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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2020 10:00am-10:30am CEST

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it's just too risky. anything for the 1st time in history. to collapse.
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musicians before. the program it's billed as the world's biggest festival and every year it attracts some $6000000.00 visitors from around the globe but this year. the 1st. event is the latest to be canceled because of the corner of. the state. given the enormous crowds. it's the 1st time the festival has been. political correspondent nina hauser joins us with more. emotionally
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difficult moment. i think for a very in politics in this is probably one of the west nightmares come true and the october fest means everything to the varians it stands for everything they think the various should stand for it's a gigantic party it's a piece of important it's an important piece of cultural heritage and then last but not least it's also a very important business event last year alone the oktoberfest generated some 1230000000 euros let me just say yes 1000000000 euros and actually hotels taxi drivers restaurants they all benefit from it so it's an extremely important period and this is why it was so difficult for the politicians to make this decision marcus or to the state premier of the various said that it is emotionally difficult and that it is extremely painful but you know given the current situation with the pandemic in germany and internationally i mean you
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should also not be happening this is a pretty surprising that the 1st has been done so. it's not completely surprising at all you said it the decision to cancel all big gatherings or big events here in germany until the end of august was taken a few weeks ago and people should have pat then it dawned on everybody that the october fest will probably not be able to be held because of course the various simply cannot risk creating another breeding ground for the virus some $2000000.00 foreign visitors come to the uk professed every year and a very it is one of the states with the most cases of the coronavirus and the very is understanding as well that we are going to have to live with the virus for a while to come this decision to cancel the event comes one day after the state premier of the very announced that we would now have to wear face masks in public. thank
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you very much for that update staying with germany where the government is under pressure to make wearing a mosque in public mandatory after successful trials in some parts of the country the eastern city of you know was the 1st to make reading mosques in public mandatory since the beginning of april its 100000 residents have had to wear mosques when shopping or on public transport and authorities say they have been no new infections recorded for nearly 2 weeks. tomas nature is the man of your ninety's in germany and joining me now on the line mr you as an elected official probably have the most experience of anyone in germany about making moscow heading mandatory how has it worked out in you know so if. we're looking on the expectancy acceptance rate they should people are standing by when
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you're doing it and they are wearing the mask free to be even better they don't have to in the open space we see this as the find a. strategic blunder comprising. distancing routes and finally marrying the mosque distancing rules of in place all across germany but do you think it is time that mosques weddings should become mandatory across the whole of germany this is a development we are already seeing right now the cities are. joining the. german states are joining it is going to start with events or even very mosques next week so i think we are going to see this nationwide in the end but do you think it should come from the central leadership of the should become mandatory as opposed to being left to the states to determine. well there is one condition always people to be able to comply with the rules so that leads not mosques around what we did
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you know was stopped and paid for the people you know sewing the mosque for themselves says maybe mosques tailor mosques text and mosques doing their job as well they don't take the one who bears it but everyone is around that's the idea of all contain cooperation is the key is what you're saying essentially but tied to the wedding of mosques is of course the easing of restrictions in germany that i wanted to come into force to speak but chancellor angela merkel has cautioned against easing restrictions to sorn do you think she's being far too cautious no i didn't read them we know that this is an additional measure everything must but it cannot replace all of the measures i.g.g. rules and distance will be in place for a long time to come i think we can be more easy. from springs on the reopening of markets except that those that have already been opened to the markets and
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go why there are but we need to be cautious there continues the. mayor of the city of you know thank you very much for speaking to us germany is just one of a number of countries that have started rolling out plans to reboot to their economies itany says that before the end of this week it's been outlined plans for the gradual easing of lockdown destructions from the 4th of may 7 u.s. stance of announced reopening show deals with georgia even to restart its economy by the weekend but the want health organization has warned that rushing to ease restrictions will heighten the risk of an insurgence of the disease the global death toll stands at nearly $170400.00 according to johns hopkins university in the us. here's a look at some other stories making headlines around the world u.s. president donald trump says he will temporarily suspend all immigration by signing an executive order he said the action was in response to the outbreak and to protect jobs more than $22000000.00 americans have applied for unemployment
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benefits in the past month because of pandemic relations south korea has denied media reports that north korean leader kim jong il is gravely ill after heart surgery. seen no signs indicating the 36 year old was in serious condition speculation mr key states celebration last week. israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu has agreed to form an emergency unity government with his political rival benny gantz following 3 inconclusive elections protests were held over the weekend against netanyahu. charges of corruption but he denies any wrongdoing. iran is sending thousands of migrant workers back to iran as one of the country's worst affected by the us but few tunnies are being tested for the disease the outbreak has put an extra strain already struggling economy.
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now for the 1st time in history u.s. oil prices crashed into negative territory on monday they have since rebounded but it meant producers had to pay baez to take oil off their hands the crash was triggered by a collapse in demand as the world continues its shutdowns because of the coronavirus been demick it's an unprecedented development we'll discuss the impact in just a moment but 1st this report. when it's flying and that. the u.s. can at least lay claim to one thing we certainly have plenty of. in fact far to much of it the president tried to calm nerves after the value of u.s. crude went negative for the 1st time ever on monday at one point reaching minus $40.00 a barrel in a month or so go a little bit it's a $25.00 and $28.00 or so it's largely a financial squeeze and they did get squeezed with
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a boil traders who found themselves on monday under heavy pressure to sell off their crude futures in the rising cost of holding the oil in the u.s. is dwindling storage facilities means keeping it is becoming too expensive. there's so little space for it left the u.s. government is planning to fill up its own reserves i think we have 75000000000 gallons right now capacity that's a lot it's we've been building it up over a period but that's 75000000000 barrels. so we're going to get either ask for permission to buy it or we'll store it one way or the other it will be for the what is most needed is a return in demand brought by restart to the u.s. economy then the oil that continues to be pumped as unbroken pace can actually have enough places to go. from what he did let's speak to a business reporter rob ward school report you just saw. what exactly do you need
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by a negative bryce's or barrels of oil so let's take an example you and i we go to the shop to get a snack after the program and we go to shockey from we say see how much is this chocolate and he says negative one your oh we're going to be thrilled our way because we're going to get our chocolate bar and he's also going to give us a euro it sounds ridiculous but that's effectively the situation that we had with oil futures in the united states yesterday since the start of the year people have been flying they've not been driving factories haven't been working at the same level as they were before and it means that demand for oil has dropped dramatically however the refineries have still been pumping it out and have a similar pace to they were before so it means that produces have got this huge backlog of oil to the extent where they know where to put it and they reach the
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point where they are willing to pay people to take it off that susa costs over there but then the key question here is why did this production continue when clearly demand wasn't there we've heard quite a lot of talk around the world about reducing oil output we had that meeting last week among the opec countries that produce a lot of the world's oil and their allies and they did come to this agreement that they were going to cut oil combined by 10000000 barrels a day but it seems like that isn't enough because we've also got in the u.s. other reasons that oprah duction isn't being lowered their competitors don't want to give back competitors a lego bike slowing down there for direction and also slowing down production closing facilities cost money getting them going again once all this crisis is hopefully over is also going to cost a lot of money so for those reasons output has been maintained and it continues to be made. jane and we continue to get this growing backlog this work of example that
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you gave earlier getting one your row back photos like that you get effectively for free sounds like a good idea i mean related to oil and oil is virtually freeserve i'm in the united states it's a good thing for me right and if i'm living abroad what does that mean to me well we're not at the stage where even americans can turn up the petrol stations and demand to get their petrol and a bit of money as well when how they get this is a fleeting things happen we've already seen today that oil prices have started to become a positive again it was a quirk at the way that that sold based upon futures that we had what happened yesterday but pump prices have been dropping in the united states over the past few months they followed by 2 thirds since the start of the year outside of the u.s. we want to see the same impact from this west texas intermediate drop in prices because most of the world uses brant crude as its gauge for how much oil is worth but it is a sign of the trend in oil prices around the world that they are going down without
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petrol prices will also go down the problem is we don't know actually go halfway don't it's a sliding scale of the robots thinks of us recovering in a british or us. the group reporters without borders has just published its annual press freedom index it drives countries according to the weather media allowed to operate without censorship in a moment we'll speak to political activist and hungry but 1st a look at how different are faring when it comes to press freedom. at the bottom of the table eritrea turkmenistan and north korea reporters without borders classified the lack of press freedom in those countries as very serious sudan is also in that category but last year's mass protests that led to the ousting of president omar al bashir have resulted in stronger democratic structures and reduced restrictions for journalists as a result the country ranks 16 points higher on the index than last year countries
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that made similar improvements include malaysia any theo pia. while poor ratings and given to the west african states have been enough fell 17 places and haiti down 21. the caribbean nation is struggling with an ongoing political crisis and violent protests in the past year journalists there were repeatedly attacked one was killed. the united states ranks at 45th place this year after 2 years of decline the situation has slightly improved over the last year but reporters without borders cite the u.s. as a warrior example of hatred incited against journalists violated politicians with verbal and physical attacks against reporters alarmingly frequent terms of action germany ranks 11th place also up 2 places from last year the main reason for this is
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a decline in the numbers of attacks against journalists but reporters without borders say this still concerned for the protection of journalistic sources. the country's ranking highest for press for. remain in scandinavia denmark finland and no way. i'm joined now by truck from the 100 and civil liberties union in budapest better to have welcome a hungry has lived to rankings and the boss john is now the worst in your country for press freedom according to reporters without borders how freely can journalists live and work in hungary well if you look at journalists operating in hungary and editorial offices operating in hungary they are not in constant fear of being imprisoned or it's sad but at. the doing their job as a watchdog. the state and the government is getting harder and harder year by year
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there are economy burdens and there are avenues of burdens may have to slide back when they wish to report on current issues and in hungary it's very difficult for journalists to get proper information out of governmental bodies or state offices and they are often physically excluded from the places where day should report from for example the parliament building or refugee camps in hungary now in the middle of these buttons as you describe them from mr victor. cannot rule by decree and spreading false information is not punishable do you think of them getting government is using the coronavirus crisis to undermine the free press. well the government is using the current iras for many. goals to reach but one of them is most definitely to to make it even more difficult for journalists to
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report as you mentioned there is a new amendment to the criminal court meaning that fear mongering is is being extend there and this summit saying information that is able to harm the state if ports to protect society can be punishable by up to 5 years in prison and this is very alarming as. the definition of false information and the definition os information that is able to hire the state authorities is very brode and the don't really know at this point that if. procedure a criminal procedure is initiated what can be expect from the outcomes and how can it's a fact. and it ariel says are journalists i wonder in the midst of all this if there is something that the european union can do or should do during short press freedom in hungary. well the european union have has very broad political
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powers to exercise and it's also has some legal powers for example there's an ongoing rule of law report conducted by the rippin commission and many organisations such as my my are going is ition channels these information age an issue a full report and we believe that that that european commission has for example the financial financial powers to sanction does governments that that harm press freedom and that. try to try to make it harder for journalists who are right. thank you very much for speaking to us thank you but under some sports news now the players and coaches of the english side all snow have agreed to take a 12.5 percent salary cut because of the coronavirus bendemeer cost of the 1st
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premier league club to announce a pick up rather than defending saturday's well i think that some of the money could be repaid if you just for targets were met the deal comes amid criticism over the way something the top flight teams have responded to the pandemic. germany's bundesliga soccer season could restart on the 9th of may but without spectators in the stadiums league officials have been making preparations to play matches behind closed doors to prevent the spread of the corona virus the premier of germany's 2 biggest states have told a tabloid newspaper that such a move these possible under certain conditions a meeting between the league and clubs is should do it for thursday. germany's boston bull reputation has received a boost because teams in the u.s. is women's national basketball association have selected 3 young german players they expect to start in the league a top ranked among them in what's called the w n b a draw is south. and she has a background considered unique even by diverse u.s.
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standards. she's accustomed to change this athlete with the word ducks' on how basketball jersey has played her last game with the university of oregon ducks that's because pandemic restrictions ended their season but south to sally left a mark on u.s. college basketball with massive success before thousands of fans. least 21 year journey has taken her from her city new york in the united states to africa and have father's home country the gambia then to haue mother's home country germany where she caught the eye of basketball clubs then to oregon for 3 years of high pressure hoops and now dallas because the dallas wings select sought to sell billy from the university of oregon. she was selected in the w n b a's draft by the dallas wings. i was so happy when i heard my name.
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yeah when i got. called you know all my dreams. and i was so happy i felt like a little kid it's just a call for some really believe because of the pandemic lockdown southerlies support from family and friends has been mostly virtual. oh i. know. this stuff started including well wishes from her german grandma. sadly is not the 1st basketball player with german roots to make her mark in dallas. ski became one of the all time greats of the men's n.b.a. with the dallas mavericks now retired if it sees already reached out to sally to welcome her and prepare her for work comes next whatever coach wants to pee i will eat you know it's so good like me that instead of it's just
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a lot of. what i will have what i will do. during the low down sadly will bide my time and morrigan where she became a star of american basketball with the expectation she'll be thrilling thousands in texas whenever the coming season to self. and all the best to her now because of the corner of out of the music industry has been hit hard with loved ones and plays in many countries concerts and 12 have been cancelled and the prospects for life performances in the future also look bleak in the u.k. a platform what is going to use for booking office is now offering musicians and or tonnage of way of making money to get reports from london. savella hunted down i actually hope you're right there in south africa this is a special music message not for an ox here in london. a light hearted video message
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for some doctors composed and performed by musician tom morley. how are you going to help me with. being a musical messenger is the new day job for tom hall. in no. i fly all kinds of weddings and events all over the u.k. and europe. so tends to be mostly my weekends completely for less work full time joke obviously in this situation they've all been perspire into account so it's gone are the days of live gigs where tom could perform at parties on greek islands or indian weddings. his income has vanished overnight spring and summer are usually the busiest time of the year for musicians like him but music and theater venues across the world remain firmly shut and with nobody knowing how long this will last musicians have been coming up with a plan b.
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past the lies musical messages the website on calling stem with clients allowing them to earn money and to do what they enjoy most of all to perform. music is one of the u.k.'s best exports and the u.k. music industry is enormous so to see it all within the space of one a few weeks to go from beginning to almost nothing has been has been extremely difficult for everyone in the music industry we didn't want to sit and mourn the loss of live performance we wanted to sort of turn our heads to a solution and think what can we do right now i to help musicians our money from home. to make it service even more attractive encore donates a small amount of its earnings on each message to the british national health service performed songs for patients suffering with coronavirus hospital. i've even
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performed at someone's virtual party or. it's really good. so far several 100 messages have been sent all over the world for musicians like tom morley this means that they can now pay their rent. i'm certainly not feeling positive all the time myself at the moment. but it gives me a focus yeah great great channel positivity into every day. and to show how truly adept ability is tom gives a very special performance in german. kiss in the bar. bar is there. anything is there.
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a sense. yeah that's another presenter of the court to let us know what this is did over news and believe me a quick reminder that more updates are there on the doppler dot com i'm british benedick us you in 30 minutes. oh boy. the good.
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friday is fucking chock minus 30 celsius on the german kona research station but scientists want to send the message. that on the frontline of climate change research we take on the capacity to. disappearing i. talk to come so we're just as fixed. on t w. who do the oceans belong to
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the fisherman who can bend on them for their livelihood. or corporation is just out to make money. a global struggle for control is underway the consequences for nature could be devastating. ocean grabbing new normals of the sea . in 45 minutes on dollars. like. oh. my gorgeous love was food for the russian soul. it runs deep. so many different walks of life. some are bumpin and oddly tried but all
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of them come straight from the heart of the forest see deep in what is no more delusion the marsh school in trucks home. from the 1st glimpse of the wall to their final resting place the russians r t w documentary. footage. of. the coldest continent on earth. a fragile ecosystem that we're only just beginning to understand. is climate change threatening the penguin colony is here. to get some of this.


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