tv Eco India Deutsche Welle May 6, 2020 10:30am-11:00am CEST
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shapes things to color people understood design is a way of shaping society. with. alice world 3 part documentary starts mates on t.w. . this is moved by the city of the arabian sea where i was born extremely hot summer and aggressive monsoons and the floods that accompany it bring life to a halt on many occasions. but this coastal metropolis now has another massive problem to deal with the rising sea levels climate change is making the already one
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notable city more vulnerable this is equal india and. today we dig deeper into how coastal cities around the world are getting ready to battle the rising sea. 8 of the 10 world's biggest cities are located on the coast but none of them have the natural protective barrier against a rising sea like the city of mumbai it's vast coverage of mangroves occupying less than point one percent of the planet's surface mangroves are one of the most valuable ecosystems but they are threatened. the clock seems to be ticking for india's most populous city mumbai. climate scientists predict that the rising levels of the arabian sea will wipe out the city in just a few 100 years. members
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1st inhabitants but the. traditional fisherman who have lived of the bounty of the sea for generations. today they are on the front line facing the threat of under lending arabian sea which surrounds the sea. on 3 sides. in just 10 years some fishing villages in mumbai have lost a monumental 18 meters of land to coastal erosion. but luckily the region is gifted with a robust protective barrier along many parts of this coastline the mangroves. mangroves are coastal forests and situated between the ocean and the land mass which reduce the intensity of the crushing big by acting as a buffer. they also act like sponges by soaking up excess water to prevent
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inland flooding and by releasing tiny droplets into the air to regulate the city's temperature mumbai's mangrove however are in grave danger. absent fisherman come look up over is voted about the future of the place he calls home. second mangroves get cut down indiscriminately you see garbage everywhere even industrial plants release their chemical 0. 1 sank and. so many fish have died and the ones that remain can't breed fast enough.
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his catch is steadily decreasing a clear sign that the mangroves are not doing well it's. many parts of numbers mangroves have succumbed to indiscriminate pollution about 30 percent have been bribed out over the last few decades. but that's not all. illegal constructions which happen people to be bad. or demolish walls structures the reconstruction. thing is that this is one of the biggest threats to mangle because they have set up the dumping grounds in the creeks of inside the mangroves inside dense mangoes and the leadership from there is going into the mangoes and degrading this is. used to be a place. for fresh now you can barely stand because of the nature of me just coming out of these dumping grounds into the creek. then 100 cases of mangrove
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destruction but reported in mumbai in 2018 both on government and private land the government has now hired additional security personnel some grip the ballot guns to . forest against encroachers and create hackers there is no doubt without its mangroves mumbai stands little chance against the rising sea levels. now nobody in my generation had seen anything like the 2005 floods in mumbai people were waiting to be water in many places many were trapped in cars would be opened toilets were spewing soiled water back into homes the next part of our story was showing how a small community of indigenous fisherman is working towards avoiding exactly this . none come on through the narrow alleyways of fishing
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village every day even the sense of gratitude value of the young. girl you know. in 2005 when floods ravaged the city of mumbai killing over the tauzin people his village was largely spared this was an eye opener is. realize it was the mangroves that had protected them he started a grassroots movement with the neighborhood fisherman to save and protect more than a 1000 hectares of lush mangrove surrounding his village. we are. working. at a little washy and. for the. government to help we help ourselves we gave our action on our own which got any kind of encouragement to get out of mangled bodies so give us all over the world it is a simple journal of leave you go with you will you know that it will be the simple that it was it will. now
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a full time activist through the movement to form the sri reddish time a community organization its aim is to restore the mangroves to their former glory well you know you want to the example thank you thank volunteer fisherman seaver out and clean the incessant flow of solid based on a daily basis the organizer and his flies in the local community to help families understand the importance of mangroves to their lives. for generations the coolies the indigenous fisherman have caught fish and the large bonds of water filtered by the area's expanse of mangroves that line the eastern coastline the fisherman who try to eke out a living from the measly amount of fish they bring back after a whole day or fishing know that their livelihood isn't g.o.p. many fish species of animal in abundance in the past are never seen in these waters
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today the mangroves in mumbai's north eastern corner have traditionally afeared as no cities providing food and shelter for several marine species including crabs prawns mullet snappers and groupers. leaves bright and. into the soil the soil is basically silt and police are in there it starts decomposing the crabs they go with the leaves and are the best asians or the start me being a very good and compared to. your brand or. that's all that it becomes neutering for the soil are the kitchen of the oceans this is where the food is prepared and sort of collated across the continent across the globe across the oceans. these waters used to be fertile but the process of the generation is now well underway because of unchecked pollution and illegal land grabbing local fishermen keep constant vigil and allow the organization if they noticed illegal and
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coachman's. often members of the village community have been part of the problem so i can move them but it didn't bring religion they've been what i'm saying i do believe in them don't do this don't do this but people are not going to listen to me. who are finally going to the court i will go on the high court and file affidavit again the illegality that have me you need to stop it immediately and all the structures. demolished with the help of body department in 2009 and. you know. the mangroves that none come out on his community protect up out of the ecosystem that occupies only 0 point one percent of the earth's surface that's. the state of maharashtra which mumbai is a part off is the only state in india to have a mongrel senate dedicated to their conservation. the sale relies on participate
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remodels like she. deceived the city's mongrel cover. the contribution of bondo fishing village missy minuscule today especially to many of us who may have been oblivious to the role mongrels have played in protect. of vulnerability city like mumbai but it's time through the initiative of fishing communities like this one are the front line of the ocean swell that the rest of the city men now stand a chance of braving rising sea levels in the years to come. now my is not the only city in the world that has to cope with the impact of rising sea levels sea levels are rising more and more across the planet but why is this happening let's take a look at some facts the primary cause of rising sea levels is climate change as our planet heats up a huge masses of ice melt faster this means that even more water flows into our
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oceans massive ice sheets in greenland and antarctica are weakening breaking off in melting steadily and water expands as it warms about half of the sea level rise over the boss 25 years is attribute it to warmer oceans simply occupying more space on average the sea level rises 3400000 liters per year but oceans do not function like a top that keeps filling up research has shown that c's actually dries unevenly putting some communities even more trees than others. and this means we have to act to limit to global warming and we must adapt to changing living conditions and develop new ideas for example is it possible to build homes on water the dutch seem to have a solution and architect a formula amsterdam has built a neighborhood ship a clean ship floating entirely on water take a look. living on water in the city
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center. one day more than a 100 people live on this side canal and on to down. marcus schmidt and his wife yvonne tunney south are among the 1st residents. to the flames confused it's a different way of life all this light here the water sparkles and reflects everywhere. and now yes you experience it much much more. and somehow you're closer to nature when the wind blows and you open the door gust of wind will come rushing into your face so you feel everything very directly. their house is one of 30 buildings that are part of the project. each building has its own design. but they all have one thing in common they float on special concrete wrong it's fastened on to pillage the swimming foundation needs to
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be able to carry several 100 tons a misstep will be balanced precisely hear it how that is one of the project architects because up front you have to calculate every thing that you put on the boat how heavy it will be because if you put in too much. weight it will be too low and then the water starts to come in so that's why we make a lot of calculations but front how heavy the boat will be in the. 20 different architects were involved in the project the houses were built on land and them both to the dock by boat sustainability it's very important to be inhabitants means clean ship. they wanted to achieve is to show that you can live on water with very sustainable houses and in a sustainable way in the sense that we as a community so we had very high levels of what we wanted to show to to
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amsterdam and to the world actually. sustainable and eco friendly materials used for the houses the facade of peda right this time his native cool you had loads of discussions with a whole group and we had help from from different. pfizer's on materials so we ended up with a list of green orange list and the red list wreckless was a no go orange was ok if you really have to because of cost reasons or technical reasons but prefer try to use only materials from the greenest so corcos on the green list and we liked it very much so that was our choice to do so the project is to stay noble in many other ways to toilet waste is converted into energy in a nearby by a refinery the residents produce their own. the city using solar power and very specialist that we got permission from the government to have us own small
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electricity company we all have a vetri in our house and we're all connected with a small smart grid system so we share an electricity if we generate too much for a what we need then our neighbors can use it and so that that's that's very we only have one connection to the main system. living on water has a long tradition in our. house boats can be seen on almost every canal one of the 1st floating districts was built a couple of years ago in the district of i.p.o. 50 houses on artificial island is now the trend is spreading to other european cities in london for example where british architects are planning floating homes in the royal docks. copenhagen has responded to the lack of affordable student housing with the so-called. 12 floating houses designed by stock tanks. he doesn't shy away from even greater visions of floating city for 10000 people in
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regions threatened by climate change regions like the netherlands we think we in the future we will need more housing on the water. for several reasons because this is the city's very food but also because of sea level rising for instance so we will need this kind of projects and we want to be a showcase in that sense we have some request for all over the world from new yorkers looking to live on the water belgium or in the netherlands there are several areas where they are building houses in communities all over 520-2200 houses even. for yvonne van saka marcus schmidt this vision has become reality. $115.00 square metres 2 floors and a roof garden it's almost like a house in the countryside but there's one difference their entire home sways
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going to beginning it was a bit weird. i haven't felt sick yet but i did have a day where i thought i need to set foot on solid ground. but it's a small price to pay for their dream of living on water. not unlike amsterdam in the city of jakarta indonesia which is sinking at the fastest street compared to other cities in the world the problem is much more creative parts of the indonesian capital have already dropped 4 metres but a rise in sea levels is not the only culprit local residents are steadily depleting the ground water supply below the city which basically clear its an air pocket into which the above it sinks attempts to curtail this development have proven difficult because almost half of the jakarta nz rely on groundwater for their day to be needs . it's been
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a while since anyone prayed in this mosque in north. the sea has long since claimed to it. it makes. it every time he sees the building. thinking of this city is increasing. in last few years but you mean. you can. say their prayers here before they cannot. anymore. the indonesian capital of jakarta is home to over 30000000 people it's one of the most densely populated cities in the world and to test a problem. the strategy isn't obvious here in the heart of the city but it's. in the north's home to many fishing communities there's no ignoring the rising sea
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water this brick wall was built into silence and then 2 in the more borrowed district as protection against flooding the seawall is continuously being reinforced and braced but that doesn't help after a spell of heavy rainfall the want to begin sparring over again carter sinking where they'll go on what is being. very much and we lost our. sufferance and the soil it's become thinking we have what axe back here and then come along in this. climate. doubling. of the c.p. because it's already are what are. rising sea levels and sinking soil the city needs more long term solutions. put on gun used to be an
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environmental activist to come paint for the rights of fishermen nowadays see advises the governor of to carter and to part of a team working to stop the city from disappearing into the ground he's well aware that any singing plans would have an impact on fishing. there are some 22000 fisherman in jakarta. but these people harvest green mussels from the bait a local speciality they're cooked right on the beach. 4 years ago the city or solitudes began building a chain of artificial islands off the north and cost to slow down lend subsequence
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. it said to serious impact on dec h.s. . how many kilos do you catch a day about 50 kilos. and what about before the islands were built. back then we got about $200.00 kilos. now in newport is planned along with a break wall that's actually in the sea 50 metres off shore the fishermen are worried they soon won't be able to catch anything at all. they've learnt to live with regular flooding but the new coastal wall would mean the end of their livelihoods. and they want to know whether the coastal war will disturb our access to the sea i say that even if it has benefits for the community the development plan has to be discussed with the affected community as a. pool of gun once the fishermen to be part of the decision
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making. the covered market where they sell their catch is nearby. here too it's impossible to overlook the city's plight the market was only built 5 years ago but huge cracks are already showing. buildings in some parts of jakarta are sinking into the ground at the rate of up to $25.00 centimeters a year. this major fountain in the heart of jakarta belies the fact that clean water isn't desperately short supply how. the capital's population draw water from illegal wells and vast amounts of ground water are used by the new high rises springing up across town that needs more regulation says put on guy on.
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their waste management. licensing. the city is searching for ways to conserve the precious resource. preventing groundwater levels from further declining is essential otherwise jakarta will sink even faster and flooding will pose an even bigger threat. waste as another problem in the monsoon season especially trash clocks rivers and canals so waterways can't drain into the sea these days an army of about 12000 trash collectors work around the clock bettering the garbage emergency. a number of components or settlements have already been evacuated and torn down in the name of
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flood protection. the company of tom cole was slated for demolition in 2015 the hearts were directly on the river and the inhabitants were supposed to be evicted and then they took matters into their own hands they've torn down parts of their homes themselves removing sections on the water satch the result is a striving peaceful community and to residents who take pride in keeping the neighborhood trash rich. and there's now a riverside walkway that's a comfortable distance from the water. the community also has the support of a team of architects who developed a sustainable model home for tom cole it's made of stone and ward rather than plastic and sheet metal 7 families live here this is war house like the generals among them are going more met his wife and their 2 children.
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then before and i have window this is important well no because in the past i don't have. social responsibility sustainable water management the people often call have shown what's possible the community has become a model of clean and green living now the neighborhood enjoys state support. the hopes the or surratt are starting to understand that when it comes to ensuring the city's survival the urban poor in jakarta are part of the solution not the problem. a precarious future does not mean. it means an opportunity for course correction i hope to be as episode has helped. the issue of climate change and its impact on the many vulnerable communities who will be at the front line when sea levels continue to rise more and more we'll see next week with
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listen up. that's what video game music sounded like 30 years ago. today's tracks take the experience to another level barclay sense to him talk to jose the way mats are. featured in many games his music is bound to. his fans the opens doors to. sounds good. though genre that's so much more than just background music. video game music on d w. rooms. maro a. symbol of
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a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslims. and the christian population. when pious fighters occupy the city center the 17 president a terrorist response. i. will never again will hold. the reconquest turned into tragedy. to be reasonable this is not the kind of freedom that new. how did we become a deep way to islamist terror. until now you see so you got i mean more seriously more soul. an exclusive report from a destroyed city. philippines in the sights of bias starts may 20th on d. w. .
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this is d. w. news coming to you live from berlin germany moves to partially lift the pandemic locked out and it's expected the government today will announce further measures to reopen the economy and parts of public life if we look at what's next for germany also coming up cautiously getting back to work in india the country believes it eases its lockdown for some.
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