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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2020 6:02am-6:31am CEST

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another grim milestone in the corona virus pandemic the united states has now overtaken china in the number of deaths from the virus hospitals from new york to california inundated by legions of sick people and yet there are hints that the increase in new cases is beginning to level off tonight's data and hope a delicate balancing act in the country bracing for the brunt of a pandemic i'm brooke gulf and berlin this is the day. the number of cases still going up. we're all in search of the apex in the other side of the mountain but we are still headed up and up the mountain
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number of people tested last night was a near record amount we tested over 18000 people which has been people in any state in the country and are very proud of that more per capita than china and south korea. also coming up the coronavirus the lethal visitor in spain's nursing homes and the elderly are dying their families asking how could it happen here. it's gotten out of hand this cannot continue like this we consciously let the elderly die in a nursing home or in their houses and they don't even send an ambulance for them. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome but we begin the day with data and death today people in the united states got their 1st look at the models which local state and national governments are using to map out
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a course in the coronavirus pandemic charts and graphs covered with data points each point representing thousands who have already died and tens of thousands who will most likely die according to the scientists who brief the u.s. president every day even if all social distancing guidelines are abated by everyone the outbreak will still most likely kill claimed 200000 lives in america among all advanced countries the u.s. is on the worst trajectory in this pandemic and the worst of the worst is new york city the death toll there is near 1000 over the weekend there was a death from the virus every 12 minutes here is new york governor andrew cuomo the number of cases still going up we're all in search of the apex in the other side of the mountain but we are still headed up headed up the mountain
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a number of people tested last night was a near record amount we tested over 18000 people with this the more people than any state in the country and i'm very proud of that more per capita than china and south korea. that's the 1st time that the governor's been able to say that to talk about the situation in new york and in the u.s. i'm joined now by journalist the sun she is in manhattan tonight having it's good to have you back on the day give me an idea of how new york city it's coping with everything tonight right you heard the numbers there from the governor certainly staggering the number of cases the number of death new york state lost 332 people in the last 24 hours alone a staggering number that would make headlines for weeks and weeks if this was another situation but this is a daily reality now now in terms of the fear and the concern that people have as are seeing these numbers rise and rise in the coming days and weeks which is what
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they expected they're worried about going outside but from people don't have a choice they may not have a home to hunker down and or they're considering essential workers and they do have to walk out that front door to go to work so plenty of people concerned about that there's also concerns about jobs millions of americans in recent weeks have lost their jobs a record number applying for unemployment insurance so we don't know when this is going to end that's when the governor has repeatedly said there's no end in sight and certainly that's also adding to the uncertainty and the fear here. there is the fear of being exposed to the virus that is also more the of discussion it has led to workers going on strike at amazon in new york i want you to take a listen to what a worker at amazon said earlier today we don't have go by that definition verifies that it's a pistol. like you people don't like it we started this and what did it is talk about with all my c c's but we call this the seat. and also.
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they say you know the company says one thing and does another these delivery people specially with amazon they have never been as essential as they are right now certainly they must have tremendous leverage with management at the moment. that's the big right most of us are at home and there are people placing orders for essential items and it is delivery people like those working at amazon for bringing those items to us and unfortunately what they're saying is proper measures are not being put into place to take care of them to protect them this goes also for the people working in the amazon warehouses on monday in staten island where there is an amazon warehouse workers staged a walkout saying that the facility hadn't been properly cleaned that measures were being taken to protect them perhaps with regard to math and gloves and other supplies such as that so there's certainly a concern there whole foods which is a massive grocery chain here also owned by amazon there are also the people that we
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are relying on right now to stock the shelves to be the cashiers that were able to pay for the items that we need these men and women are saying they're not properly being protected and they're also planning to stage a lockout one of the organizers there has actually been fired and mayor bill de blasio said that if this has anything to do with the fact that he was organizing this call this call to alarm to say that there is an issue here that there will be an investigation now and measures would be taken there bret but again essential workers delivery people people working in grocery stores they certainly need the protections and they're demanding it now and you talk about protection that the centers for disease control is reconsidering its stance on cease mask of mean they may be they may tell americans that they should wear face masks when they go outside have you noticed a difference in new york city are people outside all day wearing these face mask more. certainly during the flu season in recent years there have been people that
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wear masks to protect themselves or others if they're ill i have noticed a gross increase in that in the recent days and weeks but that's of course a voluntary measure that as of right now is recommending that if you're healthy and not in a high risk group you do not need to be wearing a mask it's not mandatory and there's a porous concerns with putting down such a mandate to say you must wear it there's already a shortage of medical math and 95 match the doctors and nurses so why does it mean when you tell new york city a city of more than 8000000 people that all of you need to be equipped with these masks there is a concern there the other concern with making such a mandatory decree is will that then give people a false sense of security that they are rare enough mask and perhaps they won't follow the physical distancing the social distancing measures that have been basically told to us repeatedly over the recent weeks. in new york city is expected in 3 weeks that's what the governor is saying what has to happen between
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now and then to avoid a total collapse of the health care infrastructure in new york city. right you know that some of the finest hospitals in this country are here in new york city but right now given this outbreak given this disease that doesn't seem to be enough right now what cuomo a fan he has been saying originally $21.00 days now he thinks $14.00 to $30.00 days is when we're going to hit that apex depending on how the situation goes in the coming days and his plan right now is to plan for the worst case scenario so bad that apac and what he's telling new yorkers if you have to do your part you need to stay at home to help flatten this curve as much as possible so we have a minimal number of patients entering the hospital they're already strained they're already short on supplies people are already dying in high numbers so there's certainly a concern there and in terms of other measures that the governor is taking he's talked about field hospitals be open you saw the u.s.s. comfort yesterday docking in opera west side there's going to be a field hospital being opened in central park that new conjunction with working
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with the city and marigold has also announced the tennis national center in flushing meadows in queens new york that hospital outburst which has suffered so greatly and is the epicenter of this epicenter will also be turned into a temporary hospital so measures certainly being taken to alleviate what could be a very dire situation which of course it already is to spin a terrible march and it could be a horrible day for that we are about to begin and we will see journalist being qantas and joining us tonight from manhattan abbie as always thank you for staying safe and stay healthy. thanks. donald trump will not go down in history as the only president who downplayed the corona virus outbreak brazil's president show your boss an hour ago is still doing exactly that despite brazil having a latin america's highest number of reported coronavirus cases more than 4500
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brazil's health minister has openly contradicted the president saying people need to protect themselves through social distancing or what about on social media the platforms both in oral used to win the election they are now suddenly hostile territory not necessarily to him but to the untruths about the virus connected to him. brazil's far right president jabil sonora likes to portray himself as a man of the people. but his closeness to the people in these images has proved too much for social media platforms facebook instagram and twitter. they've now removed this video accusing both inara of putting lives at risk by ignoring official guidelines on social distancing but also nora is unrepentant. this total isolation if it goes on like this in the future we will have a serious problem with the brutal amount of unemployment it will take years to
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resolve. with. the president elect as his aim is to protect the poor who are suffering the most those jobs are destroyed because of quarantine measures he say's people need to get back to work. but this stance has put him at oh it's not just with official advice from health professionals imploring people to stay at home. but also with the majority of brazil state governess and many local politicians they're busy repurchasing venue's such as the samba drive in rio turning it into a shelter for the homeless and vulnerable for the duration of the pandemic bracing for the onslaught. i think everyone's appeal is stay at home the home is this one it will be the spaces that are being offered so the ideal is that they stay here and do not walk around the streets and be exposed to such a lethal virus these are huge portions of our views as if you don't that
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as a number of infections and deaths increases another big concern is how to stop the virus spreading among cities favelas here there's often no running water or electricity and people are increasingly dependent on food handouts. the state is story now to brazil i'm joined by journalist michael fox michael it's good to have you on the day both scenarios mastery of social media appears at least for now to be history and as far as coronavirus denial goes he is pretty much the west man standing how much support does he have for his stance. well look brazil situation is very similar with the with donald trump of the united states also not as he has roughly 3035 percent of the population and many of these people still support him regardless of if the government is moving in the other direction
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his vice president is now coming out against paulson out of is health ministers coming out against them the state governors are coming out against them it looks like he is the last man standing but he still has substantial support and we've seen that these people have been doing caravans in cities around the country in recent days calling for. the poor in chains to be lifted and calling for people to get back to work and that's really the focus so he it might seem crazy but it's also important or stan that this is where. this is where he comes from you know he was he was elected trying to shake the system under politically correct very similar to donald trump in this sense and he's kind of he sticking to the line means he's sticking to the line i'm wondering though how significant is this revolt of state governors. wilson or is having to do with you know they don't want to live the shutdowns at least for now. they don't want to it's extremely significant expression for kushnick brazil brazil is very much
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a federal country it's not like in the united states where states' rights have a substantial importance in brazil it's federal and that goes back to the well before the dictatorship of the 1960 s. and seventy's so the fact that the state governors are actually standing up to the president saying no we're actually going to keep our quarantine it's huge at the same time we're also seeing some weakening in that in the state that i mean something that you know the state governor said as of last week that he wanted the quarantine lifted this week so he obviously was getting pushed bible so a lot of their allies there from the same party and so he was feeling the pressure from above but he still had to push off a little bit more it's still under quarantine at this moment we don't know how long and so everything it's touch and go it's day by day but obviously definitely this revolt from the state governors huge we know that the differences between the rich the poor are staggering in brazil but bulls in a row he says the cool new virus may kill you but so does hunger how are poor
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people how are they able to cope with their financial situation and break. this is a major major issue brazil's one of the most unequal countries in the world super high poverty and those rates have been increasing in recent years so obviously telling people to stay home is very very difficult we had a huge measure that was just passed by the senate last night which has now approved roughly 603 ice 4 for contract workers people in the informal sector so this is a major support that's roughly 60 percent of minimum wage but if there's 2 people household that are in that same position that could go back at the over the minimum wage so it's not you know it's not the end all to be all but it's going to be a huge support at this time it's in you know exactly that you just mentioned the fatalities brazil's or these communities that kind of surround rio de janeiro and sao paulo these are these are hotbeds of potentially opitz of quote
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a virus you know corona virus has now been diagnosed has been confirmed at least 4 different for ellis and rio and these are places where people are very close together and so these are areas that people are very very concerned about but we're hoping that this moment of having the support from the government i had support from each other we just saw a couple days ago that gangs were actually traveling around the seville is telling people to stay home so people their real life situation is but it's also a place where you know around brazil roughly 40000000 people don't have access to water so literally in the morning you have to walk down the hill to pick up water and bring it back up just so they can cook with or wash their clothes so these are very precarious situations and those are some of the major concerns known simply to a perfect storm for a virus that can be easily spread what plans does the brazilian government have to deal with this crew crisis medical. so brazil has a great thing going for it which is the public health system it was set up in 1988
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it's a universal health system so everyone has access that's huge and it means that people are not going to be dying at the doorsteps of hospitals like we've seen in the united states because they don't have insurance at the same time it's very easy for that system to become overloaded and it's also not a system that's debts distributed completely equally there are some areas that have a greater density of of clinics and hospitals for people than others for instance for bella's so so it's both of benefit and also a and it's a something that's that that's that's not looking on their side you could live brazil has going for it is the fact that it's obviously it was a major player in this the hiv crisis of 1890 s. very hit very hard it was also hit hard by sica busy couple of years ago so they had some experience in that and they've been really trying to play off of that kind of develop this they've been trying to to to develop and produce mast and
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respirators as quickly as possible some state state governors have been really focusing on that to be question is is that the big push that everyone has which is the same thing is happening everywhere else the united states how quickly is this virus going to spread and how quickly are the hospitals in the clinics going to be overloaded you know michael. brazil. tonight michael thank you. spain has europe's 2nd highest death toll behind italy more than 8000 deaths and the elderly are especially at risk nursing homes in spain have been overwhelmed by the number of infections last week there were shocking reports of patients dying in their beds only to be discovered hours later families are even more desperate because they can no longer visit their loved ones due to the threat of the virus
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our correspondent john philip schultz has this report tonight from seville. what is happening behind these windows concerns many spaniards almost 2000 nursing home residents have died after contracting the corona virus every day more homes are affected nothing more dangerous uncle has parkinson's and lives in a nursing home in southern spain a while ago he learned that the 1st cases of coronavirus had been diagnosed there too since then he tells me the residents of the nursing home and their relatives have become increasingly worried. so what are they doing to do with it just because that way she.
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can work has complained about terrible conditions in many homes they say there's not enough protective clothing and that hundreds of their colleagues are infected authorities are investigating reports that some work has went home after the 1st cases were identified leaving residents forgotten that bets the dramatic situation in many nursing homes has shocked. here in spain the spanish society takes pride in its strong family ties and in taking well kael people possible criminal neglect and the feeling of hopelessness among family members starts to affect the so. and a lot of spaniards fear that the situation in nursing homes might get worse in the coming days. in the nursing home where. the management of what's at now but i fail and the other relatives feel
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a little bit closer to their loved ones. in the past week there has been a lot of media attention given to germany's remarkably low death toll in the corona virus outbreak but this week the number of confirmed cases had 67000 and the government is warning that it is simply too early to declare or clear for the country's health care system. the german city of alephs book has been badly affected by the corona virus at least 17 people recently died in a care home. and now this hospital has been forced to stop receiving new patients after various employees tested positive this case is an example of how the crisis in this country which is one of the most affected in europe is testing the limits of its health care system it is often considered one of the most advanced in the world but the pandemic is also revealing its weaknesses there are reports of staff
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and equipment shortages of unnecessary bureaucracy of lacking digitalisation and also other frequent need to improvise the government and in particular the health minister are aware of the challenges ahead. it's to inflate if the doctors and nurses are probably preparing for the biggest challenge in 75 years. we already have many infected people in germany and we also mourn many deaths. this is still the calm before the storm for the i'm sure. germany has comparatively few coronavirus deaths which is partly to do with the high number of tests in the country. but this is not enough to weather the storm and that's why a package of measures has been passed to help hospitals financially reduce bureaucracy and expedite reaction times and berlin is planning to build a new hospital which could house between 501000 patients the government
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has asked for doctors to be brought out of retirement and for hospitals to suspend any non-urgent operations in order to free up intensive care beds germany already has more beds than many countries in europe and that's why it has been able to bring in 50 coronavirus patients from france and from italy germany sees this as european solidarity in times of crisis but as the infection rate here continues to be too high for authorities to lift restrictions it remains a big question whether germany's own health system will be able to pass the test. of the tokyo summer olympics have been postponed for a year but not a new law banning smoking the japanese capital is one of the world's last major cities where people can still white over dinner in a restaurant but not much longer. the tokyo streets are more
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quiet these days its restaurants and bars still beckon after hours most welcome smokers but that's about to change a bad schedule to make the city tobacco free in time for the now postponed olympics comes into effect on wednesday health experts warn that smokers are likely to be more vulnerable to the coronavirus but that hasn't persuaded these patrons to quit . of course i know that smoking increases my chances of getting the virus but i can't just stop it's an indulgence. if i get the virus i get the virus there's nothing i can do about it than. sorry. the impact on customers i guess fewer people will come initially they'll come as usual but if they can't smoke will gradually stop coming. that's exactly what city authorities are hoping for with the number of corona virus infections on the rise
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they say people have to stop going out and socializing at bars and nightclubs. constant these locations fall under all 3 locations for close contact that can result in a high risk of infection. closed spaces with bad ventilation densely packed crowds of people and close distance between people. the governor has already asked tokyo's residents to stay indoors but her requests aren't binding and as much of life continues as usual medical experts in japan are calling on the government to declare a state of emergency before it's too late. well the day is almost done the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either the news or you can follow me a break if you use the hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day stay safe and stay healthy everybody.
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markets. the momentum of the working world. has made
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me to enjoy. the next. doesn't make guys. aggressive self-centered. doesn't make them friendlier more social media. testosterone his allegiance a lot more complex than you would think at 1st i just think. he's governing and making. what's the secret behind this classic. is it to say. as
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soon as you hear beethoven you lose your mind. or the story behind the music. was a hit for the ages british. teach. us. beethoven's 9th. for the world to start implementing on t w. but what about the fact that. it is the year 29000 were sending money around the world phones or talking about autonomy as flying taxis were taking pictures of black holes in space and still
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a woman makes less money working in the same job as a man we need to talk about mind the gap that's on topic this week on made.


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