tv The Day Deutsche Welle April 3, 2020 10:30pm-11:00pm CEST
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beethoven is for us. is for the beethoven 202250th anniversary here on. the global corona virus epidemic accelerates yet again the u.s. britain and spain recalled their highest death tolls yet and while that's happening a stock warning from the united nations the covered 19 storm is bearing down on conflict zones like syria libya and yemen a matter how in berlin this is the day. you know the president you see every profound social economic and political consequence
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including relating to international peace and. there should be only one fight you know a world today or shared battle against. to silence the guns we must raise their voices would be terrorist groups may take profits from certain by the spread of the. also coming up turkey battles with rising levels of corona virus infections the lock down there is slowly taking shape. nothing really changed during the festive but when you just you can see that the use of public transport for example is down 90 percent and this is a strong sign that our older citizens are more way as the importance of the issue now. we begin the day with another blink record the united states the united kingdom and spain never called that their worst days yet since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic the spiraling death rate they're
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adding to the 10s of thousands of people who have already lost their lives in new york more than 560 people died since thursday prosperous nations like the united states and countries in europe hardest hit by the break there are more than a 1000000 confirmed cases now a number probably representing only a small proportion of total infections and while testing is problematic in countries mentioned it's almost nonexistent in countries hit hard by conflict such as syria libya and yemen so today a warning from the secretary general of the united nations the worst is yet to come . the covered $900.00 storm is now coming to all the suitors of conflict the virus as shown all swiftly it can move across borders devastated countries and up and lives the worst is yet to come and so we need to do everything possible to find the peace and unity our world so desperately needs to battle 19 we must mobilize
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every ounce of energy to the 50. 562 people have died from covered 19 within the space of 24 hours in new york city with nearly 3000 this the city now accounts for nearly half of all virus related fatalities in the country with hospitals facing critical shortages of medical equipment governor andrew cuomo has issued an executive order to seize critically needed supplies across the state and bring them to where they need it must new york city is struggling as a grapples with skyrocketing infections and a severely strained health care system friday mocked its single deadliest day yet in its battle with coronavirus. new yorkers in crisis helping new york. and then pick up the chair and then go to the next place
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as this row across the country it comes a day after governor cuomo that this city only had enough ventilators to get through the next 6 days. with supplies already scarce it raises new concerns about how well the state is equips combat coronavirus. inside this brooklyn funeral home it's clear they're struggling to meet surging demand. usually equipped to handle up to 60 cases at a time they dealing with more than 3 times that amount and counting maybe the government you know me and figure out a way that we could accommodate families in a timely manner and a more dignified way amid the deepening crisis the federal government is yet to formalize any. well i think they're going to be coming out with their regulations on it if people want to abide by it and frankly i don't think you
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could i don't think they'll be mandatory because some people don't want to do that with little direction from the white house states like new york left with no choice but to continue taking matters into their on hands. state in the united states and bring in the president of the national organization for women tony van pelt while many of the headlines from the u.s. have focused understandably on the spread of coverage 19 some states are using a pandemic as a reason to deny access to abortion this van pelt how are the states doing that well they're abusing their governmental powers and they are in for seeing trying to enforce governmental bans on abortion calling abortion unnecessary health care for women which is of course not correct. and what are the groups like yourselves
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doing to combat this particular trait. well what we're doing is number one we are going to seeing to. we're organizing legally and have groups of attorneys that are fighting back against these bans calling for injunctions and we've been pretty much successful on that except for to texas right now and we're still fighting back on that alabama has become the latest state and we're putting a group of attorneys together to fight back in the courts and what we're seeing though is that in the streets that people following trump's lead are protesting in front of these clinics and providing very difficult situation for the women that are coming to the clinics to access their their care and their abortions is there the danger in al that women seeking abortions will have to cross state lines to take these matters into their own hands to try and find a solution and there is some women are really being placed with an undue burden and
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they have to travel very far and then when they get there. they run into these protesters who are spitting and coughing on their. trying to shame them telling them that they'll get the virus if they get an abortion we're really dealing with people that are scientifically ignorant on a number of levels another problem for the clinics themselves is that. they are they're short staffed they have. providers and support staff that has to maybe stay at home for child care more maybe they're ill themselves and just we want to have all of these unconstitutional bans all of these do burdens lifted another problem that we're having is with the stimulus money that's coming out that they have put bans on any of that money going to portion providers
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or clinics that are providing health care for women. right leaving that battle aside for one moment and looking inside the american home how is the corona virus outbreak affecting women in particular on the home front one of the problems is the. violence in the home so women and domestic violence in the home of many women are suffering from that greater scale than they had before there is limited access. to health as is happening for everybody and trail care the coronavirus itself is really placing an undue burden on women much more than it is when men because of the services that they perform so many of the women in the home and outside of the home are emergency caregivers i just talked to one of my staff members i have to be honest with you she's really really very upset
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she has a 10 year old child who just had a seizure in her home yesterday and she couldn't get any emergency care to take him to the hospital and they told her don't bring him to the hospital because they make contact iris while they were there and she just didn't know what to do she's just hysterical she tried to get a primary care doctor on the phone and she couldn't do that so it's really stressful for all of us who are caregivers we don't just worry about ourselves but we worry about everybody in our family it's stressful is very much the word tony van pelt president of the national organization for women i very much appreciate your time. thank you so much for having me. the turkish president wretch of type one has ordered a partial curfew for people under the age of 20 and
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a bid to slow the spread of the outbreak is also tightening dozens of city borders and requiring people to win mosques in public spaces the measures come as turkey sees the shop jump in the infections and deaths from coated 19 the country already has a curfew in place for the chronically ill and those older than 65 people who have their own particular needs. home delivery turkish style. for many istanbul residents this is not a novel way of doing their shopping but with the corona virus epidemic worsening it's now become a lifeline for the city's elderly you. know cool shopkeepers have quickly adapted it into subsidies that we have started to delivery service so they call us and we help them i mean really care if they want something from the shop of the market we take it to their homes because they are our elders solution. the curfew for citizens older than 65 was among the 1st measures taken by the
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turkish government in their battle against the epidemic. in the region was local authorities have been told to be strict. to enforce the rules and send people home. at 1st however many pension is wouldn't listen to an arson from these general municipality tells me beat us a lot of the. ybarra started out nothing really changed during the 1st days but when you look at it now you can see that the use of public transport for example is down 90 percent and this is a strong sign that our older citizens are more aware of the importance of the issue now they're following the rules more than before. the more pensioners stay at home the more work there is the municipal support teams across the city they have delivered groceries to tens of thousands of quarantined istanbul
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lights. that despite the early introduction of the curfew for the elderly it has proven to little in the fight against the virus more measures have been taken. it's jungles grand bazaar one of the largest in the world is now closed as are schools museums sports. bars and cookies. all international flights have been stalked and domestic travel severely restricted istanbul's new gigantic ampoules and tea and deserted and shingle out on our sun predicts that moon measures will come into the store luke was the old out here in istanbul the population density is very high heard so it's safe to say that we will need more radical measures eventually after all is sample appears to be a hot spot at this academic so going on in the now and want to start. with
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restrictions looming he stumbles patients will be tested as well as the solidarity of its people. well for more on this let's bring in iraq she's an activist and researcher based in berlin what are you hearing from people you know back in turkey about the outbreak well and the people in turkey have actually just started to hear about that because as you know the person was in a case in turkey was that they are wrong in their words of march and you told already that so $114.00 countries surrounding soran in turkey and also all in iran there are hundreds of for the cases and this and this raised suspicions better made this this is handled transparency by the government so this also the government to be late for the profession so i'm for people to be informed
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about you know now there are various hosts spread to all parts of turkey and the testing capacity is still not sufficient. maybe you have heard of the situation of people you turning from their problem. and this because they're on monetary and and this cause they'd say they're screwed up to use to all parts of turkey and there are also issues that you guys the numbers are clear and i mean it's true there are suspicions they might not be presented truths because the doctors are relying on different agnus to their best measures for instance and they have to rely on c.t. scans to start with the treatment of the patients and while the test results of the kits are being delayed the doctors get these results of the post
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very late and also there is a high. number of false negative rate of these tests as a result of this many people dying from 19 are not counted as the cause of. the pandemic. and if that's the situation as it is now if this curve goes in the direction it sounds like it will almost inevitably will the turkish health care system be able to cope at that point. well i'll talk to the head of search medical association they get or they have their arms in all parts of it along cities of turkey and they're all in context and medical professionals and what they report the situation in the hospitals are sort of the order of arms. units are what they call is for portable hospitals especially in crowded cities like.
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and the medical profession's and also the church medical association is in waiting the hardness 3 and they're the state to cooperate so being in soon to be guided by them the situation right there i with probably a little more than a gang i don't. know with the president just wondering with president everyone's on the easy relationship with journalists in mind how is this outbreak being covered the new numbers and the causality is and there's high quality that they're getting guidance but this is a quality if they're there to buy their own ideas people are need and it doesn't leading. in your knowledge it's mainly in close microbiologists and so on but at the heart of hearts care professional associations should be included to be. joint efforts to go in and this also raises questions figuring transfer into
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a task force because the states already that they're beginning. there they will start investigating press there for people spending panic and you can imagine what this extent and 3.4 years already. cost of journalists had been arrested already recording on the pandemic and all were 380 people are being investigated for near social media posts and there are very important situation for instance that in the. think all about the seriousness of the situation you know. meeting and she was saying that the numbers that. are calling occupants wanted to up is probably much more especially. when these are the people of all parts not. only the next day the state opening instigation on the stock. and the next day she was forced by you know hours to medical
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beach also cause an arts cry by many many medical professionals starting campaigns that they are. supporting their calling. troubling times activist and researcher. a pleasure speaking with you many thanks thank you. one country with a relatively low infection rate so far is india which is $2500.00 confirmed cases in a population of $1300000000.00 last week the country introduced a nation wide lockdown to stem the spread of the virus in a video message broadcast on friday prime minister narendra modi tried to bolster morale by urging people to light candles for 9 minutes on sunday night. but for millions of day laborers in india who lost their incomes when the country wanted
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the lock down candle light is not going to fill their bellies they don't lose the machine just for parts. waiting. sometimes for hours that end. this is what every day looks like now for these daily wage workers . social distancing boxes seem meaningless in the face of hunger. at the end of this particular we do oranges. none of these men are or digitally from delhi. they migrated to the capital from villages in neighboring states looking to earn a livelihood. some work in small restaurants are those at construction sites every meal depends on the day's awnings but with businesses closed for india's 3 week lockdown the zoning and the meals have dried up now didn't try to go home but
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all the bus stations were closed the police told us to stay here. but there are no medical services available here and we're not allowed to leave we will have to call an ambulance who are supposed to let us go. yet with food at hand these men are the lucky ones the government is so why even paul would have hundreds of shelters like this one yet the demand far outstrips the supply in addition many are physically unable to reach the cent does because of the lockdown this is where civil society is stepping in. and n.g.o.s that have worked on disaster relief during floods and earthquakes. is now adapting to a different challenge to a disaster that cannot be seen but that is everywhere. this time while fewer aid workers are being called in to maintain social distancing and they're taking up tasks they have never had before relief work especially in the midst of
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a lockdown is the government's responsibility. but workers here believe there is no time to assign blame lives are at stake and not just because of the good or no iris because good men great government was not for the player making an effort but there's a gap we all need to work together this is not an issue of survival you thought about it will go to her. but even as these groups work tirelessly to provide protection and food to the city's poorest. the fight for survival promises to be a long one crowding together shelter fortune distancing is a luxury these men cannot afford but for now at least there is food to eat. a huge foreign ministers have held a video conference to discuss the repatriation of the u.
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citizens stranded overseas 600000 new citizens got stuck around the world when the pandemic hit all of those at least 350000 have already been flown back home on private and facilitated flights the rest are still waiting the e.u. has been helping to pay and coordinate flights germany says it has already repatriated nearly 200000 people in an operation that's cost an estimated $50000000.00 euros is one example from argentina. one of hundreds of cities under lockdown. many germans are stranded unable to return home. which found refuge with an argentinean who let him sleep on her couch in her apartment but it. i'd like to return to germany i want to be with my family and get back to a country that is economically and politically stable in a crisis like this it's it's he can't afford the remaining flights so franco hopes
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to return home on germany's emergency repatriation program but that's not an option for the many germans in their campers at the foot of the n.d.s. they aren't allowed to travel yet some are glad to stay here anyway at least for now it's a war to run things that is getting serious our 1st thought was let's stay here because we felt there was more risk of being infected on the plane or at the airport in germany than here in 1000 tina. i'm sure i'm sure. another german couple was able to shelter in a police hut so they wouldn't have to stay in their jeep in the blazing heat they're also stranded. we conscious stay in the car and we can just leave it here if we don't get it out in time we probably be fined or it will be confiscated without an accomplice here in the meantime they help with cooking.
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infections and around the world we asked some of the w's network of correspondents to give us an insight into how the pandemic is changing. deserted streets empty restaurants closed shops in the u.s. capitol to stop the spread of the virus more and more states are ordering their residents to stay at home but not everyone complies a few days ago police in neighboring maryland interrupted a church service where 50 people gather it and none of them were social distancing the old thirty's can only help that such attitudes will change soon as people understand what's at stake staying at home is challenging for everybody these days but now imagine staying at home if you live in a shack no one room shack with a lot of people at a very crowded space this is the reality for millions of south africans and although the lockdown rules of the 3 week locked on the extremely strict many
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people are simply not able to comply when you talk ukrainians you don't get the sense that people are really panicking certainly hasn't been the kind of runs a preposterous we've seen in many countries you can even still find mosques like these to pharmacies even though they are now selling for about 3 times prices one place that is on this empty square. now home to about $100.00 ukrainians in fact which police. about 50 of them are now reported to have left illegally and now face fines of up to $400.00 euros to start. the day is almost done by the conversation continues online your father's on twitter news don't forget to use our hash tag the day that's all for now imagine how it could have a company. what
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keeps us in shape what makes us sick and how do we stand up for. my name is dr carlson the i talked to medical experts. watch them at work. and they discuss what you can do to improve go ahead. stay choose and let's all try to stay good. and spoke to. small acts to conspire to make changes to the people making a bad go out for a go fantastic night. join them as they set out to save the environment
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place. this is deja news live from berlin signs of progress in germany's battle against the corona virus health officials say measures to slow the spread of the virus outworking but they still corson's the country's death toll surges of 1000 also coming up. new york's deadliest state the heart of the pandemic in the u.s. the supreme court surgeon fatalities hospitals are stretched to the limit and the city could soon run out of lifesaving ventilators or give an update from the scene .
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