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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2020 12:30am-1:00am CEST

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a lot of very warm welcome indeed to focus on europe with me peter craven and we begin this week with the threat posed by russian cyber attacks on the west we're not just talking about data theft but also the spreading of what's described as
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industrial scale didst information and computer experts loyal to the kremlin so-called trolls are accused of infiltrating social networks with huge quantities of manipulated content now one country on the frontline in the cyber conflict with russia is lithuania where they've responded by creating a did you thought citizens army made up of activists known simply as the elves and one of the key weapons in this kind of hybrid warfare is anonymity as we found out when we visited an elf in action. this is falcon as he calls himself on the internet. he doesn't want to reveal his true identity because he has formidable enemies in the digital world. in his free time he fights russian trolls peddling just information and fake news on the net. the online activist. he's part of
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a wider community trying to counter russian online propaganda they call themselves the elves. in the way that you can read in the ukraine and at the worst time to do something not just to watch t.v. and discuss what to do and do some practical things the the beginning was a very simple time evidence. that the fight the girl i mean on the news. was followed by the hundreds of negative comments a little what was the need for europe you know and i would assume most of her simple just to come to them we can pose if. the baltic states have been targeted by just information campaigns arguably orchestrated by the kremlin. falcon shows us an example of this on a news site in lithuanian which claims that german nato members desecrated a jewish cemetery in lithuania is made up of german time this is the jewish
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cemetery in the coldness it's the liquor is a procreation. rather how they works it means. 30 years ago lithuania gained independence and people there know that the fact that the former soviet republic has since joined the e.u. and nato is not welcomed by moscow lithuanians now live in constant fear of their powerful neighbor. order a good bit of what you just need to open a history book to understand russia's true nature then and now. about the quote from a new political regime of i would say that russia poses a threat to us though i can't say what kind. on the outskirts of the lithuanian capitol hill news there's a memorial in honor of all those who wants to ported to siberia. maxime's are off who belongs to the country's russian minority thinks it's right to keep the memory of the crimes committed during soviet occupation alive and he fears that russian propaganda is driving
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a wedge between lithuanians and the country's russian minority though he thinks the lithuanian government is also responsible. on the spit on books we used to have our own russian language t.v. station in this country you could follow lithuanian developments in russia but at some point lithuanians were refusing to give interviews to the station simply because its logo resembles that of a moscow based broadcaster to us if you like discrimination to no longer have any russian language media in this the waning. upshifts and over to the reading of the guards the more. good news for the country's national cybersecurity center meanwhile warns that russian internet propaganda poses a danger it believes that if left unchallenged it could increase the possibility of war. we believe much of it will be influenced by a russian or i would see members in a propaganda campaign as much of it will be heading across as much more debate of
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soldiers it will be to do something against us against a feeling i'm overall against that of us i'm going to do so for us it would be really. really useful to have a possibility to talk or we're for russians to present the falcon to things that would be helpful to team up with like minded russians to counter propaganda he speaks russian well because he served in the former soviet army now together with more than a 1000 other elves from around europe he spends his evenings fighting just information spread by internet trolls that we do things like we don't fight we are fighting for the liberal democracy. it should be treated very professionally the danger or the girl fact is. elvis versus trolls. the outcome remains uncertain. now here in germany something remarkable has been happening in recent years the country's jewish community has
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been growing and growing rapidly but at the same time and since semitism is also on the rise leading to almost daily attacks on the community and its members and it felt like a watershed moment when in october and the o. nazi gunmen attacked a synagogue in the eastern city of howler a massacre was only narrowly averted but 2 people were killed near the synagogue frontin looks at is among those who are now thinking twice about their lives here in germany. communication designer valentino has been living in berlin for 8 years he's from poland and he is jewish. one reason he chose to live here is the cultural diversity and the fact that he can easily find kosher food as if it's a very diverse community it's really nice this is become a jewish area again. but the atrocities of the past are not forgotten the stumbling
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blocks are in mind or the 10s of thousands of berlin jews were murdered during the holocaust. it is sad that despite the blocks anti-semitism is on the rise again. even when people talk about something it's because it's really terrible. they don't talk so much about small incidents but anti semitism is becoming routine again. today he is returning to holland. he was there on the 9th of october when the main synagogue was attacked on the jewish day of atonement young. kid gone to holland to pray with others at the central synagogue they were already inside when a neo nazi launched his attack he was unable to get into the building but was still able to murder 2 people and injured several others. i feel an emptiness now we really have to realize that 2 people died here one of them exactly here. and a part of us tied to
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a part of our souls. is hoping to be able to come to terms with what happened by going back to the synagogue. at midday on october 9th the congregation had already started praying when they heard shots and explosions outside. they could follow what was happening on screens linked to the security cameras. the attacker had intended to kill as many jews as possible but he failed to get past the synagogue's new security system he ended up killing a 40 year old female passer by and later a 20 year old man inside the synagogue service continued. behind. we continued in a very emotional way we were so affected. we cry and we screamed.
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we sang this song for about 10 minutes. and that. the authorities had not granted a request for extra police protection on the day of yom kippur because the attacker didn't get into the synagogue frustrated he went on the rampage this is the shop where he killed a 2nd victim memories lutes finds hard to bear. back in berlin. his wife and some friends me in a cafe. they've all been the victim of anti-semitism. naomi campbell says she can't stand it anymore. she now spends several months of year in israel she says many have resigned themselves to increased anti-semitic attacks even the media. and government never. come close to what you know counter-argument is offered.
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that's that's and instead there are more and more right wingers interviewed during prime time. i believe. is also changing his habits he rarely wears a jewish skullcaps the key part now. is who could be like trying not to provoke people for what is there are situations in which i don't need to highlight the fact that i'm jewish. here i'll state it moves valentino hopes that one day he will be able to live in berlin his home of choice without having to fear anti-semitic attacks. and it's certainly worth noting that it's been announced that germany's federal authorities will be significantly stepping up efforts to guarantee the safety of people visiting synagogues and other jewish facilities now on a very different note if we humans are going to survive the grave ecological
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challenges facing us then we'll certainly need some smart solutions that could include creating self-sustaining ecosystems that provide herb's vegetables and much more besides all year round where well in sweden's capital stockholm they're doing it in the cellar. at 1st glance stockholm so beriah district looks like an ordinary residential neighborhood but it's not this is where some locals have begun experimenting with self-sustaining mini ecosystems topi and freezer is one of them he set up a test lab in one of the houses cellars he wants to see whether it's possible to grow agricultural products and farm fish there on a small scale. talk then began the project some months back with some neighbors and today they're planting coriander. then happy that this is nothing unusual really you put the seeds in the flower pot just as you would do outside it's really
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simple. yet they like to have. thanks to artificial u.v. light and a constant ambient temperature of 27 degree celcius they can grow and harvest all the around. young eklund who lives in the house feeds them every day. they're clever aquaponics system turns fish excrement into plant fertilizer. they currently have 70 small sick lids that generate enough fertilizer for the plant visions so really right now this is still a somewhat sterile environment. we only just set this up. but we want to add some aquatic plants so it looks a bit more natural. considering you're certainly ready for. the fish will be raised for about 6 months until they're large enough to be eaten it's all about creating a self-sustaining mini ecosystem. top units experimenting with 3 different kinds of
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plant cultivation these plants draw nutrients directly from the water but this set up doesn't work for tomatoes so too will be and has planted them in gravel filled trays that are irrigated with fish tank water every 2 hours at the young back here have also seen here there is an army of bacteria on the gravel just the same for a standstill. they transform fish excrement into nutrients for the plants. to hear. the extra. word of the project spread quickly getting not only retirees like to join in but many of the locals to. the 1st site looks pretty normal. so it's a bit odd we've got a fish tank in our cellar you know what i think some of their interviews are they still produce basil mainly for their own needs but the hubs are now growing so well that they will soon be sold in the local supermarkets.
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green some of beriah is the name of the project which is supported by the swedish environmental institute and the new among others will mean a lives that is project manager she also is actively involved for example in the uniting to garbage dump where no more stench develops these nozzles regularly spray bacteria on the garbage which eliminates the bad smell. i do my rounds here regularly because the lids were always closed at the beginning then of course the whole thing didn't work. the bacteria couldn't do their job. first i turned the barrels over. recently we simply removed the lids. in the kitchen. are making pesto from the fresh basil. there you would settle that's how people get off the sofa eating on me for
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a good. a little curious in the swedish soul is rather slow with everything. we swedes are basically shy people and very careful with everything. and so dense pesto is a small step on a long road towards a green and sustainable stockland. iraq. now here's an offer a nike t. shirt for 5 euros or gucci handbag 20 those are typical prices for branded products on the streets of the spanish city of barcelona the problem is though that the goods are sold by illegal vendors who unlike authorized traders don't pay taxes and other overheads and that divide has triggered a battle for barcelona sidewalks a battle with racial overtones. heavily packed the street vendors of barcelona wander through the city. they spread out their blankets in the tourist
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hot spots. i just bought something so it's good for the people that did this for their noise shopkeepers they don't pay any taxes. that's exactly what's bothering guillermo he sold antiques of the port for the past 16 years in addition to taxes he pays a high rent for his stand but business is declining steadily for him this street vendors are to blame. like a barcelona is now the capital of street vendors actually in all of europe they're illegally occupying public spaces. for a long time the authorities tolerated the street vendors know the police are intensifying their checks. is happy about this but sometimes he's just afraid to. look at the moment that i was attacked by one of them he brought my cell phone they're getting more and more violent. and then. like in.
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you can see the aggression here in the video. again i don't really know what your took out of it he was fined 100 euros on my cell phone is still broken he still selling things here as if nothing happened here in barcelona people do what they want. even though such attacks are a very rare many traders are demanding tougher action. with posters stating no illegal sales more police presence they draw attention to their situation of the stands. around 800 street vendors live in barcelona. the sale of counterfeit goods is illegal and can be punished with prison sentences of up to 3 years. 29 year old son wants to go to the harbor to sell his t. shirts one of the few ways he has to earn money but he's always afraid of being detained by the police. to monitor muslim i work is not so bad what we do is better
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than stealing or selling drugs. or something like that and. now son comes from a fishing family and he trained as a welder but in his native senegal he didn't see a future for himself i said i haven't seen my family and 4 and a half years 4 and a half it's really hard. but that's the way it is. i need to hold out a little longer. my son is living in barcelona illegally to get a residence permit he has to have lived in spain for 3 years have a year long work contract good language skills and no criminal record. farther along the harbor promenade alley is offering his goods the mauritanian came to barcelona 4 years ago but it was like another that i don't want to stay here and when i have enough money to go back i'm gone here as an immigrant you're nothing.
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until then all he has left is the street today ali lays out his sheets and blankets for the 3rd time when i go across it i had been here for just 10 minutes and had laid it all out when the police came but disagree i lost 25 calls today is a bad day. barcelona city hall decides when and whether the police will crack down critics accuse the authorities of making it too easy for illegal vendors so more and more are coming. of our reporter all is commissioner for social economy and is responsible among other things for street vendors. but he lacks the means to solve the problems fundamentally. get it and get it on love to see what. this do to world wide inequalities in injustices that many people seek in life beyond their homeland. one cannot dump all the
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responsibility on the town whole of the tourist metropolis police think up is that . street vendors are also looking for a solution and have founded a type of association called tuff monta doda is one of their spokespeople. to. get a look at what we developed our own fashion label to show that we're not here to take something away from someone to steal or to hang around with but we pay taxes and create jobs for those who still sell on the street. sometimes street vendors come here for advice doda knows how they feel. but i certainly think racism exists if someone calls me names i ignore them but if the laws forbid you to work to study and all you can do is sell on the street and then a horde of policemen comes and puts you in prison that's horrible so it's really i many street vendors know experienced this almost every day recently their life in
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barcelona has become even harder. the police are showing more presence and they're cracking down on illegal vendors. it's getting harder for a son to find a place where he can sell his t. shirts without being seen by the police. the 29 year old is always tired infuse rushed more than anything a sign is depressed that he's not wanted in barcelona. or been so up on that when i thought i could work here in peace but it's extremely difficult europe is just hard it's really not easy here not at all i just need papers and a job. just then i could live in peace. sign can't go back to senegal his family is depending on the money he regularly sent home. and in the meantime good news for
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our son who's been granted a residency permit in spain which of course opens up all sorts of new opportunities now what i wonder do you do with books that you no longer want to read or even keep on apparently a lot of people simply chuck them away into the next rubbish bed but that was breaking the hearts of refuse workers in the turkish capital ankara so given archaean and his colleagues decided that it was time for a different approach. the refuse workers in ankara turn up at 7 am every morning whatever the weather. building aachen empties every garbage can but he also checks each bin bag carefully looking for books. he doesn't think the books belong in the trash. for years now he and his colleagues have been bringing them back to the garbage depot.
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stuff as a child i would have loved to have but we lived in a poor district enough they went to the school books and sale not that we could have afforded them. but when i was at the. now he helped stock the refuse company's own library. books 1st have to be cleansed and sorted. the men have already rescued over 20000 books from the incinerator. if all of us can find books that we like here and we can educate ourselves further it's great. there's something for everyone in this library trashy novels and textbooks and much more. in the past 10 years the number of book forms has risen from 30 to 42 percent in turkey a library is part of a growing trend. through almost i used to be
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a road sweeper i also found books doing that we used to give them to children or bring them home before the library was set up. can this. there came a point when they simply had too many books so someone came up with the idea of setting up a library in this warehouse and the company agreed to help. since then then there's what employees can gainfully use time during breaks or after their shift our library has now become very famous via social media the measure of a clinton jeb bush will be she says we've received many donations of books from all over the country so. shawn never should. the next idea is to turn an old garbage truck into a mobile library for children given arkin and his colleagues are not only bookworms but budding musicians too they found their instruments doing the rounds. tell us
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that there's always such a nice hollow sound if you beat on the empty cans that we used to drum on them for fun that's how this began. so i encourage doesn't only boast the garbage library but also a garbage orchestra which is even planning to perform abroad. that society has to get used to the fact that we can also do this sort of thing. refuse workers on only people who take away the trash i encourage refuse workers are showing the world that garbage can be recycled for the good of the whole community. wonderful and without heartwarming story from ankara it's time to wind down on this edition of focus on europe thanks so much for joining us and if you'd like to see
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any of our reports again just go to our home page on detail clean dot com forward slash focus on your facebook page stories and to come back next time around until then bye bye and. the be. the for.
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the good. conservation that won. the coral reefs off the needs are endangered by climate change. people are aware of what's happening. and they're all pitching it. barry. says reforestation nothing different coming.
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3 times. in 30 minutes on d w. w's crime fighters are back up the everglades most successful in radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech the invention of sustainable cold production. all of it so those are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. insiders to know. that. this state of emergency normal. people around the world are documenting these traumatic times. they're keeping a diary. and welcoming us into the song. a little sketchy as up close and personal as the pandemic will allow. diary starts
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matrix w. o z a view of the world. where i come from not always that clear does this go it just like this chinese food doesn't matter where i am it was reminds me of home after decades of living in germany chinese food is one of the things i miss the most but that taking a step back i see the things i need to look different to knowledge many of the words of president reagan a sense that exists as a part of the war but haven't been at the men has it in china that's why you are not to china to be a full wondering if they're going to say it but if you bother to learn it that is this is the job of just under the law how i see it and others why i did nothing my job because i tried to do exactly that hour a day my name and the name to it and i was added up you.
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2 play the lead. lead. play. this is the deed of lean years live from germany and ounces new measures for dealing with the corona virus that's one of the country's health minister warns the virus will be here for a long time to come in preparation orders of flu vaccines have been increased to prevent a double whammy viral hit this fall also coming up britain's coronavirus death toll jumps by almost.


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