tv The Day Deutsche Welle April 28, 2020 2:02am-2:31am CEST
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well. 80 percent of china's coronavirus deaths have been in the city of hun in feb there were so many sick in need of treatment that entire hospitals were built practically overnight today were hans' hospitals were declared free of corona virus patients now that's a title the rest of the world cities can only hope to share sooner rather than later tonight there are more than 3000000 cases of the virus globally the united states has the most almost 1000000 i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day. the pandemic is far from over and get a lot of local officials to hold on to about reopening reopen your opening this
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virus will not be defeated if we have not united the learned lessons we have to move forward and we have to be smart because if you are not smart you will see that infection rate go right back to where it was we continue to have countries to find isolate test and treat all cases. also coming up tonight no lockdowns no shutdowns sweden went down a different road when the corona by was arrived a huge gamble that comes with a human cost i did hawkins down dollar tacoma know it's a scandal that will need looking into when this is over i think we are still going to see a significant rise in fatalities in old people's homes it will be. close to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day measuring the pandemic by the millions. around the world tonight there are more than 3000000
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people infected with the coronavirus now that is the official tally the confirmed cases health experts agree that the real number is probably much higher and that goes for the country with the most confirmed cases the united states tonight or sometime on tuesday the number of people infected with the virus is expected to pass the 1000000 more a 3rd of all reported cases in the world are now in the united states and while hardest hit new york is finally seeing a decline in the number of new hospitalizations the number of new infections is still rising across the entire country and yet today georgia becomes one of 20 u.s. states starting to lift restrictions we have this report tonight from a land of wishful thinking where hope seems to spring eternal. like many other countries in the alley days of the pandemic the united states was
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in denial about the tree danger of the covering up iris it's going to disappear one day it's like a miracle it will disappear the name of jesus and friends. but the miracle didn't happen and the pray it didn't help certainly not in states like needle. 1000 hit the big apple hot hospitals were soon filled to capacity and molds were. state governor andrew cohen and to a crisis note and issued a warning to the rest of the country. new york is in crisis helping new york. and then pick up the camp and then go to the next place as this rolls across the country. a prediction that turned out to be train the virus spread rapidly from coast to coast by early april it was impossible to deny the seriousness of the situation. we're in
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a very critical phase of our war against the coronavirus the sacrifices we make over the next 4 weeks will have countless. american lives saved we're going to save a lot of american lives in we're in control of our own fate very much. despite the sacrifices within a week the united states let the world in 1000 deaths it still tops the grim list. confirmed infections are nearing the 1000000 mark a milestone that nobody wanted to reach at a time when calls to reopen the country are growing louder. beaches and california already packed at the weekend and several cities and states are preparing to loosen stay at time restrictions. the picture of reality right there let's go to the united states or washington correspondent stefan is on the story for us good evening to you should have fallen what have you seen so far today as
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you made your way from your home to the office did you see people observing social distancing did you see people any people wearing face masks. all hindoo see this is quite the regular picture which presents itself to us you make your way to work people streets are deserted there's queues lines in front of some store supermarkets. social distancing 6 feet of pod people standing around the block to get the chance to go shopping people wear masks people wear gloss but this is washington d.c. as we just have seen all over the country florida california georgia now a packed beaches parks even new york central park was quite busy compared to this weekend compared to other times in the previous week so states are loosening some states loosening restrictions and people are only too happy to enjoy their
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new old new freedom it seems like you know he stole a lot of it this weekend here in berlin as well you know here in europe especially germany worries are growing this shutdown will result in a major recession but the forecast in the united states they seem darker there's even talk of a repeat of the great depression in some sectors right. you know not if you listen to the president's. economy advisors and financial advisors and they're very busy talking this all very in very rosy describing this and rosy and optimistic terms of what's to come for the economy but 1 you're absolutely right most experts are really drawing a really really dark picture for the u.s. economy to come and to come means for the next few months even the entire year. unemployment will remain high very high remember we have like 20 something
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1000000 people without work right now the travel sector entertainment transportation all those sectors of the economy vital to the u.s. economy and huge job creators and money makers for this economy they are hard hit hard and they will be continue to be to see the brunt of this as long as you have social distancing you cannot that's what the experts say fully restart a economy in the press briefing that was supposed to take place in the building behind you the white house it was canceled today in the u.s. and the world are still talking about the pres briefing from last thursday and what president truman says suck a little bit about that. yeah indeed we have a we have a brand name for this now the u.s. calls it now lysol gate and leisel as our viewers. hopefully or maybe know
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is a disinfectant and a product that is affecting product which you spray on surfaces and then disinfect them with this anyhow yes everybody's still talking about those remarks the president may later claim to have made in sarcastic in a sarcastic way in a joking way which is not the case as many many people and many many observers rightfully so. noted there wasn't any sarcasm there wasn't any joking he was actually really serious about maybe putting alter violet light in somebody's body or injecting or ingesting dyson disinfectant material inside to clean out or clear the lungs yeah that of course triggered warnings immediately from health experts doctors. from politicians a lot across the political spectrum and from those companies will make those disinfectants but this is still lingering how is this lingering the white house is now saying that the role of the president in those daily briefings will probably be
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diminished or dialed back in the next few weeks and now you have an example in the rose garden he will speak soon about his meeting with c.e.o.'s we should just head as we speak here ok well it's good to know that you did not take that advice and drink any lysol or bleach to fund the moans in washington to fund thank you and stay safe stay healthy. thank you too. boy in contrast to germany and other european countries sweden has taken a light touch approach to the coronavirus one that some u.s. states can only dream up there have been no walk downs in sweden instead bars restaurants businesses they've remained open with the provision that they respect physical distancing recommendations schools and daycares are still open a policy that enjoys support from the country's top politicians and scientists but
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that support is not unanimous by any means. daily life in sweden as in most countries is dominated by the corona crisis but children here are still going to daycare centers this one in stockholm looks after 25 boys and girls some things have changed even if the advent of nick is live on up i normally spend a lot of time outside but now it's even more more i get a pretty mess inside me do lessons in small groups everything else is outside we take it in terms. of helping. to tell this working parents that daycare centers and primary schools are still open and the swedish health authorities say it's good for the children as well they are convinced young children do not spread the virus in fact schools have not become sources of infection there are rules in place. for my stuff and we have to wash our
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hands carefully and sing a song then after that we could rinse off the site but i'm not really up for. sweden has followed a different path to other countries from the start the aim has been to protect the vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those with existing illness it hasn't all gone smoothly a lot of old people have been infected nearly half the deaths since. i have been in care homes senior hospital dr johan still has many elderly patients i've been holed up in this town dollar tacoma no goods to stand that will need looking into and this is over and i think we are still going to see a significant rise in fatalities in old people's homes it will be sweden has added considerably to its hospital capacity since the start of the outbreak there are spare beds but many health care staff are off sick the heart one don't pass that we are not testing enough we test all patients suspected of having the current virus
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and everyone who needs an operation i would like to see all our work force being tested but we aren't able to do all that and there will be did all that despite these criticisms most people do support government policy day care centers are counting on the i thought he is getting it right. this is what i had it's not a job to look after children. i hope and i believe that those responsible are making the right decisions for a sweet and if it's broken sometimes the deficit fits right in. sweden is going its own way with no end to the crisis yet insight. for more on that i'm joined tonight by claudia heinsohn she's an epidemiologist based at the institute that's sweden's largest medical research facility dr hansen it's good to have you on the day you know we just so pictures of children there in sweden in school playing on
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the playgrounds it's shocking being here in germany seeing that should children in sweden should they be in school. i don't want i thought i don't want to be the one taking a decision but i just want to remind that actually this week separate same evidence of the damage and that simply means no evidence we don't know whether they should or not spread into the defeat to the parents we still don't have a clue and i'm just simply angry with the right fit we do not have the studies we have about being backed into either if you don't know whether to do inspect the disease and you don't have intervention studies actually saying what can be down safely and but not there i think it's a long question will you you wrote you coauthored an article you are speaking that you're mad with the world you say you wrote that officials with talent are in charge of decision making in sweden are you saying that doctors are not helping
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craft public health policy in sweden. now i wouldn't say this but demand a decision is out about it seeing something and it made more so clear if you look back now the 1st week of march you know what is happening and in italy really knew how to have a new west driving and there was such an window of opportunity people were coming back from the ice for me to be and parents were already saying she's terribly nice parents to stay home and if they would have been who like it in cement like it was a no wait then the whole epidemic would have been different today it was such a lost opportunity you know a lot of people will say though that if you could look at what's happened in sweden and you compare it with what's happened in italy france and germany the swedes have
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obviously done the right thing. why they made they have it so much higher death rate how can you say they have done the right sink. talk to me about the death rate are you talking about the older people in the country now i mind it is no decimate and it mandate that the whole think comes back to to the idea to actually do not have a stretch of cheek chance to relieve the 5 was. not to have a strategy it is reduced strict itching to this also means this prejudice and not be discussed and could be seen now is faith although they said they will protect the entity they didn't manage to do it's also are their countries have been sinking soon how can we protect the elderly and it's clear that as to the need other people
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think so you cannot fear them all that's the one problem. dr hansen in 3 quarters of sweden say they like what the government is doing and we understand that mobile phone data shows that most people are doing what the government is asking. should be enough i mean why is that not enough for you have 3 quarters of the people say they like what the government is doing. that are in my neck and i can understand from a cultural perspective where they are saying it's a religious still that there is a difference also what the mobile phone data say and then if it's even one cannot run away to get it up to people dying and the money it's clear that the people have a lot of trust that has no big crisis soo cash or the they are not trained to stand a crisis they have a huge believe and trust in the india so it's a weak job month and me particularly my generation was trade never trust the
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authorities and this is deeply rooted in in me so i want to have things explained and this government doesn't explain everything it says it's used as evidence and it's never cite the evidence. and this is largely no discussion so there is no we know this there's no excuse we don't know the was the word we don't know what divides are wrong and bad dilemma and bathrobes don't have appeared yet dr claudia and so we appreciate you giving your input into this it's a it's a very important discussion to have dr claudia anson an epidemiologist based at the coverlid scott institute dr hansen we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you. thank you very much. the mask is now mandatory here in germany in an effort to curb the spread of the
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coronavirus people must now where facial coverings or face masks when taking public transport in every region of germany except this also applies when people go shopping now it comes just one week after stores and shops across germany began to reopen the and it comes as the number of new infections has begun rising again doctors say face masks will definitely help if you can find a way to require wearing masks requires having masks to wear germany like most countries needs billions of them in the months ahead so when the world's largest cargo plane landed in the eastern city of leipzig on monday with 10000000 masks from china on board a leading member of cabinet was there to greet them defense minister on a great crime callandar says the master will be sent to germany 16 federal states for distribution in the offense and. you know.
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this delivery a right. of something much bigger time trying to make. barack. 30 mention. that non-medical masks are improvised coverings are thought to protect others from infected people public health officials say this is especially important for covert 19 given the suspected large number of mild and asymptomatic cases by wednesday mass will be required in most german states for shops and public transit. measures many people appeared to be taking in stride the 2nd was that it's not a big deal very good must doesn't do any harm and if it can have it's time. to stop . it it's to help people and protect older people it's ok you can deal with it it's nice harder to speak and breathe place for a good reason. but you cannot go for we are used to seeing this in japan but
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here it's really strange it's i'm only doing it to protect all those others. and you are going to as if it doesn't support i think it's really terrible and it's come by someone you don't get a lot of ass of and maybe it's a good safety precaution but who knows if this really doesn't do anything is a shall issue. states must. trust me if my 2nd. poll show most germans backing the restrictions on public life how long this new normal last open ended official saying until there's a vaccine which may be many months off or longer. it is monday and time for the next installment of w series living in the walk down today we're looking for ways to stay busy when we're staying home for weeks on end now we have the basics down by now keeping your
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distance keeping your hands clean keeping the facemask nearby if you go outside but what about keeping yourself occupied here are some suggestions. hoping others during this current crisis doesn't just benefit those in need but yourself as well and there's so many ways of doing that some more unusual than others. and there are amazing stories all over the world of people raising money from home like the virtual $1.00 world concept where international artists raise almost $120000000.00 u.s. dollars for the w.h.o. and other organizations. for this olympic medalists who completed an entire triathlon in his house in spain to fund efforts to fight the coronavirus. let's be real of course we're not all viral heroes but we don't have to be many of us are spending a lot less money than we usually do money that sniffing in other places. you used
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to commute spend money and tearing out to a restaurant. i know good times but if you can you might turn into money you have left over to charity there are so many struggling right now or give the money to those places you'd be going by donating by belgians. to the government's astutely no but it's also good mates so what we're doing is just trying to achieve. community and it's early days. but provided food and sanitation material so we went out. so. what. i decided to reach out to my facebook friends and i asked them if they would help me raise some money to help feed 100 people and now i've done 2000 people who outreach can be as easy as
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just putting up a sign in a neighborhood offering help to those in need as long as you yourself are healthy this is even a dedicated function for that on facebook where you can offer and find help in your local area we want to be somebody in the eyes of others we want a few connected we want to feel about and i think now being others gives us the possibility to feel meaningful she knows this fast hand custom code so worked in crisis regions for doctors without borders. we find something against the helpless feeling she recalled itself if you can see you're. feeling also if you can see how. to not surrender to the helplessness. for example my computer is working really hard right now sitting here.
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trying to help find the treatment for covered 19 this guy explain it for you. create. these protests and these 3. very important other scientists to better understand how the proteins and dissimulation that we do they require a massive pair of computing power that is what is holding the soldiers composed of personal computers left over from all over the world. according to polling that's how it is now the big supercomputer. these mappings opened up new possibilities for treatments against the power. and the research shows a hope they can see the seams on the ground about it and there are many other projects you can participate in if you're interested look for citizen science project. there's been an outpouring of support for essential workers well why.
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yeah i mean clapping his whole his create. appreciation by i think it's just coming from the wrong place right now. health care workers stop the government petition one form or adequate pay of health care workers and one for their overall better protection and treatment. i want them to so consider what we have to do want to daily basis on how we are good thing our lives every single day we're worried jane people to sign about the online petition and then to reach out to their our representatives and senators to support the bill they have similar petitions on world wide i think you can sign clapping is nice but actually getting active to support the essential workers that's more effective that's more effective when the day is almost done the conversation continues online and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you get it.
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beirut park kids sitting refuge in football take off. next county georgia. they were abducted by the nazis and taken to germany to be raised as citizens of the. during world war 2 thousands of polish children suffered this fate. even today many of them don't know who their real parents were. stolen children kidnapped in campaign of non-si jungle. in 45 minutes long t.w. . how do you. discover your concept discovered with the gulf's. a legend after 100 years the
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ideals of the gods are more relevant today than they were a 100 years ago visionaries reshaped things to come aboard biassed people understood design as a way of shaping society. with ideas that future. house world the 3 part documentary starts made on t w. part one of beirut pops told the story of phenomenon where every 5th person as
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