tv DW News Deutsche Welle May 6, 2020 3:00pm-3:30pm CEST
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these migrants could get the white us back will be little of this recent easing was announced the government also sent the session but those in chains really don't know it can these might even be well i don't deal in closer to war for a few leaks all of this also ties back to the economic question that's just because a lot of sense those are by having me on my good lashley operate so now i'm looking back but they don't have the migrants who was going around so again it wasn't the additional challenges for these nationals to grow up and all of course also migrants are still using it she was going through difficult register processes to get home. shops are also reopened proving to be a problem tell us more about the. national guard how to bust now kings of socialist and it's not that they have. been in their lives a source that i went has actually focused secular to list only at the start which
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will close for 40 days on day one when their fuel burned and light people lighting up from 60 and white trying to get to the stores stores had to be closed down yet it was. not surprised. by 70 percent laser shutdown the stardust is going to be all of a problem and it's likely going to going to be close to again because of course not . because of those who are reporting from delhi for us thank you. you're watching the news here's a quick reminder of our main story germany is set to announce steps to reopen the economy from coronavirus lockdown busying live pictures here from the chancellor of the chancery right now chancellor angela merkel is due to hold a press conference shortly she's held a teleconference today with state premiers to discuss a further loosening of restrictions on public life it's expected states will now
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decide what can open and when as long as the infection rate stays in check and while we wait for the chance of the start of press conferences have a look at china it was ground 0 of the global pandemic and now china's hu bay province has taken another step towards normal life schools have reopened for the 1st time since they were shut down in january seen as students with exams in the summer are the 1st to return to classrooms amid enhanced safety measures it's unclear when junior and middle school pupils will follow. as for in the morning fog of crap smoke is covering the story for us in beijing fabienne schools are reopening in big cities across china today or can you tell us how to get basic . services already predict that there will be 3 big milestones for china to get back to normal and the 1st milestone of those we see right now that's the opening
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of the school actually the 1st milestone was the. visit of president xi jinping to the epicenter of the virus and the 2nd was announcing off the national congress the biggest political event this year and now the school is open that means that actually the government is confident that the reopening of the schools will not bring a 2nd wave of infection and yet now when you go to beijing you can see every often the one in front of the school gates mothers grandparents. waiting for their children to return and yet it's basically one more step off getting back to normal but it won't be back to full normal so to speak for you goes well what sort of measures are being kept in place. actually quite strict measures for example social distancing this strictly required i mean literally physical distance when the children are sitting in the classroom also they have to get their temperature checked and also they have to scan a q.r. code and in china when you have a smartphone you are assigned a q.r.
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code and then there are 3 colors. green means you're healthy and normal but then there's also yellow and red and only those students who have a green q.r. code are actually allowed in the classroom and can enter the school but china also says it has largely the spread of the disease hoping is the fear of a possible 2nd wave of infections. when you talk to people there is some fear to. decrease but actually if you look at the number yes then since friday there were only 26 and you in texas are sold it's really really low especially if you consider that the country has 1400000000 people and yet their recent weeks there were some local infection classes for example and how being that the north closer to the border to russia there was a little blurry some but actually at least it seems that for you staff has brought the infections under control and now it seems actually the virus was defeated but
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of course only so long until it gets for example the. waters off the country i listed it cetera so of course it can be the 2nd way from fiction any time of interest in their reporting live from beijing thank you very much. just to remind viewers we are still waiting for germany's chancellor angela merkel to begin her press briefing that was supposed to start an hour ago about the lifting of restrictions on german public life meanwhile let's bring in kate brady our political correspondent who's been waiting with me for that to happen kate we do know that something some things have have leaks what can you tell us about what we can expect. well one thing thing that certainly has leaked within the last hour or so is the tension apparently that seems to have been going round to this telephone conference this afternoon between angela merkel and the 16 state
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premiers so that might be one indication as to why a we are now as you say almost an hour behind to waiting for this press conference of course many many issues to discuss during that telephone conference today in terms of what restrictions should be eased and to what extent but it does seem that a lot of responsibility is going to be officially handed to the states of course germany has a federal political system as it is but so far anger merkel has been calling on the 16 states to take a united response where possible in terms of restrictions to try and limit the spread of 19 but it seems as though the states will be taking much more many more decisions into their own hands particularly when it comes to the reopening of restaurants universities there says but instead on top of that we could also see the reopening of schools by the some a break of course some children particularly school leavers both at elementary and
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secondary level returned to school on monday but were expectancy all school children returning to school by the summer break on top of that another big move are expected to be announced is the reopening of all shops nationwide regardless of the size of course until now those reopening said also being limited to smaller shops only up to the size of 800 meters squared of course many businesses had indeed already found loopholes to open anyway even if they were a big a store but all of these relaxations all of this easing of restrictions seems to come with strings attached and those of course are social distancing so the hope is that people will still continue to advance to the social distancing rules and it's expected to be and now. the limits on contact will remain in place until at least early june so we're still waiting for confirmation as you say we've been waiting now all day waiting to hear from angela malco to see what comes of this telephone
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conference with the state premiers where about 45 minutes an hour or so behind schedule right now so clearly still a lot of tough talks going on there on that call well as it has as you've mentioned those already leaks that transfer market is going to back more hunt the reins back to state premiers there. but didn't they hold the reins from the beginning anyway. well there was an agreement in the last big tall really that they would try and take more of a national stance and it seems at least from some of the details of the leaked so far that that agreement agreement has indeed been scrapped and of course this is come off the back of mounting pressure in recent days frustration as well if you will among the different state premiers of course there are 16 states here in germany and we've been seeing increasing numbers of relaxations on restrictions in
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different states in bavaria for example that we've seen the the plans announced to reopen their gardens albeit again waive certain restrictions and social distancing measures in place and we've also seen similar proposals put forward for other parts of germany as well particularly in lower saxony and that has certainly been a sense of competition here every day particularly in the last couple of weeks and it seems that many state premiers of vying to win the title of being 1st to relax certain measures and of course that has not helped in terms of trying to create coherence here in germany and also clarity for people living here and initially and some of the initial ations were implemented a couple of weeks ago there was certainly confusion among many people here in
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germany as to exactly what they could do where they could do it and where they could and of course at the moment there is still one big national measure in place and that is the obligatory face mask something again we saw a similar pattern last week of each day state by state another state announcing that they too would be making masks obligatory compulsory in shops and on public transport so there's certainly almost a certain degree of peer pressure going on here between. the german states and it seems for now that they have got their way in a taking more responsibility in terms of how they move forward with these restrictions and to what extent they are eased or restricted but of course that comes with the danger as well that we might indeed see a spike over new cases in germany that's something that scientists specially from the robot call institute the public health institute here in germany has been
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warning of that we could indeed see a 2nd wave of 19 here in germany and that is a risk especially as people will now most likely in the coming weeks come into closer contact with each other with or without months you missed the whole recall institute which is germany's infectious diseases authority in a way and vising the government on all these measures that it is taking that has come under fire as well there were claims that the viral it just has taken over government. does it will that come to an end today. so you don't think it will come to an end the government angler model and the state premiers are still making their decisions very much still being informed by expert opinion but of course this is a debate that we've seen growing in recent weeks if you look back to the beginning of the pandemic 100 days of our if you will now here in germany the 1st case was
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announced 100 days ago there was a lot more closer cooperation between politicians and experts and especially in recent weeks as it seems that the public has become weary of these restrictions or have been growing calls particularly from politicians to ease the restrictions earlier perhaps than experts and scientists might have been suggesting and often they are legitimate concerns particularly when it comes to care for the elderly and what impact this might be having on people's mental health also people taking care of small children at home as well and the impact that this might have in the long term on social interaction particular for young children and also of course that education says a lot of factors are taken into consideration here but of course in addition to all the societal issues as well one big factor that the german politicians are taking into consideration too is the economic impact of the pandemic so we are certainly
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seeing the gap growing between the scientific opinion and also what politicians would like to see done in the coming weeks as the economy the great reminders of how badly is the german economy right now. we've seen a huge slump in in recent weeks of course germany has been preparing for this already and and one of the key industries that's been especially affected is the car industry one of the backbones of the german industry and its largest industrial sector too but on top of that of course you have also all of the very small businesses the middle stand companies that have been deemed as one of the great successes for germany's economy as well and so the german government has been working tirelessly to try and make sure that these small businesses and all employees are kept afloat during the pandemic and so far we've seen
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a financial aid package of some 750000000000 euros hanna signed off by the german government it's a historical amount also many political and financial to booze have been broken here as we saw the german government a few weeks ago taking on more debt for the 1st time in years and of course germany is europe's economic powerhouse the biggest economy in europe so what happens here in germany has huge effects outside of the country as well so because this is a conundrum that the government has been faced with for weeks now trying to get that balance right between making the right decisions for public health but also for the economy in the long jetty of the economy as well. ok you mentioned the germany's function as an economic process especially of course in the european union but there have been concerns for years now that germany lags behind in
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digitization of for example and that internet speeds are still very slow companies complain about that all the time do you think now that many people have to work from home and successfully worked from home have actually. done video conferencing instead of going to work for the sit in their offices do you think that this crisis has also propelled germany into the 21st century in terms of how work is being done in this country. certainly without doubt and i mean of course that is concerning he says propelled germany into the 21st century considering that where 2 decades in now 20 years in and germany it seems as finally arrived in the 21st century it seemed overnight so many services especially public services well went online many people suddenly working from home and of course this is had huge effects. climate change effects as well there's been a already many studies into the effects that this might have long term as well and
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how this can continue perhaps people might be able to travel less for word as well we're seeing more and more people using their bikes and walking for example as well also as a measure to try and reduce contact with other people of course instead of taking public transport and many people also keeping their cars at home because they're simply not leaving the home anymore and our instead of working working from home in that so-called home office as it's become known here in germany so cause there could indeed be long term effects and there have been calls as well for the government to seize this chance as well for innovation and investment something that it's a lag behind on for years particularly when it comes to digitalize ation so that could even run through to the car industry the automobile industry which we've already mentioned as well and that's something that come pain as this week we're calling for as the automobile industry met rather met on
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a conference call with german chancellor angela merkel we had climate protesters here just around the corner from as in front of the chancellor a demanding that the government seizes the chance to invest insists that they nibble mobility rather than investing and propping up the old in dish industrial structures that were in place before the pandemic so this really is in the long run a chance for change and leading german pull politicians have also admitted. but in recent years there simply hasn't been enough investment in digitalize ation in innovation in germany and of course that all ties in to the future of the german economy as well so we could certainly see some long lasting and possibly positive effects come out of this as well. to hear the follow more while we wait. for angela merkel to begin the press conference that should have started more than an hour ago meanwhile we have a look at the u.s.
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where president donald trump says the country's coronavirus task force is to be wound down observers say it's a sign that ending the pandemic is no longer a top priority for the trump ministration instead the focus now looks set on to shift to reopening the economy the move comes despite some models showing a spike in the number of new infections and deaths in the u.s. the hardest hit is new york meanwhile has taken an unprecedented sub's a historic step in its battle against the virus. this is history in the making. it's not the actual cleaning of the new york subway that is so unusual. it's the fact that it's the 1st time that the system will close during the night so that it can be disinfected. it's a measure of the lengths to which the city is going to protect its citizens. more
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than one 3rd of the 70000 deaths in the u.s. so far have occurred in the new york metropolitan area. fatalities there now appear to be declining but officials say this operation is set to go on for a while. to get there is that this will last during that during the get down there we don't have that we're not hard for it yet i don't really like your response to that. but elsewhere in the u.s. a different message is starting to emerge. with this song live and let die playing in the background president trump toured a mask factory in arizona it was his 1st major trip out of the white house since the lockdown began. it also coincided with his announcement that the coronavirus task force will be winding down the signal it's time to move on and switch the focus to the economy. our country is now in the next stage of the battle
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a very safe and gradual reopening so reopening of our country who would have ever thought we were going to be saying that the reopening reopening. some states such as washington have already started to ease restrictions and open parks and other public spaces. but there are concerns that now is not the time to end the lockdown . most models show that outside of new york the rate of infections and this is still going up so the fear is that many more americans could end up paying with their lives. for viewers that were waiting for all americans press on friends lifting. restrictions to start. meanwhile we go to our next report harassment eviction even physical attacks
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a growing number of health workers caring folk over 1000 patients are reporting such treatment people fearful that they could spread the coronavirus it's a phenomenon that's been reported worldwide from europe to asia to north and south america here's a look at some hospital workers in colombia. is a nurse and. wearing her uniform fills her with pride especially in these trying times but in recent weeks she has repeatedly suffered discriminatory behavior after being identified as hospital staff. i recently had to transfer some money. and the place i went to didn't want to let me in. the lady at the front desk told me she couldn't serve me because i was clearly health. and could be infected.
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humiliated. and hurt with the situation we're not out to harm anybody. since the pandemic reached colombia numerous doctors and nurses have reported social stigmatization. that won't stop for them supermarkets that won't let them do their shopping. nurse was reportedly beaten on the street and accused of spreading the virus. christiane is a doctor in the city of cali he was evicted after residents in his building demanded he leave fearing he would bring colbert into their homes just in general maybe he told me that people were very scared the tenants threatened to leave if i did in that case they would refuse to pay the cancellation fee saying me moving in hasn't been their choice and that it had put their lives in danger. so the landlady told me that she was sorry but i had to leave because she had to protect their
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tenants with. cases like those of christiane and liz are fortunately quite rare but even isolated incidents put added pressure on those already carrying society's biggest burden most times it seems to be a common misconception that motivates abuse and people think that the clothes health care workers wear on their way to the hospital are the same garments they were at work. but actually they get a new set once they enter the promises but seeing the uniform is what leads to a 1st level of rejection of the rich as well as hurtful as this rejection might be the good outweighs the bad unexpected expressions of solidarity and gratitude are what keeps liz going. to get snacks in the other day when i was about to get out but a driver didn't want to take my money i was wearing my uniform he told me you don't
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owe me anything thanks for what you're doing for our society for. us and to those who are still fearful of her and her colleagues she has a clear message. please don't discriminate against his please don't abuses don't attack because because if we are gone who will come out and help you when you need to move. around the world people have also been finding ways to pay tribute to the doctors and nurses working on the front lines to save lives during this pandemic many have done so by applauding health workers nightly over raising funds to support the health systems of one couple in bolivia's comes of the past the best way to thank you central work has as with a home cooked meal. for cooking meals as a family together under lockdown and nestor tech arena and his wife geraldine also
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naga have found a new cooling along with geraldine's mother movement restrictions came into force in mid march so instead of clocking in for his job as a marketing manager father of 3 and has to spends his day in the kitchen preparing food and this is what's cooking 100 portions of roast chicken and french fries for essential workers doctors nurses disinfection teams and the police. for lizzie a lot of we tell them that the news today is that we've gotten to know we've bought them lunch and they say thank you very much it's a thanks that comes from the soul it's very gratifying if you got. time to get the food to those who need it the cost of the ingredients come out of the couple's own pockets but they say friends have started offering them donations to help. savvy marketer and esther has a snappy slogan for their project taking care of those who care for. us we say
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mission accomplished at the end of the day we were able to reach a sector that really needed it to feed those who are taking care of me and most importantly taking care of my daughters. what i believe here is planning to ease the lockdown next week but and nestorian geraldine say they want to keep making and delivering their tasty meals to show their thanks. and just remind our viewers german chancellor angela merkel is due to hold a news conference to outline the results of today's easing of lockdown measures while we wait for that to begin let's hear from d.w. political correspondent kate brady who's patiently been waiting here with me for more than an hour photo for this press conference to start this news conference is delayed quite some time as still a lot to be discussed there through the german chancellor and the state premiers right. so many seems the case and from some of the information that's been leaked
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so far it seems that things have been getting quite tense during that telephone conference today particularly between merkel and against rating of the 16 state premiers here in germany particularly when it comes to whether or not german the german state should be taking a more coordinated stance and when it comes to relaxing the restrictions in place here in germany or whether they should be deciding for themselves and it certainly seems at least according to a draft paper that's been doing the rounds here in germany today that it will be the latter that it will be the german states individually who will be deciding on a lot of the relaxations particularly when it comes to when and to what extent places like restaurants cafes bars universities theaters fitness centers as well in gyms when they might reopen and towards a extent another another relaxation as it were that we're expecting to see as well
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announced today by angela merkel is the reopening of all shops nationwide around germany so up until now we've only seen the reopening of very small shops to a maximum size of 800 meters squared many places still managing to find a loophole so that they were able to open anyway and on top of that we're expecting as well to see all school children across germany back in school in the classrooms by the sum of break of course this is proving to be a huge challenge for teachers especially already many of them voicing concerns about how they should be able to make sure that all of these children are able to be educated sufficiently and also how they're able to ensure that they're keeping their distance that recommended minimum distance of $1.00 metres from each other so we're expecting a whole plethora of relaxed restrictions to be and now. it seems that these will or
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would most likely come into effect in the next couple of weeks but one thing that would will it seems at least to stay in place for now is a ban on large events so huge spectator events for example it seems that those will be banned until the end of august it seems however that one exception to that rule will be in this league of the football matches it seems at the moment that there has been some agreement according to some leaked information from that me saying that we could see the bundestag a football season kicking off again from made may obey it those initial games will be played behind closed doors and they will also be strict hygiene and social distancing measures in place as well for the teams and the players so we'll also have information that we're going to have to digest when the medical graces a with her presence hopefully any moment as you say she's more than an hour late
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now which gives you an indication of how difficult some of these decisions have been to make between the federal level macro and the state level between those 16 state primary is. another you mentioned. germany hired a pretty unified approach to its reaction to the coronavirus cries even though technically the state governments. are legally they were in control of many of the aspects of the lock down by the anglo-american managed to get those those 16 prime is sort of one table if you will all be at the virtual one of course if that goes now goes back to morse to more control of the single states and more variety in.
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