 s. and today it regards liberal democracy as a process of to klein and decay and it supposedly leads to crime and to infiltration by foreigners and other disasters. through his view doesn't have much to do with reality it's a tool. in the by more republican monarchists and supporters of a one party system saw parliament and the democratic parties as the enemy. of the social democrats with their ideas of liberalism or especially hated the communists were agitating from the left the d.m.v. p. and increasingly the nazi party from the right. they called for parliament and political parties to be abolished. thing but i don't think i've done.
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everything right you but i know. that. i'm. going to be i'm. today the f.d.a. is trying to claim the mantle of savior. they see the government and other political parties as enemies of the people. the i part time traditional political parties are trapped in their multicultural republican make tricks and musty outdated cowardly good even trying to debug this concept of invaded. dear friends the chancellor wants to create a fait accompli before she resigns david in both she wants to make the great replacement irreversible don't ask me what her motives are for some reason she has something against the german people and have the address skiing the starter for.
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this i want to create a different country a country without immigrant families a country without a liberal culture and a cosmopolitan a globalised economy that essentially talking about a form of national socialism is not so 9 total distance. in the german parliament the bundestag the f.t. serves as a catch all for the far right that survives by whipping up discontent and anger. many of the voters have lost faith in the state and political system. only one to 4 percent of voters from the mainstream established parties say they're dissatisfied with democracy in germany but among left wing voters that figure is 31 percent among a d. voters 41 percent. this dissatisfaction with the democratic system paired with ethno nationalism has also drawn dreams of middle class voters
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many of whom share these views. this couple for going on even before the f.d.a. was founded as a certain segment in german society held much more conservative if not to say rightwing and even racist views that were reflected in angle america's christian democratic party but there was no one on the stage who said this openly or with an air of credibility and legitimacy and that and feel if he has succeeded in doing just that at yeah and now racist values and world views and not just being force one but openly expressed. on the phone there's a question that often. rightwing extremist beliefs also exist in the center of society that we like to think of as a kind of bastia a line of defense and we tend to think of right wing extremism as taking place on the political french something that you can get back on to control because it's
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just an isolated minority but that's not really true me these attitudes are widespread and you'll find many segments of society. right wing extremism can persist over generations this is shown by a study conducted by the university of munich which examined rhineland. and bought in britain back to federal states where immigration has been less of a factor. they found that areas that voted for the nazis in 1933 shown here in red gave a larger share of their vote to the a.f.p. in the $27000.00 parliamentary elections shown here in blue. as interest on a conveyor astonishing continue to use an electoral behaviors that go back to the time of national socialism. this shows us that the political culture of the radical right wing attitudes don't suddenly disappear or change overnight that's continuity these attitudes are passed down in families and communities. of.
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the new far right and the cut their teeth on the streets this is where they recruit their followers. just like the nazis in the weimar republic at 1st the nazis were irrelevant fringe movement but they were determined to become a visible force and grow if. not you know. just. and it would be. easy to see that is it. any less. each bend an. inch and then. move east to avoid be trailing its stated mission the f.t. has to remain a movement in other words it always has to be visible on the streets and it needs to maintain close contacts with other affiliated movements.
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because if. a visible force on the streets in protests is essential to radical tendencies it makes a statement here we are join us follow us we're in the fang god and ready to fight for evil and there's an. income for those who are in. this tactic was also deployed in the weimar republic fiery rhetoric soon turned into violence street brawls became the order of the day. the radicals set out to destabilize the state and demonstrate its powerlessness 931 saw the nazis committing their 1st and he semitic attacks hunting down jews on one of the berlin's main shopping boulevards. september 28th ina cabinets open hostility on the streets attacks on journalists 100000 people perceived as foreigners or migrants. but the racism was
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openly flaunted and hatred spilled into violence i thought. that. this tendency towards violence isn't just an abstract idea it's being acted upon i think we lost sight of the fact that we've had a militant subculture with an affinity for terrorism in the scene for a long time you know they've been waiting in the wings for the right moment to put their violence into action on the streets so that. the far left shares those tendencies as was on evidence at the g 20 summit in hamburg 2 years ago they also resorted to violence but there is a crucial difference. to my good this devotee. the radical left isn't trying to overthrow democracy but to overthrow capitalism the radical right who wants to do away with democracy and human rights this difference is also apparent in their behavior on the streets of just as a rule the left wing violence is directed primarily against objects and signifiers
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of the state even the rightwing violence also targets the state but it also tends to hunt down minorities and attack people not objects even mention enclave of god the arab was the f.d.a. and their allies are still a minority but they claim to represent a silent majority. they openly express racial ideologies and notions of ethnic purity the they themselves admit that the recent arrival of refugees in germany was a boon to their movement. causing because of course the great migration crisis that started in 2015 has been a kind of catalyst for patriotic or right wing ideas or whatever it is with human life i don't think anyone would deny that there was a moment when these opinions were able to gain momentum when what people were willing to say out loud really expanded all of this you can talk about things now that were more difficult a few years ago the finding young should really go on. this list of the limits of
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what can be said openly and in a public without immediate sanction have shifted substantially in germany over the last fail here is what i think everyone agrees on that this is it's worrying that radical slogans including a kind of rhetorical violence are now not just limited to social media where it's long been a real problem. now it's left the digital world and gone analogue into the public sphere. and couldn't far right groups such as big and the identity and movements are moving on to germany's streets the. herds have. yes. the identity movement may be a throwback but as this promotional video shows it presents itself as hip young and forward thinking like their other allies on the far right they want to draw young people into the movement the identity are skilled at attracting attention like at
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this 2016 protest at the brandenburg gate in berlin and their campaign on the french alps for a mediterranean mission to keep out rather than to rescue them. has mounted campaigns in austria germany and across europe proclaiming the supposed downfall of society he also plays down the crimes committed by the nazis claiming that traditional democratic politicians have become mired in what he calls a cult of guilt. for years this elite has been searching for a sort of fall into now they found the migration crisis this is a society a generation of death and voluntary liquidation and the identity want to be a force of life so we say this to that elite you're welcome to sacrifice yourselves to destroy yourselves with your cult of guilt that's your right but you don't have the right to drag the rest of us into this thank the identity movement is being
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monitored as an extremist organization by germany's security services the identity and say they want to protect the purity of supposedly homogenous ethnic groups the great replacement is its unifying narrative features prominently in a manifesto by one of the movement's leaders the ethnic german population will be displaced in the coming decades replaced by migrants who do not share our culture the 21st century is about nothing less than the survival of our people and the whole of europe. if. i did that the population will be supplanted something like a. great replacement as the new right calls it is widespread and counting this is a core element of a new radical right wing ideology. it's a response to migration the globalization of the population and demographic change before calling him
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a cough is. alexander klein who calls himself. is the leader of the identity movement in leipsic his aim is to convince young people that the great replacement is real. he and philip tyler run the right wing you tube channel allowed gadhafi. thinking out loud. it's of the middle of i mean by now everyone should have realised that anyone who doesn't follow the green eco mainstream or who is not interested in immigration is immediately branded a nazi if they're trying to marginalize us and i'm trying. the great replacement i've seen that a lot in your literature what is it. is the great replacement is when the majority of the native population is displaced and replaced by others. when the populations ethnic composition is up ended as well so if we take germany as a concrete example then the great replacement would mean that people born and bred
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in frankfurt would no longer be the majority in their own city. and who decides who's german and who isn't this it's not a decision if there is no decision and no authority can make 100 it's a process. but you have decided who's german and who isn't. either frankfurt has lots of immigrants you say no they're not german and we don't want to live this way. yes we don't want germans to become a minority in their own country. so people whose families came here from somewhere else aren't germans and ari what people with a migration background aren't germans is come think of us in a way it depends on exactly where they came from and your definition of what is a german yes if you knew it. already goes on but the vast majority of people with migrant backgrounds in germany are germans. there are german citizens but can a piece of paper be the final word in defining who is
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a german and who isn't. if you just starts with saying violates our concept of citizenship and the values of our constitution when they say that people are not german because of their heritage that's a modern form of racism a german is a person who is a german citizen and that's what the new right is unwilling to accept. the ideology of the great replacement unites right wing extremists around the world. on march 15th 2019 in christchurch new zealand a right wing extremist shot dead 50 people who were praying in 2 mosques. the killer filmed his rampage and streamed it live on the internet harvesting clicks and likes from right wing extremists. before the attack britain terence penned a manifesto claiming that the white race in western countries was being replaced
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because of its lower birth rate it was titled the great replacement the same ideology that underlies the identity movement. and there was also a direct connection to martin's own mouthpiece of the identity ariens. martin selma was forced to admit that terence had donated 1500 euros to his private account a year before the attack. and the terrorists donation to the identity area movement demonstrates ideological sympathy or proximity also said that he donated to other nationalist movements and this is a very clear indication that the christ church killer was a fan of the i tend to tarry movement i'm fan. of the people. the identity movement has set up what it calls
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a patriotic bar behind the barred windows of this house and hala. several far right activists are holding a meeting here. we are allowed inside but aren't allowed to ask any questions. alex monkee says the killers donation to march in the cell no was no big deal. those are the latest the causes of this whole thing is a farce and it's this this as it could happen to anyone. you talk tomorrow someone could throw 10 euros into your mailbox. just saying. this is because of goodness you know. was this just a random donation unsolicited and unwanted. it turns out that zelma replied to brandon terrance e-mail. i want to thank you personally for your incredible donation. this is my personal email address if you want you can contact me here. mountains down there continues to paint himself as the victim.
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but he doesn't seem to reject violence in principle only for strategic reasons if i for i have nonviolence and activism does not mean being defenseless in my opinion it should be coupled with a genuine willingness to fight we do that as a conscious decision for met a political and strategic reasons we know it's better and more effective. so avoiding violence may only be a temporary tactic. and event attended by numerous if the officials the speakers openly profess the doctrine of the great replacement. the federal government wants us to work for the immigrants so that they can keep bearing children and complete the population exchange always towers for it and these are these conquerors disguised as refugees just want to prey on. society split on this.
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is. people are deeply divided and now the declining birthrate and mass immigration is posing a fundamental threat to their existence is 'd is. the idea of an existential threat to the german people was also put forth by nazis during the weimar republic. hitler propagated his racial ideology early on directing it against anyone he saw as alien to the german nation. but at that time many people didn't see the danger in it. and you know he made a mention of. god good yet i was going to lock you up but even you know to not are going to. 0 in your body no i don't think i'm out of bed at night but even you know i don't understand your problem but. the nazi ideology this
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supposed body of the nation was made up only of what they called arion germans jews didn't belong even if their families had been in germany for generations. that the. league. is a muslim in this country doesn't like oh no no no no no no and if a muslim in this country does not want to accept our no. then dear friends. he is free to roll up his prayer rug. under his arm and leave the country. not was. thank. he's a fine birders and both then and now the main enemy under this ideology use who are
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perceived as powerful as infiltrators that hasn't changed continent but migrants muslims are also painted with the same brush painted as unworthy impure and violent blight on the german people dear. good. german fraternity spokesman philip stein has his office on the 1st floor of the same house and holler where the identity movement has its bar. he also says that the german people will be displaced by immigration. then i fear if 23 or 4000000 people immigrate and live in germany for many many decades then of course a shift in the social majorities will at some point become a possibility. or just take a look at demographics or to sticks you don't have to be right or left wing it's
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simply a fact that the demographic trend here in germany is basically happening to the detriment of the majority population of. them has been because and so the descendants of people who live here now no matter how long they live here will always be immigrants and not germans in the store it isn't their citizens but not part of our people. there the trick behind this is to present demographic change as a larger threat that's then dressed up in racist garb there's no way to come up with the idea of a great replacement unless you're thinking in terms of ethnicity and employing racist categories yet the students at the lessing high school in cologne will soon be performing their play. is that for them being a migrant or not is nothing special. who's only german 3 and who isn't everybody else. they don't see that as
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a problem to the contrary. visit that we all came from somewhere else settled here and then built up our country. if you look at it that way we're all strangers here well none of us saw the real true natives and if it doesn't that's something that everyone has to decide for themselves whether they see themselves as german or not but it's not relevant to whether you belong or not it's going to slice through it's very sad little people the fact that these prejudices still exist is really a pity and we should be past that in the 21st century but europe is not past that here in austria far right parties have gained an ever larger following in recent years in may 2900 points christian stuff had to step down as vice chancellor and leader of the right wing populist freedom party after a scandal that exposed underhanded political practices and their plan to limit the independence of the media. in hungary this process is well underway the right wing
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populist feet as party under viktor orbán has virtually abolished the free press pack t.v. stations with its own people and closed down entire editorial offices and he's manipulating the media for his electoral campaigns. in italy the far right beleaguered north led by anti immigrant firebrand my tale salvini have a powerful influence on policy. there isolationist policies are one reason why thousands of refugees have drowned in the mediterranean. the a.f.d. on the campaign trail for the european elections the leader york morton met with other european far right leaders to found a radical pan-european alliance. the right is on the rise throughout europe. if you compare european countries you can see the far right is quickly gaining ground in many of them. in some right wing extremists and now even parts of.
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governing coalitions at the national level. after the end of the cold war right wing populist and far right parties played very little role in europe only reaching the 10 percent threshold in a few countries at the turn of the millennium. but 2019 far right parties have become a force to be reckoned with in some countries they've even been part of the government . a similar development took place after the 1st world war which had led to the emergence of a number of democracies in europe. 20 years later most of them had reverted to authoritarian systems or dictatorships. the weimar republic resisted this tendency of the nazis were biding their time waiting for a chance to overthrow democracy and establish a totalitarian regime. for
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a while the economy was on the upswing inflation was falling and unemployment was lower than it had been in years. in october $929.00 the global economic crisis brought that to a crashing halt. until then the nazis had been a fringe party then unemployment exploded bringing with it widespread poverty. voters blocked to the nazis. with little social security many germans lost their homes and went hungry. the nazis seized on this widespread discontent and won the protest vote from 194933 the nazis had made some significant electoral gains but these did not come at the expense of the other political parties. instead voter turnout was rising rapidly. and it appears that many people who marked their ballot for the nazis had previously been nonvoters. it was the opening of the
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n.s.t. a.p. the nazi party was what they called a people's party the party of protest it was the only party that was effective across the weimar republic of the f.t. is also a mixture of socially established voters from the center who have drifted to the right and new voters protest voters who see it as a vehicle to express their dissatisfaction importers. and we will keep this revolution going on till politics in this country has been reversed by 180 degrees . the a.f.d. also capitalizes on protest and it attracts people who didn't vote before almost a quarter of the of the supporters were previously nonvoters there's a clear parallel to the former nazi party. was in pretty good order this also implies that not all nazi voters around 1932 had suddenly become convinced racists
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and anti semites and national socialists the nazis were harvesting the protest vote and the f.t. is doing that too it's. even in these economically stable times the f.t. has succeeded in sparking protests on the streets. unemployment in germany is low and the economy seemingly robust but the danger is still there. german society is becoming increasingly fragmented isn't kind of we're not a society that's getting poorer we're a society that's getting richer anyone can inferi grow wealthy but the up a 60 percent in our society keep getting richer while the lower 40 percent haven't made any gains in the last 15 years and that's a problem even with the expansion of opportunity social inequality has grown. but this 40 percent is 32000000 people in germany people who've seen no economic gains
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or who have even lost ground the state of affairs. has become a threat to social stability what would happen in the event of a new global economic crisis if germany experienced runaway inflation and mass unemployment. rate of the new radical writers pursuing a policy of ratcheting up social tensions they want to push it to the point where tensions will erupt and destroy the liberal democracy it's going to but i'm going to cut history. the by my republican went from a peaceful democracy to a brutal dictatorship in just 14 years. net and ends in the trend is that we're very gradually seeing a return to those things social polarization right wing extremism the rise of an anti democratic party the rise of right wing violence survivor a state and a government that no longer seem to be able to cope with the situation. with yeah
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it's one of those elements existed in the weimar republic we're not repeating that history but we must draw on our knowledge of what happened to the weimar republic to make sure it doesn't happen again. even if the coronavirus is sending football into a force to break. us we will still be bringing you the stars. of the stories surrounding our favorite sport. because we want the soccer fun stop just yet.
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in 30 minutes on d w. i do see businesses with billions of euros katana and much of the rubble used to make incomes come time here which is truly understand trying to take actions to starvation wages in extremely unhealthy conditions to the german manufacturers logging claims. refuted exert pressure all the way down to the farmers. close to the. economy on d w. w's crime fighters are back together with the africa's most successful radio drama series continues during the whole episode are available online course you can share
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and discuss on t.w. africa's facebook page and other social media platforms to crime fighters tune in know. what secrets lie behind things one. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. d w world heritage 360 get the app now. this is d. w. news and these are our top stories the u.s. death toll from the corona virus has exceeded 3000 over a 3rd of those are in new york as governor has made an urgent appeal for medical volunteers u.s. navy medical ship has arrived in new york city.
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