tv World War Two Deutsche Welle May 7, 2020 3:15am-4:00am CEST
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still the german town of need of votes and a very marked infantry battalion exchange fire with advancing soviet army units. the scene is among the last in the war to be filmed by german propaganda units despite its hopeless military position the 3rd reich still hoped images of courageous german troops and fallen red army soldiers could bolster optimism in the nazi mindset surrender was not an option hitler for all that i thought fleeced what hitler had decreed something like a duty to be doomed in the high command and many soldiers complied. thus there was the sense that germany could endure another $918.00 a defeat which in hindsight would be described as a premature capitulation yet these my hobbies often in this time troops wouldn't capitulate at the 11th hour they'd wait until after midnight which naturally resulted in horrific losses that eclipsed everything that had come before by
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thoughtless. with 450000 german soldiers killed january 1905 was the month that recorded the heaviest military losses in the war and the carnage continued in the following weeks despite the threat of death many german troops continued to fight tenaciously especially on the eastern front forced along from our point of view today we would say the war was lost there was no choice but to capitulate. but for most of the soldiers on the eastern front that wasn't an option . they believed it was better to be captured only if they were staring into the barrel of a tank and there was no alternative. otherwise the order was to one avoid captivity which the troops imagined would be done before stood. by mid april the red army was position all along the western bank of the older river german units entrenched themselves on the zillo heights
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a rocky plateau above the marshy oda book plane on an impossible mission to stop the soviet advance on berlin. in the early hours of april 16th some $9000.00 soldiers of the 1st belorussian front unleashed the full force of their artillery against is a low heights the german defense consisted of exhausted frontline troops hitler youths and soldiers classified as fit for active service a term popularly dubbed excellent and limping. the very much troops were outnumbered 4 to one and yet they initially managed to blunt the red army advance. soviet commander marshall gheorghiu shook off became increasingly frustrated. the soviet decided stayed with him in all the talk on the soviet side was under enormous pressure. the unspoken aim was to capture berlin by may 1st the day of the working class talk
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a soviet military leadership responded accordingly and tried by all possible means to break through the german lines yet it is of it is a few all of us walked with little georgia and just as. in their desperation to breach enemy lines soviet commanders resorted to unconventional methods there was little consideration for the fate of their own soldiers. does that one example. as the soviets use of floodlights to illuminate the battlefield in the dark instead of aiding the soviet charge it actually serve the nazi defenders because they were able to clearly see the silhouettes of their sylvia targets she's innocent both sides suffered enormous losses the red army recorded more than 30000 casualties at least 12000 germans perished. after 4 days soviet forces had cleared the way to berlin. the situation for german defenses in the west was equally precarious after crossing
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the rhine allied forces fanned out eastwards capturing one town after another. in. the cruft of your mind february and march of 45 the van mocked was spent it no longer had the strength to maintain an orderly defense line now everything began to collapse its priest. like the red army in the east allied troops advancing across germany now discovered evidence of the nazi atrocities that had claimed millions of lives in the preceding years. in mid april a british unit reached the bag and beds in concentration camp. for years and mates here were tortured abused and murdered the soldiers had seen their fair share of death and destruction but nothing prepared them for what they found inside. so darkness it was an army british soldiers recounted how they had expected to be
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greeted with cheers of joy welcoming the liberators but isn't. instead what they felt at fag and bells then was shocking and they see it in mates and courses on the road. in the lockers of the survivors weren't even capable of getting up and leaving doesn't which also there was very little tearing because the inmates were all too weak to get any kind of response funding to be in. toward the end of the war the camp had swelled to at least 75000 inmates among them many women and children and frank the german jewish girl who wrote one of the most widely read accounts of the holocaust had died here just weeks earlier. british soldiers immediately began relief operations to care for the former prisoners they also arrested the camp commandant yosef comma was a nazi loyalist to incredibly to the british showed no remorse to lock. him on camp
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commandant was still behaving like he was in charge because he assumed that like him the victors viewed the camps inmates as subhuman and the piles of bodies as something perfectly normal. on the parallel universe in which he lived his murderous job was routine the job he was doing was not morally discredited by the nazi regime could on the contrary he was liquidating the enemies of society. often leave shaft. days earlier u.s. troops had liberated several concentration camps. in the state of thuringia they took control of book and violent and it subcamp on top of it was a defining moment for many g.i.'s whose attitude toward the enemy was radically changed by what they encountered in the camps most of my comrades had had no personal motive to fight the germans one soldier later said they thought many of
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the stories they'd read or heard about were made up or at least an exaggeration but now the awful truth hit home. the allies forced local town residents to tour the camps and witness the horror with their own eyes. the idea was that when germany's civilian population was confronted with the full extent of nazi crimes either on film or in the camps themselves it would open people's eyes to the regime's atrocities and serve as a kind of catharsis. we now know that it didn't have that immediate effect and a portion of the population reacted rather defensively to the masha documents mean but we can speculate that at the very least it laid the initial groundwork towards the why do recognition of the crimes and hopefully ultimately
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a reassessment on the part of the civilian population that. the u.s. troops reached leipzig in saxony on april 19th. propaganda minister yosef goebbels addressed the german nation imploring citizens to bravely accept a battle that is unavoidable and inescapable to stand before fate with a pure conscience and pure heart to bear all suffering and every test never once thinking of wavering even in the most difficult hours of the final battle that is not only manly it is also german in the best sense of the word. those pay those laden words did nothing to stop the u.s. army advance in leipzig american g.i.'s quickly captured the central train station . by now they met only sporadic resistance for days underground groups had been distributing leaflets with slogans like stop the insane nazi war and bring out the
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white flags many leipzig residents appeared to take the messages to heart and hope the war would end without further bloodshed. but like other regions of the reich saxony had its share of fanatical regime followers. unlike cigs city hall the americans made a gruesome discovery the bodies of the mayor his wife and daughter dead by suicide the city treasurer evidently follow their example. see what's on the light there was an unprecedented wave of suicides as if for many people this was really the end of the world he can see he was well it wasn't that they couldn't imagine a life beyond national socialism but rather they could no longer imagine a world beyond these conditions as the prevailing mood was one of a unique sense of doom it was just. in the final weeks of the war on the elba river made international headlines the small town 50 kilometers northeast of
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lives there was the meeting point of soviet and us soldiers a milestone celebrated on april 26th 1905. in fact the 1st contact between patrols had taken place a day earlier. brothers in arms for 3 and a half years united against the nazis the news was welcomed in washington by the new u.s. president harry s. truman who issued a statement saying the junction of our forces at this moment signalize is to ourselves and to the world that the collaboration of our nations in the cause of peace and freedom is an effective collaboration but the reality on the ground was different. it was a friendship that would be short lived. while photographers staged images of allied unity on the riverbank people were fleeing west in boats across the elba anxious to escape the soviet sphere of influence in subsequent weeks scores of german soldiers followed suit like here in tang
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a munda where troops scrambled to cross the elba their motive was obvious. to do. you know yet that it was clear to the german soldiers that as p.o.w.'s in allied captivity they could probably expect to be treated according to the geneva conventions so it was far easier for soldiers on the western front to surrender than it was for those in the east in comfort and sustain as a last fight. as soon as they reached territory controlled by the western allies many german soldiers turned themselves in. filming in technicolor u.s. army camera teams documented the surrender of a mock troops on an almost daily basis. it was a dangerous move for the germans. in late march the vam ox commander of the army group south had issued a clear order directing troops separated from their formations to report immediately to the nearest combat unit. guided by the sounds of battle these were
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easy to locate anyone who defied this order risks being branded a desert or and sentenced to death it was a risk increasing numbers of soldiers were willing to take the time of a comment americans were taking millions of prisoners of war in march and april $45.00 the vanoc had begun disintegrating after they crossed the ryans the question now was where would they put them all in with the. initially the men were placed under open skies and fenced in meadows and fields. it was then decided to corral them together in huge camps. military trucks ferried thousands of em out soldiers to the highland beginning in april sweeping expanses along the river had been enclosed with barbed wire the so-called high meadow camps. to thwart any attempts to flee the facilities were set up on the ryans west bank. officially they were
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named prisoner of war temporary enclosures. from the outset the senate terry conditions were appalling and the camps lacked food and medical care. while hundreds of thousands of captive soldiers waited in the west for the war to end frantic preparations were underway in the german capital ahead of the final battle for berlin. berlin had been declared a defense own on february 1st throughout the weeks of spring berliners erected barricades to fortify the city as best they could in anticipation of the red army on slot. a few tile undertaking. to come from delhi and this is it's on the let's stop this the battle for berlin was the final act of the war you could say one has to remember that this was a city that has 939 still has more than 4000000 residents even now some 2 and
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a half 1000000 remains in this densely populated area was about to become a single battlefield so i'd say that on april 21st the 1st soviet ground forces penetrated berlin's enter defensive ring. amid a barrage of artillery fire and raids by soviet fighter jets red army units advance through the city suburbs. in a radio address yosef goebbels reminded berliners of their duty to fight to the end i haven't got that. i would be pretty well and. i don't like people to give it to. ya but i did you leave you know going to get a good don't cry when you get to put on. your pin gets i'll. be by your bed if you make up it as i did not long. on what i'm going to do in the bombed out the back i'm going to find out find you did and
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i'm coming not your own. but if i'm not beaten up do you hope that the price you meet in the end of the budget can find a knocking indios going to. come when i don't buy it and get me to. now the regimes last remaining loyalists convened amid the ruins to defend the city and the future and all hitler had already made up his mind he would remain in berlin a scot the ford of the kidneys a 10 foot political and he one option that was discussed before the battle began was to fly history over to his mountains treated as best discards was he conscious . he chose the grand stage it was a stage on which he could play the statesman and military commander of. the red army steam rolled through the suburbs their sights set on the central government district. heavy fighting broke out amid the landscape of ruins. the bloody battles were documented by russian cameramen producing some 30000 meters of film. the
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soviet commanders were ruthless sparing neither german civilians nor their own soldiers. by the bed like they could have in circles but on them a house was but instead they fought house to house and tens of thousands of soviet soldiers died in this senseless battle with the allies were taken aback by the way the sez he union waged war with food. the loss of life on the german side it was just a staggering it's not known exactly how many people perished in hitler's capital. around midday on april 25th the red army closed its ring around berlin. as its tanks headed for the city center hitler remain holed up inside his bunker under the high chancellery refusing to accept defeat. hitler was photographed
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one last time in the ruins of his office it's unclear when precisely this photo was taken. it to flocked on the long can see also hitler asked how long can you hold the city in the commander said not longer than 24 hours and only then and this is really hard to believe only then did hitler decide to commit suicide and he still was hesitant the he really tried to prolong the fighting until the very last conceivable moment that sort of. hitler dictated his final orders then married his longtime partner ever brown. in the early afternoon now. as of april 30th the couple with through to their private rooms inside the fuehrer bunker. the dictator shot himself in the head his wife died by poison. aides took their bodies up to the garden of the heist chancellery dows them with gasoline and set them alight. it's up to him of the dough we don't hitler always
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repeat is that he wouldn't stop until after it was too late this is one which is in essence a brutal was inhumane in simple strategy and one that he pursued to the very end he was fairly see it. the dictator was dead but the fighting continued on may 1st soviet forces captured areas of the government district and were within sight of the brandenburg gate and the rice chancellery where yosef goebbels was now in charge. hitler had named grand admiral karl dunnett's as his successor as president of the reich and propaganda minister goebbels as chancellor goebbels now tried to open negotiations for surrender. but on stalin's orders the soviets insisted on the immediate and unconditional surrender of the city. the majority of berliners had recognized the writing on the wall and hung white flags from their windows. that may 1st evening german radio news broadcasted
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a lie. all you lot. i cannot be bought. here that i get. it what you want and. i want it. within the next hours joseph goebbels also ended his life his wife joined him in committing suicide after poisoning their 6 children for the fanatic nazi goebbels it. was an unavoidable step. forward tripe and only one is diary gerbils castigated the commanders who had surrendered for not having the courage to kill themselves from what goebbels was true to his principles in that respect and according to this logic killing his children was the right thing to do with that because they
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shouldn't be subjected to a life under soviet occupation of. a life of their national socialism. is this inside so. soviet soldiers displayed the charred remains of goebbels and his wife and the bodies of their children in the garden of the reich chancellery. it was may 2nd berlin had now accepted unconditional surrender the soviets assumed control of the city. yet peace was still a distant dream in her diary one berlin woman described apocalyptic scenes. panic rains across the city shock and horror wherever we go there is theft looting violence and unbridled lust the victorious soldiers attack berlin's women they rape alec doors his endo wives the men cry not once no 6 times no 10 and 20 times over no one in the city talks about anything else.
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although the capital had fallen the war in europe was not over the new government under reich president dennett's tried to delay the imminent surrender. his hope was to buy time so that as many german soldiers as possible could enter areas controlled by the british and americans and the state the dratted captured by soviet forces. like here in saxony long formations of em out soldiers began heading west on foot. since the previous september the supreme commander of the allied expeditionary force in europe us general dwight d. eisenhower had been headquartered in the french city of holmes. on may 6th the german delegation under general alfred yodel arrived in the city. and. formalities to end the war were to be undertaken in a middle school in the who surely go. in apparent self-delusion the german
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delegates still believe there was room for negotiation. that would really hope to limit the terms of german surrender to only those forces still fighting in the west. but the allies in john's. cent that's out of the question we're talking about total surrender now which it looked through and. after all german attempts to negotiate failed yodel wired president carl dunn it's at 945 pm i see no way out other than chaos or signature. an hour later he received the reply giving yodel full power to conclude the surrender at 2 41 am on the morning of may 7th the general signed the document. in a little schoolhouse and ride right in the unconditional surrender of german.
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general alfred you ought not to keep us that signed the document formally ending all german right that has drawn by the representatives of russia britain france and the united states. general water beetle smith signed for the supreme command and the end of one of history's most massive and most brilliant campaigns brought a moment of well earned joy to one american soldier named i i didn't. like here in london the news from hans triggered celebrations across much of europe . after more than 5 and a half years of war peace was returning to the continent. but not everyone shared the jubilation for the soviets the joy of victory was tempered by distrust also for the soviets the soviets were unsettled by hobson because there was tremendous fear on both sides that one side might reach a separate deal with the other side and then somehow the war would continue or something along those lines or the soviet union insisted on
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a 2nd surrender ceremony just as a couple votes on the why we don't want to. and so the procedure was repeated on may 8th and a former german army engineering school in the berlin district of khan's host. the ceremony aims to dispel soviet concerns. and give due recognition to the part played by the red army and the liberation of europe. the soviets were represented by general doggie zhukov. alongside british and us representatives the french were now also part of the delegation of the victorious powers germany sent general field marshal will home title chief of the armed forces high command the surrender document was signed over night from the 8th to the 9th of may. it stated. we the undersigned acting by authority of the german high command hereby surrender unconditionally to the supreme commander allied expeditionary force and
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simultaneously to the supreme high command of the red army all forces on land at sea and in the air who were at this date under german control. several days after the formal end of the war one of the most notorious nazi leaders surrendered to the allies. the rights martial him and giving had long been the 2nd most powerful man in the 3rd reich but in the final weeks of the war he fell from grace and was removed from his positions by hitler after the regimes collapse he still believed he had a role to play as a statesman and was shocked when he was stripped of his weapon and imprisoned like a regular soldier. f.a. to nibble meant the moment the americans arrested him he fell back into his old room it's also pretty clear he maintained i was the diplomat to try to stop it all
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masing the facts or give easy. yep i was the voice of moderation. you need me as a distinguished statesman to lead the german people into a new era thought to prefer cool and other such crazy and confused assumptions and . in 1935 it was during who had read out the nuremberg laws that disenfranchise jews and deprive them of most of their political rights later he signed an order for a plan to find a so-called final solution to the jewish question directly implicating him in the crimes of the holocaust a few months after this footage was shot going and other nazi leaders were charged with war crimes in the fall of 1906 he was sentenced to death at the nuremberg trials but the sentence could not be carried out. got on he smuggled 2 cyanide camp chills in his luggage into his cell concealed in
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a john of skin cream. and he wrote a fan well letter the german reich marshal will not be executed by hanging what to choose the death of the great cannibal snitch and shortly before his shield execution he poisoned himself as a coach that is still the gifted as. the british were also hunting nazi war criminals on may 20th they detained a man calling himself hina dish hence again dressed in the uniform of the secret field police. his papers were suspicious his answers during interrogation and when a bird were contradictory. and then there was his striking resemblance to the most wanted nazi mass murderer this prisoner was none other than heinrich himmler as a british doctor examined him he bit down on a cyanide capsule hidden in his mouth with his suicide himmler like hitler and goebbels escaped prosecution for his murderous crimes.
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may 23rd 1945 also marked the end of grand admiral carl dunn it's his delusional bid to govern germany. hitler had appointed in its right president but he was left entirely powerless he was now taken into custody along with other members of his cabinet only now 3 weeks after the suicide of its fear or was the 3rd reich finally history. the soviet union celebrated its victory over nazi germany with a massive military parade on moscow's red square on june 24th. i think about. us there bush. was going to go up even down each other but i'm not least in a bit of notice by the other you get a royal leave get mixed up any not yet but i'm back at you just in
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a very neat i didn't know that shot in the morning. or death but for you to vote yes for the gun instead of god yeah me even god but it was you know i'm not free i've been at the not believing them. to do so they decide is for the soviet side it was naturally of existential importance after all they'd been through there were 26600000 victims that's the official figure civilians and military personnel. he's a momentous so this moment of victory was really hugely important for the stalinist regime. but i don't. understand one's watchful gaze some 10000 soldiers of all ranks marched past the lenin muslim. generals who come who had led the offensive against berlin took center stage. it's not too much done to you to get us all for the russian people juco was the embodiment of their victory. this
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large heavy man on his powerful horse. side official calls the flip side was that his military career as well as his political influence in general are now over because stalin is generally simple of course needed to be perceived as the true architect of this victory he says it is tightened adisa there could be no other narrative that. stalin was at the height of his power with the victory over hitler's reich all of eastern europe had fallen into his hands the generally simos soldiers were now his most loyal supporters with their help he would consolidate the soviet union superpower status and stand up to the united states in a new conflict that was already looming in the cold war the years when hundreds of thousands of red army soldiers had been sent to their deaths seemed forgotten. the picture was very different and the capital of moscow's wartime enemy berlin lay in
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ruins more than 28 square kilometers of the city had been destroyed in air raids and in the battle to defend the city from the red army. the city center was particularly hard hit the grand boulevard on today in london where 12 years earlier the nazis had celebrated their rise to power with a torchlight procession through the brandenburg gate now reduced to rubble. some residents remained in their apartments despite missing outer walls but almost immediately after the arrival of soviet forces civilians began the task of clearing away the debris. arduous work that paid just $72.00 pfennigs an hour. the victorious powers now officially govern germany in a shared 4 party administration the allied control council comprised representatives from britain france the us and the soviet union. in early
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july the city was divided up into 4 occupation sectors. in mid july u.s. president harry s. truman touched down in berlin to finalize a postwar settlement with the soviet and british leaders. and. the conference was held in nearby potsdam at sicilian hof palace before 918 and it served as the residence of the german crown prince and his family and the meeting of the major allied powers known as the big 3 began on july 17th all sides were at pains to display unity after their victory against the common enemy stalin joins truman at the talks and britain was represented at 1st by prime minister winston churchill midway through the conference he would suffer an election defeat and be replaced by his successor. and puts the focus of the tenor of the talks in post on
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was we one now we carry a joint responsibility to guide this continent into a secure future because it's. because the war and the fighting didn't end on may the $940.00 fun of the van mocked capitulated but war and violence continued. it. but the days of unity in the n.t. hitler coalition were numbered. as the conference convened the truman received the news that the u.s. military had at last successfully tested a new weapon of unique destructive force. the u.s. had long been working on a project to develop an atomic bomb. now the test phase had progressed to the point where the bomb was ready for use and that's it and it was clear to the u.s.
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that sooner or later the soviet union would prove an adversary for ideological reasons. gunn's klein called her hand. and void that so the u.s. didn't want to get the message across that it now had the technology and was now in a position to use a nuclear weapon much from the white is a torn mindsets and. the big 3 remain locked in intense negotiations that's a sealion half palace for 2 weeks they agreed on reparations from germany and on processes for the countries denounce of occasion democratization and demilitarization. they also redrew the map severing east prussia and territories east of the older and nicer rivers from germany. was also agreement and part stem on the expulsion of ethnic germans from eastern europe the so-called transfer of populations all remaining german minority populations were to be removed from eastern europe found. the expulsion of german
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minorities from eastern europe was already underway when the conference convened. aside from poland they were above all being driven from the sudan land the area of czechoslovakia and acts by hitler in 1938 the potsdam conference launched a huge wave of organized expulsion in the late summer millions of refugees began heading west but when they arrived in their new home many found they were not welcome. after the war germany was grappling with multiple social and political problems many people had lost their homes there was widespread poverty and anxiety about the future. so this influx of new arrivals wasn't exactly something people with hearing about. feel may out on the contrary many refugees met with blatant rejection they were perceived as foreign is they had
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a different dialect they looked different. a 3rd of the strain was posed by sectarianism catholics were arriving in protestant areas and protestants in catholic areas which at the time was quite problematic. in total at least $12000000.00 ethnic germans fled or were expelled from their homes. after 5 and a half years the fighting in europe was over but in the pacific the 2nd world war raged on the forces of the japanese empire were fighting doggedly to stave off defeat the battle for okinawa had been raging since early april when the island's defenders retreated into the interior and began a fight to the death against american troops. it took almost 3 months before okinawa was completely under u.s. control. after this costly victory u.s.
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military leaders were rethinking their strategy against the enemy. not from off by the battle of okinawa and other battles in the pacific in 1945 had shown the us army and navy that it was probably utopian to carry out a lending operation on the japanese home islands. and then of the up and that strengthened the argument in favor of using nuclear bombs the logic being that it was better for japanese to die than american soldiers. i met a consciously thought honestly if. the plan was quickly put into action when japan failed to meet a us all to made them for unconditional surrender at the end of july the new weapons of mass destruction were loaded on to b. 29 bombers at the u.s. air base on the pacific island of 10 in in early august. on aug 6th the world's 1st deployed atomic bomb was dropped over hiroshima. 3 days later a 2nd targeted nagasaki the attacks instantly killed at least 100000 people tens of
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thousands. and more died in the following years from the effects of radiation driving the death toll higher. a lot of all chose that protecting japanese civilians and saving japanese lives was just not something that was given any consideration kind of ethical the question can we do this. that was something that was completely lost in those war years you could find on. this footage was filmed weeks after the attack on hiroshima the bomb was detonated at an altitude of about 600 meters and leveled the city. the images revealed the devastating power of the atomic bomb and marked the beginning of a new era. on aug 15th emperor hirohito addressed the nation by radio for most japanese it marks the 1st time they heard the voice of the man who was worshiped as
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a living god the more you. know you think the more we don't know. you are you sure you don't know. or. are you more it would. be. when you are. coming out if you are. on your financial. group. but. on the morning of september 2nd 1905 the battleship u.s.s. missouri lay anchored in the bay of tokyo. at the u.s.s. missouri and talking all day on sunday september the 2nd 1945 the most horrible war in history came to its complete and formal and foreign minister she going to
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confront what japan. douglas macarthur supreme commander. general still young can sign for china. in new york getting out throughout the week i think that world that wrong the right all the people celebrate the end up by doing that gonna build a new yorker damn time where get up and get all over it all but. the vast scope of world war 2 is almost impossible to fathom the death toll can only be estimated the figure lies at least 60000000 a mere number that fails to reflect the suffering unleashed by nazi germany's invasion of poland. the deadliest military conflict in history lasted
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6 years and a day 2193 days of anguish and death. millennialists do some things a bit differently and other things very differently. the older generation on the labor markets. are focused not confidence fen optimistic and they want nothing less than to change the world. he checked the pulse of generation y. . made in germany. 30 minutes on d w. n during the conflict zone with tim sebastian it's not as if scientists
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haven't been warning for a long time about a post i make but the politicians didn't seem to take much notice that lack of preparation is now becoming clear my guess is me from brussels as the of the in commission of a home a fast food young handsome boy do you believe you. it's so wrong conflict zone. in 90 minutes on d w. hey listen up. video game music sounded like 30 years ago. today's tracks take the experience to another level punk a sense to him talk composer who. featured in many
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gigs his music expanded to. his fans he opens doors to. sounds good. oh sure that's so much more than just background music. video game music d.w. . this is news and these are our top stories u.s. president donald trump says the nation's coronavirus task force will now focus focus on safety and on rebooting the economy despite yesterday saying that white house committee would be soon be scrapped also gather the u.s. as the world's hottest head country with a.
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