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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 19, 2020 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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it was a bit of that. this is deja vu news like number led us president donald trump issues and ultimatum to the w.h.o. he threatens to cut funding for the organization if he doesn't see improvements within 30 days specifically he accuses the global health body of favoritism for china what does it mean for global efforts to combat the coronavirus also coming up germany and france proposing a rescue fund of half a trillion euros for europe's battered economy is the plan comes after weeks of resistance from debt china germany but it's not yet
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a done deal that they are nurses neighbors perhaps someone you know people whose lives have been for ever changed by the coronavirus tell us their story. i'm sorry kelly welcome to the program u.s. president donald trump has threatened to cut funding to the world health organization permanently unless it implements what he calls substantial improvements over the next 30 days in a letter to the director general of the w.h.o. trump says that the organization gives terrible advice for fighting the coronavirus and accuses it of being too close to china the us president has also said that he is currently taking the anti malaria drug hydro hydroxy chloroquine trump has repeatedly tell it of the drug as a treatment for covert 1000. despite warnings from medical experts about its
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potentially dangerous side effects but i get a lot of tremendously positive on the hydroxy and i say hey you know the expression i've used what do you have to lose ok what do you have to lose. have been taken for about a week for about a week at a half every day at some point every day i take a pill every day. at some point up what i'd like to do is i'd like to have the cure and or the vaccine and that will happen i think 1st and ask more now we're joined by d.w. correspondent stefan simons who is in washington stuff and a lot to unpack there but let's start 1st with the president's letter to the head of the w.h.o. why how significant is this. it is significant it is the 2nd shot against against w.h.o. and against china let's not forget that is what is seemingly behind this action the president had about a month ago already blamed the w h
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o of being basically the right hand of china in masking what the truth is in his mind and that is that the virus comes fair and square from china and that china failed to inform the united states and other countries early enough about the significance and the danger of the virus now this is the 2nd one the 2nd shot so to speak against w h o that the double digits or just the bidding for china and that comes just days after china said they're more than happy to fund the w.h.o. investigation as also more research into where the virus not only comes from but how dangerous that is well everybody knows how dangerous it is that killed by now and 90000 plus americans and countless other people around the world for the president this is also very very important politically speaking because it caters to his clear and tell it caters to his followers they blame china also as being the
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enemy who brought so to speak the virus to america. and the president is using this political easter teacher glee to his advantage and meantime we have to search for a treatment to search for a vaccine and at the white house president trump surprised reporters as he was wrapping up a meeting to announce that he's taking hydroxy chloroquine that's of course the b n t malaria drug that he's been touting to ward off corona virus what happened there. yeah good question is what happened this this came a little bit as a surprise for everybody. as you said he's promoting hundreds are scoring for the last 2 months something people should really use and you'll remember this came before just shortly before he then also suggests that people should maybe drink some disinfectant to clean their lungs and to be preventing any
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infection from from the coronavirus and repeat drinking this but you're right. still the f.d.a. and government agency does not recommend anybody using hydro rucks a clearing. in a not controlled dr with doctors and a clinical environment of the president he also sees and finds that he is that those rules are recommendations do not apply to him and we know that u.s. health officials have expressed skepticism about clarke and as a treatment. joining us from washington with the view from there thank you. france and germany have announced a half a trillion euro plan to help europe weather the worst crisis in decades the proposal for a rescue fund to boost the sectors of the economy hit hardest by the coronavirus lockdowns it's an about face for german chancellor angela merkel for weeks germany
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has resisted the idea of collective e.u. debt to absorb the pandemics economic shock. it's wishful thinking to hope europe's economies could bounce back as easily as these provisions after months under lockdown even before the e.u. commission presents its aid package berlin and paris are rushing through a joint initiative for economic recovery in a bid to put this crippling face behind them. in a joint news conference with the french president chancellor angela merkel stressed the coronavirus pandemic is in danger in european unity. most that is why the fund has to help ensure that all countries in the euro can react appropriately but . this requires an extraordinary one off effort which france and germany are ready to undertake provided that if this is the result of the bilateral work in cooperation with our partners i'm convinced that this plan provides the groundwork
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to revive our lives our economies and our societies. to offset the drastic decline in production transport and tourism across europe this development fund will get an injection of 500000000000 euro e.u. budget funds will be made available to the hardest hit regions and sectors. the overall plan is designed to strengthen the e.u.'s future viability of the in these resources will of course if this purpose will invest in digitalisation and the green deal to cope with the climate catastrophe this will inspire a new dynamic for the future i'm in the field of health we will aim for cooperation to apply all be flown from the crisis to get them by their design tight that sounds like support for the e.u. commission whose economic recovery plan is being drafted the commission's president is expected to present it next week let's get more on this story we're joined by
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our correspondent in brussels georg matter so good how significant is the agreement of this plan especially for germany. very significant of course if you see that the rao over how does it result of the financial problems coming from the covered 1000 crisis has been going on for weeks and months you can almost say now of course german chancellor angela merkel if you listen very closely what she said about this crisis is that she has already announced that she is willing to pay more money what is significantly new about this is not exactly the proposal the proposal that's been aired by france by italy by the european commission feels enough on the line the head of the european commission talking about a marshall plan and specifically addressing the idea that money could come via the european a budget what is however new is that we're now talking about how for trillion which is a huge number initially france asked for
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a trillion but now we're talking about 500000000000 which is still a lot of money and we're talking about grounds not loans let's talk a little bit more about the whole dynamic between grants and loans and the fact that this involves huge joint e.u. borrowing which has really been a sticky issue on the e.u. level so what could it mean for the plan's viability. absolutely i mean mutual i said debt is something that is very divisive you have the so-called frugal for including austria and the netherlands the countries mainly in the north of europe who have already announced that they stick to their guns and they stay on their position that they don't think that mutual i stept is a good idea another was a corona pons now this new proposal by france and germany will have to be agreed on the european council unanimously by all 27 member states and the way things stand right now that supports does not appear to be there however what we have seen now
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yesterday night in that press conference is the if you want the french german power engine springing back on and if you are more cynical you could say it's france was having the idea go with the french finance minister announcing this plan and it is germany that is paying the bills talk with us a little bit more about those next steps that you've been mentioning what does happen next in order to make this plan turn into reality well of course like i said we have to have a european summit and leaders actually have to agree to this idea that the european commission can go out borrow money it cute that into the budget and then handed out to reach and that are most desperate for it and if you talk to spain and if you talk to italy who have been asking for specifically exactly a proposal like this there they're very happy there are a happy about the proposal that has been put forward but now the discussions have
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to go on but the fact that france and germany are on board is a significant step because many times in the reforms it was exactly those 2 countries who pushed ideas that greatly changed the european union and it was i'm glad michael who has now reiterated her position that europe must evolve further. mathes in brussels thank you. let's get a quick look at some other stories making news around the world india has begun evacuating people along the eastern coastline as it prepares for the arrival of a fierce syco the storm is expected to hit india and bangladesh on wednesday with winds of up to 185 kilometers per hour heavy rainfall and strong tidal waves. brazil has overtaken britain with the 3rd highest number of coronavirus cases in the world more than a quarter of a 1000000 of brazilians have been infected and nearly 17000 have died president i add also not 0 is at odds with regional governments over the seriousness of the outbreak and in the chilean capital santiago protesters have clashed with police
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over a lack of food and essential supplies in one of the poorest neighborhoods they threw stones and set fires local officials say that the aid packages that they have distributed are not enough to meet people's demands. all the coronavirus is affecting people all over the world and corona diaries offers a glimpse into some of those lives using their mobile phones people are telling their stories during the pandemic from a cancer patient self isolating iran to a nurse on the front line in spain. so and it actually in my name is near i'm a nurse and i'm working in the new intensive care unit and we were forewarned that it would be like nursing in a war zone we don't even have the basic necessities like. the new coronaviruses posing challenges to people worldwide nurse know they asked and gosh tia cares for
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spanish covered 19 patients but there aren't enough masks and ventilators to see a 1000000 people are constantly dying on us and they're dying in conditions that seem. inhumane to me manners. the virus affects people in different ways measure the hours and johnny is from iran and he's a cancer patient he has been self isolating for weeks and has also become quite creative in the kitchen but. when this is over i'll have to write a book about it time share my confinement cooking experiences with others. elsewhere isolation is not even possible for example in the more you know refugee camp on the greek island of less us. how my game needs our own few games on the afghan side. of my regular handwashing is impossible there are
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only a few taps for $1300.00 people and little water. tell me similar to something doesn't we spend the entire day standing in lines for meals for the toilets the people waiting in line don't keep any distance not even half a meter. to. get day labor in india with no work. the paramedic in italy helping those stricken with covert 19. a tireless fall and here in brazil. it's all revealed we don't give them the food right to the head of the soul the bicycle courier in new york. the virus affects everyone quite differently and i was wondering what will the future look like.
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and you can watch all those stories in corona diaries coming up next in just a few minutes straight after this news program but in the meantime you're up to date now with the latest news headlines here on news remember you can also always get worn our website w dot com you can follow us on twitter and instagram i'm sorry kelly in berlin thank you so much for watching. stan for. the language course. video. anytime anywhere. w.e.b. .


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