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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2020 8:30pm-9:01pm CEST

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christian paranoia created such corruption. in 45 minutes on d. w. . the global corona crisis you can find more information online fat e.w. dot com and on t.w. social media channels. hardly any other boss can look back on such a long and successful past i'm iconic relic from the hippie era it still stands for
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freedom and adventure playing. the bus isn't really a vehicle it's a family member it was originally intended as a utility vehicle. and on the side like one day you just become one with this heap of metal. it used to be germany's favorite utility vehicle and camp and it still is today the v.w. pots. this boss has been on display in the one whom a museum in southern germany for nearly 20 years. you're going schultz brought his 60 year old boss here after returning from the other end of the world.
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he often stops by to check up on it. in the seventy's he drove this bus along the popular hippy trail to goa in india. now his car has become a memorial for the hippie lifestyle. that got this walk almost as a my skiff was of that he'd be able to back then it was the most common bus on the trail and the germans could buy one for about $200.00 dortch marks if the permit was about to expire and they'd take it to afghanistan or naipaul and then resell it for 2 or $3000.00 dortch marks. make it financed the entire trip that way it was a real hippy adventure all the way from munich to go naipaul in afghanistan afghanistan. you're going chilton's boss had previously belonged to germany's mail service the door to post before passing through several hands. in 1987 schultz bought it from a pensioner by the wayside. he
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quit his job at a car dealership and set out to explore the world with his new v.w. . just this once the old boss is allowed to leave the museum and breeze through the countryside. breezing might be a bit of a stretch divvied up use of old 34 p.s. motor isn't what it used to be it probably wouldn't manage another expedition along the p.p. trail neither would you was back still he and his boss were part of an important chapter of automobile history. the v.w. bus was designed as a utility vehicle but it soon became much more than that. it's an iconic symbol for the peace movement a vehicle for an entire generation that increasingly valued leisure time.
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the v.w. past now looks back on 6 generations of models it's been in production for more than 70 is. unfunded in the early 1950 s. it's pioneering a new vehicle class forging the way for the whole world that's out there that's why everyone in the world drives or v.w. . volkswagens old time a hole in hanover. harm has come to visit in the eighty's he chaired the v.w. management board and played a large role in the us is soaring success. he started his career in the $950.00 s. as an assistant to heinrich north of there in the managing director of the volkswagen plant involved. still devastated from the war the plant only produced
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a single model the v.w. beetle. without the says the bus would never have existed. that's what a true. opened the door to all kinds of other models including the v.w. bus. it was exceptionally high quality. combine that with a great organization of sales and customer service and you have everything you need to open a new market one that didn't exist before. the v.w. transporter as it was officially dumped was actually a product of chance. as dutch car dealer was negotiating with v.w. about exporting them he noticed these primitive cars in the plant v.w. employees had put them together to move heavy loads einstein had planned to develop
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a small pickup. he scribbled his design into a notebook steering it re engine boxy shape 750 kilogram load capacity v.w. was skeptical at 1st but still took the risk and it paid off in march $950.00 they started serial production. what later became known as the t one time had a self-supporting body and lead frames the engine axles were borrowed from the be told. this original design remained unchanged until bodo dent took over the plant. in the 1970 s. he oversaw productions for the v.w. bus although it made sense that a dealer would get the idea for a car like that because although the beetle was clearly good after the war people wanted to transport things and develop their businesses. one of the
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ancient v.w. precursors is still even fit for the road. all the others were dismantled after v.w. had no more use for them. but this archetype from 947 survived. a fan club and a v.w. bus saved it from the scrap metal press. will. now cost and she dream looks after the peculiar vehicle. sometimes he even takes it 1st spin. but he says steering is tricky with the front truck bed.
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etc from this it on the foot handles a little differently than other trucks you're basically sitting on the rear axle steering takes some getting used to. she jim is a roofing contractor and cure rates a unique place if utility vehicles all v.w. buses produced in the early days but he only gets them out when the weather is nice . the vehicles versatility help the industry expand up to world war 2 right from the start it was meant for all economic sectors. in $952.00 the pickup went on to serve tradesmen as well the self employed handyman
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it was a stroke of luck it was cheap to buy easy to maintain and thanks to its wide variety of customizable bodies useful for a range of purposes. but for the most my father had to bring the materials to the construction site in a handcart. every evening then our business got the t one busses and things really started picking up our faith has been rooted in these cars since the very beginning maybe that's why i like them and things just kept going from there. will be by bit cost and she'd room built up his fleet of vans the red truck with a double cabin 2 rows of seating in the driver's cabin used to transport a fire brigade. this rare long platform from 967 the t once final manufacturing was put to work in the forests of canada. these pallet trucks were built in the 1966 there are only 2 left that still work.
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in the mine 150 s. the v.w. past became a sales hit overnight. into the double side doors and rear facing hatch make for an effortless loading and unloading. believe you can transport anything from young people to. sales skyrocketed in part because the price was affordable in addition the car could be used for a lot of different purposes as a delivery van or a passenger bus. soon a v.w. needed a separate plan just to produce enough transport as it was built in the city of
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hanover conveniently situated in the center of germany but then it was the largest car factory in europe. folks wagon also permitted outside companies to develop special structures for their transport in no time at all the past sped through the country as a fire truck. and an ambulance. mail carrier. and even. the camping success story by the motor home manufacturer of it was especially popular it came with a foam mattress a gas stove and a refrigerator. was a big here especially in the united states in the country of giant cars the v.w. bus was a somewhat pretty soon low priced space miracle for personal transport volkswagen took clever advantage of the vehicles possibilities. as soon as the american industry started making their own vehicles that were sufficiently or excessively motorized that was very important in american traffic
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flow we were in trouble. of course so we shifted to a market that later became decisive for the whole world. we produce the 8 seater not as a commercial transporter but as a family car. so. for me and. this special model somebody even had 9 seats this luxury version of the v.w. bus hit the market in 1951. it's clever sky roof made of plexiglass made it a legend in history. unlike the business and trade vehicles it had to to turn to page decorative trim and polished.
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with all this however it looked better than it performed its $24.00 and a half horsepower meant it wasn't any more powerful than a v.w. bug but that didn't damage its popularity at their peak some of those made up 10 percent of all b.w. sold in the united states a smashing success. i mean. how can. you know in europe people didn't even want to drive a station wagon because those were the cars painters drove and they didn't want to be associated with that word. or damage question it was very hard to change the public's mind but thanks to our experience in the united states we did. and not only in germany the v.w. bus also grew popular in great britain and remains so to this day once
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a year the small city of malvern new firming and turns into a huge car fortress then it's time for the bus test the world's largest v.w. transporter festival. $25000.00 people come to show off their prized vehicles they include hobby restorers pop scavengers and any other kind of bus enthusiastic around $9000.00 buses are assembled here anywhere from gems to junk one sensation at each gathering is the bus belonging to steve k. from manchester in 1956 it was to the to a straight back then it was bright green after that it landed somewhere in texas the fort fell into steve case hands he then turned it into a work of art. the only space for sleeping outside. inside it looks like it's straight out of
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a steam punk comic book. use every day really going to work. around. the material to. train. with. it just doesn't want to. when you go to your destination you'll get a new kiss it's because you love to get very one place. once lived this very production hole the one millionth transporter rolled off the
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assembly line here in 1962. but then demand started to dwindle v.w. tried to avert the worst they rev performance up to 42 horsepower but sales kept sliding nonetheless in 1967 after 1800000 models the t one was discontinued. but that didn't mean the v.w. bus was done for the t 2 followed up as a reworked version it had an undivided wrap around windshield a sliding side door and was faster and more modern minutes predecessor with 47 horsepower it could almost reach 130 kilometers an hour. right from the start v.w. brought all the models variations to the market the station wagon pickup double
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cabin and van in the 1960 s. a new custom a group discovered the boss and turned it into a cult object the so-called flower children all hippies they took their buses to escape their stale suburban lives and explore the world. that's what gear harvick wanted to do but not as a hippie he was a teacher and an adventurer he still is today. his tea to accompany him on his trips for 30 years for nearly 1000000. kilometers and deserts fascinating the most at 1st glance at v.w. bus without all wheel drive wouldn't seem up to the task but have it disagrees.
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give you muscle from then fall choice is inside a vehicle small mass is a huge advantage in the sand and on rough terrain. from the bus inherited a portal axle from its predecessor the t. one which gave a great ground clearance. then i altered the transmissions to mount larger wheels. they were also wider so they had a larger supporting surface on the sand all in all it really was an optimal vehicle for tours like that of course an off road vehicle with all wheel drive is for all intents and purposes superior but in my experience it was equipped comparatively well. this year with fish in mind and when the day comes i'd like to be lowered into my grave lying in my bus. i mean buried with my bus as my calf and it's in the glass and it's available.
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in the mine 970 s. things took a turn for the worse for the t 2 as well the world's oil crisis hit v.w. hard and silence dropped sharply. in the v.w. plant big changes were on the horizon the passenger car program was shifted from beatles to gold's known as rabbits in the us while the transporter was left in the dust. then in 1975 v.w. decided to develop a successor model in july 979 the last t.t. left the factory at least in germany in brazil its station wagon model was still manufactured by. by hand for another though she 5 years and to 2013.
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what followed was the transporters 3rd generation bought at the british bus fest the teeth 3 are a neglected species despite its versatility many treat the cheese 3 like an outcast in the v.w. bus family that's because it was still running with an air cooled box emoted situated in the real the economic downturn in the job you towards the light seventy's didn't allow for new developments out of desperation v.w. upgraded its engine with a modern water cooler as a result its performance shot up to $100.00 horsepower but the teesri was a gas guzzler and prone to malfunction. bodo janko a former head of the v.w. plant in hanover says that was due to its peculiar construction. when you move the more think about it the engine was in the back the cooler was in the front the water around 4 meters to the back and 4 majors to the front and there
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were a number of problems in between all that had to be built into this vehicle over a long distance stuff that's technological nonsense and technical and. v.w. has long since gotten rid of this nonsense the transporter has been constructed with the front moshe since 1900. as of its 4th generation the bus has little in common with its original concept neither optically nor technologically. you have known doing we have gotten our customers used to rear engine for years they got an easy when we switched from the beetle to the golf with the front engine so it was like shifting from one extreme to another. without a technical relaunch the v.w. bus might never have survived and without it the workers at the v.w. plant in hanover would be out of a job today it's the world's most modern commercial vehicle.
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each year 260000 buses are constructed out of 180000 tons of steel one every 2 minutes. even nowadays the bus still schools with its old virtues its versatile useful and robust. to 6 generations luxury model is beat up use most expensive car elicits fewer emotions than the old buses. collectors are willing to pay hefty sum if they find a unique old model. like this one from 951 the 2nd sale. rust is all that's
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left to keep this clunker together it spent 40 years abandoned in a forest in bavaria until someone stumbled upon it while gathering mushrooms. it was salvaged by tino airtel and thomas term filed the to run an old timer repair shop. for the past 10 years they've been hunting for bus ruins like this left behind in forests rivers and swamps. they're fascinated by the left as they uncover. the fin many are more beautiful before they've been restored once for to us and as i watched it fast as we almost prefer an abandoned car in the forest to a well restored car in the limelight. because we like saving things and then gently rebuilding them the photos. that to document their rescue
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missions with their phones. it takes a soft touch they need to reinforce to kate metal sheets in the shasta's without everything falling apart. and their discoveries aren't always easy to reach. as it is through entirely sure that sometimes it's difficult because the buses have been completely overgrown over the years sometimes we have to fell trees and cut away bushes to clear the way sometimes the paths that used to exist 40 or 50 years ago aren't there anymore they've been choked with trees. or insulator. the 951 v.w. bus was packed in a barn in a forest until the barn collapsed when. tolan term filed found that there was no trace left of the building only the bus remained the only thing missing was its front that was discovered by coincidence on display in an auto repair shop.
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just isn't boyle there are just a few buses left from this building here. here in the front it has a so-called deluxe dashboard. on the to and at this i can listen with us on the only the samba bus has this as standard but you could order it for an additional charge but this feature makes the bus quite unique don't just enjoy the santas on those i don't see i'm sick arctic. at any rate the forest as a glad to get the old heaps out of the woods tino at helen thomas term want to bring their discoveries to new life. there are interested buyers who are willing to pay up to 6 figures for well restored rarities. the v.w. bus has long been a popular collector's item it's probably the most beloved all round vehicle in the
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history of cars adored as a cult car it's become legend and today has loads of fans around the world.
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the law. his legacy the establishment of one of the most brutal dictatorships. robert mugabe dictator of zimbabwe. could have gone down in history as a freedom fighter. instead his grateful power and increasing paranoia created
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famine corruption and terror. in 15 minutes on d w. o. closely . carefully. don't suit your needs to be a good. match. discover the. above. subscribe to the documentary on you tube.
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they were abducted by the nazis and taken to germany to be raised as a city. sins of the family. during world war 2 thousands of polish children suffer. even today many of them don't know the real parents well. they've lived with this trauma for decades. telling children the kidnapping campaign of nazi germany starts april 28th. how does the virus spread. why do we panic and when we'll. introduce through the tax and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the crown of irish or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can
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get it wherever you go your podcast you can also find us and d.-w. dot com slash science. this is the deadly news live from berlin russian celebrated an orthodox but the difference made an alarming increase in corona virus infection. mass is celebrated without bush it is to stand in the spirit after a recording increase of 6 belsen infections on sunday we took a look at how authorities are reacting also on the show fear and confusion among
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asylum seekers living in germany over the adapting to a new life in a new country many are now having to deal with restrictive lockdown measures.


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