tv DW News Deutsche Welle April 2, 2020 5:00pm-5:28pm CEST
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live from berlin this is the news the u.k. government on the file of its response to the coronavirus hospitals prepared we'll ask an expert how they also in the program saving europe's economy european commission president funded mine outlines proposals to ensure that he would cover his when the crisis is of. big 19 menacing thousands of vulnerable people the news 100 fears minister says europe must act now to bring them to safety.
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an anthony how would welcome the corona virus has spread across the planet but is playing out differently in different countries britain has just recorded its largest daily increase in deaths 563 on wednesday bringing the total number of deaths there to $2500.00 the u.k. government has been under pressure for its response critics say it was unprepared despite having seen the virus spread elsewhere and that too few tests have been carried out compared to other countries the prime minister who has himself tested positive for corona virus has promised to remedy this very special word about demise i've said for weeks and weeks this is the way through this is how we will unlock the coronavirus puzzle this is how we will defeat it in the let's go to philip plate and i just talked to and former member of parliament and he joins me
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from outside of london you work for the n.h.s. philip what is the situation for you and your colleagues like at this moment. well i'm actually so hospitals now it is just ha ha the service is tools coded 19 in my part of the world i'm just west of london and in primary care in the family care in the family place preparations to manage cave at 19 as much as possible in the community. the the ventilator capacity that people have talked about a lot is being built up but it is still not where it needs to be. flip we heard the prime minister saying that he was always for more testing but it hasn't happened so far because it's a part of was that your understanding that he was always for more testing and why hasn't it happened so far more i mean. suffice to say that i think the british government's strategy seems to have devolved i think
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that's the most generous thing i can say i think initially there seemed to be some arguments being made in number 10 that we should push on through just. and now it seems that we're moving a number of weeks. look i mean we are where we are and we're going to have to try to do a lot better i think we need to find out where this virus is isolate the people who are positive treat the people who need to be treated because the case of virus. writers no matter which way you your math it it seems like the worst is yet to come in the u.k. in your opinion then how will the n.h.s. cope in the coming weeks with a further increase in coronavirus patients. what i think that the national service is good in that if it is nationally coordinated it's more like 70 percent normally so you know national service is having to build capacity in one by physically building a hospital and has been a remarkable achievement building
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a significant host of facility in central london over the last 2 weeks but also the hospitals themselves are moving away from doing routine operations like hip replacements and gallbladder operations and pivoting towards using their medical x. the medical skills tools treating coded 90 that's where the additional capacity is going to come which means yes we should cope unless it really becomes bad however what it does mean is that all the other health care needs of the population are going to be pushed down the line to do certain has ordered russians not to go to work for the rest of this month to slow the spread of the operator and more evidence of how the virus is affecting jobs in the u.s. 6 and a half 1000000 people claimed unemployment benefits last week and the record well more than half of half a 1000000 people rather in your in chief the funding line and other leaders have criticized the lack of solidarity and coordination among member states now fund
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alliance says that it will roll out a huge relief program comparable to the u.s. rescue fund for europe after world war 2 many i'm calling right now for something. not. well i think you mean. the marshall plan they know together as a union for the european people the commission will provide loans to those members . then to strengthen their. no and then straight across the european union well let's get more from the dudley brussels correspondent give mathis talk us through what this new national plan what's in it and for whom well the short time unemployment scheme that was a life on the line introduced today having a capacity of 100000000000 euros in loans from member states is only
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a small part of that marshall plan and we'll still have to see what the whole marshall plan will look like but the unemployment scheme she said today is a 2nd line of defense she wants to offer to all member states all member states have to provide guarantees in order to participate in order to benefit from that scheme but basically what she is setting out of the $27.00 already half and she'd like to see it in all the member states and what she wants to provide is basically allowing member states this that's what the scheme does it allows member states to reduce the working hours of people in working in companies and the state will then subsidize their salaries now this is a strong strain on unemployment schemes in member states and so the fund she has created here oh she's suggesting that the you will create then would provide loans to those member states who have difficulty and all of this will be put in front of finance ministers next week in order to get the green light and brings us to the
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next big question will this be enough to keep europe's economy's going. ok number of things are currently being debated for instance state aid rules have been basically being abolished the state can fund companies as much as they want the very strict financial laws f. being pushed off the table by the commission so a lot of measures the european central bank has ingested 750000000000 euros of on the line today set. a huge number 2770000000000 euros have been put in the table in order to face that crisis will still have to wait and see how much of that money will actually be needed for the moment the sign of the commission the sign that the commission wants to send out is that the e.u. and its member states take this serious and they do everything they can in monetary terms in order to support member states to prevent them from facing economic
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consequences harsh economic consequences from that crisis. mathes in brussels thank you and here's a look at some more ways covered 19 is impacting the world there's growing concern at the scale of the coronavirus crisis in the u.s. president trump warning of vicious days ahead the death toll in new york state doubled in 72 hours to more than 1900 the president of the philippines has ordered police to shoot david anyone who causes trouble in lockdown areas or drink 8 to 10 days televised speech came just hours after group of people were arrested in a middle manila slum for demanding the government do more to help feed the poll. british airways is the lead stay on to take drastic measures to try and ensure its survival the british flagship kariya is reported to be planning to suspend about $36000.00 stop the stress that they will be no redundancies this week temporarily halted
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flights out of the u.k. 2nd busiest airport get weak the growing of ours pandemic has plunged the industry into an unprecedented crisis as kerry is forced to ground their fleets its borders close and passenger numbers plummet the coronavirus pandemic there are growing calls to address conditions in refugee camps in europe experts fear that a virus outbreak is imminent in a crowded camps on the greek islands social distancing is almost impossible and poor hygiene could lead to the virus spreading uncontrolled key areas the focus she joins me now from brussels commissioner welcome and thank you what are you going to do it's a question that haunts many people at the moment what are you going to do if there is a corona virus outbreak in one of the badly of a crowded great migrant camps. we have to avoid that we have to do everything to avoid that crisis to happen and that's why we are working very hard now to set up
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and emergency response action plan together with the greek authorities and this is now in place so what we should do now is to immediately evacuate the most vulnerable individuals out of these camps so that they can really be secured in hotel rooms or apartment and not being affected if the virus break out in these camps and also supporting with medical stuff and the kind of measures that we now put being make available for the greek authorities and for i.o.m. and u.n.h. the art of we are working close with to deal with this situation so it's now been weeks ago a group of you countries agreed to take in hundreds of unaccompanied minors from the margaret camps you're saying now that that action plan will swing into immediate effect to a vacuum those kids know this is their emergency plan is to
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evacuate the most vulnerable old people sick people out of the camps to safe areas like hotel rooms that are available right now outside the camp so they will not stay in these conditions in the camps so that they are now being transferred to transit centers where they're also being tested for the coronavirus and virus and prepared for the relocation to member states that are welcoming them and for me this is a very important message of the camps on the islands so you allude to it you're pretty solidarity but why has it been so difficult to find the solution for the migrants and refugees who have been stranded there some of them for years now. well since i took office we have a vet work in my heart to find a new dealer migration and asylum that i would propose so now my hope that could be acceptable for all the member states and we are also working quite close together
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with the greek government and the greek authorities and the un organizations to help have better go conditions in these overcrowded camp is live from those in the delhi special on. america me how do i switch. to. combating the corona pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning. background information and news. hour carona updates. from the 19 special next on d w. houser virus spread. why do we panic
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and when will all the. computers through the topics that we covered and how we couldn't read your blog show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the crown of maurice or any other science topics you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your pod cast you can also find us at dot com slash science. or silver. really silver is the weapon against been able to eliminate it was in 12 hours. jim bakker the televangelist has now been sued for selling these fake coronavirus cures the fraudsters are wasting no time to make money from your fear hoax likely originated from
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a widespread spread belief in silver's antibacterial properties some tooth brush from. the mantle to in order to boost sales but scientists agree silver has no effect against the corona virus in fact exposure to colonial silver can be toxic by the outbreak are flooding the internet right now so let's have a look i was right and what's wrong about this is your covert 19 special on the news i'm going to head office in berlin welcome times of crisis are always great times for fake news and propaganda and the more ridiculous the claims it seems the more traction they gain on social media tips like drinking alcohol to kill the virus and fight the disease as tempting as it may sound for some it isn't or religious claims that corona was a punishment dished out. in india a picture purporting to show an italian boy taking his life after all his family members died from corona virus went viral there's
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a fact check revealed that the footage actually shows the suicide of a woman before the outbreak. and this photo doesn't show dead bodies on the streets of italy it's actually an office installation in germany. also doing the rounds conspiracy theories among them the just south korean series cost the corona virus outbreak back into an $18.00 just one of many revolts stories describing the pandemic as a premeditated inventions. platforms like facebook are rife breeding grounds for the spread of fake news the social networking giant is among several companies pledging to take stronger action to prevent the. spread of misinformation others too are doing their bit to make sure people are getting the right information about corona a service called africa check recently had to rebuff a south african man as claim that a vaccine against corona virus had being developed. now much of
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asia seems just over the hill and most of europe is in mid battle against covert 19 africa is bracing for impact and fake news is not helping societies that prepare for the onslaught that's prevent something as he's deputy kenya africa check and joins us from nairobi vincent how much of a problem is corona fake news in african countries right now. things we're having coronavirus misinformation is a big big problem and the reason is that the more people believe in this information then they will not follow their instructions are going to wash their hands all branches social distancing and they will not stay at all so the strings mean that if they don't pay attention wires rights more and on top of
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that you have people trying certain fixed cures or medicines that have been proven not to work we've seen in nigeria for example that people have been poisoned by chloroquine because they heard. what's the weirdest piece of fake news you've come across so far or the weirdest that i have come across is that if you take some orange peels and you boil and you inhale the steam you can cure corona and we know that's not sure because your body temperature internal body temperature never really changes or you end up doing is there any. why on earth are people actually believing this kind of stuff. well people believe misinformation particularly of out health because it's tied into the spirit people are afraid of diseases that are difficult to cure and so this gives them
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hope when you give them a little hope they will try and secure as to who i am made to since fake medicines if they have to. you should notice that really we don't see a lot of fake news about a disease like malaria because we all know it's curable in medicine is clearly accessible. to people across africa generally trust that governments to take the right measures of force that misinformation are on fertile ground. people are are more or less trustful of their governments and there is only are is because they know who the government really can do the most to protect what we have seen is bitter dissatisfaction with the measures the time being taken so for example in kenya we knew that for example the number of tests have been rising but there is a concern there not enough and also the fact that
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a lot of people live in an informal economy in kenya so they have to go out every day and earn money and it's very difficult to tell people like that to stay at home and so why so late unless you're providing them with money so that they can stay inside. who benefits from these fake lives. a lot of people benefit there are people who once too grew their insurance online and they'll spread anything about his fate whether it's about coronavirus or politics it doesn't matter then there are people who want to actually make a business selling fake cures so that you can actually spend your money to buy a fake urine or to do things that are not true for example or in cio water and then finally you've got people who want. to drive
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a political agenda so they're going to capitalize on people's fears to spread stories and that way they spread the agenda that's probably the system it's wrong and therefore you should move because i have a solution so there are people during its digitally on line to have. to come out. others have commercial reasons and some have political reasons for instance and they see the deputy kenya and the tatt african sect thank you very much for joining us from our own father. oh it's time again for your questions keep them coming on you tube facebook and twitter all send us an e-mail today science correspondent gary williams will do with some of the most viral and fake news stories unfolds claims about the coronavirus. this fire is genetically modified to be used as
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a biological weapon and this was one of those conspiracy theories that was bound to pop up in the midst of a global pandemic right i mean there's been too many books and movies with that as a plot line but the team of researchers that studied the genetic makeup of the virus recently published some compelling arguments for why it wasn't engineered but must have naturally evolved 1st they said source code to most closely resembles coronaviruses found in bats that don't cause disease in humans and of course and evil scientists trying to build a superbug would have started with one that's already been proven to make a sick 2nd in our computer models the changes to the stars code to genetic sequence that allowed it to start infecting us just don't look like they should work very well they aren't mutations that any bio engineer would have chosen if they were trying to build a superbug because the models would have said they don't really work so no the coronavirus was not designed by humans. can
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supplements like fish oil zinc ovitz and then that's how. supplements are an area of nutrition where there's very little consensus in the scientific community under ordinary circumstances much less in the midst of a pandemic the idea that you can somehow boost your immune system i mean what does that mean anyway the answer to this question is a resounding no the only thing that we currently think will prevent you from catching the virus is if you've had it already and developed antibodies that will prevent you from getting it again and nuts. i think you should stop taking your fish oil or your vitamins just don't expect them to keep you from catching covert 19 negatives. there is agreement that loss of smell is a sign of a severe case if they did 19 can we hear more about that. recent large scale study in britain that collected data from hundreds of thousands of people reporting
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on and up so that from those who eventually tested positive for the disease around 60 percent had that symptom to a greater or lesser extent that certainly sounds pretty convincing the only problem is that losing the sense of smell or taste is also closely associated with other respiratory infections it's a lot more common than you might think that's why as of this morning at least the w.h.o. was still reviewing the issue and hadn't yet decided to add the loss of smell or taste to the official list of symptoms of corona virus infection but that could very well happen in the coming days if there's enough evidence to support it. there are there from science department answering your most pressing questions and that concludes our covert 19 special forces day for more on the pandemic do check
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out our social media channels and our website that's w dot com which has dedicated covered 900 pages in 30 languages now before i let you go ahead let's go back to africa where musicians are fighting against the coronavirus together with local health authorities the foremost across the continent i guess in vital messages across to the public in songs they sing about washing hands wearing face masks and voiding the fake news trucks. but. you. got. to put up a noise. oh nobody does it again i did a little of that for a good. job on it i did it.
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the. climate change. people. want to use today for their future. keep the dot com legacy of the middle. class church. in the closet he has held up i don't know it's not easy to go to another country you know nothing about the wife of i don't do this because we can't stay on venezuela i'm not on the supply that. closely global news that matters d. w. made for mines. hello
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and a warm welcome to focus on europe i will are about below glad you could join us french cuisine is famous the world over so you may be surprised to hear that it's at the heart of a cultural war living the good life in france includes cullen airy delights such as wheat cheese and fish the food is so treasured that it was now.
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