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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2020 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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this is news line from birth and easter on the lockdown churches around the world celebrate the holy day with no congregation in rome pope francis holds his easter vigil in an empty sent paint his worshippers worldwide swap church pews for live streams on the couch at home also on the program. and now the dr a in the coded dante in time to make us overtake italy we've more confirmed deaths than any other country america's warned it must stay in lockdown to avoid fatalities from into the hundreds of thousands plus stay at home over the easter
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weekend that's what germany's president told his country in a rare televised address prank call to shine maya said the crisis demands solidarity and the best of society. i'm rebecca riches welcome to the program christians around the world are celebrating easter under lockdown as global health authorities struggle to contain the spread of the coronavirus pope francis held mass on the eva of the holy holiday in a largely empty st pages basilica in rome the pope described the service as a message of hope urging the faithful not to give in to their fears over the virus the pontiff will give his ace to sunday blessing with fewer than 20 people present in churches worldwide are also. holding easter services with no congregation.
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all throughout the day we'll be speaking to our correspondents around the world about in the time of coronavirus and we begin with anna santos in manila and thanks for joining me you can hear the bells ringing there behind you the feeling of predominantly catholic country the nature is a very significant holiday how is it this year. yes easter is that time for food and family coronavirus or will the night just come to celebrate both from a distance as you can see the church to hide me there bells tolling now for one of the you know massive that are going on today normally you would have running and the throughout history of sunday kind of like a movie on most people are now celebrating or hearing from the comfort of their own home my mother 75 years old has been performing her religious obligations by our
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lives to mark out since the start of this lockdown. and when used to seeing religious rituals playing out every easter in the philippines such is so fragile nation and what's happening to these traditions this year. as a bit of background is that kind of stuff like that these are usually personal this side of 10 or to give gratitude for an answer very or now some rituals of self flagellation are so elaborate like for example the reenactment of the crucifixion of christ there's so elaborate so flamboyant that they draw in thousands of tourists now rituals i'm not level of practice i strictly for this however that it was for walking there or down the south floods and they've been in their whole or in smaller groups in their neighborhood. we're seeing pictures of it. so many filipinos would also be normally visiting family during the weekend you mentioned
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your mom at home live streaming celebrations in the how are people there dealing with the lockdown. definitely easter is you know the long weekend gives you a time to go back to your hometown while you know some time of these have been able to did to bridge the divide by teaching even the older members of the family enough text kills to jump on a zoom call and you know get together virtually not all families are as lucky this character i met is housing 45 construction workers who lost their jobs after the last larry they tried to go back home to their families but after you days of walking they were turned away at their villages because there was a strict no one out no one in and she policy it's now unclear when they will be able to go back home and be with their families again so it's just another stark reminder that 9 can in fact all of us but we are experiencing its
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impact in very different ways to finitely very different ways to this day to be a correspondent and a sentence in manila thank you very much. i mean ited states has overtaken each lee is the country with the highest confirmed death toll since the beginning of the outbreak more than $20000.00 people have died in the u.s. it's according to the latest down to from johns hopkins university in nerima and president donald trump has said he wants to reopen america as soon as possible public health experts insist it's far too early to think about easing restrictions that have closed businesses and kept most americans indoors. earlier we spoke to our washington correspondent all of a zealot he gave us his assessment of the emergency in the u.s. . i think there's good news coming from new york the number of hospitalizations are slowing and that suggests that social distancing in the measures that were put in
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place are actually working but the casualties are still a concern there naturally legging behind so we'll have to see if that changes as well and as you said other areas are in fact affected as well of course and mostly detroit the state of louisiana. where the number of infections is still spiking and the white house even warns that the pandemic and the epicenter of the pandemic might move south next from new york to other cities like philadelphia baltimore even washington d.c. where we are located and experts believe that if the economy is open too soon that we're going to see very high numbers in casualties in the united states it's time now to take a look at some of the other stories making news this hour officials in north korea insist the country remains virus free and i say that's down to strict measures imposed to protect the population at foreign medical experts are skeptical given
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the high number of cases in neighboring nations. he's in the democratic republic of congo's say the 1st person to contract a bowler in more than 50 days has died officials were hoping to declare an end to the epidemic come someday and hunger is health services to focus on containing covert 19. aid organizations have become distributing distributing facemasks after the 1st case of covert 19 in yemen aid organizations describe a possible outbreak as a nightmare scenario yemen is already suffering from one of the world's worst humanitarian crises during a long running civil war. and here in germany the president has aged people to come together during the coronavirus pandemic frank voltage time i asked germans to stick to the restrictions even as spring weather over easter makes socializing outdoors more tempting than ever steinmeyer t.v.
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address also look beyond germany to the global response to the pandemic. and will we surge worldwide for a joint way out of the crisis is will we fall back into isolation and unilateralism tile in view to let us pool all of our knowledge and all of our research so that we can find vaccines and treatments more quickly. and lives ensure within the global alliance that the poorest and most vulnerable countries also have access. to. ninety's and know this pandemic is not a warm city in the nation's do not stand against other nations soldiers against soldiers rather this is a test of our humanity. it is bringing out both the best and the worst in people so let us show each other the best in us. and let us show that in europe as well towards the germany cannot emerge strong and fit from this crisis if our
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neighbors are not strong and fit as well. it is not without reason that this blue flag is standing here 30 years after german unity 75 years after the end of the war we germans are not merely asked to show solidarity we are obliged to do so isn't it true for fish that. well for more i'm joined by w. political correspondent kate brady kate hi we heard. solidarity between nations what does he mean by that and what's germany's role well germany certainly plays a huge role in their response not least of all here in your report germany is indeed the largest economy and we've slowly seen germany take a less nationalistic approach to its response to current virus something that we saw on many e.u. member states initially with border closures and bans and limitations also been
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initially put in place when it came to the exports of medical protective gear but we are now see of course germany taken many patients from neighboring a new member states into its intensive care units of course germany luckily hasn't been quite as badly hit by coronavirus as some other states and on top of that we also saw the e.u. finance ministers come to agreement this week on a huge financial aid package which aims not only to question the economic impact of the coronavirus now during the crisis but also in the aftermath so of course as we have formed in my ear how germany and especially how germany in the e.u. reacts and responds right now will very much affect the future of the european union after the coronavirus and of course particularly when it comes to the success and survival of the eurozone as well. and we've also heard chancellor angela merkel address the public several times on this topic and when she's the one with the
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power to make decisions why did president choose to give this address this weekend . well it very much comes down to the fact that it is east as this weekend unlike in many places around the world easter is a huge religious festival here in germany but also it's something that's steeped in tradition it's a long weekend when people would usually be taking a long weekend away or visiting family and friends spending time with loved ones which is something that is simply not possible this weekend unless of course you are living with the relatives and friends and so the temptation is there as you can see behind me was set to have a glorious day of sunny spring weather here in berlin at least and the temptation to go out and maybe start to let your guard down and be a little more irresponsible when it comes to practice in social distance and it's certainly that right now although there has been some moments of cautious optimism in germany this week the last thing germany wants right now is a pink or rather
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a increase a sudden increase a spike should i say in a coronavirus cases political correspondent kate brady thanks very much for the update. and we'll bring you the full to address from the german president in a few minutes time. well turkey has made a decisive move to try to slow the spread of covert 19 from bin midnight on friday some 31 cities have been put into temporary lockdown the decision came so swiftly that many were caught unaware leading to confusion and panic. taksim square at the heart of istanbul completely deserted it's an extremely rare sight and a likely city with some 16000000 residents and the strict lockdown will remain in place for the entire weekend all shops even supermarkets about to close only pharmacies and bakeries are allowed to make deliveries the lockdown came into force
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on friday night just 2 hours after it was announced in many places long queues formed quickly outside shops videos posted online showed scenes of turmoil in some markets panic buying customers crammed into close contact many people clearly angry about being given little or no notice of the shutdown by the government that was also criticism from istanbul's mir molo on twitter he wrote that the measures also took him by surprise. it would have been much better if the government had coordinated with us said that this happened the where did i ask all citizens to please remain calm. turkey is currently seeing a sharp rise in the number of covert 19 infections latest figures show some 4800 new cases daily the hope is that the shutdown will slow its spirit. let's say the latest developments on the corona virus south korea has reported
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$32.00 additional cases in the last 24 hours continuing a downward trend in new infections there venezuela's president nicolas maduro has extended a nationwide quarantine for another 30 days britain's death toll needed 10000 on saturday u.k. has the 5th highest numbers of confirmed fatalities globally and spain is easing restrictions on some so-called nonessential workers factory and construction staff can return to work on monday. the restrictions imposed on daily life in most countries have had disastrous consequences for businesses large and small but he isn't used to store it with a happy ending as authors flooded into one company for some special seasonal treats they w.'s teri schultz reports from belgium. this easter most belgian confectioner's have chosen coated 1000 confinement with the rest of the population genevieve to paul who runs a one woman artisanal shop in lawns in the south east of brussels relies on easter
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profits to survive until christmas the lockdown had her worried and. trying to market her handmade wares online posted a photo of chocolate bunnies wearing face masks to show a sense of humor and resilience the next morning her phone started ringing off the hook with people ordering masked rabbits 20 crazy crazy crazy and i said what do you know it's not new but after that brief moment of panic she thought why not her people are being asked to make masks to panu she could do that in her own sweet way and by donating all profits to her local hospital network she could help health care workers when they were doing that. in union with what's happening in the world her biggest hope is that people will purchase bunnies on line 2 don't
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need to hospital staff to pounce community is pitching in carolyn shade a graphic artist is taking orders over the phone you guffaw who lives up the road is providing his company's packaging at cost. benefit providing packages with profit as a way to show solidarity. rafael culottes a schoolteacher from across the street makes deliveries to people who can't get out they would pick rabbits for their food. milly's outside seemed to lose a bit hospital where they donated bunnies will go lab workers really in heart of felt is taking a break from running covert 19 tests his face lights up to hear of the project he seems like a small thing but i think this was a big thing because people can really see how people are reading to help everybody would love it if you supported them hope. and that we'll have done little bit john of the year 2 paul says these are no
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longer just easter bunnies she'll continue making and delivering solidarity rabbits at least until the lockdown lives. the american singer and songwriter of bill withers died last month at the age of $81.00 fans in chicago have paid him a unique musical tribute without breaking social distancing roles. people belted out with his hits lean on me a song about friendship during hard times from their windows and their porches the song has become a coronavirus anthem a reminder that music has not lost its power to bring us together he. knew. there. was there.
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bill with us certainly one of my favorites that's the latest from data news i'm rebecca ritter's now will bring in the full ace to address to the nation by german president frank. thanks which could not believe it or not good evening to citizen misconstruing in a few hours easter will begin also in the outside nature is blue. and we long to go out into the open air and to each other to our loved ones family and friends so that is what we were used to that is how it was but this year everything is different. it's painful to forgo the visit to parents grandparents huts a broken because they are unable to embrace their grandchildren even now at easter . and much more is different this year no colorful throngs in the parks and
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cafes for many of you know long anticipated holiday trip for parky present hoteliers no sunny start to the season for the faithful no coming together to pray and for all of us the norrin uncertainty of what comes next. they don't always now at easter of all times during the festival of the resurrection when christians worldwide celebrate the victory of life over death we must confine ourselves so that sickness and death to not triumph over life. many thousands have died in our own country and didn't go in as us in madrid new york and many other places around the world the images are distressing we mourn for those who die alone we think of their loved ones who couldn't even be with them to
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say goodbye duncan we thank the tireless lifesavers in the health service and as much as all of our lives have been turned upside down we think of those served been hit especially hard by this crisis those who are sick or lonely. who worried about their job their company. the freelances and the artists whose earnings have collapsed the families and the single parents in cramped apartments with out of balcony or garden and want to go on about. the party pandemic shows this yes we are vulnerable and i thought perhaps we believed for too long that we are invincible that things would always go faster hire further that was a fallacy but the crisis doesn't just show us that also shows us how strong we are what we can build on it in time to play impressed by the feat that our country has
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accomplished over the last few weeks we are not out of danger yet but we can already say today every one of you has radically changed your life and every one of you has saved human lives by doing that so that and you are saving more lives every day it is good that the state is acting decisively in a crisis there was no script for i ask all of you feel continuing trust because the political leaders at the state and federal level are aware of their immense responsibility. vias yes but what happens now when and how the restrictions can be eased that is not the decision of the politicians and experts alone. and get instead it's in all of our hands through our patients and our discipline this is specially now when it's most difficult for us. in crafting our feeling that we
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are accomplishing in the stays we're not accomplishing it because we are being forced to by an iron fist but because we are a vibrant democracy with responsible citizens. and a democracy in which we trust each other to listen to facts and arguments to show reason to do the right thing that's the thing it's the tune i needed to mock or see in which every life counties and in which it depends on everyone and every individual from the nurse to the chancellor from the council of scientific experts to the visible and invisible pillars of society at the supermarket checkout behind the steering wheel of a pass or truck on the farm or collecting the trash. so many of you are going above and beyond i think you for that. are not really course i know we are all longing for normality normally but what does that mean
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about us has to quickly return to the daily grind to the old routine so i won't hide. 9 david i know the world afterwards will be a different one what will it be like. that sounds to us. that's what we are learning from the experiences good and bad that we are all going through every day during this crisis. i believe we are standing at a crossroads this crisis has already shown the 2 directions that we can take will it be everyone for themselves selfishness and hoarding and looking after number one or will we hold in this new sense of consideration for others and for society as a whole life keep hold of the veritable explosion in creativity and readiness to help others. will we stay in touch with the elderly neighbor who we helped with their shopping thing will we continue to give the supermarket cashiers and castle
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curry is the appreciation they deserve and more than this when the crisis is over will we still remember how we must truly value the jobs that are indispensable to a soul in the cast sector utilities in social work kindergartens and schools. will those who make it through the crisis more or less unscathed help those hardest hit to get back on their feet is on the hog and. won't and will we search worldwide for a joint way out of the crisis will we fall back into isolation and unilateralism. tiled in via the letters pool all of our knowledge and all of our research so that we can find vaccines and treatments more quickly or via neglect isn't sure within the global alliance of the poorest and most vulnerable countries also have access.
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to them ninety's know this pandemic is not a war in the nations do not stand against other nations soldiers against soldiers rather this is a test of our humanity. it is bringing out both the best and the worst in people. letters show each other the best in us. so and let us show that in europe as well towards the germany cannot emerge strong and fit from this crisis if our neighbors are not strong and fit as well. it is not without reason that this blue flag is standing here 30 years after german unity 75 years after the end of the war we germans are not merely asked to show solidarity we are obliged to do so isn't that sort of listed. the leader of it is solidarity it is a big word i know. but is it not the case that each and every one of us is
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currently finding out in concrete and existential terms what solidarity means $900.00 in the survival of others depends on how i behave letters hold on to this value. because of the solidarity that you are all showing every day will be needed even more in the future. you know that we will be a different society after this crisis we do not want to become a fearful or suspicious society but rather we can be a more trusting society with more consideration for others and more confidence. is that too much to hope for even at easter so if you do good and awful it is a virus does not have the power to answer that question over there and we will decide the answer ourselves. and it is clear many things will not get any easier in
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the near future but your door but we germans do not make things easy for ourselves under normal circumstances we demand a lot of ourselves and expect a lot of each other even in this situation we can and will grow as the log books for how to easter best wishes and let us look off to one another over and under. to me. to me.
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to move. on. tonight. corin says. doc's. dirty play records show the barn strutting above. the fold. each
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step tells my story. of the deep. dedication to the book i am not too dumb to play it and these are the secrets of my main kids the bulk of the dumb debarment dollar. and the global corona crisis you can find more information online at the w dot com and on t.w. social media channels. tough it is for free. is for. children is for.
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beethoven it is for the beethoven it is for every law beethoven 2020. the 50th anniversary here on d w no. such. i . think he's a big shot and grateful i it's not people playing the music these people breathing him say it's me. it's so good for me so sacred i just try.


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