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tv   Stammheim  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2020 8:15pm-9:01pm CEST

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point to stake a was suspended in march because off the pandemic. and you're watching news you can keep up to date on our website that's a day you can follow us on twitter and on instagram or at news i'm christine went by it's been pranked having your company seen next time. this state of emergency is the normal people around the world are documenting these dramatic times. they're keeping a corona diary and welcoming us into their lives they live as good as up close and personal as the pandemic will allow. the diary starts may 18th on
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t.w. . stuart sherman president $970.00 fund the leaders of the red army faction terrorist group were on trial. and put says my generation was on trial today and it could go through to where they revolutionaries or killers the trial divided the country should be short of those who kill jesus david pushed on to and there are only 2 colors black and white yes watson does why is there were confrontations in the courtroom as well. he let me finish all speed now for that's not make me happy i'll change often not only me good deeds i'll sleep for it wasn't easy for the judges she faced germany was in turmoil how could justice be served in the shadow of terrorism. i still need it was oppressive i was completely worn out.
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the defendants were sentenced to life in prison and day one the only ones. victory prison in 1984 a few weeks before the start of the trial r f member horgan mines had been on a hunger strike for 2 months he wanted to be moved to the same prison as the other members of the group he called his lawyers. it was stormin into he was already so weak and he may see a said that i have to put my ear close to his mouth to understand with my back and he said please make sure that they move me to shun time as soon as possible with each. country yet it was right before the weekend by the high tide of 40
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important and. minds his lawyers notified judge to go to a printing who was presiding over the aria of trial prince in cold the prison in victory. kind of a to say the 4 that's no one told me that he was on his death bed with me he was still walking around no doctor was attending him and he wasn't considered at risk that he's our hero mr i spent all day here. that same night november the 9th the lawyers and relatives of the aria of prisoners held a solidarity event. they wanted the inmates strict prison conditions to be relaxed. the judges don't gabriela been saying oh so attended it was a thought and i sympathized with the red army faction at the time as well and they had the courage to go beyond philosophy and debate but they took action all sticking to. the gathering was interrupted by some back tears
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i thought i might as died. yeah you. just remove the situation became tense right away and we saw a few days he could feel here i wish that everyone stood up. on top it was and i was shaking because i knew that when they said murderer they meant my father and warriors we decided right away to go to the judge's home and protest against or on painting on porter's. print sings address was listed in stuart god's telephone directory his daughter called to warn him that. there wouldn't instance since they stood down there and called out murder there were $200.00 or $300.00 people at the house we had 2 police
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officers armed with submachine guns ready to fire after the demonstrators left but that was only the beginning. here toward for the death of hologram mines also stepped up the pressure on the court system appreciate your gig and don't judge consider working for the time that happens the aria have set its sights on the judge. to guess what is going out despite there can. never forget those events on the one hand i feared for my father's life and i didn't want anything to happen to him. but i could also understand the outrage over the death of hunger months palin and clowe localise shall see while she was on the far left politically like most students at the time and just to take the words right the state of. this generation had been shaped by the german student
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movement of 968 and they wanted change students. emon strake it against the state the author of his and germany's nazi past. we wanted to change things we didn't want to see fascism or nazi isn't ever again that was the main thing alice alice and. the street battles of 968 had a profound impact on an entire generation of young people some sort of violence is the only real way to achieve change. that included whole governments a student at the time mines joined an underground group called the red army faction . it's founders of dreyer's barton goodwin enslin planned to use terrorist attacks to create the foundation for an anti imperialist revolution journalist in wicca mindful of also joined the group in 1972 they already have carried out
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a series of deadly bombings including some aimed at u.s. troops in west germany it was a protest against the war in vietnam but by our mind it was widely known that the u.s. forces stationed here played an important role in the criminal war in vietnam worth a hypocrite fall in vietnam 4 people were killed and 50 others were wounded in the attacks many who had sympathized with bond and might go for horrified by the increase in violence but the antiwar protests brought together they are a half and leftist groups in west germany. vite in some people including intellectuals artists students university students and staff felt a certain affinity with the r.a.f. have truth and. in june 1972 police camp should
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3 key r.a.f. members at a warehouse in frankfurt or the mines young and under various barda. who enslin and when we combined hove were arrested soon afterwards. this doc said there was a major contradiction with the r.a.f. and that trial and all that this is they had the most impact and post the greatest threat and one still leaders have been put behind bars into frozen legal pot once and. the r.a.f. defendants were sent to sham home prison stock got a special court facility was built on the prison grounds at a cost of $12000000.00 monks it was a unique give a. element in west german history the judge hearing the case was an experienced legal scholar and the form of a mark left on it. for the ins and not
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this case will follow strict legal procedures we will ensure that the rights of the accused are guaranteed to get it out of afghanistan and iraq the court will not allow those rights to be abused by either side when i know. yeah i mean at 1st we lawyers had a normal and informal relationship with the judge for confort fairness who they wished and shouted the whole film that's is i had hoped that given my courtroom experience i would at least be able to impose a sense of order on the proceedings as an authority his knee or shafiq and defiance of civil. elate $974.00 the area of prisoners were transferred to stamp on the trial against enslin hospital baader meinhof and mines was to start there in a few weeks the charges against them included 4 counts of murder the group had
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already claimed responsibility for the killings the defendants faced life in prison and they decided to use hunger strikes to protest the strict prison conditions that the author of his an imposed on them. yes that is now for me it was the 1st time since 1905 that prisoners had used their own bodies as a weapon it was a huge stash because it could end in their deaths as it did with hunger months that the money. mines his death was a disaster for the justice system the author orators were now in the dock and the red army faction had its 1st martyr. yeah the fight continues. there were accusations that mines lawyers were deliberately complicit in his death and that they were simply trying to stir things up before the trial started importers for the aryans lawyers particularly klaus croissant this was much more
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than just another trial. i had always had a strong social conscience. but over time of course his support for groups like the r.a.f. got him into troubles me nearly up he talked. in december 974 course some arranged for french philosopher john paul sounds good to visit andreas bought inched i'm high on. the minds and there was some opposition among the other judges but it was my decision alone and i was comfortable with it and i wanted people to see that we weren't trying to isolate the defendants from the public funding. side to a mistakenly believe that the sponsor and visitors room was actually bought us out there was a huge controversy and santa raised claims of psychological torture like. the neon light is on all the time they only switch it off at 11 pm for him and not at
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all for the other inmates. afterwards already have sympathizers formed anti tool 2 groups to support the prisoners some even demanded the liberation. the 2nd r.a.f. generation was recruited mostly from these groups the fatah committees. and stucco april 9756 2nd generation r.d.f. members known as the hold the mines command took hostages in the german embassy they demanded the release of the haim prisoners 2 embassy employees were killed that night explosives that the hostage takers had brought with them blew up winning all of the attackers the heim prisoners found out about the incident despite strict security measures when the news broke that the siege had ended a crowd gathered outside the prison. oh that's a mountain hanging. by
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a great hope of who cares let them out and shoot them. an eye for an eye. lynch law instead of a fair trial as long as they are enough readers were in prison the terrorist attacks would continue to shut me they didn't come things down a toll on the contrary that it made the situation even worse discounts and failed by guitar the trial started on may the 21st $975.00. on trial i just know a lot of foreign journalists with their reporters from a number of countries came to hime the mood was tense there were police on horseback in armored vehicles and in a helicopter. it was the biggest terrorist trial in west german history some of the spectators supported they are after. meaningful to i'm here for the trial because of bada the whole red army faction and the goldstone that pursuing. discrimination
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. a 16 year old student from stuttgart was also there under his file was a member of a christian democrat youth group in a mission as a city official told me that if the government had a file on me i shouldn't go if i wanted to get ahead in my career. than get on here in your thought is camp to particularly close out on the sympathizers. many school and university students and teachers was suspected of supporting the r.f. . there was a lot of suspicion on both sides many of the sympathizers believed the state could not guarantee a free trial. and there was another hunger strike. when the defendants appeared in court for the 1st time they seemed to be in poor health . to beat their weight is
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a concern. he weighs around 48 kilograms. and strain 42. well over my no 40 and a half and bought a waist 50 kilos in particular that's unsafe the defendants had such a high public profile that bother could say if we go on a hunger strike the entire country pays attention in the majority of the cancer public. the judges daughter gabriella joined a solidarity committee. move on and we did things like that all the time if it involved the r.a.f. i was in now. bunch of the defendants were ruled unfit to stand trial the trial could be suspended judged prince ing suspected that this was the reason behind the hunger strike yes it's time to spend hope that when other defendants whites accurate titan's how did this happen to you from a medical perspective is it possible that the defendant sorry tension in the losing
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white. elite inventing me tell me give it up nominated step by feeling. about a 5 on is easy reason making for didn't just happen to them. but laws were no on the books that allowed trials to take place without the defendants being present that was no coincidence. just 50 other countries the said was it's been 40 years no answers so i can speak openly and state. but. i think simply the court knew that the defendants would continue the hunger strike to the point where they no longer be fit to stand trial it is hard to say not boy to help them taught by so there would have been no point to even start the trial. what kind seen how that's not getting unfair.
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they find that known than not some judges were pushing for this change in the law here and i give the vet stevens half and half until it would have been another reason for me to suspect bias by or didn't you piss off mistake of hung high can reason the new law was apparently initiated in part by the court itself also limited the rights of the defense lawyers the court accused hams christian of supporting the r.f. and took him off the defense team closed course on the court good of all to also remove doesn't matter that prompted a lot of criticism from other countries you know political trial the defense lawyers are often taken off the case now happens everywhere. the r.f. lawyers were outraged. if i thought you know the defense team has been gutted 3 of them found and lawyers have been removed just before the start of the trial or
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defy logic there is no defense team anymore. man. who don't ensign's lawyer took a combative stance. made me now for the it's not like mickey have any other change after the me good he also made me i didn't win the lang bit him because i was late and i guess invited. not enough words it's nature it's not it doesn't make the arteries are they should imo you know it's been a bit in portis every morning when we walked into court we experienced a wave of aggression and hostility and even hatred has. barred our these colleagues use the trial as a political platform. and were very confident they were articulate and eloquent and made it quite clear that they had no intention of participating in
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a regular trial that's what they wanted to politicize it from the very start and the board in put this plan phone i put it. to start here. and on and on for farm the funny. thing came the island in the fifty's about adults who were tightly in yet another spot. just wildly seen and sold baked into. they spoke out against the vietnam war you could say that they did so improperly but they have a right to straight and that's the nature of a trial like this is he's an ans so he puts this is nothing to contemplate of course you could understand why plan saying and the other judges were upset the defendants lashed out the insult at them i thought if one told judge wincing to shut up. the p.d.
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it's bottom dogfights me to give i've got to feel privileged it definitely wasn't easy for the judges but i wasn't on their side i was on the other side we have to set. at press conferences the law is focused on the defendant's political philosophy that's given each time the court has rejected an investigation into the extent to which the west germany government was involved in the criminal us war of aggression against me at night in vietnam 5 acres around this flying field goal was to use the trial to attack the justice system he'll tell you states the insult that's how different i'm but i think it's nonsense to claim that anyone was to be humiliated or made a victim the balance of power was quite different back then after. us and get caught has got to be here and there. and then you know me hey yeah i know my. underwear out out there man is the bend i have come and he is
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a tease if you listen to the tapes you'll see that it wasn't the defendants who were aggressive toward the judges. it was the lawyers. under it and on the shaft the defense lawyers stalled the trial by constantly raising accusations that judge brinn singh was biased there were divisions between arre of supporters and opponents and not just in the courtroom. in the us you know tightening our student newspaper covered the trial so the school officials banned it and then we sold it in front of the school we painted a red line on the ground and said this is where germany's democracy ends the a following to support our is you know there was so much polarization and hostility back then extreme take us president of the trial outraged many average citizens. have they need tougher jail conditions and worse food.
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they haven't eaten in weeks. they're too lazy to eat it's too. so much for them. listen let me the 3rd reich is gone. i hope it'll come back. on i mean until i have folders full of mail that include slanderous remarks and death threats but instead say things like how can you be friends nerd or is one not . good for the i'm going to have the worst case was when someone sent me a bullet and a letter not said this is a death sentence and may die because i believe that tortoise or tyrant theater director klaus primer was also accused of being an r.a. of sympathizer crime and had supported a fund raising effort so that goodwin enslin could have some dental work done in
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committee would cost him thing i came back from holiday and saw myself on the cover of the bill it newspaper you know this man funds the underground much big time under nates 10000 marks i broke out in a cold sweat the article generated a negative response to say the least. and 14 in detain someone should smash your teeth and you jerk will have you no sense of decency you swine. and in you scumbag you'll be next like you should be gassed. preferably with claude rain or fostering best maclow up with a fuss again. the authorities knew that as long as the aria of leaders remained in jail there would likely be more terrorist attacks police stepped up the search for possible accomplices deportee 30 had to buy food in awesome violent where i live now police shot and killed a man from scotland because they thought he was linked to the r.a.f.
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at the home of a meta data mine off it was terrible. for by me. the public pressure brought the defendants and the lawyers closer together under arrest bonded demanded the attorneys adopt the r.e. of scientology and recruit new supporters house correspondent. is that citizens are unfortunately germany's factious tradition continues spe fall when good oftenest the courts and the defense lawyers battled to win public opinion in the 1970 s. germany's nazi past was still a major discussion topic and it came up at the trial is what we see here there were groups of agitators who it was incredible the defendants and their lawyers contributed a lot to that during the trial and it is a tactic and spatially that are escaped there is
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a notion among leftist groups and the r.a.f. which is part of the left that they are dealing with a fascist system here in west germany if that's money it's mitt and it's run by former perpetrators it's a tonight in in my league. now before the sock hop a defense lawyer claimed that one of the judges had a nazi background and said this was a scandal. easter simple the quote going on and does hell front lot and in. connecticut a high. dr pleasing you did a supporter korea. it was clear to us that the judicial systems was full of people who had participated in a nazi regime. and not you saw more and more of them as you went up the chain of command. ficca follow it and you shot better
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not come out. but the claims were unfounded todo a prince in was never a nazi judge in fact prince in convicted several defendants on charges of war crimes including those involved in the massacre of a number of polish academics and their families in the evolve in 1941. so printing actually worked to bring former nazis to justice. bishop if i wasn't aware of his previous rulings. back in the 1st year of the trial alone the lawyers filed $45.00 complaints of bias against judge brinn singh others criticised him too as well the only focus was always on him. the criticism was quite severe at times and every day from all sides risk up cole and at the time no other judge attracted so much
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negative media attention he's constant attacks on the competence of the judges certainly complicated the situation at the trial hoggish take it further not really on a matter of import since as a stock not so i'm posting should be vastly playing and i was there for you didn't he that makes him bite i passed his pyramid take badly he. got the saudis that back in vi posting speer me to think start yelling self-love was in vain that vital indecent tone of a deposit i only can you for that you know the defense attorneys filed a motion. and then said that their client wanted to confirm this motion personally of helped. michigan but you never appeared in court. instead the lawyers criticized german society and outlined their revolutionary philosophy in your eyes i'm very high as lawyers it was our job to defend our
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clients and their rights. d.m. attached to them if they wanted to say something but couldn't because then it was up to us to do it. cal covered a story to fit or not. and surely felt that they had to do more than just follow that client's orders. and other defense lawyers who identified with the r.a.f. secretly smuggled messages various kinds of equipment and even weapons into the prison. to the problem was that there was some defense lawyers who had actually joined the red army faction. f.x. mickey darkish personnel but getting more hoped for a f m m a billy get to mourn how one said the quest solo of firsts in stuttgart with cross song mila valor and don is the official home of the red army faction. he
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gained if. mind hold for enslin led the r.a.f. even while they were in prison. they kept in touch through smuggled messages and by korea. and some lawyers set up a messaging system that the r.t.f. itself late to use. and that's why it was not used as it was intended for the team and the info system was quite calm just hominoids it was meant to be used by the defense team and by our client 15 on the i mean since they were facing long prison sentences if ya. later the author of his relaxed some of the prisoners jail conditions. in didn't come through the entire 7th floor belongs to them and they're allowed to
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be together on the doors are open during the day you know they'll have a t.v. and all sorts of convenience. is counting on they have a lot of outside support so they're allowed to read in no bar order on harm or in the car too but can we show all that no time and on the 3rd on the. this guy up and demand some is impressive solution now if sympathy r.a.f. sympathizers and the state both wanted to portray this prison as really tough maybe even extreme the movie your eyes the sympathizers wanted to show that the state was definitely proto fascist if not already fascist many so got under state government wanted to make it clear that the prison was definitely not a hotel you fasten to union sometimes when under this kind whatever it's all the trial turned the r.a.f. into a political force and the defendants reminded the court of this at every turn for all my notice the harm can make you hide the choice on the needle so not every week
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or see it doesn't govern most of them i realize all the good at guessing most if you see gaps the black slave believe that you don't talk to class enemies like representatives of the judicial system you shoot them he's. the arias combat reserves consisted of around a 100 hardcore supporters. killed open saying was now one of the group's top targets. people which i hope the sheik of the u.k. and the police gave us code words to use if we were kidnapped to prove our identity and walk north of the. cripple so as a stay in. a specific group had planned an assassination. distinctive his car was to be blown up with him and. they'd already planned the
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route and the day and intact. but the attack on put in seeing never took place a remote detonate of failed the ari have had tried once before to kill a judge in 972 votes going bad and bad only just avoided being assassinated his wife was badly wounded they are of trial dominated judge brinn singh's private life. now it's palin actually fought all the time we argued and debated and perhaps i'm used to our efforts to get a rise out of my father once in a while. to. come home prisoners and their sympathizers shared the same set of rules.
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discover work harder to fight as when you were either friend or foals if you deviated from the political line or if you had questions or doubts you were out they threatened you to be and then they tossed you out in this negotiation up the show even harder and ensuing put pressure on your mind of who was psychologically stable. during the trial might of seemed to make a cry for help. he flogs be kind and he would not have a function in used to $302.00 in a candy i'm going to i'm going on the board that's as unfair and. in the movie he kind of has another thought sean. absolute you know. this now i know there is this man says oh my god from and i got the same kind of pattern and the best light is touched on a suspicion i didn't understand that word at the time the defendant said a lot that you couldn't understand when you were stunned that when i saw
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a moment of went out on the stroke of the concrete wall with a hand that. i almost felt like crying that 1st line. of mind of hanged herself in her so i made the 9th 1976. the aria of now had a 2nd maga after the whole of the months and i said to tell you i had lunch with my father and i was really upset about my health before my attitude was like how could you couldn't. already have supporters were convinced that my hope was murdered but the trial continued without interruption michael's name was simply removed from the list of defend. going out on porch discovering new laws then the defendants demanded a break in the trial opposing the cons so that they could properly grieve for mine whole but we knew from material taken from their jail cells that her colleagues put
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such pressure on her that she was driven into this unfortunate situation and can get the end in and so he can mislead his into us here on some people believe that they are ever needed martyrs like mind of and that the state had no intention of conducting a fair trial they thought that the government's goal was to destroy the r.f. . i was torn between the 2 sides i could see things from the judge's point of view even though i identified more with the defendants sometimes i switched sides from one moment to the next it was a complete madhouse. has been hit and the courtroom proceedings also took a toll on judge princelings nerves he hadn't expected a trial like this. i don't think he was quite up to the challenge you couldn't impose
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a workable structure that was difficult with those defendants and their attorneys and still a judge has to impose some structure on a truck or he'll do it it's much money for me and i was more than about cleansing allowed himself get bogged down in the petty details and he can discus you on and get us prints he made mistakes and in january 977 he even considered quitting the trial and in colleagues i discussed it with a colleague the aggravation just wasn't worth it the atmosphere was oppressive i realize that the trial had taken a lot out of me. but before he could jump the defense lawyers pushed him. they in front of the judge to your dog wincing quick at the trial on january 20th 1977 after the fence attorneys felt their 85th complained of bias against him. i felt sorry for him but i also said thank god that's over. by.
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princelings deputy aber heart food took his place. darby high told him that he often tried to see the good side of label and that was a mistake scooter image and he thought he could discuss things rationally with an equally them and them full name 50 but he couldn't do that but some of the people in that courtroom later acquitted him so i'll do it and we did can produce nice. and he said young he let the defendant speak but made it clear that he was not going to engage in extensive political debates. i think that led to a certain objectification of the trial if you can call them that in mid march 977 there was a new development your forages had violated the rules of attorney client privilege . conversations between the bottom line of group and their lawyers were recorded as
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soon as that information became public the trial was adjourned at the request of the defense team and its ok on foot tucked in the year in a state that values the rule of law the integrity of defense counsel is essential this is sec religious it's criminal this trial is essentially old cd he needs to be released i thought it couldn't be done i seriously thought about giving up getting him twice and so. on april the 7th $977.00 nari of gunman shot and killed germany's attorney general siegfried. be attack took place as bluebox car was stopped at a traffic lodging calls war $2.00 driver was also killed the passenger later died of his wounds the murders pushed the wiretapping case off the front pages and the trial resume the verdict was announced on april the 28th my head if you could have heard a pin drop in the courtroom as the presiding judge spoke the defendants have been
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found guilty on 4 counts of murder numerous attempted murders bombing attacks and forming a criminal organization of the court sentences all 3 of you to life in prison and finally got your research money we discussed the verdict and decided that it was correct or would be maimed currently he defied them and me and we clashed a person who is not a legal expert could look at this case and accept the good it was but if you are a legal expert and. you're familiar with the trial you realize that it was a disgrace and shanika vs. the trial was complicated that was the wiretapping controversy and the defendants and their lawyers kept making political speeches. but boy they are given the verdict was intended to serve justice and restore a certain level of come to society we have leaned to me to hear used to love but
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the verdict had the opposite effect the remaining members of the our abstract up that campaign of domestic terrorism in september 977 they kidnapped hams martin trial a business executive and industry representative and demanded the release of the sham i'm president. you know toba the palestinian group hijacked a lot of times a passenger jet took $86.00 passengers hostage and also demanded the prisoners release. a west german federal police unit rescue the hostages on october the 8th chains and zenon rasper were found dead in the prison cells. the defendant's lawyers had appealed the court's verdict so technically speaking the ruling was never implemented. that is the supremes irony of this case which caused such deep divisions in west german society.
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is a constant of tylenol in the wrist and fires back then there was sharply defined concepts of right and wrong good and bad true and false and black and white does. that's only in the late 1990 s. did people start asking questions quantum is coming out and it annoyance k r one is why did people are more careful today we've learned that the legal system alone can't fight terrorism. it also needs to be addressed politically as put it ishe. there must be a very deliberate strategy of deescalation that's one study it's of the arias trial had a profound effect on judge brinn singh is happy he has caused a great deal of stress in my life. even 10 years later he was still having
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a lot of trouble with and i think i don't think he ever talk to anyone about it not even my mother. he worked through it all his own meticulous. gabriela been saying never actively supported the r.f. but for some time after the trial sure remained captivated by the organization at leeds ideology. if i spent 15 years dealing with that sort of garbage i mean it so much i think like it. and i'm often shamed of that. i should have come to the conclusion much earlier than out of fear that although these people were human beings and had a radical and idealistic philosophy. they were still killers and a feeling i mean it's cleansing that should have been the bottom line for me. in
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april $9098.00 more than 20 years after the stomach i'm verdict the red army faction formally announced that it had dissolved itself. into the conflict zone of south korea has been hailed as a model country in bringing its corona virus infection rate under control but the methods have raised privacy and public shaming concerns and now there are the force that the virus is back again my guest this week is south korean foreign minister can kill off as her government makes too many compromises on citizens privacy in
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its efforts to contain the chemical conflicts in the 55. and 30 minutes following w t. what do they dream of at night. as cleaners they see the face of horror. their job censoring for the social media industry. in manila there are thousands of so-called content monitors to a 4 day they scrimped terrifying images from online platforms. are written job for starvation wage. this training is enormous. and when.
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i need to stop there something was up in. the cleaners social media shadow industry starts junaid on t.w. . this is. tonight's the closed within europe beginning to open again. this coming weekend european commission has unveiled a plan to revive tourism but how can travel resume safely with the continued coronavirus threats also coming up tonight.


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