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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST

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and i want. to talk. this is news live from berlin millions for you their homes as a massive storm hits india and bangladesh psycho and turns deadly as it makes landfall with widespread flooding and landslides expected the storm is also jeopardizing coronavirus response apex also coming up. singapore fixes its take to fight the corona virus. that means more every time i think you. wrote hot dogs
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please social distancing bluetooth apps and you are supposed to help with contact tracing a brave new world perhaps but expect save the technology has serious folders plus pushes ahead with a tense presidential push despite a coronavirus operate versions choose a replacement for the nation's longtime leader amid worries about post-election violence. hello i'm christine will welcome to the program cycling has hit northeastern india and bangladesh where millions are hunkering down in emergency shelters the massive storm is packing dangerous hurricane force winds and authorities say it could trigger a devastating floods along the low lying coast war she's also worried about the
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spread of the current virus in psycho and shell says where they say social distancing is impossible. howling winds and driving rain cyclon unleashed its formidable force as it made landfall. the storm 1st touched down in the indian state of west bengal the coastline there and neighboring bangladesh a bearing the brunt of the cycle and. with wind gusts of up to 190 kilometers per hour the storm is the strongest to hit the area in over a decade the flood prone region is densely populated with many vulnerable communities. over 2 and a half 1000000 people have been evacuated from low lying areas and are being housed in shelters. the coronavirus pandemic has further complicated matters. there. is a mixture jason we're going to break. and that the syrian border is that the
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state room here for us going. out was going out and. social distancing is nearly impossible in such cramped quarters and authorities fear combating the virus will be hampered by the destruction wrought by the site plan it's an unprecedented challenge even for people living in an area prone to regular cyclons a challenge that will remain long after the storm has passed. ok let's bring in the correspondent emission jaspal who is in delhi for more on the story high in the misha what more are you hearing from the region. well it was one. of. our in our what. building in the. well and that's an expectation of.
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well so be off the top of that. bridge or to east on the no but i'll. let you know it's only in yet but was that a little expectation from people looking. people must not munch on their hands until an oil. wells to it was not just like when i'm well let's talk why it was but it's not so easily because you * also cite all the next one. and then she talked about evacuations they have but how difficult is it proving to evacuate people and get them to safety during a pandemic a lot of the benefits. have been in a months long this needs is beginning well it's not just. the student has been
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my to hundreds and so to us all with shift and their families once again shipped vitamin d. . this has been a fact of what if you know how well he. does and many people actually i'm going to. be on there why don't you know as the team leader that is. one of the thing that hundreds of thousands of really hinge of people living in refugee camps in neighboring bangladesh. i'm still not i'm not the unsung hero international on many occasions i need to. make sure. it's like one big dent and that's all of them. or just under 5 of them 14 to maybe you know. all and. you know. they look like
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candy is the buying them doesn't. want some of those are just meant to be one of them will. be you know i would not sleep well but maggie i don't want you in the evening out and i ask you even if it doesn't very. much. to be grand only i'm going to school now it's. all right that's militia reporting for us in daily thank you for. on some of the coronavirus steve elements global confirmed cases are approaching 5000000 and the death toll is more than 323000 brazil has confirmed a record rising daily deaths from the disease 1000 $179.00 people died from the virus on tuesday south korean high schools have reopened after being shut down for
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2 months hundreds of thousands of older students have returned to the cross room and a strict hygiene controls at britain's aerospace manufacturer rolls royce says it's causing at least $9000.00 jobs a 6th of its workforce because of the fall in global travel. now sing a poll prides itself as a high take global business have but the city say it has currently one of asia's highest kovac 1000 infection rates still authorities are making plans to exit a partial lockdown on the 1st of june and they've turned to take knowledge of me to contain possible for the outbreaks that's. critics say controversial approach has taken us and raises human rights issues. money thank you spot wants to keep you healthy the robot enforcer dog is being trialled in a single poor park given the city state's tech friendly ways it's no wonder singapore
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was also among the 1st to introduce a tracing app. users of the app exchange data via bluetooth when their phones approach one another that's supposed to make tracing contact easier when someone is infected but so far only 27 percent of residents have downloaded the app some experts say the project is too ambitious. you need 60 percent or 80 percent of your population to download these apps even if they do work and so unfortunately this employee now doesn't come close to that a need to have anywhere else and so far they haven't come close to delivering what was hoped for that surveillance is part of daily life in singapore data privacy is of less concern than elsewhere still fear of state snooping is one reason some residents have rejected the even if they're reluctant to admit it and the technology is not perfect you know. and not know what i.
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did but they don't know how to use that. line. i didn't need to do that. so for me personally i think it's a poor system. so you don't. 2 months after rolling out the singapore is trying a simpler technology called safe entry whether at the supermarket the barber shop or the work place people can come in only after scanning a q.r. code or their id card no exceptions. you could even use it in a public park if you wanted to get into the super bowl botanical gardens for instance you would have to log in and log out again just a group being that it's not as ingenious as the app in as much as it's not going to tell you who has been close to one another safe entry therefore cannot replace the
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up experts disagree whether the app should become mandatory if you don't. but i think it's about not wanting to. exclude the citizen the person living in singapore funded by the t. 2 x. still exist side some free will so despite appeals for unity there is little consensus in singapore over the trees thing up. let's take a look at some of the stories making news around the world now taiwan's president in wind has been sworn in for a 2nd time in office term in office i should say excuse me in her inaugural speech sire rejected china's came of sovereignty over taiwan and for talks she called for talks so that both sides could co-exist beijing responded by saying it would never tolerate taiwan's independence indian troops have killed a rebel commander during clashes in the disputed region of kashmir the territory is
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divided between india and pakistan separatist groups have fought for kashmir to become independent all part of pakistan since partition in 1949. and an israeli court has ordered prime minister binyamin netanyahu to appear at the opening of his trial on sunday he was indicted on charges of fraud breach of trust and accepting bribes earlier this year the trial comes just days after nato now was sworn into office for the 5th time. voters in going to the polls in a crucial presidential election that could see the 1st democratic transfer of power in decades the vote is taking place despite fears of political violence and the spread of covert 19 a local reporters say is a social distancing and hygiene rules are not being observed in many polling stations government expelled well the whole health organization experts last week following criticism of its handling of the pandemic.
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since 2005 but surprised by not seeking. his anointed successor. is an army general considered too close to the government's alleged crimes as someone who tried to stop them in other words a compromise candidate. that i would like to tell you. found no president has supported his successor because i too have never benefited from the support of my predecessors. that sentiment reflects. his history in the transfer of political power and rose to the top in 2005 as the result of a peace deal that ended over a decade of civil war critics say his decision to run for another 5 year term in 2015 violated that deal the resulting violence cost at least $1200.00 lives that's
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on top of hundreds of thousands of deaths from ethnic strife in the decade. 62. is one of africa's smallest and poorest countries the world bank estimates that 75 percent of its 11000000 people live in poverty. there's no money or nothing since morning we've just been sitting here looking but we can't find any customers . and the government. says a new cycle of violence. and accused of rape torture and murder rights groups say the president himself has encouraged crimes against humanity and campaigning has gone ahead without regard for the coronavirus. public life in general critics accuse the government of covering up the true public health crisis something the winner of today's might not have the luxury to ignore. more on this we're going to bring in. afraid. fred fred how
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significant is this election for the people. this election is very very important for bring young people because i mean for almost 2 decades the contrary is going to have a democratic elected president because. 1904 there have been conflict the new broom day and then. came to power 2005 and then for the last 15 years has been in power and they have been called free and he was not. democratically elected so it's very very important and this is very important for them because. they want peace they want new leader who is different from president. ok so tell us about the ruling party's candidate who is mr every state that you share may share how close is he since president here
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quincy said. they're very cross very very cause this is this every is has been fighting alongside the president. they have been together in this. if they departed their ruling party and they were together in the bushes when they were fighting so they are very very close to the point that people said that they all want the difference between the outgoing president. aristide's elected if he comes in they don't expect a change because this is almost the. same ideology this is the guy who wants to fight for his ruling party he's not fighting for ordinary people but rather his ruling party if the deep fried we must point out that international observers are not in burundi overseeing this election are they of worrying about
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whether this vote is free and fair. yeah that's correct of course worries are there from people and the international community never accepted the international observers their number to join now is we're not allowed to come in the congo live in 2 years of just 2 years before this suspended some of the international media organizations like b.b.c. voice of america and key international media houses and then there is also the problem of course as they said that this is guys if you want to come and observe these elections you have to stay you have to be current for 14 days and this was announced just one week before the voting before today so i mean that there was there is also this question of the of the of the of the electoral commission which is some people said that it's an extended arm of the ruling but if they did all
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right that's fred move when you from our africa desk thank you. to top executives from german car giant volkswagen will avoid going to trial on charges of market manipulation that's after the agreed to pay $9000000.00 euros to settle the charges against. habit d.s. and supervisory board chairman de to put the case is linked to 2015 diesel gate scandal in which the company admitted to cheating on emissions tests both men have tonight during. the 2 executives are said to have informed v.w. shareholders too late about the extent of the diesel scandal v.w. c.e.o. here but diesel and chairman of the supervisory board hans dieter put. but now the
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proceedings for possible market manipulation are to be shelved in exchange for a payment of 9000000 euros decent perch on vocal organs former boss mark inventor khon still accused of allegedly withholding information about the existence of devices to cheat admissions tests on unlawfully manipulation the firm share price as a result. bargain denies any wrongdoing saying in a statement criminal law advisers and representatives of the company asserted that the accusations of the public prosecutor's office against mr putsch and dr diesel are not founded. not long after the scandal broke in 2015 volkswagen admitted to installing emissions test using software in millions of cars the company has already paid out billions of euros to customers in compensation as for puts in d.c. they won't pay a single cent. is footing the bill. will not pay
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shareholder dividends this year or next that was bad news that the chief executive officer chris jones even delivered to stockholders during the bank's annual general meeting was via a live on line board cause he said the board needed to fire the stabilize the bank's capital and liquidity position and work to reduce risk he said restructuring if it's must continue in order to reduce costs and strengthen trust oversight authorities. last year china dropped out of the list of the top 3 foreign investors in germany that's the 1st time in more than 10 years the chinese government has restricted capital it's all its and focused instead on boosting the don't mistake economy china is now only the 4th largest contributor a foreign direct investment to germany that's behind the united states britain and switzerland in that order quoting to data from germany trade interest.
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you watching the news still to come. you made tomato sauce as famous as jackie kennedy we find out how long will and apologise to the ordinary into a cultural icons and a new version insufficient. north korea has been using a recently had launched a blog series to combat what it's say untruths about how the state is coping with the current virus crisis reporter joins us now to tell a small tell us more about this campaign well it's part of a new online series that's been launched by we think the north korean regime or at least sources or people within the closing link to the regime it's cold what's up pyongyang and now it's devoted to showing off what they say is real life in north korea and crucially. to fight supposedly fake news about the country it pays kane attention to what international media says about them and then in this current
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crisis we have this example they're attempting to disprove the claims that the coronavirus has driven up the price of supermarket goods they're presenting by this young english speaking that is something tonight they're all in english they have been since january this year woman called now not much is known about her she appears to have as i said links to well documented networks of state media accounts and sapphire so we we can only assume that right somehow linked also to the fact that there is she has access to the internet pretty tech savvy tech stuff there to make these years there i mean a little bit of production yeah but i mean to the sort of i suppose this earning audience or not even that the senate is pretty clear that they're not very thorough in the research they do and to be a kind of fact checking video but in that one that we were just showing you go. into
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a supermarket and literally asks 3 or 4 people in this one very up market supermarket whether or not the prices have gone up and you know obviously that's not really a business not many sources there are why sure and so assuming this is coming from state level why would north korea be doing this well i mean the classic p r really i mean it's it's done by nations all over terry and also not i mean it's what political scientists kind of cold soft power promoting the country in a so favorable lie it's most countries engage in this kind of media coverage but this is north korea is this series is north korea's of 1st for its the 1st time we've really seen anything this savvy and this i'm this much i am that an international audience i would say as i said this in english and it's also been done in this kind of young funky social media style which is also not something we've seen we used to sing the traditional newsreader from the state to a right yeah that's obviously to
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a domestic audience or then you know we hear press releases from from the state from the sorry from the state media not state media sorry from the government coming out sort of debunking certain things that they think amidst the west balancing but this is the 1st time we're saying something so savvy yeah ok that's very interesting. thank you for that. now here in germany museums have reopened to visit is and if you happen to be a fan of the 1960 s. you're in for a treat one of the largest collections off that decades is now on show at butlins museum off paints au-prince i should say and drawings. it wasn't just flower power in the sixty's all the rain. in brooklyn there's a bounty of it hardly anyone is familiar with it now it's on display for the 1st time. so i think this is the moment to show everything we've accumulated it's one
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of the biggest collections of its kind in germany if not all of europe. the berlin state museum has an impressive collection of pop art including works by the artist who made it world famous andy warhol. culture for the masses as in stars like you did a new era in the art world suddenly the monday features of everyday life in terms of on the big screen and canvas as pop art. the art is went out into the world and discovered shopping malls open stores and supermarkets. even free themselves from the volumes of artistic concepts and found a reality. let's let's note is that pop art had its own 1960 s. birth in what was west germany. painters like printed his argument series a revolutionary act of art. german pop art was more critical than its american
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counterpart less think big and more. american market was very direct perhaps the most innocent aggressive and striking movement in contrast to european pop art. and the great atmosphere of post-war europe when along came this offensive way with almost a missionary spirit of commercialism guys has come with all the new. roddick's and right images of the united states. in the us and europe pop art was a male demean women were muses or sex objects pure male projection just like in advertising as the old adage goes sex sells and that certainly applied to pop art. but this exhibition turns that on in 10. women pop art were revelation. in the can man by many a last name a man wields
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a cook's quits could it be he's actually at work in the kitchen some would say now that's the right kind of pop art and high time for an. impressive and staying with out have you ever dreamed of owning an original picasso and bit is still paying just 100 years for it well that's the price of a raffle ticket for this still life by the spanish autists and the winner is to be announced at christie's auction house in paris made the oil on canvas painting is valued at between $2.30 done is on the open market the proceeds off the racks all will go to a project to supply clean water and sanitation facilities to schools and villages in west africa. i had to remind her off the top story we're following for you here on. millions off e-mail holmes in india and bangladesh as
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a massive storm makes landfall cyclonic i'm fine is expected to bring flooding and landslides. you're watching news from c.n.n. i'm christine wound up on myself in the team it's been great having your company i'll be back at the top of the hour showing if you get.
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the best. sex is a. form of industry makes lots of money with the stereotype. of the. and man a saying that. says some business is now looking young conformity.
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made in germany. are fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of them has a plan for you to. say nothing is just the children who have already been there all day and last year and those that will follow are part of a new kind of. they could be the future. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made from mines. when the water rises cities will sink into the sea. entire stretches of land will be abandoned.
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and the water. stopped it's happening faster than anticipated. the masses are supposed to prevent flooding but they only delay the inevitable. how will we live in the future. 66 me losing sea levels starts to sit on g.w. . think fungo is blue for boys it just drives me crazy i gotta write gender cliches there ingrained in our brains from a very early age.


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