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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  May 8, 2020 5:30am-6:00am CEST

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we are working harder since he was formed on all of our platforms or on industry here on together on making sure. everybody stays very cerebral stay safe the priests say. exactly in what area of technology more you protection. snap chat pen trist instagram by twitter you know the big ones i'm surprised you didn't say facebook. for old people like maybe eric.
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facebook is for old people out. also known as generation y. certainly don't mince words but what do they want and how do they get it millennial artwork that's our focus today on made welcome millennial people born in the eighty's and ninety's and they have their own ideas about the world of work it's about self-determination or originality and goals they set themselves that one could think millennial are spoilt for choice or they don't see the woods for the trees depends on your point of view i guess luckily we have our very own generation y. here at d. w. so why not let them speak for themselves my colleague. can fill us in. i go to university all to australia. chase my dreams.
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all the money where once a pension plan pension pension plan. all one big policy let's be honest let's be honest i all self-fulfillment and a small called for i am a millennial. that's us generation y. we expect a lot from our selves and from life in general and that's how we're changing the work world we want to feel passionate about work do something meaningful and work as flexibly as possible. why does it matter where and when i do my research as long as i meet my deadline. and yes i want to have fun in my job. and my boss has to play along because he needs me.
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i can explain the incident so him. i think it's going to be big. and seriously who else should be higher the age pyramid in germany has flipped upside down already there are fewer young wilkinson older ones and many of them even retiring their businesses need. urgently that means we can make to months and least in places where there are a few 1000000 euros and many opportunities like right here in the prosperity a bubble. in other places. in africa you make up to one 3rd of the population. which.
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i have easy over here but i worry about all kinds of things real 1st world problems . i mean this report about an environmental project in mexico. but flew over the. but maybe that's what my generation is just one big contradiction i still like it at the end of the day i think we've got plenty of things right and change is definitely the way forward at the moment. so how can change the world this next guy's berlin based startup it's all about doing things differently from complete the lack of company structure to q. to corporate social responsibility co-founder of i do not sila also consults big firms on how to do the same and could be on the cusp of a new movement. this men start up sells condoms that are meant to be good for the planet and fifa they create it's.
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people occupying. power. and his co-founder say it's what young people want and the type of place they want to work. the 37 year old explained his message for corporations to me company have a major problem with what millennial can and you need them as a workforce so basically at tell them you will be more successful and you will keep your employees and they will be happier if you invest more in purpose and sustainability. of his company's profits and reinvested in sustainable projects. either we just or the whole world collapses or limited or living on it or we change something we go in and check out how it works. we want to spread the. french as a program next year. so i don't arrange for
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a company who can change the world 1st thing to 30 people that are pretty. low on. the stuff that doesn't want to grow. mine or nor unocal in terms of the millions of euros. there's no c.e.o. just project leaders you choose your own fate approved by the team select your own title. i got to say i want to talk about this in private if i can find the meeting room. this looks very suspicious yes always looking. i know this is it is i came in it's a very good thing that must be you be told people to congo when they want to do their own hours. if you know in the best moves when you get up in the morning you know turn up you know just sit on. because more productive then when you're who you know what if you're always in bed. with an. idea. you know that
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they've probably quit or it so you're going to studies like 50 percent are already in their heads the 1st is the pay bills so they stay in the job i'm still grappling with the concept yeah i have the chance to not come here but that gives you the opportunity to choose and then you have the chance to say no and that gives you all say to say yes for me it's freedom. and my creativity is vague better yet actually and. let's see how funded must next project turns out. an event called if you see kay the world harsh language but is he says the world's in a mess. we invited a lot of experts and. cool people and so from now on it's it's not up to us or our team it's up to the people and what they do on the plea to open up the to your.
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material approach to just letting go of my personal yes like but i'm pretty happy that we don't have so many waldemar so in the team because i drive my team frazey. so no set agenda no sponsors but solutions from every possible sector. like the banks. put your money where your mind is the i did to shift money towards positive change because normal banks finance whole lot of destructive industries could be called paul walker the nuclear powered weapons industry whatever fashion activists say people are overwhelmed when it comes to trying to shop responsibly. companies taking responsibility. and law that regulates that and it cannot be enough to make. right. here's how to get politics right. on time money we learned all about economy and of course not everything that you
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can go through 13 years of school without knowing how laws are made to. get back to economics bottom us is that switch change needs to start. if the old days it was very difficult to phone the company you know on you know days it's much easier to say to people almost everybody could do it. so could changing the world be easier than i thought. some people already came to me and said like well i have an idea and this is this guy said that thing and i already texted my co-founder starts happening because you see so many people doing something and it's just a good movement we thought of a little think tank with 3040 people and 2500 people showed up so we're already having plans now what are we going to do is like bigger 10000 people how we can scale that and scale that's knowledge exchange yes something's happening.
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i was never really a fan of millennial but tonight i'm surrounded by them and surrounded by amazing ideas and motivation and i visit maybe also my own business. but i'm definitely on a mission to on. the world. so ben is on a mission i guess it's never too late to embrace millennial and their philosophy of life and that includes breaking with the traditions social media platforms have been able to tie a new career past mr schmidt a german you tube star who is and big bucks with his videos. alexander berman does a parody. band interviews even with chancellor merkel and he likes to play around. the back seat he's
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something of a star on you tube where he goes by the name of alexey baxi. he also does advertising videos on you tube in this case for an electronics retail chain. his fame helps it promote new products. burm has been living off his you tube activities for 10 years now. i mean it was nothing really special about being a you tuber on the platform offers opportunities that you just don't have say at a publishing house or a broadcaster where you have the usual constraints such as an editor in chief who can say either yes or no on you tube you publish whatever you like for my generation it's quite normal to say this is what i have to say and i'm going to publish it just the way it is that. it helps to look good and come across as authentic that's the capital of you tube stars when they showcase
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a product viewers tend to believe what they say but isn't there a temptation to talk about things that will sell well and generate higher revenues . do exactly that but i don't i look for things that interest me there's an advertiser wants me to come on board fine. but i still try to have fun or even do something but no short films music if something comes of it that's great if not i'll just get on with my own stuff. burma's work for fox bargain and other big brands major companies have spent millions using you tube as for advertising in germany but perhaps too much so says this public relations consultant our anything that's inevitable the use of you tube or marketing has been inflationary and it's set to decline somewhat that's because companies in influencers want to prevent a loss of authenticity there won't be an ad hidden in every youtube video time when
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every other one or every 3rd video but in far fewer perspective. the trend was towards exclusive marketing partnerships. an exclusive. isn't for young people boom is 30 is his time up soon. it's up pyaar of about i used to think so if you'd asked me this 2 years ago i'd have said yes you have to stay youthful and perky. but now i would say lot of us are getting older too don't force it on relax that's the way to go with the you tube pays burm $250.00 for every 100000 clicks on his channel estimates put his earnings at $10000.00 a month plus money for the advertising he does pull it. off having fun while making a living could be worse couldn't it but new technologies don't always come easy to
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everyone electricians bakers and other skilled trades people are struggling to adapt to the modern world it means mastering lots of high tech luckily there are young people who can point their employers in the right direction. tradespeople are adopting digital technology with varying degrees of enthusiasm and at different speeds some mccain others wary we understand we still like to have a hard copy of your formulas you know you're going to our kids on an excursion he's getting help from some young and tech savvy people. i would say many people don't know much and don't appreciate how much can be done with it. of course
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some business owners are into tech and forge ahead modernizing their operations such as to who runs a chain of pity series the eternal digitalisation is great of the boss knows what he's doing. and the staff don't need to do all that much eventually they have to get on board and then they really like it and move to north boss colleges and universities can help with bringing high tech to manual trades and crafts students do internships in companies and promote change if they're lucky they then get offered a job. i'm not really up to speed yet i know in general terms what has to be done but we need young folk to help us with all the innovations especially 3 d. printing i don't know much about that so. we're looking at 3 companies and their efforts to modernize. contemn are there is a show jumper he's been training hard and building up his shoulder muscles so now
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his saddle needs adjusting for that he has to be measured with a device like this. all with bendy strips that recalled the curvature of his back. is testing a new method scanning the horse to generate a 3 d. model sometimes it works well but not if the beast is too hairy. owners don't like it if you tell them to shave their horse's mane. when it is possible to get good data they're sent to a computer and onto a special machine designed and paid and. this is a horseback simulation tool it recreates exactly the shape as measured so we can make a saddle to fit this model. of these but when come here on here we can see how the back curves the exact angle and make sure the fitting cushions between the saddle
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and the back to adjust the right shape and thickness across it on past sattler is a craft that goes back thousands of years it takes great skill and lots of practice to master it new digital technologies are now making their mark 3 d. printing makes it easy to create custom facing commissions for example the next step is for each saddle to be custom made for a particular horse engineers from the university of jazz and a helping develop their relevant systems the things are changing fast if i think within the next 5 or 6 years we'll be able to offer custom made trees that's the solid base of a saddle to suit any horse and rider then demand will rise to definitely cause the potential market is huge and so every horse is different as is every rider it would be great to serve that market and he needed to be dealers volatile as a. digitalisation
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is also changing the work of electricians. it's less and less about straightforward wiring and installation and more and more about setting up smart homes it requires a lot of expertise to deal with a complex which is in programming. but the upside is that profit margins are high for high end set ups. and they are smart oh mike this costs 728-0000 euros a standard installation 222-5001. took still runs his business in a pretty analog fashion with lots of paperwork he still orders components the old fashioned way. come back to do it online but it's quicker this way. but he might be about to change his mind if you will that's one of adenauer has developed an online tool for the building trades that seems pretty persuasive it
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bundles project details plans measurement data photos work schedules and more and it can be accessed from anywhere office or building site turkey is testing a b. to version. you phone to my i'm impressed so it's easy to use and it'll save us a lot of work. to be assuming a has already set up an internet for his patisseries integrating the tills the office and the bakery he can base decisions about what to make on sales data and what cousin when it's not tills are getting smarter and smarter i can see every sale on every cash register for an entire week plus. the 30 refrigerated units are also networked if one stops working the system sends out a warning. much of the bookkeeping is already computerized next will be payroll for the 100 members of staff who was one of the names quite used to have 4 or 5 people
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in the office and they were busy now my assistant and i do the work just the 2 of us and everything runs smoothly i guess few bible says and i follow you see here we can see the order is right here. the recipe is a nutritional data stored in the software. special orders are entered into the system and sent to the bakery so the staff then know exactly what to do. and that's where the human skills come into play baking a perfect cake still involves plenty of t.l.c. on the part of the pastry chefs. breaking with conventions requires courage in some countries more than in others as look at what ernie is challenging traditional attitudes with gender neutral underwear q a director met the young designer japan.
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more than a minute it was something that i think about did it did. it pull my horn and the men behind me to go c'mon sally paying the big man why didn't they didn't get all. the up got the money cost impacts it was. easy listening to anything it's on fire it's impossible that this is just give up all my animal and already own all of this ice steak i bet you mama but i want to tell you must. hold on us on this one incident it was this close in the long. 10 minute i'm out of money but on the on the melbourne islands i mean this.
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thing has been here but this is long since quickly come to the. funny come off this being a good school say forget the other me on the phone yesterday on the same as i normally do them lock them up in the i'm not giving up on my parents. you know one day i was missing not because i think they think i can. go somewhere to a mock up that they could do anything about it isn't that. good at the border that he took sticking up for you killing the people here like the christening that came out. to go civil. understanding.
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this is a long without it wall it was more about not but more about this cable so that it all if i this was a good boss and a problem look at what took them in one big cyclical can you are looking for you don't want to see a day from what's going to be lost in the office job if you can out of that process at all what you didn't do still need not. come in mind i'm going to bed but she am also most of them in this get all the money i did a couple call moments i need some money. to all my kids and i'm a mom say that. by you must have automotive. misguided they had in mind also defying the law of the time if you must.
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have a high. beginning to settle a bit instead of it getting almost continuously in the course of this have come to the end of the book on a. lot of isil things i will say no this is the field of others my mom long as i am clean i mistook the call on this one wasn't as if on the internet writing into the call. to look i have it all because i missed it will keep things i want to hold on we're making it to the mall. or some other. it got to the end sunday morning just. the
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way of putting the blame on a. mission to open it in a meeting of the being a chance of going on a comedy commission and. if they don't meet mine about the process and again one of them again want to use it in even a gym at the mall it. is a. bad luck. and in the midst of all that again he can all settle it quite a bit and. that's no more or less the walk him on and then when i said it was almost formal commitment. balls on the beach at a new york could be a good name is it all so damn high dagon. want to take. a look at it. and that's all for made this week i hope there was some interesting
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takeaways for you no matter which generation you belong to thanks for watching.
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king after. they sound in time sing but are a drain on natural resources guitars made of african emanate. forest across the region are threatened the american guitar builder is taking responsibility. financing and many reforestation coming. eco africa. in 30 minutes on g.w.
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. how do you want to. discover the bauhaus code what happens when design becomes the universal term for what we call life the visionaries of modernism developed a formula for timeless design. 100 years of bauhaus our documentary powerhouse world part one of the code. 75 minutes on t.w. . hey listen up. that's what a video game music sounded like 30 years ago. today's tracks take the experience to another level punk a sense to him talk composing a monster. featured in many games his music is bound to.
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his fans he opens doors to. sounds good. though genre that's so much more than just background music. video game music on t.w. . europe and the end of world war 2. 1945 brought an end to the destruction suffering and death. marked a new beginning of european cooperation. d.w.m. celebrates the 75th anniversary of the end of the 2nd floor in europe today w. . this state of emergency is the normal. people around the world are documenting this traumatic times. they're keeping the current
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tiring. and welcoming us into. a little sketch as up close and personal as the pandemic will allow. diaries starts many d.w. . this is deja vu news and these our top stories the u.s. justice department has dropped the criminal case against president transform a national security adviser michael flynn he was charged with lying to the f.b.i. about contacts with russia's ambassador before trying to trump took office.