tv DW News Deutsche Welle April 27, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm CEST
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this is d.w. news live from berlin a timely delivery 10000000 protective facemasks touched down in germany from china on the day new regulations for shoppers and travelers on public transport to cover up. also coming up british prime minister boris johnson is back at work a month after contracting covert 19 but he warned supporters public that lifting restrictions too soon could risk a 2nd wave of infections. plus schools and daycare centers remain open in sweden as it avoids the kind of lockdown seen in other european countries we look at
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a coronavirus strategy that they watched with the fascination and fear. and from holiday hotspot to tourists free zone residents in austria's picturesque resorts are getting used to the quiet after the pandemic but the world's petition on hold. i'm sumi so much going to thank you for joining us germany has made it mandatory for shoppers and travelers on public transportation to cover their faces as the country eases other restrictions to curb the spread of covert 19 the measures come despite concerns that demand could outstrip the supply of protective masks on monday a cargo plane carrying tens of 1000000 protective facemasks from china landed in the german city of lights and the defense minister on it got to come colin powell was there to inspect the shipment most of the masks will be distributed to
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hospitals and to nursing homes. and our political correspondent thomas sparrow is following this story for us hi thomas so a shipment of 10000000 masks has arrived in germany what more can you tell us about that sumi on that cargo plane that's with that we just saw there is the world's biggest cargo plane as as we saw there it brought $10000000.00 mosque's from china and that's one of 3 shipments that will come in these next few days 3 in total for up to 25000000 facemasks and we also saw a german defense minister come cotton ball there in leipsic receiving that shipment of 10000000 mosques and when she spoke to the press after receiving those mosques she said that those mosques will be given to the 16 german federal states and he will be up to local authorities in each one of those federal states to decide what exactly is done with the mosques but this is just part of the big process that
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germany is now undertaking to make sure that enough mosques here in the country there are other means as well for example talking to local companies to make sure that they step up their production or using supply chains that are already available and as we see also this making sure that those millions of mosques are available from china and hummus what are the requirements now for wearing masks in germany. it's interesting so you because they vary depending on which state you look at but in general we can say that as of this week in all of germany 16 federal states people will have to wear masks when there are public transport so metro buses trams and so on but it defies way to come for example to shop or so but lynn is an exception there but it is the only state in germany where shoppers are not obliged to use a mosque when they go to different shops instead they have that recommendation and
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an urgent recall mandation to use the mosque but there again differences when you look at different job one states well there are all sorts of ways to cover your mouth and nose let's take a look now at some of the basic types of sanitary masks. national mosques are created equal we can generally distinguish between 3 main types. will train face peace or f.-f. he must fit snugly around the nose mouth and chin and filter out the tiniest airborne particles the most effective type let's know viruses in arrives an explanation involved makes breathing easier creases the risk of viruses this gaping so an unsolved f.p. must protect both the wearer and the person they encounter with a valve a sony reliably protects the wearer f.p. masks are in short supply worldwide so they should be mainly reserved for medical personnel a mass that so often seen nowadays is this simple protective face piece for them as
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the nose known as the surgical mask consists of several layers of paper known woven fabric with a thin wire to make it fish over the nose when the wearer coughs or sneezes the mouse blocks the large droplets but an inhalation air also flows in over the sides that means that many protects others from infection rather than the wearer once the mouse is west from breathing. after that was wearing time at the most is has to be discarded in the covert 19 crisis professionally manufactured monster in short supply beating to a flourishing kasich industry in d.i.y. mass. whether using handkerchiefs t. shirts or vacuum cleaner bags people all around the world are revving up their sewing machines. a cloth monster functions rather like a surgical mask helping to pluck the droplets from the wearers nies the nose droplets 2nd spread the coronavirus. cloth must also be washed and reuse.
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the most important thing no matter which mosque you wear it's still essential to follow basic hygiene measures like there are hand washing and keeping a safe distance from others. thomas you know wearing masks is the norm in parts of asia but the question of wearing them here in germany has been a controversial one why is that. there are questions here as well but not only here sumi about the effectiveness of those mosques that's one of the most controversial aspects of it all we saw part of that in our report not only whether it protects the wear up or whether it protects the people around the work the wearer so that's one concrete area which has been particularly controversial again not only here but in other parts as well but one aspect that here in germany in particular has raised a lot of question on comments is the issue of making it or not making it compulsory to wear those mosques that's an important issue because as we saw earlier there are
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some federal states that have decided to suggests or at least ask people to wear those mosque for example if they go to 2 shops but not make it specifically compulsory and that's another issue that has been discussed a lot here in this country are political correspondent thomas sparrow thank you so much. british prime minister boris johnson has returned to work at downing street after recovering from 19 he urged the country to keep going with the lockdown restrictions saying britain is turning the tide against the virus if these virus were a few assailant unexpected. maga which i can tell you. this is the moment when we have begun together to wrestle it to the right let's go right to london. standing by for us there. boris johnson was in intensive
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care less than 3 weeks ago and now he is back running the country how did he seem today. well he's clearly doing much better sumi and we've seen him several times throughout his illness and he was really awfully sick you mentioned he was in intensive care he even said when he left the hospital that his survival. was 5050 at some point so now today we saw a recovered refreshed prime minister who struck an upbeat tone talking to his people with a very serious message saying that the lockdown would have to continue there and boris johnson himself taking this virus kovac 19 much more serious you could tell than in the beginning of the crisis now that he's he has lift through it himself and of course he's also taking over taking back a very different country than the one when he 1st contracted the virus back then
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almost only a 1000 deaths and now over the weekend the death toll here in the u.k. has passed 20000. what about the possibility of easing restrictions what are the prime minister have to say about that. well the prime minister is facing intense pressure from companies from newspapers from donors of his own conservative party to ease the lockdown restrictions that have been in place for several weeks now he said this is not yet the time for this there is no way that the lockdown could be east at this point and the restrictions the situation in the u.k. is just really still very dramatic at this point the death toll still is rising at an intense speed yes the hospitalizations and the new infections are flattening slowly but the time it's not yet come for a lockdown and mass testing and one of the requirements to ease a lockdown is just not doing being done here on
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a lot scale and this is something that didn't happen because the government was in a kind of paralysis in boris johnson's absence in the last week so boris johnson the prime minister now back at downing street and he will have a tough job at hand keeping up with everything that he's missed in the past weeks. reporting from london thank you. china hitting back at allegations that it is fretting disinform ation about the coronavirus pandemic this after a european union report that says beijing is trying to deflect blame for the spread of the disease while exploiting the global emergency for some games here's what a spokesman at the chinese foreign ministry had to say today. i want to emphasize that china has always opposed the production and dissemination of false information . and we oppose any act by any person or institution in this regard.
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china is a victim of descent from a not an initiator. right now to some of the latest developments in the pandemic south korea has reported only 10 new cases its 26th straight day below $100.00 officials are now discussing reopening schools amid the slowing infection rate iran plans to reopen mosques and parts of the country where there are no registered cases of the infection scientists in hong kong say they have developed a new spray on coating that can protect surfaces against the corona virus and other pathogens for up to 90 days and australia says more than 1000000 people have downloaded an app that's aimed at speeding up contact tracing and containing new outbreaks of the virus while the economy real chance now to some other stories making headlines around the world a top south korean security official says north korean leader kim jong un is alive and well emphasizing that seoul has detected no unusual movements in north korea
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rumors have been swirling about kim's health amid unconfirmed reports that he was seriously ill following heart surgery new zealand's prime minister just in the arthur says the country has won the battle against the widespread transmission of the corona virus health officials have recorded only one new case in the past 24 hours new zealand is set to ease the 5 week lockdown at midnight on monday. sweden ordered 5 restaurants in the capital stockholm to close over the weekend because they did not abide by social distancing guidelines sweden has a light handed coronavirus strategy allowing bars restaurants and other businesses to operate as long as they respect physical distancing recommendations daycare centers and schools are also still open the country's chief epidemiologist says it is a carefully thought out approach designed to be sustainable over the long term. daily
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life in sweden as in most countries is dominated by the corona crisis but children here are still going to daycare centers this one in stockholm looks after 25 boys and girls some things have changed the debate over the advent of mc is they've gone up i normally spend a lot of time outside but now it's even more bizarre more get a pretty mess inside we do lessons in small groups everything else is outside we take it in turns. to tell those working parents that daycare centers and primaries schools are still open and the swedish health authorities say it's good for the children as well they are convinced young children do not spread the virus in fact schools have not become sources of infection there are rules in place. some are still talking we have to wash our hands carefully and sing a song then after that we could rinse off the soap and we're putting it off for.
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sweden has followed a different path to other countries from the start the aim has been to protect vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those with existing illnesses it hasn't all gone smoothly a lot of old people have been infected nearly half the deaths in sweden have been in your homes senior hospital doctor you one still has many elderly patients are they all walked in the sky and all that equipment or good. the scandal that will need looking into when this is over i think we are still going to see a significant rise in fatalities in old people's homes and it will wind down sweden has added considerably to its hospital capacity since the start of the operation there are spare beds but many health care staff are off sick be hard on don't piss there we are not testing enough we test all patients suspected of having the current virus and everyone who needs an operation i would like to see all or
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workforce being tested but we aren't able to do all that and there will be did all that despite these criticisms most people do support government policy day care centers are counting on the i thought he is getting it right my hopes put had it's not a job to look after children. i hope and i believe that those responsible are making the right decisions for sweden if it's propes some tar the deficit fits right in. sweden is going its own way with no end to the crisis yet in sight. global tourism has been brought to a standstill by the pandemic hitting those who earn a living from the sector hard e.u. ministers will hold a video conference today to discuss possible solutions one tourist destination that's been transformed virtually overnight is hushed up in austria residents who once complain about being overrun by visitors now find themselves dealing with the opposite extreme. welcome to start
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a picture perfect gem in the austrian alps. before the pandemic in the village drew a 1000000 tourists a year one tour bus after the other day and day out and now. everyone's gone no buses no tourists no souvenir photos. for many hotshot was something out of a fairy tale a bucket list destination the thousands documented on their instagram accounts. hope all 3. you know were but won't tourists admired the old houses and filled the streets many locals felt overwhelmed pretty ruthless if you think the problem is that they almost never spend any time outside anymore it's simply too loud out here on my terrace. not anymore now is a ghost town and the locals aren't sure whether they like that either. even starts
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and you know what it's such a charming place and now we have it all to ourselves again but even so we miss the tourists but this is from the enemy states gone from one extreme to the other somewhere in the middle would be best if the situation isn't good for us either. spins to kind of spooky in the village i take a deep breath and that calms me down somehow it's an unpleasant feeling just know. the residents of hull stock are learning how much they miss the tourists and the money they bring with. them some locals can't wait for the commotion to return to the newly quiet streets of their alpine idle. while farmers and food producers are also struggling to adjust to the sudden downturn in consumer demand distributors have stopped collecting harvests leaving farmers with fields full of produce and empty pocketbooks. tankers filled with oil
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that no one needs they're heading out to sea from the coast of california to wait things out hoping the demands and prices pick up when times are better. but with farm produce it's not so easy. california farmer jack vessey destroyed his lettuce crop in mid april because he couldn't find a market or even a charity to take it you know you're seeing here behind me is very difficult not just for me you know on the economic side but emotional side as well everybody on this ranch is kind like their blood sweat and tears in this crop but he isn't alone from beer brewers in germany to potato growers in belgium producers are sitting on more of their products following a sudden dive in consumer demands restaurants and bars are closed overseas markets are ordering in southern italy makers of the famed buffalo mozzarella are also
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pulling back on production and that leaves them with extra costs. beyond a lot. so we have surplus of milk and we're obligated to freeze that no. 1 food that means that in the future provided that we have to pay for that milk to be frozen there we're going to have problems with the final cost of the mozzarella if not even on the side it will have to take into account the cost of the freezing. but storage is not an option for farmers like vessels growers in his region are now pushing for government help costs are rising and no one knows what next season will bring. that report from stephen beardsley from business and he's with us now in our studio hi stephen and it's such a jarring contradiction i mean why is it that farmers are destroying crops while on the other hand there are people lined up at food banks is that right i mean that's one of the 1st things i thought too was we're seeing pictures of people lined up outside of these food banks all the time in
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a lot of cases some of these products are super perishable i think about the lettuce there and also has that farmer has i think 150 years of lettuce so it's very perishable the odds are he's going to get it somewhere and times can be difficult the food banks are really set up to accept it and there's just so much of it that it's hard to actually deliver all of it even if he were to deliver some of it and so what he's chosen to done is destroy it instead of putting more cost into harvesting it and then packaging it when he doesn't have a distributor to take it anywhere and what we are seeing is that some governments are making bigger purchases of these products and in some cases trying to connect them then with an end user as what kind of products are we talking about here we're talking about things like up potatoes we see obviously right here a lot of potatoes that's happening both in the u.s. and in belgium where there have been more public calls to eat more fries fries are obviously a big part of belgian life anyways but with no terse and with a lot of these shops closed down these potatoes have nowhere to go we're seeing things like milk here in germany that's because export channels like to asia for
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example have either been cut off or demand has also fallen there and so with a lot more milk on hand that means suddenly that it's worth a lot less to dump to store it that's also tricky storage is always the 2nd question here is a store will how much does that cost so financially what is meant for producers that means that not only are they losing out on their investment terms of the current crop but then they have to pay a little bit more to store so it is a financial hit for a lot of people and then also on top of the. they have to plan for the seasons ahead in many cases they've already laid out money for seeds for small plants like strawberries and the question now is what you do with those do you plant them and then put the time and effort in the money into caring for them when no 1 may want them at the ends so a lot of them are saying they're going to government help and that's why we're seeing more of these government stepping up and saying ok we're going to put more money towards this problem but it's going to be an ongoing question until we really know when there's going to be more demand and that depends on the lockdown measures themselves that's the big question all right stephen beardsley from date of your business thank you for bringing us that story now to some other business news
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german far much ion fire has so far weathered the storm of the pandemic its 1st quarter results showed revenue and profit gains the latter by as much as 10 percent and that's due to a sharp rise in demand for non prescriptive medications as well as the recovery of buyers agricultural business. sportswear maker adidas has reported a 97 percent dive in 1st quarter profits over last year the german company says corona related store closures in china and other countries are to blame and it says world wide lock downs mean its 2nd quarter revenue is set to take an even deeper hit. and the mood among german export companies is in freefall that's according to the country's economic research institute info it says april's export predictions for german industry dropped from minus 19 percent to minus 50 percent a record low pessimism is particularly high within key sectors like automotive manufacturing and
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a mechanical engineer. now for millions of muslims around the world this is a ramadan unlike any other under pakistan's lockdown restaurants and shops are closed to everyone including muslims who at sunset break their day long fast but some entrepreneurs are turning to the internet to keep their businesses afloat. new order's just arrived 29 year olds there in consols have traditionally cooked food using social media this way she can earn money during the crisis and doesn't have to leave home now that restaurants are closed more people are ordering online from harz well. if you have confidence in yourself and are expert at using social media you can do all these things by maintaining social distancing you have no need to go outside if you have knowledge about social media social media is an opportunity as one can make contact with every person in town you can use instagram you can do everything by yourself and. a driver
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delivers the meals to customers all throughout karachi they are happy to let someone else shop and do the cooking for them raman oz who owns among was awarded the tradition of food cost say as today i have no time to cook myself because of the hectic schedule secondly it is the. the advent of ramadan. and with humid weather it is very convenient if you don't want to cook anything you can place your order online. online food orders abound to remain popular since the restaurants in karachi will be closed for several weeks due to the cold with 19 pandemic. now the corona virus has caused football around the world to come to a halt and with it perhaps the business of players changing teams for astronomical sums clubs are still planning moves in the transfer market but those selling may have to reckon with a significant drop in revenue. the coronavirus has turned football on its head
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you don't need a crystal ball to know the sport's finances will be hit for a while the cia asked for one observatory estimates transfer values in europe's big 5 leagues would decrease by 28 percent to 23400000000 euros if season start restarts in june the big money transfer as of previous years looked to be a thing of the past. when you consider the loss in revenue for individual clubs and also leagues in europe then i think we'll see changes in the average transfer fees. in the business league. i have since been tipped to make a 100000000 euros move abroad but despite the pandemic club bosses are holding firm on the price. of top level the quality players will maintain their value even through this crisis. clubs like leyva couzin backed by
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pharmaceutical company by are likely to weather the crisis better than others but those without deep pocketed investors could struggle. become a good fortune this is i can imagine that as time goes on there will be a permanent shift clubs that have it bad financially will get worse because i have to sell their best players and clubs doing well will do even better or if i didn't see its good get focused on. the business league a season is looking to resume without fans inside the stadium but when they are finally allowed back in there likely see a very different football landscape. italy's grand a bike tour of the judea taleo was set to take place in may before the pandemic postponed it so how does a professional cyclist stay in top shape italian pro umberto that is set him in the middle is delivering food by bike in his hometown near tureen right angled us 20 to
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it's a deadly sin. and the whim of nature. gives motivates us. and threatens to ruin us the. greed. insatiable desire for. the motors that drives the world and putting. in a good enough i've come to a close company business because i see the harm is done to the world while south of the top. i would say of the selfishness making relational material goods is really a sump pump of fear we literally run the risk of being the 1st form of water to be
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responsible for all the expansion. why only. we go in search of answers in a documentary film. stars may 21st d. w. . plastic is everywhere you know water bottles lunch boxes in the make up tools and our favorites nikos and all of that don't store garbage faster than you would imagine according to the neatest numbers 316000000 tons of plastic was produced in 20 that number is growing every year and most of it is not recycled hello welcome to eat.
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