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tv   bauhausWORLD  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2020 7:15am-8:01am CEST

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and a reminder of the top story we're following for you. the united nations is warning of a global mental health crisis as a result of isolation poverty and anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic is calling on authorities to do more to support people's mental health. business. up to date with the news on our web site d w dot com i'm told me a lot of fun that's it for me about. staying for. language courses. video audio. anytime anywhere. w.
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the center. you know what team if holistic if they think that. free thinking. honest their fiduciary fight credit card fast. or german that is about house. after 100 years the ideals of the bond house are more relevant today than they were than the spot holes for 100 years ago about house reimagine the future. be there how we learn we landed in 2 kids house a anchor the boat house influence is everywhere guns oh ho setanta formulate a language of design that was universal when you got this as the honest thing. that
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everything has an ideal high it's an ideal size and that's what optimize its utility but not you know there was this kind of push to go wherever you are with your design everywhere when you're an artist. bauhaus is a legend the brilliance of the bauhaus school remains undiminished even today. even though its existence was short lived it continues to shape the world we live in. new approaches to education and training architecture painting dance and design were explored and developed here. when hitler seized power and forced the school to shut down its artists architects and visionaries emigrated fanning out and spreading the bauhaus doctrine around the world. so can we still feel the bow
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house effect today. serial production of everyday goods was a cornerstone of the val house vision a partnership between design and industry. at the furniture retailer ikea that vision seems to have become reality. if a mario god knows exactly what consumers want. how can you have your 1st home and your 1st bed your 1st so fire your 1st test actually accessible at a price that you can afford that. affordability is the linchpin of the company's business model. ikea was founded. didn't 943 generations have
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grown up with its designs. so it's like here the bow house of today is it exactly what house found. visit to a century ago. we have a tone of that because a democratic design and 5 dimensions starting with form a connection to our house us we are talking about today is of course that form follows function to be at a good quality for what it's intended use we work very heavily with sustainability and we'll take all of those for together with a low price that's when you have a typical product. the 5 pillars of democratic design that's formulated by ikea founder involved camp he wanted everyone to be able to afford well made products so did vatican the 1st about house director environment he
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proposed that art craft and industry collaborate to make consumer products more available to the common man. was a conservative place and the bauhaus school was eventually forced to move relocated to death south which proved a far better if it. didn't want the bar house and in 1905 gropius her to look for an alternative site. seemed to be the best option. there were plenty of opportunities for the school to flourish their. politics and industry had vested interests in the bar house moving to decimal. the common at the time of the region was similar to silicon valley today if you will. the school joined forces with a number of industrial partners inspired by series production the battle house began exploring synergies between arts and technology. it does pass you and i in
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total bauhaus partner here and just how with thousands of firms to work on various projects both large and small there were very close ties between the school and industry and lots of people commissioned the bow hauser's to design fittings for their homes to design brochures for their companies but of course there were plenty of raised eyebrows too and eventually they had to move on once again vita had seen against the backdrop of the great depression the liberal bauhaus school came under increasing pressure. in 1928 tired of facing constant hostility directed to call p.s. i appointed a successor with swiss architect tanous my at the helm the bow house focused even more heavily on industry and also became more political. on this my own hut on the stockhausen smile moved about house in a very socialist direction communist even. in the extremely productive 2 years that
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he was director this played a major role which was very different from the copious era of the board all by hoped. the bow house set out to design and manufacture well made products for everyone. catering to everyday needs took priority over artistic considerations. one voted to in the holes into your voice into social they wanted to reach households homes society in general. and with products that looked completely unlike anything that had existed before else. there was a turning point after the 1st world war by 922 or 923 of the latest everyone was excited about mechanization and. industrial production down the sides
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there was a consensus that in the post-war era people should be modern and welcome technology and progress. and this should be reflected in everyday products from carpets to houses to the urban environment holes and they were to do this so as to modernize the city and indeed the world was down these leon. my kids ultimate goal is no different just like the bauhaus the retailer sees itself as a kind of look for a tree for a better everyday life. we want to create a better everyday life for the many people which in one way as a philosophy very similar to the thinking of our house that design should not be for the few good products should be for the many for ikea the many are 1st and foremost consumers ultimately it wants to sell products the bell house effect is
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unmistakable ikea's democratic design is by definition mass produced the retailer has adapted the core bauhaus philosophy to today's consumer society. can a smile was the bow house director for just 2 years in 1930 the town council dismissed him for communist sympathies. along with some former students he went to the soviet union to help build the fledgling state. the 2nd world war tour germany into 2 fine marren to death south ended up in communist east germany. when the hidden in the nfl in there was no scope for our house to be revived in the early years of communist east germany but it was rejected as a bush while institution. i was i knew. the stuff that was the attitude until well after the death. stollen basically until the early 1960 s.
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and the rise of architectural functionalism when urban planners began erecting prefab houses in the states on the outskirts of cities also hope they are the facts in the letter to at that point about house was reevaluated and once again seen as a good thing paul city focusing on a smile is legacy was politicized design and the famous slogan folks bedard looks suspect after the needs of the people instead of the need for luxury. today bally house designed products are expensive only the well off can afford them . such as vilhelm vatten fed table lamp it's now a classic. vying for acknowledged across the pond if
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your hand up to the bargain fell table land costs around $400.00 euros. and recruit and waffle that's because it was designed and manufactured at the bow her school before cereal production had really taken off the park topped. the heights even at the time of our going felled lamp was so expensive that it didn't sell very well. that's among. the hottest and the hope for coffin so-called. without series production the vulcan fad lamp could only remain a luxury item. but the land did cross the atlantic the museum of modern art in new york city has one in its collection. in the late 1920 s. moments founding director alfred barr helped introduce americans to the bounce. swiss born martino sheerly is moments chief curator of architecture and design.
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from very early on alfred was keen on and the european of wrong god in general what do you especially liked about it was its push to incorporate it into everyday life also its merging of art and technology and its interdisciplinary approach and its aim of making the arts nonhierarchical koons the i was already part took these principles these basic concepts and work them into the founding structure of the museum of modern art museum of modern art direct. house serves as the foundation of one of the world's foremost collections. the spouse the baja stands for a very particular aesthetic but at the same time the bauhaus is quite a vague. before. anything that counters modern is designed in the broadest sense
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very quickly finds itself being described as bauhaus in a rather reductive fashion. it's also a way of signaling your own stylistic preferences perhaps that's problematic but of course it's also symptomatic of an extraordinary success if you become a brand you've really made it to a market. in the. world liberal house is like. virus sorrow it spreads it spreads more quickly than you realize what if nothing is interesting ever happened at the bare house but they had an amazing chemistry machinery books magazines personalities but was this all just kind of creating a kind of cult so maybe brown house is not about rush anality it's not about industrialization it's not about clarity in the machine age and so on gropius he's
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a hardcore expressionists at the beginning of grouse moments he becomes a kind of a manager is it management culture the spirit we are surrounded here by the effects of this virus and we're in the center of management culture this is new york management central. architecture critic mark wakely lives in new york but finds the glass and steel oppressive. has the same battle how simply become a catch old label devoid of real substance. balance is now a brand instantly recognizable. that's why it's such an enduring favorite. especially for connoisseurs of design and architecture like the alice. in one could get think it was newly built
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people are always asking us about it still stuff that will. go beyond us holes i can be sure to find we stumbled across the house completely by chance it was appetizer genovese bottom bank as a bungalow in need of renovation in a prime location. and i said to my wife one of them sounds interesting let's take a look in fun. what the ellis found was a piece of architectural history even the estate agent was aware that the bungalow was the last surviving house in germany designed by powerhouse architect marcel broyard. we sensed a major plea that there was something special about it that is what was on the bus with him it hadn't been touched for years and honestly it was in terrible condition 1st edition to shunt mode somehow you could still sense the spirit of boy oh boy.
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isn't doc for a boy of visitation the eaves and the ledges under the windows so that sunlight refracts below the windows and there's never any of the wrecked sunlight in the rooms wished for dose of the new directors on and start on the level nothing to chance. everything has been meticulously thought through it's absolutely fascinating this is you can't help but be seduced and you have to give it to him hats off respect of respect. so if you see these days you don't see many elements like these in houses anymore the cube is lot has become very popular again there's lots of new houses and they're very nice but back then they put a lot more forth into what it would actually be like to live in these houses are living in them holes and under malls usually architects take cues from their
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clients but here the owners took their cues from bauhaus inspired furnishings in the late 1920 s. marcel broyard designed this chair for the tone it company the marriage of art and industry had become reality. doesn't. gun isn't matching items of garden furniture they're not only comfortable they also look amazing lots of tubular steel that is why it's a sleek is issue least the couple had previously only been familiar with broyard the furniture designer but now they've inadvertently become guardians of his architectural legacy in bell union by my home and so we went to lend to fine mom and dad sound guitar and really started to bounce from also fish. if you shift to we learnt along. the way felt it was important we understood more about it if we
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were going to live as most hounds me at the. media to strike syria is that the functional real face north and the rooms he actually spent time in face of. the house has a very positive energy. and he. of course not everyone has their own private bauhaus museum but they can always make a pilgrimage to the vitro design museum in violet i'm kind. of home. frank gehry. and many other contemporary architects have left. the museum director piece architecture and design essential to the human experience. is an issue i
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don't have time to. design is basically a way of solving a problem that's probably an opportunity to tackle everyday problems with creative ideas those kinds of 2nd involve furniture of those kinds of but it can also involve processes and social situation of possession is much more to design than making products a few mirror is no object. design a. designer is also address questions to do with society new materials and with things that are not always tangible and well and does this that is an understanding of design that has its roots in bob's sorts of few in those schools one of the 1st institutions propagating a wide ranging understanding of the assigned i went beyond individual objects to the bo hauser design was a way of shaping society and the future and so confessed on. the museum's
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collection has some 7000 exhibits including many iconic examples of international product design. there are famous pieces by marcel broyard and of course me sand and whole mr know how to use a ghost girlish. there was a very upper class glamorous side to me stranded on a skittish diamond in listenership modern stock an actor doesn't always have to be austere it's not always white walls or the simple small window frames it's easy on him and he can be flamboyant to his muse demonstrated with his boss alone a pavilion and also with the furniture he designed for his barcelona chair exudes the same glamour and grandeur as the pavilion itself. i do think that race was a straight forward person. so people who obsess about getting everything in the
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right place everything everything everything so very very directly from what seems like a human project let's figure out the dimensions of the human body it's all going to system to take care of that body soon it's like let's make a new body let's make architecture in front of equipment that shapes a new film then it's like let's make a superhuman. you could never imagine that such an obsessive boring thing from a straightforward person. he's talking about nice found devil is seagram building a steel skeleton framed tower featuring dark glass and bronze beams built in the late 1950 s. it helped usher in a new era of sleek elegant skyscrapers. for silence with no structural function an idea that miss fonda gore had perfected in chicago minimalist pared down buildings often fronted by a plan as
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a. sort of reserve officer straight for dollars and made by crazy people write in cursive you all are from the people that really affect us as have we ever been referred to by somebody that's mars bar sort of barbell house was not mars. but got 45.8 square meters the other apartments are about the same size luxury. i'm not going anywhere. in france loves her compact little apartment in death south. she doesn't think it's the least bit all sterile soulless. zizi and you this i can see every change in the weather every move through my windows it's lovely it was in the you usually only
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see windows this size in shop fronts and i have a shop window onto a park i love it here it's wonderful it every time of the year especially in winter when it snows it close in here magical when there's a full moon or moonlight floods through the windows it's a prominent light show just for me as my kids. designed by one. in 1029 the world famous gang houses were extraordinarily innovative and progressive for the time. the affordable housing project was a perfect example of his guiding principle that architecture has a social responsibility. sparsely it was from all social classes merchants shoemakers metalworkers just think of how most people lived in berlin in the 1920 s. and thirty's and look how light this apartment is imagine how it must have felt to people with low incomes it was sensational and just for me.
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i'm plastered brick expose lintels made of reinforced concrete a statically harness meyer's design mark to break from house conventions one of the standout features is the commune old walkway. guns are different from a standard new building which would just have a normal hallway here you're immediately outside and that means there's a very different sense of community there'll be someone outside having a smoke or sitting there and people watching you. so of course you say hello and maybe have a chance of. this there's no social cohesion in germany these days there's no one like. us with ideas and a vision that they know how to put into action congress fear. the loud been going
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houses with the continuation of the urban planning agenda formulated by via to call p.s. the bell house in death south set out to build inexpensive housing to address the shortage in the wake of the 1st world war thus far glavica on a month ago and it was a considerable challenge because gropius is housing estate was also an economic model he designed terrorist high. homes that were relatively small by today's standards but he planned for lots of them like a plant and course. made it possible for workers to live in a proper house. and what's even more extraordinary is that these houses are still lived in today is that they thought about one thing and. the slick sold here does numb something of the curiosity here. they don't want of
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it to pull they all see me as a crazy professor at the other one who did of the dollars building. started out as an experiment to see if it was possible to get just what is it possible today in the early 21st century to live comfortably in a boss building which has limited space so. it is possible although it does require certain compromises. is that the fed is in the wrong place from coal gropius planned it to be the other way around but his bed was only one meter by 80 that i get so with a bed that's 2 by 2 the walls are problems in an oven 4 by then the other way around would be better and then you could have bedside tables on both sides of either is the good. plan so no one is a die hard power house afficionado. his home here on the estate designed by the table p.s. is his castle. and annoying option i'm having
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a new garage added it was really hard to find one that suited the house but then i'm obsessed with boss well thought through zeerust i wanted something very specific and fortunately i had something to go by. myself hoping the copious master's house still has an intact garage so i used that as my. mission over it was hard but i found a company that could build it for me with promise concrete which is even eco friendly and make something that will look very props as a ball of article simple it. will be a stroke for efficiency nations he tested out new building materials and prefabricated parts that could be made in series production. the construction site was like an industrial production line with several houses under construction at once. the limited budgets called for ingenious architectural solutions. you're here behind the shower curtain was the word of the roof
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terrace as of the summer because of the shortage of space the weight of the roof terrace was through the bathroom the dust house again was the destruction of the tree because you know you don't think it does is if you really i imagine the thinking was that all the rooms up here a bedroom. and that a bathroom is the only room that everyone uses different i frequented for the most so it's a good place to put the access from the balcony of the terrace. spot so i. got screwed on it is one of the few residents of the estates whose home still looks just as it did in gropius this day. while the other houses are examples of what one might call about house cage. in 1938 the global spread of our house was given a major boost in new york with an exhibition at moma showcasing its work.
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it's almost impossible to overstate the influence of us art schools after 1940. it was the foundation for generations of artists deep dog. the classical pianist was appointed chair of the department of architecture at the harvard university graduate school of design one of the most prestigious architecture departments in the country design and he started to assure that it meets for the whole world went to be on the institute which became the illinois institute of technology out there where not only designed the new university campus he changed the way that architecture was taught. in the arctic to work on today to tear. the brown house is impossibly important like it's just for us to discuss design
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without talking about the bauhaus is large talking about cooking without talking about fire right it just makes no sense and for that reason we can't get the brown house out of our bodies or out of our thoughts but that doesn't mean that the people who invented it. i knew what they were doing i feel like whenever you open your cell from you put on some clothes you go out the door whenever you read the typewriter feel what you read everything you see almost everything you see. is brown house shaped and and and and packaged and that means we are the victims of the brown house. when the nazis came to power many film about how students and teaches emigrated to the u.s. . in the 1950 s. and sixty's the movement's principles became the backbone of american modernism. on the on the family and in the 1930 s.
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and the end years of others were invited to teach at black mountain college in north carolina does in 15 minutes been the 1950 s. it became a chrysalis for many extraordinarily important artists they couldn't via that he's a lawyer to tell a child that many of the people who played influential roles in post-war. america not well affiliated with schools that have picked up the mantle of bauhaus sholto style how robert rauschenberg just put john's most cunning i'm so sick of the trash or just the charms or scorning. choreographer mass counting them who taught at black mountain explored the ideas of movement developed in the bauhaus stage workshop.
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and seeing where art has gone and the bauhaus of men does cross over into into the dance into the music 5 ethics are ready go out. in new york down said jennifer governance ensures the legend of most cunning m. lives on. merce cunningham radically changed our format down one of the 1st things he did was to create works that were devoid of plot so there were no more character than one story and he was interested in looking at dance and movements for movement sake. his radical approach made him a natural heir to oscar's shama the defining force of the bow house stage workshop
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. centered on the seam of figures in space his work turns dumbasses into costumed geometrical shapes exploring the idea of the human body as a mechanical object. triadic ballet which premiered in 1922 inch to got is still performed today. experimentation informs the work of must come in. people with say the dance isn't because there's no character going on expressing some emotion and most with say dance is always human because it is performed by the human body was extremely radical and today. dance rehearsal all over the way they work in a very abstract a way and that's accepted. big
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lunch. the balance tradition was also fostered in post-war west germany at the school of design the high if. i'm finish line here was to revive the. many form of houses taught here like marks build a co-founder and its 1st director. today the premises served as an exhibition space until its closure in 1968 the hunt was one of the most seminal often design schools in gemini what came to be known as the blue model reconfigured the role of the designer. even in the early days the school of design collaborated closely with partners in industry one
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of its most successful partnerships was with the brown electric company. some balls the range much of the elements is very about. it harks back to the constructivist graphic design used by. if you it's in the tradition of that that it was the theme of. the photo super ask a foreigner snow white coffin was commissioned by brown. on school of design and took these commissions as a way of raising money for the school to go for the short of the new. func who is head designer at brown he's meeting with the brown collections archivist and dean. proportions are key very slim is that the proportions come from. detailed arms was appointed head of brown's
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newly minted design department in the early 1960 s. . together with the own design school he developed a number of products that are now classics. interdisciplinary team work was crucial to the creative process. of the phone a super s.k.u. for is an example of a product made by a team of people sitting around a table and all chipping in the result was a product that's iconic for the court order. it was improved upon step by step and at one point dieter suggested the plexiglas cord turntable was designed by plug and felt. then
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held back and fed was a film about how students. the new design language traced its lineage from the balance to owen and then to brown ending up in households all over the world brown will forever be associated with industrial design and. he brought a new simplicity and style to everyday objects. is when is it too much or too little what makes a product user friendly when is it to stylish. the very same questions that preoccupied the bow house school. the cunt how long until brown was well known for a pared down design in just one category radically high fives as we see here. would
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have been in global terms the brand wasn't well known so step number 2 was to translate this new design philosophy into the realm of the household. as it was with household appliances that the brown brand crossed the atlantic in america they were instantly recognized as examples of timeless design titles designed. to fill up but how hot in denmark exist post-war era brown was very successful in a stablish in a very high and corporate design a corporate identity if you will i know that a corporate identity had to share. its known for contemporary and functional design and detail homs was instrumental in that process that hobbes had an entire. day the world's leading tech companies continued to be inspired by the classic
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$960.00 s. and seventy's brown a static anesthetic that lives on apple's i pod and i found. the 1st generation i pod which references the brown t. 3 pocket radio apple's chief designer johnny i thought knowledge is the debt and presented detail rahm's with an i pod in return. while bell house propagated a unique and avant crafted technology brown and apple representing uni end of art commercialism and consumption a sign of the times. the minimalist still most modest look of their products is well suited to the digital age in today's highly individualized society the design of the products we buy is an expression of our identity. what's modest about our house object things
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fake or fake modesty that's fake news your i pod right this is a perfect down house object in fact steve jobs went to a lecture of somebody from the nearby house and said ok i totally lar of the principles of our so we always carry about house in our pocket but isn't that somebody with the latest phone feels more human rather than less they don't just feel fashionable it's not just about picking up the fares it's about not falling behind still still being fully able to connect when the human is the most design thing there are. now we better get a new concept of design because it's just fine to have an i phone it's not so fun to be and i think. the unity of art and technology developed indes out joins to hunt as mine is focusing on the needs of the people together they yield good design for every day objects that is the bow house effect.
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the basic tenets of our house have been passed on through its successes and to traveled around the world. the unity of arts and technology has been superseded by the unity of arts and come us. about house as a brand a lifestyle. all that's great until you realize that you yourself your emotions your feelings your thoughts your body your genetics your children your way of life the sky the weather now we have designed the. rather we have designed our own extinction now you realize that val has designed good design has brought us to the very end of the destruction of our species right at that moment. before we kill ourselves let's kill of our house. or we keep posing questions for our hospice hoit us only benthic the reason why ballot house
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is still interesting today guns is that it raises interesting very fundamental questions the one how do we want to live in the future that's a switch up that must definitely one reason why ballot house still has such a feel about hospice hoit optimistic. despite our house still have something to teach us. now and what are our needs can good design still improve people's everyday lives. we'll find out in the 3rd and last part of the series our house welt the utopia.
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in may of 2020 the corona virus has separated families and friends and old boundaries are reappearing. but despite all of the fears about health and the future there is still hope and in many places
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a new feeling of connectedness. because the militant leaders are saying that t.w. . africa. love and warmth is the way to save listen danger and species. bills are threatened by environmental destruction. a south african project tries to protect the baby birds lovingly rearing them by hand . but there's nothing to stop nature from calling africa. 90 minutes on d. w. . places some. cities will sink into the sea. entire stretches of land will be abandoned. and the water continues to display massive clean waters are supposed to prevent flooding but they only delay
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the inevitable. place in the future 66 meters from rising sea levels which starts june 5th on t.w. . place. the blame . this is g.w. news live from berlin german soccer prepares to kick off a. and after coronavirus shut down the sport in march the forges ahead this weekend as the 1st major european league back on the pitch in front of and. also coming up a typhoon of. slams into the philippines as authorities struggle to back you.


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