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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 31, 2020 6:02am-6:31am CEST

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maybe starting to slow but in the u.k. the government today again warned things will get worse before they get better and across the atlantic in the united states predictions of 200000 deaths no lifting of restrictions until may at the earliest and and easter reality check for us president no sunday in america with churches full of people instead sundays in america with hospitals full of patients often berlin this is the day. dr burke said i spent a considerable amount of time going over all the data why we felt this was a best choice of us and the president accepted it so you took in about 2200000 deaths 2200000 people from the us we feel that the mitigation that we're doing right now is having an effect if we could hold
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that. as we're saying 200000 it's a horrible number. maybe even less but 210-0000 so we have between 10200000. we altogether of done a very good nothing would be worse than declaring victory to be towards a victory is one. also coming up with billions of people social dense distain and many in self isolation how in the world are we supposed to keep it all together i get up every morning at the same time i put on my make up on their one thing and make myself the same breakfast every evening you know all of this just to pretend that everything's normal. and to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with a new week in the world's new. corona virus pandemic epicenter the united states
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late last week the death toll in the u.s. hit 1000 just 24 hours later it had double the u.s. now has more confirmed cases than any other country after weeks of hoping to have the u.s. back to normal by easter u.s. president trump has now reversed course and changed his message on sunday he said restrictions on travel will remain in effect perhaps until june and the world's biggest economy will also remain shut down the viruses impact led congress last week to pass a 2 trillion dollar stimulus plan the largest in u.s. history there is already talk on capitol hill of the need for government to do more our coverage starts tonight where the pandemic is hottest and deadliest in america new york city a welcome sight for new york as the battle against the coronavirus ramps up a u.s. navy medical ship with
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a 1000 beds docked in new york harbor on monday. the mayor spoke of the city's frayed nerves with hospitals are already stretched to a breaking point we've all been through a lot these last few weeks. and we needed this roosts we needed this hope that's being created by our brothers and sisters the u.s. navy marine corps central park in the middle of manhattan is the latest site to be taken over by a field hospital but new york has been caught in a war of words president donald trump says that medical equipment already in place should be enough for the city but the mayor and the state governors say they both need more help from the federal government to be ready for what's coming. it is a fundamental blunder. to only prepare for today. that's why in some ways we are where we are we've been at behind this virus
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from day one you have the scientist in the data projections show you a curve. the curve goes like this you're over here prepare for the high point of the curve and do it now when you can do it the night before. medics have become the heroines and heroes of the day and monday was even national doctors' day but in new york they've had no chance to celebrate they're on the front lines in a city or the coronavirus death toll is rising rapidly. and for more let's go now to where the pandemic is hitting hardest in the u.s. new york city i'm joined now by correspondent james ronnell from manhattan good evening to you james talked to me about the situation in the city tonight we are already reading horror stories from new york hospitals on the verge of collapsing because so many people are getting sick. yes horror
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stories indeed i think one of the most shocking images which at the moment is sending a chill down the shiver of the winds of new york it's a viral video that's been posted on social media from brooklyn and it shows them having images of body bags lined up outside a hospital in brooklyn and they're being loaded on a forklift truck into a refrigerated truck members of the public nearby looking in for a situation which would have been unimaginable a few weeks ago and we're hearing stories from inside the hospital from doctors and nurses who are overworked working long hours say they don't have enough protective gear they don't have some of them having to keep their mouth and use them for much longer and they're actually meant having to find ingenious ways to play it cleaning them making them last longer not working to have pink a picnic among doctors including death of course. what you
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just described as a field hospital being erected in central park of all places that's coming online at the moment also today a large naval vessel called the comes from arrived in new york just on the other side of town and not direction from a. 750 bed and a convention center opened up as well in the same direction also with a large number of but the big question is of course is it all going to be enough well on sunday james the u.s. president seemed to imply that new york hospitals the the call for more protective equipment is the result of fest take a listen to what the president said. that statement was made that they've been delivering for years 10 to 20000 masks ok it's a new york hospital very it's packed all the time how do you go from 122-230-0000. 122-0000 masks 230-0000. even though this
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is different something's going on and you want to look into it as reporters where the masculine i think going out the back door. it's important to note james that the u.s. president he gave no evidence of what he suggested there has there been reaction in new york to what the president said well i think from the people i've spoken to as often as the case president trump that the reaction is something of a cringe big questions about for example who is going to be stealing. at the moment what will be the part that there has been a formal reaction from mechanic rocka from the greater new york hospital if they did put it that way. dr the not. treating an exploding number of coronavirus that they did better than the comment from president trump
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about the possibility of sound effect. but many people bit just a diversion tactic and it relates to the ongoing route between the state and washington at the whether or not the federal government is helping out americans across the country as much as it should be doing there is no nationwide to walk down in the united states but the centers for disease control has issued a travel advisory for anyone going to new york in several neighboring states are you noticing any impact from that any difference there in the city. yeah the travel advisory came in in the last 24 hours so i mean it binds the real people in new york state connecticut and new jersey the 3 states and northeast of the country no travel across state lines for the next team date it's an advisory it's not going to be fooled and there are some calls out for it people delivering food people involved in providing health care. are allowed to travel i
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don't see any major impact of it yet but i think there are 2 think that consider here one of them is a lot of people who were going to lead new york because of the scale of the epidemic here have done so already they've done about a several day if they did have a house down in florida maybe they've moved to it already the other one is of course that some people are taking the risk. and they've decided they're not going to move they might have the virus and that lied about taking it out of the country you know there is this big disconnect in america at the moment you've got the cities reeling from infections you've got rural areas that seem resistant to warnings do you expect this to change now that u.s. president trump has retreated from his hope of returning the country to normal by easter. yes sometimes the airfields in america like you living in 2 countries here we are in new york in the lockdown talking about body bags and called up
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outside hospitals and then i talk to tell my friends and relatives and out of the country perhaps more rule areas and what are they doing you know having dinner parties where not even talking to their guests about the crown of iraq and finding out if anybody might be infected or a little bit of a chesty cough some kind of telltale sign and so yeah it is reinforcing the divide that we've seen for a long time in america perhaps where by metropolitan and liberal people are more concerned about the biros talking about taking responsibility talking about social distancing and implementing these measures and perhaps another attitude which you might see on the right of the political spectrum which is we've got to get this country moving again we've got to get the economy going what markets have already tanked unemployment is already high that's going to be over the long run but when it comes to donald trump and its plan and the pushback of that doesn't seem likely
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and any time coming up in the next few weeks our correspondent james ronald joining us tonight from new york james thank you very much stay safe and stay healthy. on this side of the atlantic a reason for cautious hope in italy where more than 11000 have already died from the virus the number of deaths fell over the weekend along with the number of new patients needing critical care could continental europe strategy could it be repeated in the u.k. the outbreak there is still in its early stages but more than 1400 people have already died from the virus the pandemic has already arrived at number 10 downing street as well with britain's prime minister boris johnson and his health minister both in isolation after testing positive for the virus and now boris johnson's chief adviser dominique cummings he's also out the back you see i'm right there he was last seen in public leaving downing street on friday cummings is self isolating
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after developing symptoms over the weekend senior u.k. officials have been criticized for ignoring social distancing and holding face to face meetings until very recently at the same toth they were advising the rest of the country to stay at home and to avoid all but essential contact with others. all right for more on the situation in the u.k. we want to bring in quitting feel he is from the think tank chatham house he is currently in south wales at the moment when it's good to have you back on the show with so many senior members of the cabinet in quarantine foul effective can the running of government be right now at such a crucial time. well it's obviously a problem i don't think it's a fundamental problem johnson insists that even though he's isolated he's still it . dominant cummings his chief advisor he's the latest to go down. east
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clearly but he's somehow in contact and we've seen today we've had the foreign secretary dominic he's the deputy prime minister he's been out there sort of taking . the wood so that there is a big team there but nonetheless it's embarrassing that so many people at the heart of this operation have actually become infected because it round that suggests that they've not been doing practicing what they preached that's to say they've infection each other. the government's chief scientific adviser says the u.k. is what you describe as tracking alongside france as far as these infections are concerned how confident is the government that it can avoid these horrible scenes that we've experienced in italy in spain. i think there is a real nervousness that the national health service could get overwhelmed
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a little bit like it's a nice bit overwhelmed the figure that came out today is that one quarter of all the doctors working for the national health service are at the moment not reporting for duty because they've been forced to go into isolation because they call the virus or because members of the family thought to of course the virus so if they're functioning on 83 quarters of the doctors in the system and we've no way near reached the peak yet which is probably going to come in 3 or 4 weeks time i think that the great. and the criticism of the government has been they've simply not been doing enough testing to know who is infected and who isn't if they could test these doctors they might be a lot able to have off of the back of. the shocking number there were a quarter of the physicians not reporting to work the u.k. we understand quinten the u.k.
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missed out on a scheme from the european union to buy ventilators in bulk at a reduced price because that offer appearing lee landed in the spam mail folder that was the government explaining this. they say there was a miscommunication the truth is that as far as we can understand it from brussels british officials were in on the meetings discussing this out exercise right from the beginning but. the left hand doesn't seem to know what the right tent is doing sometimes when they were challenged about this last week the number 10 downing street press office said whenever a longer a member of the european union say wait we're going to do this ourselves then they said it was a miscommunication now they're trying desperately to get out details of what they will do at this end so that they'll have enough ventilators at the moment they've got 8000 that late as they want to have somewhere between 30 and 40000 that's
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when you know that's a big number and they are there a long ways from it what about the negotiations with the european union on a post bragg's deal quinten i mean you know these negotiations are supposed to be finished by the end of this year. they're supposed to be really reaching a decision on whether they can hit the deadline by the end of june so they've got a very short time it's as if there's just a refusal to face up to reality that says look the any sensible thing is postpone the deadline for breaks it but boris johnson has made it a huge deal that he's going to get it by the end of the we won't extend the transition period and so it's become a political issue put all these things really have been overwhelmed by the current of our a situation that i think has got it will eventually they'll say sorry we can't do
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it we'll need an extension but hey we're not there yet because there is a sense of denial in government one about the the economic impact of this pandemic on the u.k. easy jet today announced that it's basically grounding the entire fleet. that's a huge change. it's a huge gesture all the airlines have been really badly hit by the slump in bookings the slump in people traveling everybody in the transport industry has been really badly hit buses trains all of them but then you've got people like all the baggage handlers at the airports and so on then you've got the entire restaurant and had to tape months you've got the spall sector and each one has a knock on effect on the next because the supply chains come up you haven't got people crossing borders i mean the latest worry in a way is that because then no longer immigration coming through across the border
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there's a real worry they went to get the agricultural work because it was to pick up the harvest in the hit may and june this year so we've already got a problem with panic buying in the supermarkets but what if they can't pick the vegetables the lettuce is the tomatoes the apples you'd a bit. later in the year you know that's the question that they're asking right here in germany as well who's going to harvest the crops when people with chatham house joining us tonight from south wales it's always good to get your input and your insights thank you thanks for that. but across the world we are being asked to stay at home to help slow the spread of the coronavirus what to do about the board billions how to make the best of our time and suddenly the clock is ticking more slowly than ever and we wish we could
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go back in time when corona was simply a brand of beer. went on a mission to find out how we can best amuse ourselves and she did it without leaving her living room. i'm going crazy self isolating and it's only been 10 days about this guy who says he was isolated for 520 days. he can tell us how to stay sane and deal was which happens even during the crime of crisis i mean you're the. basically about it thank you but it's true that i'm a story becomes more relevant right now so many of us including me here in berlin are in self isolation get to work around a pandemic or even in quarantine how's that for the self isolation. i mean quarantine 14 well i guess it doesn't seem that bad to most people yet but being
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stuck inside for a long period of time can have serious consequences people feel upset well lets democrats it's a situation almost all of us are new to. except for the sky he spent 520 days on lockdown with 5 other guys inside the mob spacecraft and months ago. so i asked him and the professor of psychiatry studied some patients in isolation how to deal with being isolated pathetically how to deal with cabin fever. the 1st thing is to. to realise why you want to do that which is your motivation and i see you today without confinement for me at that time it was to bring me a little greek on the way leading to the exploration of mars today our purpose to be confined is to protect our family your friends i really hate that we can't properly go outside but. maybe it does help and i remind myself more often why
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we're actually doing it just misunderstood that i live because i have a moment who are also clones who. have things to do even. watching a movie reading a book but plan things during the hold the best that of the day say ok i did all that and the noise you have to to do to moral we do eat this where you live in the present you don't look at the big picture and being dizzy you don't you don't sit down and start to have dark starts cabin fever isn't a psychological disorder to me on earth i didn't take it that seriously but it turns out that its effects can have grave psychological consequences remus tyro research the effects of isolation on patients who are current teens during the start of a demick and what we found was that there was a high percentage of people not p.t.s.d. and depression having been quarantined durance are as a result they feel there's
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a lot of control they often have difficulty sleeping so you have to keep yourself busy it's a great time to learn a new skill start your heart beat take a quarter start an initiative that you've always wanted to do that you didn't have time to do. keep in touch with your close ones that's really important keep in touch with family and friends by using technology they will provide you a tremendous amount of support. now there's more of a sense of community there's so many people in isolation that people don't feel they're the only ones even if you're alone we're not really because in so many other people also a lot that's right. we
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had 8 hours of work or worse off free time and 8 hours of sleep we all. created our only to routines that that were working i think it was important to have that switch in school to structure it so. no longer going to do every single day and routine helps in one's fears and anxieties i get up every morning at the same time i put on my make up call then no one will see me and make myself the same breakfast and the day you know i do all of those just to pretend that everything's normal. routines after some time would become monitoring us so we had to kind of break this military from time to time by making a date different from others for example i remember that for how when we decided to
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leave dressed up and do the whole day dressed up and indeed meaning we'd watch some horror movies to get another just because because how do we learn to make a difference in britain these minutes and give some energy to continue on for the mission but for the confinement to. jail and when entering and the more you say to myself that this is my universe now everything i can to do right now i will just do it in a year and a half and that can still be the case today for the people confined. for the. excitement of doing it at that time when it could be placebo to care. that. there were 22 are actually.
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so great a few weeks ago it was just so wrong almost to go out hang out with friends whenever i wanted i just took it for granted like everybody else i'm sure i'm going to appreciate the small things in life more than 13 all get out of this matter. well the day is almost done but the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either g w news you can follow me on twitter at brant t.v. don't forget to use the hash tag a day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day was either never.
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equal india. how can a country's economy grow harmony its people meant when there are doers look at the bigger picture india a country that faces many challenges and those people are striving to create a sustainable future clever projects from europe and india. to a next. time history and for
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pete it sounds. to me at the time at the time our republic. today. just how fond of the shadows of the past reach. backs the future. time out today. in 45 minutes. or more. detail of that 77 percent. are younger than 35. that's me and me and you. need to know what time all voices while hard on this 77 percent talk about the issues.
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from politics to flash from housing boom boom town this is where they are. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend r d w. life itself a rules for barter it's pretty essential reading blocks were formed over millenia it took power since a few years for aquatic animals and plants to make the transition on to back and look at it is goods evolved from the freedom ring dinosaurs and now they're forced to make a hole in the city's adapted.


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