tv Euromaxx Deutsche Welle April 4, 2020 6:30am-7:00am CEST
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in the show and with that a warm welcome to a new episode of hero max here's what else we have lined up for you today. with a unique fragrance of the dumbest bros and. the amazing work on the danish glass artist's $7.00. but 1st visit a new housing concept and then that the lands that could set an example for other countries the world over climate change and rising sea levels are making headlines everywhere so what are people doing in the netherlands where a quarter of the country already lies under sea level some architects and i'm still thought it would make sense if houses could float.
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living on water in the city center one day more than a 100 people live on this side canal in amsterdam. michael schmidt and his wife and among the 1st residents. to the slim's confused it's a different way of life here on the sly and the waters sparkles and reflects everywhere. and now exactly it actually seems more extreme. you're closer to nature when the wind blows and you open the door a gust of wind will come rushing into your face so everything arrives pretty directly here. this is one of a total of 30 buildings which are part of the project from strip amsterdam each building has its own design. all have one thing in common they float on special concrete rafts fastened on to. the swimming foundation needs to be able to
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carry several 100 tons and must therefore be balanced precisely by architects like europe how it upfront you have to go to every thing that you put on the boat how heavy it will be because if you put in too much. weight it will be too low and the water starts to come in so that's why we make a lot of calculations but front how heavy the boat will be 20 different architects were involved in the project the houses were built on land and then brought to the dock. sustainability is particularly important to the inhabitants short trip translates into clean she. wanted to achieve is to show that you can live on water with very sustainable houses and in a sustainable way in the sense that we as a commune. so we had 3 high levels of what we wanted to show.
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to the world actually. like all the buildings pitted rocks house is supplied with. the power sustainable and eco friendly materials we used for the houses the facade of the rocks is made from cork. we had some discussions with a whole group and we had to help from different. materials so we ended up with a green orange list and the red list wreckless was a no go orange was ok if you really have to because of course reasons or technical reasons but prefer to use only materials from the greenest. on the green list and we very much showed it was our choice to do so. living on water has a long tradition in amsterdam house can be seen on almost every canal. one of the 1st districts was built a couple of years ago in the district of 50 houses. now the trend is arriving in
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the european city in london for example where british architects planning floating homes in the. copenhagen has responded to a lack of affordable student housing with the so-called. 12 floating houses designed by star architect. doesn't shy away from even greater visions of floating city for 10000 people in regions threatened by climate change. in amsterdam demand is on the rise too i think there's a really big potential building on the water we see we have some requests for all over the world from new yorkers looking to live on the water bill to more internet and there are several areas where they are bill. houses and communities over 5200. houses. for yvonne van
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saga and marcus schmidt this mission has become a reality 152 floor was a roof garden almost like a house in the countryside. there is one difference their home. is a little weird 1st. i haven't felt sick yet but i did have a day where i need to sit on some solid ground. it's a small price to pay for their dream of living on water. roses like this. not only for their beauty but also for their powerful fragrance it can be found in countless perfumes and the rose the most expensive rose oil in the world and it's have a son just once a year in bulgaria
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a frozen. gary is a valley of roses lies nestled between the step not all the lines but i can manage in southern slopes for hundreds of years to master places have been flourishing am abundant rainy winter sun in spring in some money shelter from the wind make that happy conditions in the valley catarina the town office restores here. you all that i must see in the damascus rose as a very high concentration of essential rose oil that makes it one of the world's most sought after rose for writings on this ragged little rose ensures that this aroma can travel around the world indeed. i am sure it was on the head there was a dam a special thing about the damascus road is that the concentration of essential oils is highest in the early morning that is on the high as the sun rises the thick of the coating of what's on its petals and the more the essential oils decrease that means you have to be out in the fields very early in the morning to harvest it with
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the maximum content of essential oils. on. the precious oil services the famous for many fine and heavy. funk area is the biggest producer of rose oil responsible for about 70 percent of total world production. catarina baton takes her groups into the fields as guest harvest hands. to hold the roses fragrance has such a lightness a freshness to it especially early in the morning here on it's really special when you breathe in the sweet aroma while you're out picking them up and construct the palookas the highlight of the rose blossom harvest issa 3 day festival. the tradition dates back over 100 years and now tools tourists from around the world in particular from china.
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people like flowers sold out there earlier from. all the love and from paul and the ross from bulgaria the rolls in china those also love every year a new venue screening. this is my favorite play with the bowl because the people made. poor or maybe not made our want labor are behind the believe that god made it yet. maybe you want a break from all mom of the world. crowns of roses and countless projects may differ are on sale everywhere at the festival. distilleries extract the essence is it takes a victory tons of petals to make one liter of rose of oil at one time elections
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traded rosano for its equal weight in gold now the price for one liter can reach 10000 euros the finished oil is kept in a vault. perhaps this makes exclusive pay a few months in. the oil if the demand is his preferred ingredient. see the toes of the mosque what makes the damask rose the very finest for producing fragrances what makes it the gold in a looks or is the softness and tranquil and a lot the easy to me it's the serenity and feeling of sophisticated luxury it exists or more know you don't like i'm only the damask rose can do both tossing. to mass produce bulk areas fragrant. have you ever seen a jellyfish these ocean to alice
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a made up of 98 percent water all those some jellyfish can give you a nasty sting most of them aha and with a unique beauty they have a special charm jellyfish inspired danish glass artist stephan to create mesmerizing works of art and they are snapped up by at collectors all over the world. they look like real sea creatures that have been conserved in glass but these magical beings were specially made out of glass and sell for up to 100000 euros apiece they're the creations of award winning glass artist stephan dom who views them as souvenirs from an imaginary trip to the 16th century. back then wealthy travellers collected strange and where objects in cabinets of curiosity's. making. objects that are not of this world but you can take them up and you can have and you can inspect them and you can be. i get
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possible from look at looking at them because. this is close to nature but there's something wrong. for 3 decades denmark's number one glass blower has been making delicate art works out of glass he has developed his special technique over the years partly by chance. that's a long line of accidents. we want to tell the simulate seriously. and sometimes that did not happen and we got this miss coloration. in this case is a very good thing to happen. every day stefen down by lax is by the sea as often as he can he goes diving i really like it it's moving and you can move along with it. it's so interesting and completely different from up in the air
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where our senses operate normally. rather than replicating nature he creates imaginary nature like beings the more delicate they are the tougher they are to craft these little lines we're going to draw with a piece of wood this little piece of aluminum we can actually. draw on the glass and once this is covered in grass. this these little lines were. born and. formed the very elegant little lines. his wife mika calls low and helps him perform several steps normally step and creates his objects during the glass blowing process but his latest project requires advance planning the renovation of the washrooms that able top glass museum. will talk to known as denmark's glass capital with just 7000 residents boasts 6 glassblowing workshops and its
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glass museum houses one of the world's biggest collections of contemporary glass art. 'd 'd all of the objects are. stephan sanitary masterpiece will be the newseum 1st purchased artwork. it will cost some $75000.00 euros. director don guard is happy to have found just the right artist for the job. the challenge of making. something like that not everybody would find that interesting already around the stephan immediately set yet yet. it needs a particular my shit to find this task interesting and it is suspicious because my main interesting point is the the building a comma and this is kind. of common. so for this project to stephan dahl book
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create the mystical glass creatures he's become famous for each piece is unique and takes several days to complete in part because the glass needs to cool before he can proceed to the next step. ultimately the danish artist produces works which he hopes will become part of people's own private chambers of curiosities. in our series planet berlin we introduce you to people from all around the world who run businesses restaurants are even museums here you can discover more about them on our website into days that the so that we need a german who is fascinated by what goes on below the surface and if you ever come to the berlin you might even be able to join one of his guided tours.
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has been exploring underground burden for 2 decades he co-founded the veldt in association in 1907. around 8 meters below the surface on of the news team have spent he is clearing tens of thousands of cubic meters of rubble. now visitors can explore a former brewery salad and an escape tunnel on them got inspired to explore the ground in paris. when i was studying urban regional planning in 1988 i got to know some parisian urban planners that's how i met a bunch of people who explore parisian catacombs there were 3 rival groups. i helped one carry out measurements and accompany them for 2 days that got me hooked when i returned to berlin i told myself i had to find out what lies below. what
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this money can buy them boarded up north this newly built entrance leads to an escape tunnel that was secretly to help 17 east german citizens flee to west berlin is of the most being completed that was discovered before it could be used. klaus could pin from west berlin help dig the tunnel he wanted to smuggle his pregnant wife out of east berlin with an organ this is the original tunnel from ny came 7971 it's the only one preserved in its original state from a time when berlin was divided in almost. the tunnel diggers various original tools are on display to. at street level stones marked the location of the tunnel running under where the
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berlin wall once stood. on the wall had a tremendous impact on life to his friends in the east were no longer able to visit him. donald was born in west berlin in 1964 later as a student he moved to a flattening at the village in borneo. when the 1st when friends acquaintances or relatives from west germany came to visit i never took them to the brandenburg gate instead i take them to banaue. they will go to platforms on all major crossings on the western side. they were so tall you could see a long way into east berlin and his favorite being michelle is nearby. i'm. on and has played the accordion since his teens 1920
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songs his favorites. it's been i thought the real berlin or if you want to put it that way i'm really happy that young people are also enjoying this music. and some of the 1920 s. lyrics remain very timely. some even know them and can sing along. that's why i'm doing what i can to keep this culture alive and traditional berlin pubs must never disappear either but he. says he will do everything to keep clearing out historic underground signs he recently discovered this well from the 1863 it used to belong to a brewery and still contains water. starts berlin is brimming with 20th century history from the weimar republic the nazi
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period the post-war era the wall and then reunification we've experienced it all religion is great for learning about german history. and not just about them but under the surface things to eat mcdonald's and he's taking. this city tour on all forms. gumby hardly even. knew how to be cuddling. is a hobby grumbling funny kind of job leaseholder together there pasqual berlin this series with berlin or bite. on facebook dot com slash d w gen x. . star chef wojciech more distant morrow has really put his
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native poland on the cullen there emap back in 2013 his restaurant was the 1st one in the country ever to receive a michelin star his secret to success lies in his ability to gift additional polish this is an exciting modern touch we met up with him at his award winning actually amaro in the polish capital warsaw. a couple of finishing touches under saddle of venison with black current leaves is ready. this classic polish dish dates back to the 17th century. show for czech modesto model is giving it a new twist. a bit far away from the old days versus gates but this is due to construction with a using so the bronze is a solid a sell for all it's. crazy 15th. amado plans his menu by
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the week drawing on his catalogue of ingredients in season at the time. if something is not in season it's not on the menu. the chef picks up the black currently used for his recipe from a local organic farm he doesn't use the berries and so. many polish restaurants serve their station autumn and winter a model that is breaking with tradition we're not using but he's on you know all too long in the winter but there is a hunting season opening from 11 those my when we can actually hunt so roebuck. design you saw and you can see there is no single. side also black car and that's what do you. see much better they have they carry lots of flavors lots of our own so we got served device always so with the leafs so it's
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going to be yes on just a new version of the old classic receive these things. back in the kitchen wojciech own destiny moto and his team of 10 cooks what can i do using to. do given. meat the desired flavor he coats it with wild honey and salt and then he merce's it for several days in bees wax. the venison you served with wild bees cooked with forest herbs in newsgroups troops . as well as moral as a favorite edible mushroom. before the meat is copious removed from the beeswax and very briefly so not to eat in but are. there no motto
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garnish is the dish with the black current leaves. in a book. that covers sensory polish jews in the says this little oil has to be truth baked almost for an hour or so and also used he says things said it was just cells that he's made of black tar and it's a little sugar in the plots there's a bit of red wines in just over the over the meat so this was the so this will receive you very simple so we used the same ingredients we can say but we also were mixed something and used it just to follow and look after the productive more carefully. nurtured modesto modern serves a choice of 9 courses in his restaurant he calls them 9 moments you can use for ration from forest the.
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coldest dizziness there in buds the road to this forest we have all the new forest in europe. so there's lots of the really is over $1000.00 types of mussels in the dome also wise ferrets flowers. a divil diarists. from this all this is well it's. a great source of the originals for all sets. down wojciech modesto motto chooses from it every week to create dishes with surprising tastes and looks. his recipe for success. and that's all we have time for today but don't forget to visit our web site there you can find lots more about the show and all the details for our viewers draw hope to see you again soon until then good care and bye bye.
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this is d w news a live from berlin new york's a deadly day the heart of the pandemic in the u.s. sees a record surgeon fatalities hospitals are stretched to the limit and the city and soon are run out of lifesaving ventilators we'll get an update from new york city also coming up stranded abroad hundreds of thousands of e.u. citizens face on.
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