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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2020 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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w. . the global corona crisis you can find more information online in fact e.w. dot com and on t.w. social media channels. this week on the 77 percent streets debate. kamil land not another why only you know a number out there and it kept telling me mom that it's something i never want to good through and it found a group of women and they disliked me in and posting to female genital mutilation bleeding or would make cause deaths so how do you enforce a law when their forces are not there we do. ok.
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but i went on this one and i mean my wants and needs with the guy and i will not. then i mean you couldn't buy. in the year 2011 kenya passed a law that basically said that female genital mutilation was illegal despite this it's still being practiced across the country and even here way we are in our county and we want to investigate why and i'd like to begin with selena who is actually a member of this community and an activist this is still happening and i know that the school you're running is also facing this challenge can you talk to me about that from 000 originally so even if i said that she doesn't want to go through that could somehow they're they're trapped there and they can't find themselves out even if they want to to get out of the situation for so up or were you to quote to know
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. who was china who cotta not to misc you want to talk on the ambo how tuckey like you were coming. up are equal munity well known or come or you get when you visit him and if you buy. 20 names or a month. what it is very young. am i not the younger. me the modern like. camilla lange. the member and i met. gettable when. me only said that niggle anything get out while i'm alive i don't need as a book and you know but only if. there were none. good and the man has a real not more under way nicole why her mom might never marry whoever not come right here but i wasn't a boy look no yarn and go and find them out of my dishes now with
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a nominal one as i have on your i'll come back to you and now make it a little bit more personal i know for a fact that you had said to your mother that you didn't want to undergo this right and she forced you to can you talk to us about that. i think for me my mom because she wanted me to grow up like a normal my say child girl child because my grandmother used to go to watch many girls being circumcised so it was such a traumatic experience for me and i kept telling my mom that it's something i never want to go through so she didn't think that my decision or my choice counted so she went ahead and decided for me the event planned as a surprise ceremony and upon coming home from visiting my uncle everything was said and i found a group of women and they dislike me in 1st me and. it's something that has been
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kind of disturbing me for a long time and sometimes she would talk to eat to have to look friends about it as a superhero story like a chapters she didn't know she didn't like it so i decided ok well i think it's time to part ways with my mom after 10 years of thinking about it i have to try and told her then i was like ok you have this society you made them happy go in. this dramatic vision mirrors reality and the trauma of an age old a ritual more than 200000000 of women wild wild have been subjected to female genital mutilation it's a tradition that reinforces men's power in society girls are still being caught during initiation rituals in the forest without anaesthetic naturally the girls put up a fight so several women dressed train them and push them to the ground it's not uncommon
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for the girls to end up with broken bones. and i'd like to introduce durham because you are from us a bit which is a border town sometimes the girls choose to undergo this ritual how does that work . i'm going to tell you my story is. for me i wasn't forced but i got into it due to be peer peer peer pressure how old were you i was 9 years old and i asked my grandmother that i should go through it i actually told her that i i begged her to go through it yes but what is the purpose of female genital mutilation in your community we've just heard from a male apostle here that a woman is considered not whole unless she is mutilated essentially what's the reason they give you our community practices a gym to reduce sexual desires in a woman so even if a girl hasn't gone through if jim in my community she is regarded as a prostitute or as a person who's lose yeah yes that's the main reason we practice energy ok i want to
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go to syria because you're also a survivor of g.m. is this something that you also asked for in your community is there a lot of pressure in the village we know each other so we know who and who has gone through of g.m. so for me it was because of the oppression i went through with g.m. when i was 10 years old but because you are a very innocent child and people want you to be clean you go for it but afterwards you start regretting and nobody will is there to answer your questions yeah ok. so i'm a lawyer postle we've just heard from your daughter that you forced her to get f g m why did you do that. camilla and not the mother of my only you member of the 1000000 i live in the middle you might not be happy so you mean to tell me that if there was no law against if g.m. you would still practice it. among some i said i love one.
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another then. i don't i guess out. amongst and. so let me ask the many in this community we have some very good looking morons here dodie come up when i'm at work you must say one is ok oh i'm one can buy i had to cut. the pretty. good to cook with in the community. you're the closest government official to the people of this village and you have a lot to enforce but the people who are around you also your family members they might be the ones practicing it how how how do you enforce it in your own community 1st of all are you against it yeah i'm very much against it so what is the challenger than forcing because we're hearing them a little so here saying if it was not for the risk of being arrested i would still
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do it the talent we have they have motive now if you buy it for. practice so what they do they do with which is a very serious thing because something in. us so we added then it is. the interest of their life and it is against the law ok so we'll come back to the to the enforcement a little bit later so just hold on to that thought i'd like to now speak to them say here because we're hearing that the mindset hasn't changed the law is in place but the mindset hasn't changed what do you think it would take to change my. opinion. why this thing has been practice is because people have been not have not been sensitized well and therefore for for us we have been since the taking the b. ball on harm caused by female genital mutilation
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e g. c v a bleeding is there we may cause deaths injury of the of. course and the and many more the awful. the only thing to stop this is to create more awareness among the communities it is a deadly exercise i'm opposed to. saudia we're talking about a 100 full practice here one of the long term effects of f.g. and what have you had to contend with psychologically ok allow me to see that if jim is not something that ends with the day you are caught in something that follows you for a lifetime 2 hours after they cut you start shivering you start feeling fever your body temperatures rise so you can contract infections look those are the short times now when we come to the long time after you are no much you are even the mrs
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coming out is a challenge another thing is that you are moderate again you go through a process called if you believe it's another be open then when you are you want to give back and it our community would give but as long as we can so that means after everybody you have to be cut for you to pass the child yes you have 3 children did you have any complications related to f d m when you had to deliver yes when i was giving birth to my 1st daughter i was on labor pains for 3 days and what happened is that the traditional but attendance was a give but a tom what a cutting me anyhow really so that only the. the child to come out but now again i thought it was over for the 2nd baby i was caught again for that that in fact they didn't was at all and i say i don't want to be caught in a more i want to go to a safe place where can deliver well so i saw some caesars coming and i was late
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what about these 4 that is i was even better fortunately this is as were also better because i had to go through as easy and delivery that's when i see it's all over now the 3 daughters are enough for me i should talk to my community and tell them this should come to an end and for me i am fortunate those complications are talking at a minor compared to others who have now in blood living with a few still or others are now living with childless dram is this sounding familiar is a sounding like something you're also battling with psychologically and are you worried that physically your body might not be able to take a pregnancy. yes i wanted every single day because 1st of all they do you go through it you will never forget as survivors we never forget the day that you go through after all right we're also hearing from all these women who have undergone if g.m.
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that it does cause complications that it's harmful so do you want another one of your daughters to go through that matter i am asked. them about when i'm well i mean my boss and he with the guy and. then i mean you couldn't buy. that would be i want to ask you another question because you said that it is cultural you would not marry a woman unless she was cut to not so much. you are not near me like you must say like an economy lies in the numbers of i must say when you watch and you might come up who are simba but don't know what's in become or running. i'm not talking when i walk away and. you know imagine you. you could get good. at the you're part of mother not like i'm watching went early to matter to watch.
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yeah not so clear where he is on that but we were talking about stigma of not going through the cut but there's also a 2nd layer of stigma once you're a survivor how does that work well as a survivor there are so many names that. first of all there is this notion that as a survival because you you know communities say you know sexual desire as you do not have sexual desires so there are people who say that survive us do not have that that. they actually had which is not true it is not true we do have and that's why these are the reasons why survive us are not able to speak up because they are called names if i am told that as a survivor you cannot do this and this therefore i will have that fear of speaking
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up yeah kaz cause is a sex educator and you might have seen her in the 77 percent with the spread do we know enough about if g.m. as the people who are living in the cosmopolitan areas and if there's a disconnect why i think the way we're raised we're very disconnected from a lot of things that happen culturally in different parts of the country in different parts of the continent then the one thing that i'm hearing that is a common thread amongst all of these conversations is that the value of the woman is is there is no value to a woman from the minute that a girl is born into a family she is automatically. she's seen as a form of currency and it's just it's a material exchange because if she doesn't cut then it means that she can't be married that means the family can't make any money that also means that the family will be seen as outcasts within their community so a lot of these conversations just sound like very patriarchal conversations where the woman is not valued she's a thing so even with conversations around her health and their set. things that she
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is not able to do she's not able to bear children. there are so many very many health issues around s.g.m. a lot of people don't care the value of the woman is so low that even when you tell them that women are dying they don't care but do we care enough as the people who are privileged to a large degree do we care enough to create safe spaces so that when the survivors you know survive that we're listening to them. yes but i feel like a safe space is never enough like what's the next move from there we need to be able to actually physically do something we need to be able to help certain communities i'm aware that in loiter there is the ritual of the female genital cutting also known as mutilation has been changed the ritual is changed so that the little girl wears the blue she. has the women dancing with her she's taken to the hut she's laid on the mat but instead of cutting have
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a pour milk over her involve eliminates the harmful part of it ok n.g.o.s were mentioned catherine i have to come to you because you've been accused of and you know i've heard it said and read a couple of times that n.g.o.s a hijacking this conversation but you're not really listening to the people it's a 2 sided way because those who are working at the ground really they listen to the people they do sensitized the people they do help the people but have those who are decided that narrow be who are doing nothing they don't come to the ground so it's a 2 sided with ok i want to go to sat there for just a little bit you know you come from a community where 9 out of 10 women have been cut what would happen if say somebody got cut today and they went to the police station how how how is the law meant to be to work the law is supposed to be there to help the gals the victims this of all of us but unfortunately most of the time there are a lot of gaps in the law itself because once it was reported that means even the victims will be carted along as witnesses and in most police
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stations we don't have child protection sent us child protection units we don't have rescue centers in all the counties so that means these gals who are already victims have already suffered we'll again suffer another violence. of like. maintaining them as witnesses so another issue with the law is that once the girl is got she does she will automatically drop out of school and all that. of challenges how is the education sector now helping in the law enforcement are they reporting these dollars who are dropping out of school what about the administrative. the chiefs for instance we have a let's let's let's let's ask him actually because you brought him up chief here you are somebody comes to the police station and says of just being forced to go through f g m and we've read some instances where the police officers ask them for photos of the thing happening this is not realistic what makes these guys not
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report the time they got there that being. one of. their stigmatized with their yeah that is that is that is out he'll be. yeah because. most of the stations don't have. press 10 protection fender most of the. battle maybe i have to go to the trooper to the police station so but isn't that why we have so many lez of administration so that if the police if you as a chief is not able to come to this community should you be able to send people to survey. i sent people to the to check no i mean if we're saying that the people being circumcised or you know going through f g m a 9 or 10 how will they know to come to report what we do and that probably helped us a lot we collaborate with the church is the village elders and the community at
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large. but to to to be fair chief we already know that that's not working it's not really working entirely so let's talk about arrests have there been any people arrested in iraq. yes or for many even the kids even the chief ok we have achieved have been arrested placing his death and have been taken to court. it is it is an example to other community the way when they see that you have been arrested you do so if you are feeling the they don't believe because they know the law is really what is not agreeing with you but i want to come to salina 1st because is this ringing true to you do you feel like you can trust the police officers to enforce the law 1st of all we don't have any police discerning may really yet so i don't even know how it works with dealing with the police yet chief we're being told you don't even have a police station here so where would you even begin in fact we have here
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she's saying she's saying in most or in most every tree in fact that is no so how do you enforce a law when they enforce those are not that we do try. ok so speaking of stakeholders has. what more can we do as women to work with the women who are still going through this how can we be more active stakeholders i feel like we really need to be able to understand the ways in which different communities are able to absorb information and then use that and take that and find ways to educate women if it means showing them some of the effects of f.p.m. with young girls and the continued effect like sabia said throughout the lives of women and if they are so fixated around the idea of young girls getting married i feel like it would be if we could use that as a form of education to show them how it affects their marriages in a negative way how it affects childbearing in
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a negative way because children are such an asset and also just create spaces to actually discuss the vagina the evolve to actually look at it to talk about women and their experiences be it sexual be it physical to discuss the actual organ itself what can we do better to stop if g.m. a lot of the things that i'm hearing is set or colored to say here and you know the police post is so far away and so on and so forth and there's there's so many problems around it but i'm really curious with what we have and with what is available what can we do to make actual changes and. more precise question is how do we begin to change the mindset of mama who is old and very set in her ways how do we begin to educate or to have conversations with her in a way that she can have a ha moment where she's like actually we need to stop that ok let's ask a question of a here. you know we just ask the question what can we do better because what we're
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doing so far doesn't seem to be working this thing is good because of the culture and the good the very deep and rich culture and they believe india. therefore the only best way. yes i have seen to stop that. is to have a collection force in between the government and the chiefs the d.c. is the governor's the judge come out and say no and of course education department must also come to sensitize and make it stop i think if this. collective. is done then. eventually this thing is going to stop ok christopher has articulated the knock on effects of f.d.a. and very clearly education is something that you're very keen on is this the way
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forward to stop after him do you think i think gus indication is one of the big the big solutions to ending if g.m. and child marriage and and teenage pregnancies because as this aid f. g.m. does not stand as an issue alone and this organisations that are fighting to end if g.m. cannot and if g.m. as one entity alone they have to address girls' education because once girls and school they will to learn about their bodies we have a center in mostly row and it's more of a rescue center now and a boarding school because girls are flowing into that institution is getting child marriage and if g.m. so creating such safe spaces and gusset you question will be a huge. thing that can solve this issue of g.m. alright saudia what is your proposal moving forward how do we finally get rid of
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this ok for me i would decide just like we need to have county and community based approaches like a specific county and community based approaches because what works for my community does not work for the mass a community. for my community maybe engaging the religious leaders in a walk for the mass i maybe alternative right right of passage might what we need to have grass root based companies we need to leave the conference rooms and go to the community where we have so i was affected and another thought the thing i would suggest is that the content of the message we tell the community really matters a lot because these people are have values attached to if so how do we do linkage how do we do link if jim from the legion how do we dealing if g.m. from a culture the government also has a big role to play now that in kenya our president committed to end of june by to
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into to what are the political leadership doing about it these are people who also need to speak up a very male politician female politicians to begin with you're talking about changes right from the top all the way to the bottom so finally what do you think can be done and what can we do huge platform for survivors so very best do not have a chance to even speak out their stigmatized a lot and i would love to see. are considered there listen to also our level in the village set up there are things that there are forums that are called mother to daughter forums in most of our communities discussing these issues are a time when you cannot just speak about if jim does like that so having such forums giving women space to speak would be something that would really help ok i know that there are couple of people who want to say a few more things but unfortunately this is where we have to call it are up they've
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been fantastic solutions which have been suggested i really hope the people who can implement them are listening and speaking to you chief thank you for watching.
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they're tiny attentional a dangerous virus is bacteria. but they can be very useful. although that's often forgotten these days. join us in a microscopic world full of fascinating discoveries. to follow today. in 30 minutes on w.
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. robots are still in the development faced. with what's going to happen when they grow. artificial intelligence is now spreading through our society ai experts be able to agree on ethical guidelines or will this technology create deadly new autonomous weapons systems. paradise. 75 minutes on d w. i'm not laughing at the germans because sometimes i am but i said nothing with the time and the budget i've been thinking of into the jamma culture of. new jersey to take this drama down to the us it's all about who know i'm right so join me to meet the devil of a host. morrow
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a. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslim and the christian population . in finance fighters occupied the city center in 2000. president to turn. was told. by the filter it will never again will hold. the reconquest turned into a tragedy. this is not the kind of freedom that we want. to become a gateway to islamize terror until the same story goes i mean more sitting as the result of an exclusive report from a destroyed city. philippines in the. starts may 20th on g.w. .
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good. this is it news live from berlin the bundesliga is back and the sporting world is watching. but there are no fans in the stadiums as german football becomes the 1st major league in europe to resume action we'll get the reaction to the 1st day back also on the show. meeting at the border germany and luxembourg's foreign ministers mark the lifting of controls between their countries authorities say that if they can keep the virus in check germans could resume free travel within the european union by the need to cheat.


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