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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2020 2:02am-2:30am CEST

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respon questions that the world health organization most likely will have to answer 120 countries are now in favor of it end of pinned investigation into the origins of covert 19 and that includes china but beijing has made it clear it will not help investigate the history of the pandemic until the pandemic has become history itself berlin this is the day. we have come to get better i've been nations of the world to confront the defining those crises of our time and that's not for peace that's too good but not need to listen for baseless claims on the can it's been proven through and must not just be a close call platoon we have seen what specifically is called free shipping and what release resulted. already that soon is stealing through money into through
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one we could all come to play to future to feed and security i think it should be spent that big together only thing i do stuff to get it would fall apart. also coming up with a coronavirus has made solidarity in europe hard to come by and very expensive a stimulus package to rescue e.u. economies is on the way the price tag half a trillion europe's when france and germany give a 2nd no i think to hold off europe is in better shape to form an opinion and to progress. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with proof that there is strength in numbers last month when australia 1st called for an international investigation into the. the 19 pandemic china immediately baulked at
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the idea beijing accused australia of doing the dirty work of the united states which claims that china withheld information in the pandemics 1st day but in just the past 2 weeks australian suggestion has attracted global attention and global support today $120.00 countries and the european union said that they are in favor of an impartial inquiry much of the world wants answers and now china apparently does to beijing also wants an investigation as soon as the pandemic is over of china's position change did nothing to change the stance of its main critic the united states i want you to take a listen to what representatives of the u.s. in china said today during a virtual summit of the world health cope at 19 as tragically taken hundreds of thousands of lives impacted millions of people and a deep damage to the world economy we must be frank about one of the primary
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reasons this outbreak spun out of control there was a failure by this organization to obtain the information that the world needed and that failure cost many lives in an apparent attempt to conceal this outbreak at least one member state made a mockery of their transparency obligations with tremendous cost for the entire world we saw that w. 2 failed at its core mission of information sharing and transparency when member states do not act in good faith this cannot ever happen again. but not in the long china has acted with openness transparency and responsibility should. we have provided the information to the w.h.o. and rather than countries in a most timely fashion. we release the genome sequence of the earliest possible time we shared our experiences in control and treatment we have done everything in our power to support and assist countries in need. it when i thought in truth. well for
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more now i'm joined by dr margaret harris from the world health organization in geneva dr it's good to see you again we've got 120 countries that are in agreement that the w.h.o. should carry out an independent investigation of itself is that possible. so what they are in agreement with is this should be an independent investigation of where what we have learned from this outbreak and that's really really important to know at what's gone right what's gone wrong and what we can apply going forward of course how that's going to be set up and how that's going to be done it's not clear and way a secretariat attain that of fighting this outbreak no that's not what we will be doing but it is up to the member states to decide how it will be done so when be done by us the secretary of. the w.h.o. will obviously use science to guide any investigation but if the w.h.o.
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wants to deliver clear answers it's going to have to do forensics investigating it's going to have to ask labs in showing that have worked with coronavirus before to open up their books does the w.h.o. does it have the forensics expertise to do that and does it have the political authority to make that happen. so i'm of the international health regulations we all school countries and all countries under the don't think and to share data but we cannot compel so but again any kind of investigation of that kind you need to set the questions you need to set the parameters you need to have agreement by the countries how these things were done so we're quite a long way off working out the actual needs he gritty of such an investigation we know that all stroy in the united states reportedly want a resolution calling for harder measures against china china has agreed reportedly
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because the resolution has been watered down the european union we understand was the mediator in the bridge builder between the 2 sides can you confirm that is that what happened. all those discussions happening between the member states so you have to understand the weight of works it's a member state organization and they are our bosses but we the secretariat do the work so that's like policy but like the politicians and like them the the stuff of the health department and we have the stuff to do the work the member states to the negotiation certainly from australia's presentation they gave. it they had a desire for an investigation looking at what we can learn from what's gone on before and what we can take forward. china says it wants an investigation to happen after the pandemic is over but you and i both know that that could be of some time a long time in the future is that in anyone's interest to wait that long.
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so refuse things that you you know especially when you've got something that's going as long as it is there we actually review the evidence all the time in fact we have already had need to bend and investigation all over really response by something called our independent oversight assessment committee that look at our emergency response they were set up in 2016 when we were formed in order to have much stronger operational response and they were already built and said the things that with that are just being mentioned giving w.h.o. of maybe more powers to ask countries or compel countries to give better data these things they've already raised so far going investigations could certainly be done it's not clear exactly when they can be done. and let me just ask you dr harris as a as a medical professional want to get your reaction to news today that a former sukumar dinner has reported success in its early human trials with
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a vaccine what your reaction is that that's the 1st report that we have so far that . well i haven't actually actually seen the studies but quite a number of groups have certainly said promising. the same promising responses in the human. studies but the issue is you need to have study for quite a period with a large number of people in order to ensure not only that they are effective but also the safe safe yeah and but we're certainly happy to have the good news to report tonight dr margaret harris with the world health organization joining us tonight from geneva as always doctors we appreciate your time and your insights thank you. thank you. what china cannot lay all the blame on the united states for the international community's suspicions and dell the chinese government is accused of trying to
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silence and even punish its own physicians who tried to alert the world when the outbreak began and there is china's heavy hand in foreign policy china reportedly blocked taiwan from participating in today's w.h.o. assembly and remember taiwan has valuable information to share about how it has successfully limited the outbreak lessons the world could benefit from if only beijing were standing in the way. no lockdown of any kind despite its proximity to china taiwan is one of the few spots on earth where life has continued close to normal throughout the pandemic with only a few 100 coronavirus infections and less than 10 deaths taiwan's handling of the crisis is a unique success story all the more surprising that the w.h.o. doesn't seem to be interested in taiwan's approach the organization blocked taiwan
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from taking part in its annual meeting several years ago under pressure from beijing that has deprived the island of access to crucial information about the virus. we were successful yes. without that platform it was very hard night we don't have many serious cases so treatment what bobby tees protocols for serious cases a licking will taiwan we need to stop this kind of political right to. talk hold on to the more important issues like health of everyone involved dr lu used to be a delegate to the w.h.o. when taiwan was still allowed to attend the assembly as an observer but that ended on beijing's behest when taiwan's president from the pro independence party took office 4 years ago china claims that island as its own territory and therefore deems taiwan has no right to w.h.o.
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membership. that politics should be set aside when it comes to health issues yes it's good for taiwan to share its experience with the world but you know again our tehran is made a contribution to public health it's unfit to be excluded now if we have full blown . taiwan has maintained its infection rate lower than almost anywhere else with 0 domestic infections for over a month even so the taiwanese haven't let their guard down. perhaps this is one of the things the world and the w.h.o. could learn from this island. half a trillion. trillion that's 12 zeros and astronomical saw which german chancellor angela merkel and french president emmanuel mccrone have pledged to speed europe's economic recovery from the coronavirus crisis well how do you get your hands on
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these amounts for the 1st time germany is offering its excellent credit rating to help borrow money for the fund here's more now from merkel and. it's wishful thinking to hope europe's economies could bounce back as easily as these parisian after months under lockdown even before the e.u. commission presents its aid package palin and paris are rushing through a joint initiative for economic recovery in a bid to put this crippling face behind them. in a joint news conference with the french president chancellor angela merkel stressed the coronavirus pandemic is endangering european unity. moster recovery that's why the fund has to help ensure that all countries in europe can react appropriately inspiration this requires an extraordinary one off effort also which france and germany are ready to undertake a funk i think but i think that if this is the result of bilateral work in
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cooperation with our partners i'm convinced that this plan provides the groundwork to revive our lives our economies and our societies. to offset the drastic decline in production transport and tourism across europe this development fund will get an injection of 500000000000 euros e.u. budget funds will be made available to the hardest hit regions and sectors. the overall plan is designed to strengthen the e.u.'s future viability of team dean and use of these resources will of course serve this purpose we will invest in digitization and the green deal to cope with the climate catastrophe stomach and that will inspire a new dynamic for the future in the field of health we will aim for cooperation to apply all we've learned from this crisis together. that sounds like support for the e.u. commission whose economic recovery plan is being drafted the commission's president is expected to present it next week if more now is bringing eric jones he's the
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director of european and your asian studies at johns hopkins university school of advanced international studies in belong italy and that is where he joins me this evening pervez or jones it's good to have you on the program 500000000000 euro some of it will not have to be paid back what about where you are will italy be able to live with this. well i think 500000000000 euros is a lot of money let's not kid ourselves it's a very small amount of money compared to the scale of the crisis that we face so i have to figure out how we're going to scale the gap between the number of hits being offered right now and the number that's required i think italy will gratefully receive any support that it can get but obviously if the crisis continues to deepen and italy is going to need more support in the future so let's hope that this sign of agreement is a sign of good things to come you wrote last month that now is the time for
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europe's leaders to do whatever it takes to save europe whatever it takes is half a 1000000000 euros doing whatever it takes and look across the atlantic at the united states and what you'll find is that the very 1st stabilization act that was passed was a stabilization act for about 2 trillion dollars this current on money is $500000000000.00 that you're talking about right now it is equivalent to one quarter of that the coronavirus economic stabilization act at the end the bottom of the big package with us at so i think this is a good sign in having france and germany come to agreement is excellent but it's not going to be enough overall and we know that there will be no carona bonds in this economic package but as we were saying earlier germany is willing to lend its excellent credit rating to help borrow money for this font but we heard today that the german chancellor said that that is
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a one off what do you make of that. well i think it's going to be interesting right even though the whole purpose of this fun it is to use the european commission as an agency to incur a significant amount of debt and if the european commission develops the kind of expertise necessary to run those kinds of treasury operations then why wouldn't you use it in the future if the need were to arise they started with the sure program which is the commission's assistance program for unemployment now the french and germans are proposing to expand that with this new $500000000000.00 package or a $500000000000.00 euro package that you mentioned if they can go even further than that then i think that would be a good development for your. yeah i wonder if they can go further than that and you also wrote last month that e.u. leaders they should unbind europe or they should risk europe's dimaio talk to me a little bit about what unbinding should look like in your pain. well
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unbinding that we're talking about in that context is there are a number of different constraints that are placed on europe's ability to spend funds and the most important constraint are the constraints that are wrapped around the european stability mechanism which is the mechanism that's supposed to bail out sovereign states and the question is whether that mechanism can lend money without conditions and we've already seen that that's possible so the unbinding has begun now we're seeing another form of unbinding as the european commission is allowed to take on debt games that won't be any more financial framework i think that's an important development as well the question is whether we can scale up this level of activity necessary to meet in a manner necessary to respond to the scale of the crisis that we face profesor do you foresee a future in which the dutch and the greeks will be able to see eye to eye when it comes to dealing with national finances national budgets i mean will there ever be in this european project common ground or harmonization of any kind to me we still
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have these separate fiscal and monetary policies well i mean i don't think that the dudgeon the greeks are ever going to see eye to eye on a large number of things but i think that the differences in physical terms between the dutch and the greeks are probably smaller than they are between people who live in massachusetts and people who live in new hampshire let's not forget in massachusetts they have it come tax in new hampshire they have very little tax at all and i mean and if the united states can hang together with that radical physical cultures living cheek by jowl then i think the european union can live together with the differences that we see in the eurozone now well that if it's so minor then how do you explain the resistance i mean the resistance it's almost in the d.n.a. of northern europe. well i mean i come from the south in the united states and their resistance to the federal government is pretty much baked into the d.n.a.
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as well and a lot scarier than it is here in europe the issue in the european context is the extent to which we can convince everybody that they're all in one economic situation together in the end i think that that conviction is spreading that the french and the germans have come to this agreement is an important 1st sign all right eric jones a johns hopkins university and below nia italy professor jones we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you very much for having me. and you thought your trainers or your sneakers were expensive i want you to get a load of this the basketball shoes worn by the american hoops icon michael jordan have just sold at auction for more than half a $1000000.00 that's right they look a bit old fashioned today as athletic shoes go but this pair was among the very 1st so called air jordans made especially for the star of his 1st season in the n.b.a.
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remember that i didn't sell the b.'s auction house took advantage of the renewed hype surrounding jordan a documentary about michael jordan with the title the last dance and streaming right now on e.s.p.n. and netflix it is currently the most popular documentary in the world not bad would you get that kind of good p.r. journalist k.j. matthews joins me now from los angeles good to see you a.j. i'm going to just start out by saying you are not allowed to ever again complain that high heels cost too much i mean half a $1000000.00 for a pair of air jordans that's crazy isn't. i know unreal right it is crazy i mean yes you're right you're correct we do complain a lot we do spend a lot on shoes woman but michael jordan has a beat as of today i mean unreal you know somebody is not in the sneaker auctioning business until now you know before this sale for
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$560000.00 u.s. dollars or the michael air jordan tennis shoes they really had only sold another a pair of sneakers for about $437000.00 obama last year now yet now this is a record so it just goes to show you there is a huge fan base out there that loves michael jordan who loves basketball and that collects sneakers we see that you're going to have a lot of money to collect those sneakers do. talk to me about the timing of this and we've got michael jordan's documentary that is now airing on e.s.p.n. and netflix. yes yes well i don't know if you know but it is i think i'm told the most highest watch sports documentary as of now really in the world there are more people that have logged on to netflix and watch e.s.p.n. this documentary which is a 10 part series that chronicles the life of michael jordan in his last season with
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the indy 18 the chicago bulls and it is fascinating to see all that went into helping them when the kind of athlete that he was why he was so popular how he made his $1000000.00 now $1000000000.00 deals with nike and how he became a billionaire it's just fascinating and the last part of the series if i may go on actually aired here in the u.s. on sunday so the timing for this auction is online auction with some other b.s. it's yes perfect for her to get the the maximum output there we understand the michael jordan demanded complete editorial a sortie over this documentary so can we really call it a documentary or is this more of a story told as jordan likes for it to be told it's bo if you think about it i mean he is one of the most famous athletes in the world former athlete in the world
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but he's still extremely popular he is being the best in v.a. the best basketball player in the world so when you have the best basketball player in the world a man because currently worth $2100000000.00 if you want to do a story that involves him and you want to interview him guess what you're going to have to play by his rules so i'm not surprised so you know he's from north carolina my home state i grew up watching him play for the u.n.c. tar heel so i mean i've seen mining in a pandemic you've got people living in a walk down and you've got these long lines and food banks how does that studies where that circle. you know it's very interesting here on the news locally about 2 weeks ago i believe the air jordan 5 were sold online and also sold in a couple of a sneaker stores around the u.s. and guess what even though we were in a lockdown even though that certain stores and malls were reopening in his last days there was a line even though these air jordans cost hundreds of dollars and where in the
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middle of a global pandemic people steal lined up to buy the latest versions of air jordans so yes we're in the middle of a pandemic yes we're slowly reopening yes there are people out there who have lost jobs but it still hasn't slowed the demand down for the latest versions of these air jordan so i just don't know what will it take to make them not popular you know these air jordans have just been popular for more than 30 years the true i know what my grandmother would say and i bet yours would say the same is she would say that michael jordan maybe should be a little embarrassed by this obscene price do you think yeah i would say the same thing but you know the thing about it is if you watch a documentary michael jordan in self admitted he was never very political he was never very much of an activist he is an exceptional basketball player and even better business and he's in the business to make money so whether it's timing the
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right idea the sale he says he wants to sell his tissues or his knickers to everybody regardless of where you are circumstances are that's probably would be getting answer. by the vege that he's even if he's always good saves good to talk with you good to get your insights take care and stay safe there in l.a. thank you. all right the day's almost done with the conversation continues online you join us on twitter you can follow me and t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow another day will see that book.
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called. empty stadiums strict regulations the bundesliga has resumed after its coronavirus shutdown the decision is commonly controversial to exist questions how long can this go on in. the form of a match experience both in terms. of w. loneliness is more than just being alone. loneliness makes you sick and it's affecting lure in more people.
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