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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2020 1:00pm-1:15pm CEST

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this is the w.'s line from berlin and a dire warning from the un's world food program as the corona virus spreads. millions of civilians living in conflict scarred notions including many women and children face being pushed to the break your story breaking with the specter of famine a very real dangers possibility. so what if anything can be done. also coming up the global race for a vaccine a german company has won approval to strike the country's 1st clinical test on an
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experimental vaccine. and good news for some streaming platform netflix adds 16000000 new subscribers desperate for entertainment during the worldwide lockdown . i'm sumi some is going to it's good to have you with us the u.n. world food program is sounding the alarm over food shortages caused by covert 19 the head of the world food program david beasley says more than 800000000 people already do not have enough to eat but that number is likely just sore by a 135000000 by the end of the year because of the coronavirus pandemic he says a crisis could take on biblical proportions if the world fails to act. farmers in south sudan try to ward off. latest invasion no chris saw threatening to
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destroy what crops they have left in a country where hunger is talked to davie knife after years of civil war the majority of south sudanese are already in a state of food crisis now things look set to get even worse last year we had to feed 5000000 people due to fighting and flooding already in 2020 we've had locust invasions and now there is the covert 19 pandemic which we predict could almost double the people in the queue hunger by the end of 2020 across the world. and those numbers are shocking we're also told the rate of hunger endemic in addition rule of 130000000 people. could be pushed to the breaking story by the end of 2020 that's a total of $265000000.00 people. government lockdowns are taking that toll in brazil it's estimated that up to 40000000 informal workers have been
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dragged into extreme poverty handouts here in rio de janeiro are keeping people fed . others are doing whatever they can to survive. someone to do peaceably honestly it's very difficult with selling food in order to survive but my daughter annoying me we're out of work and we're doing this selling food and then i can see. organizations like the un's world food program are pleading for more funds but with so many countries now battling for economic survival plus a lack of global leadership the fear is that a humanitarian catastrophe could be closer than ever if. we can speak now to bettina alicia she is the world food program's chief spokesperson here in germany thank you for joining us the numbers are staggering we're saying the
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number of people in acute hunger could double by the end of the year something european ization is calling a perfect storm why is this. it's because so many things are coming together i mean the world food program and this year will feed 100000000 people in over 80 countries but that was because of war or conflict of climate change now on top of that we have another crisis the covert crisis to corona crisis and what we're seeing is that people out of work in many places governments are scrambling how to take care of their people their economies are collapsing so we are extremely concerned that our usual work of feeding those 100000000 people will not be happening because we will not get the money that's our big concern we have people tell the world let's avoid this crisis give us the money so we can take care
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of these people and their cover crisis is really making everything much much more extreme we see it around the globe what is happening but our big concern of course does super hungry people people who are very close to starvation who are now much more impacted then ever before your report also talks about displaced people in countries like afghanistan iraq and bangladesh especially at risk which communities in these countries are you most worried about. most worried about refugee camps for example where people die in very very close contact that's a lot in african countries but it's also in a place like bangladesh where there are have fled to we're worried about how we can practice social distancing how should that work and we don't we are taking measures we're making sure that there's bigger distance between the various people when they pick up our food but the important thing is this we need to act now with the world
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food program is doing now is we're pre-positioning food for the next 3 months in the hardest hit countries so we can feed those people and then of course we also help the whole you and your response to the coronavirus disease you said you worry that you might not get the money you need and as we know economies around the world are struggling so what is your message to governments about why it's important to help here. you have to do this now. now this week the next week the week after that we need to help us so we can help the whole humanitarian community we need $350000000.00 so good to keep on sending planes to keep on sending nurses to keep on sending doctors to building field hospitals for aid workers to keep foden and other aid supplies going we helping we're shipping millions of masks and protective gear to some. 70
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countries we're going to help 120 countries help with this disease and how to cope with it but the government leaders have to act now. the world food program's chief spokesperson here in germany thank you so much for joining us thank you. there may still be no cure for the corona virus but the search for a vaccine is gaining momentum here in germany the 1st clinical trial has just been given the green light the vaccine is being developed by a company called by on the tech base in the city of mines in the 1st part of the trial 200 healthy people between the ages of 18 and 55 will receive a several variants of the vaccine. let's bring in fabienne schmidt from d.w. science for more on the story hi fabienne and thanks for joining us what more can you tell us about this vaccine and the clinical trials. yes the press conference of
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buying taxi company that produces a vaccine and polish institute which is of basically the german institutions it's pursuing vixen development and also basically helping going along the process is just finished and what we learned is that it is an empower and a vaccine which means that as a genetic a part of the genetic code off the corona virus that is harmless however is brought into the cells was a help of so-called leap peter nano particles is a little particles that brings the. basic is a genetic code of c. sing in there and then some kind of proteins develop multiply and that triggers it in one immune response this is not the completely new vaccine but it's hasn't been used really for vaccine against coronaviruses in the past it was something developed for cancer research so for fighting cancer and therefore it's not really
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clear how it's going to go it's one of 4 big scene sets a company biome take is going is having in the pipeline right now and is also going to. be running through the process was a polish institute and of course it's only one of many vaccines that different pharma pharmaceutical companies are. developing right now on different medical platforms f.i.b. said of course it's not clear yet the how it's going to work because we have to wait for clinical trials to be conducted but how promising is this vaccine how confident is the company and what they've created. as the company is fairly confident that one of the 4 vaccines that they have in the pipeline will work. as a polish institute director was a little bit more cautious didn't want to commit himself to any statement there but basically the point is is that this we're talking about phase one phase one is only
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there to test was as a vaccine has on the in the unwanted effects on the patients and maybe to look a little bit into the immune response but really that's the task of the 2nd phase which. as a politician situ has sent to allow after june or in some point in june saw the 1st phase take 6 weeks the next phase probably at least as long as we're not talking about a vaccine development that's going to come very fast and also it may be that in the meantime as of it seems that also in the pipeline may prove better or more effective as the immune response is stronger or maybe you have less side effects that you don't want to write 5 inch metric to the science for us thank you. let's take a look now at some other coronavirus news and researchers in switzerland say it is possible that mass vaccination could start there as early as october if trials
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prove successful and approval procedures are fast tracked singapore has reported more than a 1000 new infections in a single day bringing its total to more than $10000.00 cases the u.s. state of missouri has filed a lawsuit against china saying beijing tried to cover up the danger posed by the virus and to south africa plans to deploy more than $70000.00 additional troops to enforce that strict lockdown that is in place until at least the end of the month. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world international oil prices have fallen to their lowest levels since 1909 deepening fears of a global economic downturn brant crude dropped to 12 percent below $7000.00 a barrel the slump follows 2 of the wildest days in oil trading history as supply continued to exceed demand the suburbs of paris have seen a fortnight of clashes between residents and police amid friends district coronavirus lockdown at one flashpoint riot police were sent in to quell the
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grassed some residents said they were only trying to defend themselves against alleged police harassment. u.s. president donald trump says his new immigration battle will last for 60 days and will affect those seeking green cards for permanent residence earlier he had said he would sign an executive order to suspend all immigration here in response to the corona virus outbreak and to protect jobs. well most businesses are in deep trouble during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic but not all netflix has added 16000000 subscribers over just the last few weeks that is more than double the expectations coronavirus lockdowns have led to a boom time for online streaming services as people remain confined to their homes . not every day that zookeeper prison for murder for. netflix a smash hit series target king has been watched in over 60000000 households since
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it was released in march. since the start of the year more people have signed into netflix for the 1st time than it any other period in its streaming history. coronavirus lockdowns have seen paid subscribers to its content climb to more than 190000000 things we are certain. grow. bigger or. want to be able to escape. through joyous. weather streaming platforms are also sharing in the spoils brought by a housebound entertainment market disney plus has only been going for 6 months and it's already passed the $50000000.00 subscriber mark years and head of szechuan but netflix has warned its shareholders not to get too carried away we. increase in subscriber march. you know essentially all the rest of.
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our guests. q 3 q 4 relative to prior years 'd because. these are numbers for stream is will continue to soar as long as lock down stay in place and movie theaters remain empty. well the current virus is radically changing life as we know it and leading some people to do things they would never have done before like playing music in the streets get a shock a filmed one performance in her own berlin neighborhood we leave you with her video thank you for watching.
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2 combating the corona pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning.


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