tv DW News Deutsche Welle April 6, 2020 3:00pm-3:31pm CEST
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this is d w news live from berlin germany sends a message to its citizens stay home for the holidays prices cabinet is set to impose a 2 week quarantined on germans returning from abroad just ahead of the usually busy easter travel season well people stay put. and we hear from a medical workers who can't take a holiday pay on
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a cold on call in one of germany's coronavirus hotspots the relentless pressure to treat the sick. lost britain's prime minister is in hospital for corona virus box downing street says boris johnson is still in charge the government says he's undergoing tests offshoring persistence them to. and a surge in domestic violence and the corona. kind of. a cry for help from a woman in jordan spike's worldwide concern over domestic abuse but many victims suffer silently in isolation what's being done to help. welcome to the program germany is to impose a 2 week quarantined on. citizens and long term residents returning from travels
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abroad the decision comes just ahead of the easter holiday when many germans book springtime getaways the authorities don't want to lose ground in the country's battle against the coronavirus grant that has been gained through social distancing measures already in place. if you're planning to travel to germany this easter weekend make sure you are up to date on the latest restrictions on movement. in front of a millions of christians easter is going to church spending easter sunday with a whole family maybe a walk a nice to bonfire for many it's also a short vacation at the seaside in the south where it's already warmer usually but not this year. in these media with social contacts already limited within germany the government's crisis group agreed on monday to institute a 2 week quarantine ferry tourney's so who's affected as of april 10th all german nationals citizens and other long time residents who return to germany after
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several days of protests have to quarantine themselves for 14 days there are however exceptions seasonal workers in agriculture commute travelling to work truck drivers delivering goods and of course medical professionals. restrictions for non germans and nonresidents have already been in place since mid march only those with a valid reason to travel can be admitted to germany for everyone else the same message applying it's time to stay at home. political correspondent joins me now from our parliamentary studio hands germany is increasing restrictions for residents entering the country yet at the same time there have been discussions about how and when to start easing the lockdown is that not a contradiction. yes on the face of it there is
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a contradiction there the numbers in germany have been encouraging in the last few days there are still increasing numbers of infected people of sick people infected with the virus but this increase is slowing down so there is some sense that possibly in germany the peak of this may have been overcome but at the same time the german authorities seem very remain very concerned that the restrictions that have been in place remain in place that people don't get the feeling that now that spring is coming other things seem to be looking a little bit more positive. knowledge that holidays are starting school holidays and so on and on might be the time actually to leave their homes and to travel or whatever and at the same time residents from neighboring countries might feel that well in germany you know that's more open to movement more open to having a holiday in germany that's i think why these restrictions are being imposed one does not want to risk that the achievements that the progress that's been made in
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recent weeks is in some way. you know lost quickly this week and this easter weekend. look at the german economy the government has already paid out billions in aid to businesses and for the billions of promised get to date even more aid was announced why. yes there's this concerns a special section of the of the companies small and medium companies who are not entitled to direct support from the government direct payments from the government they have to apply for soft loans from their banks and these loans a guaranteed by the german state and apparently there has been some reluctance by banks who have to take some of the risk for these learns by banks actually to. approve these loans a lot of companies who have made up locations seem not to be able to push them through as quickly as possible so the german state has not said that it will take over the entire risk for such soft loans and then
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a cottage in the banks with these new. with his new measures to try and speed up the process so that business those businesses can get money quickly political correspondent hans blunt thank you. will stay here in germany and the western border city of heinsberg that's been hard hit by the coronavirus popular carnival celebrations are believed to have kicked off the spread a small town has racked up 1400 confirmed cases and nearly 40 deaths health care workers there are struggling to keep up with the physical in more and emotional toll of fighting the virus. a protective mask is absolutely vital here intensive care nurse alexandra webb and her team are also required to wear gloves and a protective overcoat when they treat covert 19 patients one of the patients in the isolation unit is severely ill he's been given artificial respiration the health
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care workers turned him onto his belly so that our flows better into his lungs a corona virus infection can lead to fight for survival i thank you she says by minton this but with intensive care patients you're supposed to be ready for an emergency 247 on the alert around the clock i believe that the disease is simply unpredictable. and that his profession that. she hears the constant beeping sound throughout a working day right now there are 6 coronavirus patients in the intensive care unit the nurses here are working up to 20 hours of overtime every week but despite all efforts they sometimes lose patients and this can be tough. to model this cognition i mean when we feel powerless we stand there and don't know how to treat them. divison it should be come up there haven't been any proper
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studies this is something totally new and we do our best sometimes it's not enough my father walked out as best. as the model described i'm. alexandra webb is not allowed to let relatives visit the coronavirus patients and this makes a sad. moment at the time and with time we learn how to cope with it but honestly this is overwhelming it's hard. alexander webb and her colleagues have put together an emergency plan in case there are more patients she knows her team must persevere people need them like never before now let's get you the latest on the other developments related to the global coronavirus and demick almost 1300000 people have been infected with the virus worldwide almost twice as many as just one week ago more than 70000 have died also
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set to start loosening its corona virus lockdown chancellor sebastian cortes announced that smaller shops could reopen next week restaurants and hotels could follow in may romania extends its state of emergency by another 30 days beyond current measures said to end next week the country has so far more than 4000 cases russia's caseload sub jumped by almost 1000 in 24 hours moscow remains the epicenter of the outbreak 47 people have died across the country. britain's prime minister boris johnson has been admitted to hospital over his coronavirus infection but downing street says it isn't an emergency johnson's hospitalization on sunday came as the queen urged the public to unite and defeat the virus cole stock in relevance as many people headed out to enjoy a sunny weather despite social distancing rules in place it's something the
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government of boris johnson has taken serious note of even as he remains in hospital. in the rare glimpses of boris johnson in recent days his suffering has been all too clear he'd been jus to emerge from 7 days of self isolation and video calls at the end of last week and instead on friday he posted this message on social media. although i'm feeling better and i've done my my 7 days of isolation alas i still have one of the sins of the mind a symptom of i have a temperature and so in accordance with government advice i must continue myself isolation until that symptom itself downing street says the prime minister was admitted to hospital on the advice of doctors i'm a londoner go precautionary testing the us president wished him a speedy recovery before his daily briefing began before i began i want to express
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our nation's well wishes to prime minister boris johnson as he who wages his own personal fight with the virus all americans are praying for him he's a friend of mine is a great gentleman and a great leader and he's as you know he was. brought to the hospital today but i'm i'm hopeful ensured that he's going to be fine he's a strong man strong person shortly before news of johnson's hospital admission britain's queen elizabeth made an extremely rare televised address to rally the public i also want to thank those of you who are staying at home there by helping to protect the vulnerable and sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones. the british boris johnson remains in charge of his foreign secretary dominic robb chaired the government's response meeting this morning and will take over should the prime minister's condition worsened.
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lockdown surveillance even arrests e.u. governments are taking a host of measures to curb the spread of the corona virus that would have seemed impossible just weeks ago such restrictions on civil liberties are deemed a matter of life and death now but activists for that when the crisis is over emergency measures could become long term fixtures. this is europe and a lockdown measures that are and precedented in peacetime are now in place to come back covered $98.00 and we have seen across europe governments and across the world indeed implementing measures that even a month ago would have been i'm imagining too many of us sam already fear that the measures could outlast the coronavirus traces. of the bequests in. europe 750000000 residents have already seen their rights of freedom of movement
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heavily restrict it breaking the rules can mean finds people diagnosed with coverage 19 in italy for example could face prison time if they break karen telling other measures being taken around europe are less visible carriers are sharing data with health authorities in countries like italy germany and austria to help authorities monitor whether people are following rules the data is anonymised but data league at austria health ministry vets say it has already raised privacy concerns many european leaders are stressing that a new measures are limited in time in the initial period of 30 days for at least 15 days after easter. one country is heading down a more radical path hungary the country's parliament has endorsed the bill giving nationalist prime minister the char ban the power to indefinitely. extend to state
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of emergency andrew budgie creek it's kind of suspicious but why go they say ok guys you know 3 months after we get. red just. mean vile and not the e.u. country france offers an example of how emergency measures can stick around longer than anticipated after the terror attacks in paris and 2015 the government declared a state of emergency and shows of criticizing the fact that these exceptional powers will later written into law experts say the krona crisis calls for emotions . but what struck caution one of the un special rapporteur cherished which it we may survive the health crisis but if we don't turn to our own democracies we have plus. we i'm now joined by qatar in abolishes a former minister of justice here in germany and currently one of the vice
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presidents of the european parliament do you agree with the statement we just heard can some of the emergency measures that are being introduced now amount to a threat to democracy. absolutely and the examples were well chosen especially hungary and there were already was the possibility to aruba to crete for the. head of government but you had to come back to the parliament after 15 days and have the measures confirmed by the parliament and the opposition even offered to take the stand is to 30 days they would have probably 60 days to organise it on an indefinite prolongation and then of course raises a lot of concerns regarding what he has done before and regarding that there is still a state of emergency or 2016 the refugee crisis whereas we know that hungary doesn't. welcome any any refugees and it is still in place since 2015
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where you said you concerned about what obama is doing in the hungry but what's the or. the used reaction to that well the parents of the european union did not foresee that even 2 member states could get into conflict with the european values so we do have the article 7 to see here but it has to end with the united must decision by all the other member states now having poland supporting hungary this won't get us any further so at the moment the only weapon that we have is the european court of justice which is doing its job well we do need more measures especially financial ones you mentioned poland they're supporting hungary just eartha tight among other e.u. countries to leave some of the measures in place even when the crisis is over. yes this is not only something that is specific to to the new illiberal the law of
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democracies as they call them this is something that governments tend to do to keep out the cells that they have taken from the government so we have to be aware of this in all member states and any way we as a european union are going to introduce a rule of law mechanism to do a monitoring every year and we will have a very close look at this specifically but look at the e.u. on the whole it still seems there is no real coordinated approach in italy anger is mounting of the lack of solidarity among e.u. states has that you failed in tackling this crisis no the e.u. was late to start i admit that it should have been a lot earlier to together the heads of governments but you have to admit that the european union itself does not have very many contests in these fields of health of education security of the social systems so you can ask the european
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union to act but not give it the contents is necessary we have to talk about what we actually one of the european union to be and to do after this crisis is over and then to give it the contents it need it needs therefore so he will you rate the use coronavirus response are quite happy with it. no as i said it started too late but then the european union mainly can coordinate its that's just what they're doing at the moment there are common acquisitions for medical devices for many serial. there are measures concerning the common market distance and the finances. most of all and but as i said it is specially concerning the social systems concerning health or think we really need more constance's if not the e.u. is only a cordon it. covering about a vice president of the e.u.
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parliament talking to us from home thank you very much. and here are some of the other coronavirus headlines making news this hour fred crozier the caption fired after criticizing the u.s. navy's response to the pandemic as reported he tested positive for the corona virus crozier was relieved of his command after widely publicized pleas for help for the crew of his ak craft area over 150 of them have tested positive. scotland's chief medical officer has resigned after she was called visiting her holiday home against her own advice and the u.k.'s lockdown law catherine calderwood was cautioned by police for taking 2 weekend trips u.k. citizens have been warned not to travel to holiday destinations to avoid spreading the virus. india's prime minister narendra modi and other top government officials
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have announced they'll take a 30 percent pay cut due to the coronavirus pandemic modi called for people to light candles on sunday to boost morale during a nationwide lockdown india has seen a raise in covert 900 paces in recent days to more than 3500. a tiger at the bronx zoo in new york city has confirmed corona virus infection is the 1st known case of covert 19 in an animal in the united states or in a tiger anywhere the 4 year old female malayan tiger has developed a dry cough but is expected to recover now millions around the world have been forced into isolation as governments try and protect the most vulnerable the old and the sick from covert 19 but these lockdowns have exposed another category of vulnerable people to what they fear most domestic abuse for him reports on the women locked in with their abuses.
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a desperate call for help hellish by the way he did the coronavirus from day one of being in home quarantine i have faced violence and blackmail from my family to give them money well it does as minutely i said how do almost. the medical team is a jordanian single mother living with her family. she says that longstanding abuse by her mother and brother have gotten worse under covered 1000 restrictions and i've heard of a god of that i am being abused and terrorized today they were going to seriously injure me and today i could have gotten killed and when i tried to call the police all of the lines were busy because of corunna. demands 18 minute long live video on facebook went viral overnight prompting outrage a local ngo moved her and her son to
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a temporary safe house city family protective services and the ministry of interior are now looking into her case. jordan is among the countries that imposed a tough coronavirus curfew the move forced many families into isolation together because i think a few victims are also i'm able to mitigate and manage to avoid violence against them in normal times they would be able to go to school or to go to university to go to work because it. is so they have more to fear them to get away from the violated it is not just jordan faces an increase of domestic violence under the restrictions activists in brazil germany and italy have sounded the alarm. in china's hu bay province the initial epicenter of the pandemic reported cases of domestic violence in one county more than tripled during the
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lockdown according to activists the catalan regional government said culture to its helpline was by 20 percent and the 1st few days of the confinement period. i am speaking out so that every woman in my situation sucks out they should not be ashamed as i know there are many women in this situation. hell she may be in safety now but he man hopes other women who reach out for help despite the social stigma. i'm now joined from johannesburg by. she's the executive director and un women and the under secretary general of the united nations madam how can women actually is state abuse in a time of lockdown well we need governments to step we need the 7 says 2 women experiencing violence to be declared insane child services we need to strengthen the capacity to react by the law is force meant
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by social work cuz by and n.g.o.s and we need this to be done it's empty as you could hear the distress in the war says of the women you are interviewing the situation is really critical this was already a pandemic before corona virus because this size in the extent to which we men live with by violence at home is actually the biggest problem in the area of violence against women with the law and roll in with you abuse or you can just imagine this really becomes a toxic cooked tape so we need a man's to step up and governments should step up their measures to help women what measures could that be. that measures include ensuring that every country has
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a hotline that is attended to that and shows that to a phone call visits to the family it includes and sharing that to law enforcement is actually briefed includes making sure that this is the 7 says i declare it safe so service is it also includes making sure that you provide resources for shelter because when you there woman has to escape she has to go somewhere and we don't always have enough shelters in most countries and this is the time for us to make sure that we have those shelters just like we're preparing shots has to take people i mean hospital beds just like preparing was so big it's we actually need to extend the number of beds. on sunday u.n. secretary general antonio good terrorists os governments to protect women against abuse in lockdown situation our governments county failing women and their response to the crisis is that where you say well it's
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a mixed picture there are some governments that are stepping up but there are many more that are not stepping up and also it's important to underscore to say that women are not just. victims they're not only just crying for help that they truly need but also women as 7 spro vitus they are the ones that to shoulder in the crisis because 70 percent of the health workers that are fighting this pandemic actually women so they went to save our lives they go home they get bits and now and they also have to show i mean to short out the bad in of care of the other members of the family who who i just seek old soul all around is very rough but women so government response is one thing but what can we all do to help abused women and children then times and. and families and friends because at least in most women would have a family member or a friend who can respond we need to step up so that when someone calls you with
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a crisis of this nature you need to respond and to make sure that it rains for them to be rescued and to be rescued immediately. thank you very much to john's point thank you thank you. remember you can get the latest headlines on our web site see w dot com and to follow us on twitter facebook god help us in berlin i'll have an update for.
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so many different walks of life some one. ugly one but all of that comes straight from the heart looking for a c.e.o. even for the moist zeal of the march. arm. of the lord to their final resting place the russians are g.w. documentary. welcome to tomorrow today the science show on g.w. coming up. our research in oxford who's found the world is not as awful as many think. how do colors affect us experiments to shed some light. and we head to peru to meet some amazon manatees.
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